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Ain: To study about ntvodut icn to Ro bo tics and
diflerent fls of a otot.
Tntro c ttion to Robotics:
and aplicabion
tobotics is the ficld of study,(onsla ct i'on,
zohots H inwlves the design VarioUS fasks and
eration and use of robols fr
Combines principles from various ficlds
tuch as me chanical
engineering, elec hial, Compu
and artifiuial in telligen ce to Create
fer sie nce perferm fasks autonomusly
machines that can interven tion!
cith mimìmal huma

machine designe d to cary out a
ARobot z5 a Contolled
altomatically , usaly
Series of tasks
Connputer -program os Cecronie cicuitry.
Dy a a voriety f diffeent
can be cdesigned cwith
ctators to interact Cuth the physia l
ensors and
can aclomp[ish their rogramnned
crtd and
bierent fypes cf
|. Indusbrial Robots
2. Senice robots
3. medi cal
Militavy vobo t5
4. teaching.purpose)
5-Educational Tobot S (
GEntetai nmen t
9. Humanoid Robots.
| Diferent tarts of a Robot

Bay o Chassis:
The body a rohot torovides the physicat
struc hre and faméuso for the vobot's
The hody Can be made form variely
Sch as metal lastic, oT (mpcsi te
mata,i Com g
Pouer Sance:
The towe
CuoYklng toue
Srle f a robot rorvides the
to the Comfonents, robot's
moueents an d operation Desenoing
appia tton, the soueT Source may 6e a
hyohault, Solor tower or pneumahe
Actuatos :
Actua tors are devices that Convert electiali
hycraulic fouer tnto noement,Crabing
the robot to move and porform nts tasks.
Robotíc actuators are chassified into two
tpes according to the reqeire nents f mobon
ke Ainear motion and rota tional mot'on.

SensorS are devices {hat detect and
to changes in the envion vesfond
ment, rovidi ng
nfornation to the Tobot about cts
Ensos Te Critical Cononents of ots.
24 proXirni ty sensor, vision Sensor etc...
Comnon types of Sensor S cuscd 2n ro bots
închude amera, touch Sensors, inertial
Contro System i
The Contro l System of a obot is 7esfonsible
fr roCessing uta fom the Sensrs and using t
bo Cnrol the obotls more ments and acAon s.

This can be aomflished ucing a varie ty

6 proga mming kangaage S and oftwore tols
Communica tion nterfale :
The Cmmuni cation Tnterfate alfows the
Tobot bo interalt with 76s Saroundings r reicve
lommands om a human ofera toy. This Can
nchude interfales Such as hí-, Bluetooth
a thernet

n addition to these man ComponentS,

the acoal
there is mani pular, that ter forms
physial ceorks, and knd Effector, this '6 at the
nd of the manipula tor sth as
Over all these key ComtNEnts conk together
to enable the oot to Camy out its troggammed
faks, ohethey in a indusnal setting, medical
Environ ment, o other appha tb'on.

concett of
we faniliarised ewith the
different parts of
Toto tics and studied about
a obot, SucesS fully.


Aùmi To study of
various aspect s cwi th respect
to enboard sensors,
actuatrS, ofri vers.

Sensors roide real time informa tion on

lae task
Cnironment- obots are
tesi th tacti le senso t imni tates the tqiDped
roerties of tuch. reeptors of human
fnger rints.
There cre diferen t types of sensoYs Qre
available to choose For and the charaitesics
of sensors ae used
used fo de termining the
of sensor to be us ed
the type
for parti ca lar atplia tton.
Kight en sor:
Aight Sensor s a transducey used fer deteting
Ligat and Creates voltage difference Fquivolest
t he hght intensi ty fall light sensor
photo sesis tor:
Tt is a type resis t cued fer detecting the
ight " Th photo esistoT Tesis tante vOries cuith
change n ight nten Sity Tu general it is
also called as ight Dependen t Resistr (LDe).
photo voltaic cells:
thotovoltac cells oe Cnergy convers 20n
deie used o Convert solar raha Hon into
glecbrical Energy A{ is used it ue are

