TSD Cet Pyq

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On a journey across Bombay, a tourist bus averages 10 km/h for 20% of the distance, 30 km/h for 60% of it and

20 km/h for the remainder. The average speed for the whole journey was
A﴿ 10 km/h B﴿ 30 km/h C﴿ 5 km/h D﴿ 20 km/h E﴿ None of these

Arun, Barun and Kiranmala start from the same place and travel in the same direction at speeds of 30, 40 and
60 km per hour respectively. Barun starts two hours after Arun. If Barun and Kiranmala overtake Arun at the
same instant, how many hours after Arun did Kiranmala start?
A﴿ 3 B﴿ 3.5 C﴿ 4 D﴿ 4.5 E﴿ 5

To cross each other from the moment they meet, two trains A (with speed 81 km/h) and B (with speed 36 km/h) running in
opposite direction (one towards south and one towards north) take 32 seconds less than the time they take while travelling
in same direction (both towards north}. If length of train B is 80 m more than the length of Train A, what is the length of
Train A?
A) 215 B) 298 C) 265 D) 278 E) 285

A train can cross a tunnel in 24 seconds. Another train can cross the same tunnel in 40 seconds. If length of tunnel is
120 m andratio of their speed is (faster to slower) 4 : 3 then after how much time both train will cross each other if
both trains are runningtowards each other in opposite direction. (Length of faster train is 75% of that of slower train)
A) 40 sec.
B) 18 sec.
C) 36 sec.
D) 24 sec.
E) 32 sec.

A train travels 60% faster than a car. Both start from point A at the same time and reaches point B at the same time,
which is160 km away from each-other. If on the way the train stop for 20 minutes at station, then find the speed (in
km/hr) of the train?
A) 144
B) 168
C) 198
D) 288
E) 248

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