Quantitative Research

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The Effectiveness of Aromatic Aloe Vera Gel in Reducing Nicotine Cravings

I. Background of the Study

Smoking is a habit that is hard to quit. Smoking, as defined by The Department of Health

and Aged Care (2019), is when individuals burn tobacco to smoke it, either to breathe it or to

taste it. It is a widely prevalent habit worldwide, responsible for numerous adverse health

outcomes, including lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory illness. According to

the World Health Organization (2021), tobacco use kills more than eight million people annually

and is a leading cause of preventable death globally.

As smoking cases arise, health problems also occur. According to Roser (2021), over 8

million individuals die prematurely from smoking every year. Additionally, smoking primarily

causes early death from heart disease and cancer. Based on the findings of Omole et al (2020),

Smoking tobacco introduces not only nicotine but also more than 5,000 chemicals, including

numerous carcinogens into your lungs, blood, and organs. These highly toxic and carcinogenic

compounds contained in cigarettes significantly increase the risks of developing lung cancer,

tracheal cancer, bladder cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

According to Hilton (2023), by the mid-nineteenth century, smoking had become a

globally accepted ritual. The golden era of cigarettes occurred in the first part of the 20th

century. Around 1950, approximately half of the population of industrialized nations smoked;

but, in countries such as the United Kingdom, up to 80% of adult men were chronic smokers.

Once connections with deviant sexuality faded in the 1920s, smoking cigarettes became popular

across all socioeconomic groups, especially among women. According to Elton (2022),

cigarettes are first mass-produced in 1881.

Nicotine addiction is a public health concern that affects millions of people worldwide.

This is usually inhaled through the use of cigarettes or vaping devices. Some people either chew

(also called smokeless tobacco) and some people inhale nicotine through the nose according to

KidsHealth (2022). According to Garla (2021), nicotine is one of the drugs in tobacco that is

extremely addictive. In fact, it is more addictive than heroin. However, using aromatherapy and

essential oils are the two best natural remedies to quit smoking. A study by Straughton (2020)

stated that aromatherapy is an intriguing form of complementary treatment that makes use of

volatile plant substances, often known as an essential oil, that can be used as a complementary

treatment as well as to elevate mood and alter cognitive processes. In another study conducted by

Cronkleton (2018), the mood of an individual may be improved, and tension reduced with

aromatherapy. Aromatherapy employs medicinally effective aromatic essential oils to enhance

physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. According to a study published in MedicalXpress, the

researchers found that the smokers' cigarette cravings declined after they smelled pleasant

aromas, such as chocolate, apple, peppermint, lemon, or vanilla. Pleasant aromas may work by

distracting smokers from thoughts of their nicotine craving to memories linked with the aromas.

Aromatherapy can be in any form, in this research, the researchers will use aloe vera gel

as its base. Aloe vera has many health benefits for people. In a study by Lanka (2018), the leaves

of the Aloe Vera plant contain numerous vitamins, minerals, natural sugars, enzymes, and amino

acids, and as well rich in various bioactive compounds that exhibit emollient, purgative, anti-

inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-helminthic, antifungal, aphrodisiac, antiseptic and

cosmetic values.

Therefore, these studies inspire the researchers to conduct furthermore a study about the

effectiveness of aromatherapy in the form of aromatic aloe vera gel to reduce smoking behaviors.
II. Conceptual Framework

The Figure below shows the variables that are involved in our research variables:

Aromatic Aloe Vera Decreasing Nicotine

Gel Cravings

Figure 1: The Research Paradigm

Smoking is one of the habits that the community is facing. For the reason that it is hard to

quit but also the health problems it can cause to an individual.

The conceptual framework shows the following variable: 1) Aromatic Aloe Vera Gel and

2) Reducing Smoking Urges. As a result, the aromatic aloe vera gel in terms of decreasing the

nicotine cravings for smokers, this determines that applying aromatic aloe vera gel which is

Orange scented, is effective in reducing the nicotine cravings of smokers.

III. Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of aromatic aloe vera gel

in reducing smoking urges.

It specifically aims to provide answers to the following questions:

1. What are the properties of aromatic aloe vera gel that make it more effective to reduce

nicotine cravings?

2. How many applications of aromatic aloe vera gel does it take to reduce nicotine cravings?
3. Is Orange Scent effective in reducing nicotine cravings?

III. Hypotheses of the Study

Ho1: There is no specific number of applications needed to reduce nicotine
Ho2: The scent of Orange is not effective to reduce nicotine cravings.

IV. Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is important because it can benefit the following:
Smokers. Smokers will benefit from the outcomes of this study, which will reduce and offer
them a higher success rate in stopping their smoking habits.
Medical Practitioners. This research will assist healthcare practitioners in better
understanding and tailoring the usage of aloe vera gel as a smoking cessation aid.
Non-smoking individuals. Following the findings of this study, nonsmokers will have
reduced exposure to secondhand smoke from smokers.
The Future Researchers. This study can serve as a resource for future research on the

V. Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The purpose of this study is to look into the effectiveness of aromatic aloe vera gel as a
smoking cessation aid and to identify if this method can help reduce nicotine cravings among
those seeking to quit. This research will have its respondents limited to smokers who are
interested in quitting or reducing their smoking behavior, and who are willing to try using
aromatic aloe vera gel as a potential aid in their smoking cessation efforts.
The study will focus only on the effectiveness of using aromatic aloe vera gel and will
not explore the effectiveness of other forms of smoking cessation aids. The study will also not
cover the physiological and psychological effects of smoking and smoking cessation. The study
will be limited to a specific geographical location inside Ilocos Norte. However, not all cities
will be covered in this study.
The study will be conducted during the 2nd semester of the school year 2022-2023.
VI. Definition of Terms
These are the definitions that you need in reading this research:
Aroma. Refers to a pleasant or characteristic smell or odor, typically in the context of
therapeutic or sensory smells or fragrances.
Cessation. The act of putting an end to a certain behavior or activity.
Nicotine Craving. Refers to how often smokers intake nicotine by smoking.

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