For Descriptive or Correlational Research - Paper Based Questionnaire - Sample

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This survey is conducted by [affiliation: e.g., the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Ton
Duc Thang University (TDTU)] in order to [research topic: e.g., better understand
TDTU students’ intercultural communication competence (the ability to
communicate with people from other cultures effectively and appropriately)]. There are
[e.g., two sections] in the questionnaire. Please read each instruction, and select or
write your answers. This is a not a test so there are no right or wrong answers. The
results of this survey will be used only for the research purpose, and your information
is confidential and will be kept in private, so please give your answers sincerely.
Thank you very much for your help!

 Next page

Part 1
Please provide the following information by ticking (√) in the circle or writing your
response (in English or/and Thai) in the space to help us better interpret your answers
in Part 2.

Student ID: ……………………………………………………

Gender:  Female  Male  Other
Age:  18-22  23-24  ≥25
Hometown: ……………………………………………………
Major: ……………………………………………………
Year of study:  1st  2nd  3rd  4th
Length of studying English: ……………………………………………………

Final grades from English 1-4:

 English 1:  D/D+  C/C+  B/B+  A
 English 2:  D/D+  C/C+  B/B+  A
 English 3:  D/D+  C/C+  B/B+  A
 English 4:  D/D+  C/C+  B/B+  A

Do you think you can communicate with  Not at all  Not so much So-so
foreigners appropriately and effectively?  Quite a lot  Very much

Have you ever been abroad?  Yes  No

If yes, where have you been? ……………………………………………………
How long were you there? ……………………………………………………
What did you do there? ……………………………………………………

Have you interacted with people from

other cultures?  Yes  No
If yes, where are they from?  Africa  Asia  Europe  South America
(You can tick many options)  English-speaking countries (e.g. UK, US,…)
What kind(s) of interaction? ……………………………………………………

Have you taken any courses teaching

how to communicate with foreigners?  Yes  No
If yes, what did you think of them? ……………………………………………………

Part 2

In this part, we would like you to tell us how much you agree or disagree with the
following questions by simply tick (√) a number from 1 to 5. Please do not leave out
any of items.
not at all not so much so-so quite a lot very much
1 2 3 4 5

Item 1 2 3 4 5
1. How much do you understand Thai history?     
2. Do you understand foreign knowledge of history?     
3. Can you consult with foreigners when misunderstandings occur?     
4. Do you understand customs of other countries?     
5. Can you communicate with foreigners using body language or other
non-verbal communication when it is difficult to communicate using
language?     
6. Are you willing to learn from those who differ from you and/or your
culture?     
7. Can you successfully communicate with foreigners?     
8. Can you acquire knowledge of other cultures from foreigners?     
9. Do you realize cultural differences and similarities when
communicating with foreigners?     
10. How much do you understand Thai customs?     
11. Can you learn how to interact with foreigners?     
12. Do you understand values and beliefs of people from other cultures?     
13. Are you willing to respect lifestyles and customs of other cultures?     
14. Do you understand cultural taboos of other cultures?     
15. Can you treat foreigners politely?     
16. Can you avoid offending foreigners with inappropriate words and
behaviour?     
17. Do you realize the differences in cultural identity when
communicating with foreigners?     
18. Can you avoid prejudice against foreigners?     
19. How much do you understand values and beliefs of Thai people?     
20. Can you learn how to manage cultural conflicts?     

Item 1 2 3 4 5

21. Do you understand foreigners’ talks?     

22. Are you sensitive to cultural differences when you communicate
with foreigners?     
23. Do you know any useful skills when interacting with foreigners?     
24. Can you understand different views when interacting with
foreigners?     
25. Do you like to learn foreign languages and cultures?     
26. Can you avoid violating foreigners’ privacy?     
27. Do you judge cultural situations based on both your own and the
other’s cultures?     

You have successfully completed the survey. Now we would like to invite you to participate
in an interview, which will be conducted some time during April 26 to 28 in the second
phase of our study. The information from the interviews can help us better understand
TDTU students’ views on intercultural communication. The findings of the research may
help improve our foreign language teaching and learning. The interview may take about
20 minutes in the library. It can be conducted in Vietnamese or/and in English, depending
on your choice of language(s). If you are interested in participating in the interview, please
tick (√) available options which are convenient for you to join the study in the schedule
below. Any of your contribution is valuable to our research.

9.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.00 15.00-16.00 16.00-17.00

Not available

Thank you again for your cooperation!

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