Module 3

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3.4 Community Steward

The Community Steward will visit filter owners to ensure that they are
using the filter properly. The Community Steward also has the opportunity
to teach households about safe water storage, hygiene, sanitation, and
other issues of concern to the community.
Module 3.4 Community Steward

3.4 COMMUNITY STEWARD.....................................................................................................................1

INTRO TO BEING A COMMUNITY STEWARD......................................................................................................2
Role of a Community Steward..................................................................................................................2
Expected Participants..............................................................................................................................2
Course Goals............................................................................................................................................2
Learning Objectives.................................................................................................................................2
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE...............................................................................................................................3
COMMUNITY STEWARD - TWO DAY TRAINING SESSION OUTLINE..........................................................................4

Intro to Being a Community Steward

Role of a Community Steward
The primary role of a Community Steward is to visit with new filter owners, particularly
the householders who will use the filter, to assist them in learning how to use the filter.
This visit can then be used to help people learn about ways to store their water safely,
improve their hygiene practices and to answer questions that there might be about water
use in general.

Another role that the CS may have is to help schools and community groups with
education programs about water, sanitation and hygiene. This could be as a key organizer
of activities or as a resource person to the teachers or community leaders.

Expected Participants
Participants will be selected individuals from an organization or community who are
interested in helping their neighbours and friends as well as the poor within their
community. They are fairly well respected and outgoing in the community.

Course Goals
The participants will gain a clear understanding of the BioSand filter, its operation and
maintenance. They will also gain the skills needed to work with householders to improve
their lives through the better use of water, better hygiene and sanitation practices

Learning Objectives
Upon completing the Community Steward (CS) course, the participants will be able to:
• describe the role of a CS
• list the responsibilities of a CS
• describe where water comes from (water cycle)
• describe how water can become contaminated
• describe how contaminants can affect a person’s health
• understand and describe how water treatment works to remove contaminants
• list some types of household water treatment devices
• describe how the BioSand filter is built and how it works
• teach householders how to use and maintain the filter
• perform swirl and dump maintenance

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Module 3.4 Community Steward

• know when a filter isn’t working right and when to contact a filter technician
• identify safe water storage containers and encourage filter owners to use them
• teach householders to use good quality water for many purposes
• identify poor hygiene practices and ways to correct them
• know how to work with householders to identify sanitation issues and correct
• respond to households in a diplomatic and service oriented focus
• set up a school water filter education program
• set up a community group program to work on water, hygiene and sanitation

General Knowledge
We recommend that the following subjects are taught to the community steward:

General Water and Sanitation Issues

Where water comes from (Water cycle, water sources)
What is water contamination?
How contaminated water causes illnesses (transmission routes)
How water can be treated to remove contaminants
Safe storage of water
Good hygiene practices
Improved sanitation

BioSand Filter
What is it?
How is it built?
How is it installed?
How it is used correctly
What the filter user should know
How to maintain the filter
What happens if the filter isn’t working correctly?

Working with the Community

Working with householders (families, filter users)
Working with schools
Working with local organizing groups

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Module 3.4 Community Steward

Community Steward - Two day Training Session Outline

Learning Content Key Points Instructional Techniques Assessment Time
The participants will
be able to:
Describe the role Skills and role Personality of a CS - group discussion 20
of a CS of a CS Existing skills a CS might have - presentation by the local community minutes
New skills that a CS will learn organizer
- presentation by an experienced CS or
other community worker
- review learning objectives
List the Listing of CS Visit filter owners As above answer 20
responsibilities of a responsibilities Convey key messages about: questions in minutes
CS Filter use and maintenance Manual
Hygiene practices
Sanitation practices
Reporting to community
Work with fellow CS’s & FT’s
Describe where Water Cycle Forms of water – solid, liquid, Use the drawing in the manual (paper Draw out 20
water comes from vapour copy or PP) water cycle minutes
Describe pure water Draw the water cycle on a whiteboard Label a
Define evaporation, or a large sheet of paper drawing of the
transpiration, condensation, Exercises in Manual water cycle
precipitation, runoff, infiltration Take a hike through the community if
in simple terms many parts of the cycle can be
Describe how water goes in a identified
continuous cycle
Describe how Water picks up Water moves through the water Use water cycle drawing Fill in the blank 30
water can become lots of material cycle contacting many things, Use bottles of various kinds of water test ? minutes
contaminated in many ways materials, surfaces to illustrate contaminants
Define contamination Use MP 2 to show how water is
Forms of contamination – contaminated

