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Name : Rohima Nur Aziza Al Hakim

Reg. Number : F013221011

Study Prog. : S3 Ilmu Linguistik
Semester :1
Subject : Teori – Teori Linguistik
Lecturer : Prof. Dr. H. Hamzah A. Machmoed , M.A.

Address Terms in East Java

Javanese has 4 speech levels or unggah – ungguh, namely, ngoko, krama

madya, krama inggil and kawi. Each level has a different function based on the
situation and conditions that take place in society, which are spoken in proper social
status or age grade because Javanese people are well-known for their politeness in
society. As a result, Javanese people frequently use social regulatory language and
appropriate speech levels.

1. Second Person Pronouns

“You” is the only second person pronoun in English, meanwhile

Javanese has four based on its speech levels, as follows:

Pronoun A. Ngoko B. Krama Madya C. Krama Inggil D. Kawi

kowe sampean panjenengan paduka
You awakmu njenengan handika

A. Ngoko
Ngoko is the lowest level of speech in Javanese. It is used among
intimates or to certain people of lower status. There are three pronouns in
term of second person, they are kowe, awakmu, and sliramu.
a. Kowe
Kowe is the most impolite form of second person pronouns. It is
used to address close-friends and mostly used by un-well educated
b. Awakmu
Awakmu is more polite than kowe, it is also used to address close-
c. Sliramu
Sliramu is also one of ngoko level, it is used by older person to
show her/his polite way in addressing the younger one. But, it will be
impolite if it is utterred by the younger to the older one.

B. Krama Madya

Krama Madya is used to show politeness when one speaks to the the
older one, it also used by well-educated person.

d. Sampean, and;
e. Njenengan

The pronoun sampean and njenengan are used to address someone

older, and also to adress colleague or a peer politely.

C. Krama Inggil

Krama Inggil is used to show the most polite way in uttering words
or sentences. It digunakan pada saat kita berbicara pada orang tua/dengan
guru, pejabat pemerintah, orang yang baru kita kenal

f. Panjenengan
The pronoun panjenengan used to address someone older and
higher in position or rank.

D. Kawi
The commonly used of unggah – ungguh (speech level) in
Javanese is Krama Inggil. But, there is also Kawi or Old Javanese, which
has the most polite form and only used by the royal societies and also used
as literary language.
g. Paduka
h. Handika
The pronoun paduka and handika are used to address a king in an
empire. It also can be found in literature work, such as wayang.

Furthermore, Poedjosoedarmo (1968) stated that speech levels in Javanese

constitute a system for showing the degree of formality, and the degree of respect
felt by the speaker toward the addressee. The vocabulary at the Javanese speech
level includes ngoko, madya, and krama. Ngoko is a form of speech that is
disrespectful or informal; madya is semi-polite and semi-formal speech; and
krama is a polite and formal form of speech .

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