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Hi Wilm, Felix, Adrian and other,

As discussed, I want to give feedback regarding the collateral proof activity.

 Israel:
o I went to visit the provided collateral, it’s true that the land is owned by ISRAEL
o The plot is located in the village of Sokoine Vijana, Dakawa Ward in Mvomero
District in Morogoro Region
o The market value for now is around TSH 9,000,000 TO 12,000,000 million
o In my Opinion: we can take that collateral because the value will increase as the
village is growing fast.
o The plot has local government title deed.

 Ali/Salma:
o Ali has collateral in Pemba, a plot of land with Carafuu treet. I did not go there
because of time.
o I decided to use Salma collateral for proofing.
o SALMA HAS TWO TYPES OF COLLATERALS: One found in Dar es salaam
Near chanika, after reaching there and checked I was not satisfied with it.
o THEN we went to the second: which it found in Musimbu ward, Kisarawe
District, in Pwani Region and hence I was satisfied with it.
o The collateral is owned by Salma’s falmily include (salma, her morther, and
salma’s young brother).
o I proposed to use it as our collateral since they have agreed both three party
(salma, family, and Ali)
o The current market value is nearly TSH 15,000,000-20,000,000 Million.
o The plot has local government title deed.

 Patricia:
o The collateral of Patricia is owned by Patrcia herself with a tittle dee for 30 years
from 2015.
o It’s located at Block A, plot No: 409 in KILOLO URBUN, KILOLO DISTRICT
o The market value is between TSH 20–25Milion
o In my opinion: we take that collateral for our investment.

 Emmanuel:
o No collateral proofed
o The collateral provided by his father is already used y CRDB BANK, hence we
cannot use the same collateral for our investment
o Our opinion with Felix
o 1. I Paschal I’m ready to provide the collateral for Emmanuel, but I need to have
some power in the company so I can check how the money is used in the
company. Also to have 2-3% of share or to be a board member in te company. In
need to put this openly if B4T agree we can do.
o 2. Felix also have collateral; he can enter as a shareholder so as to secure and
check or monitor how the money used.
o Of course, we do that because of the commitment and dedication of Emmanuel
and and team believe he have.
o But also you can do without collateral its also your chance to do decision on this.

I hope this will helps so much to the B4T Decision on Investments.

Feel free to always reach out in case of questions/remarks from your side. I am also happy to
Zoom on Monday as proposed.

Best regards
Paschal James

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