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Nowadays people are doing anything whatever they want.

particular, this is possible because of improvement of transport
and transmission machinery. For me it is obvious that these are
bringing many advantages as well as some of the disadvantages.

In this modern era, we cannot do anything without the aid of the

development of delivery machinery and transport. A major
advantage of this is the development of skilled personal. To be
more precise, There are lots of ways to improve skilled with the
help of machinery such as conversation skilled that is most
important in one person's life. for example, a few decades ago,
We had to transmission via written letter, whereas now we can
send any message to anywhere in this modern Earth. In the same
vein, the value of time is the most significant thing nowadays
while it is playing the vital role of our life. The aids of
connection machinery and shipping can save our time and waste
of money as well. In other words, many Businessmen who are
always busy with their dealing of business do not have sufficient
time to meet with their partners. This is the most effective way to
take the help of machinery and transport. For instance, they are
able to contact with their client by the means of electronic
devices such as mobile-phone computer and many other gadgets.

On the other hand, Sometimes this is bringing some drawback as

well. One major drawback is unemployment where nowadays
most of the multinational companies are taking many benefits of
machinery and shipment that is reducing many jobs. A clear
example of this is many electronic devices such as robots,
computer and so on.
Conclusion, the aids of transmission automation and shipping
contribute in this modern age. It has long been my belief that
these have many advantages and a little bit of drawbacks as well.
If the government has taken appropriate steps against these, the
situation of the drawback would be reduced.

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