flanning to bui ld a solar obot

Toroximi ty sensor:
Pyoximnity Sen6v Can detect the eSe nCe
near 6y ohject wnthLut any physica l Contact
he crking of PrCimi g sensor is simple.
2n roxinity Sen Gor the transmnitter,
trans nitts c01 Flec tro mognetit Tuhation and
recieves and analyses the retn signal for
Infraed (TR) Transceiers:
ensor ED trans mit the beam
f IR hgat and it find an obstacle then
the ight 15 7eflecte d batk when is cafptured
by an TR eciever
vltrasomic Sensor :
Tn utra Sonic sensoTS high frequency Sound
ccaveS s genercted by transnitter, he rcicvd
Echo ulse siuggeSts an object interrutloh.
Tn general ultasonic Sensors are used for
tis tance mea sre ment în mebotic Systen.
Sound Sensor
Sound Sensors are geneTalky a
csed to detect sound and microphone
Ten a voltage
Égui valent to the Sound evel.
vsing Sound
Sensor a Simpe Tobot Can be desgned to
nanigate kesed on the Sond
Easy as Sand sensors
light Semsors because it is not
very small volt age dierence chichgener atesa
wil be
amlifed to qeneete measura ble oltaGe
Temperatre Sensor:
Temtevatre Sensors are use d for sensing
sranding. E
the change in temperature of
%based on the torin ple f change in voltage
differene for ec chonge in
tronde he equivalent
change in volt age cwilk
the Sranding.
temteratre value of

Actua tor s:
tobo tic actua tor s re classfied intomotion
require men ts of
types acording to the otational moton.
(Iner motoY and
for inear notto
acWatrs cesed in
There Qre two bypes of
they ore
Yobot S for inear mnoton activity
actators nd solenoid actuatrs.
Linear actuator s
anear artua tors in robotics ae used to ush

Cr pull the robot he

ove forword or ba Ckeaa

*Hhis cctvc tors cctive End is Simply Connetted

athva te Sch
to the robots eveY arm to
solenoid Actea tors!
altatos are Speial rrpose iner
* Sole noid
tath thal
acta tTYS that include a solenad
Lorks electrogne ie artvi ty
* solennds ne noTma hy used in the applicatios
latches,'values, locks, and pushing but tons
which are Contoled .by fatenal
mi(o Contoller
tor Rotationa l motion :
There 3 types f actuators used
ro6ots for rotatnal motton activiky they

D motori Sevo motor, Stepper motor

O DC motoy Acators
actun tors a e generally used fo
trning robobic moion

’ These available in diHoren t

actators Coe
Sies cwith forque generation Copabil'ty
’By csing these acta torS, diferent aciuies.
Ctke robotic cilling nd 6ottc die
Sevo Achators
’ Seno motor actators in robotcs are
mainly used to con trol and moni toin9
rotating mobon.
’ These cre very superios D motors that alow
360 derees of rotaton, but, Cont'nus
revole f'on s not ComuIsory
By using this actua tor, the
Dick and slale 7s per auhvi ty ihe
teper Motor ctua tors.
’ SteDper notor actuatrs ce helpful
(ontribting toD epete tive votaing aciviHes
cotth m obotS
Sothese types of actua fors are
Com bina tion f both DC and Servo mohY
actators These steper moor actuators
ane ut'llsed n au to
mahion otots cwhere
epea tabillty f acivity is
Motor Driver !
mtor verS att as an in terfae betwee n
the motor and the Contro l ciuits.
-’ mo tor eque high amoun t of crent
cwhere as he con holler ciruit
Low Curent igals.
Th L293D is a l6 pn motor Dier Ir
Cvhil h an Control a set af two DC motors
SSmltameusly in cny direc thon
The k2930 is designe d to pronde bidire
Ctiona ive Cren ls of po 6oo mA at
voltages from q.5V to 36 V (at pin g)
ye can Use it to Control Sma ll de mots.

h298 N!
A299 bard is a dual motor drirer cohick
an help us to intcr face motrs cbich draw
wplo 2Anpre of CUrrent Sch as Bo motos

and Basic gear motors.

Resul t:
we Steied voriovs aspects cth nespect o
cnboard altuatovs and erS
Success fully

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