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Module 3.4 Community Steward
germs (microbial/biological), Walk through the community
physical (particles, turbidity)
and chemical (dissolved natural
or manmade chemicals)
What contaminants do to water
– common contaminants
Describe how Contaminated Microbiologically unsafe water Activities in Manual Compare and 30
contaminants can water causes is a major cause of death and Use MP3 to illustrate illness from debrief minutes
affect a person’s illnesses disease. microbes in water transmission
health Transmission Microbiology consists of Use MP 4 to show transmission routes route game
Routes bacteria, viruses, protozoa and Play transmission route game in small
helminths/worms groups
Waterborne, water washed,
water based, water related
Transmission routes – F-
Understand and Water Treatment process Use pails of turbid water to illustrate 10
describe how water Treatment Define and explain: sedimentation minutes
treatment works to Sedimentation Use sand in a clear plastic bottle to
remove Filtration illustrate filtration
contaminants Disinfection Use MP 8 to illustrate household water
treatment process
list some types of Household Explain sedimentation Activities in Manual Verbal quiz 20
water treatment water treatment (straining, settling, coagulants); Have samples of various treatment with sample minutes
devices equipment filtration (sand filters, filament, equipment equipment -
charcoal) and disinfection ask which
(chlorine, SODIS, process is used
pasteurization, UV) and other
devices such as Reverse
Osmosis, Distillation
Describe how the BioSand filter Concrete filter body Show pictures and diagrams of the Test using a 30
BioSand filter is construction Preparation of sand media filter explaining the various sections diagram of the minutes
built and works and theory Placement of media Have a filter cut away filter (2 hrs if
Have a working filter set up Verbal quiz involve

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Module 3.4 Community Steward
Visit a Filter technician and watch or Have learners d with
get involved in the construction of the explain in their pouring
filter own words a filter)
Teach BioSand Filter Use best available water List of things user should know - see Monitor role 1 hr
householders how use and Check flow rate manual paying and live (longer
to use and maintain maintenance Check filter for level, lid, Use MP 13 and 14 to show filter use practices (give dependi
the filter diffuser, cleanliness, cracks, and good/poor practices real time ng on
sand level, spout Practice with working filters corrections and live
Role playing have debriefing practice
Live practice with filter owners sessions) s)
Use 1 page filter handout
Perform swirl and Low flow Check flow rate, Use MP 15 to illustrate maintenance Have each 30 min
dump maintenance maintenance Swirl and dump Practice with working filters learner
Recheck flow rate demonstrate
Know when a filter Problem Flow rate Check list – see manual Verbal quiz 30
isn’t working right diagnosis Sand level Demonstrate physical checks Debriefing minutes
Know when to Changes in water supply Role playing session
contact a filter User’s health 1 page checklist
technician when a Water testing (physical check, Householder handout
filter is not lab testing)
Identify good Safe storage of Good container – small Use MP 9 Have learner 30
containers for the water opening, lid, spigot, clean, Have good and poor containers and explain in their minutes
safe storage of lightweight, always used for describe the desirable characteristics own words
water and clean water
encourage filter
owners to use them
Teach Good quality Water quality Use MP 1 20
householders to water use Walter quantity Group discussion minutes
use good quality Drinking, food preparation, Role playing
water for many personal hygiene, dishes, Live practices
purposes clothes, other purposes

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Module 3.4 Community Steward
Identify poor Hygiene Hand washing times and Use MP 2 and 7 to illustrate poor and
hygiene practices Practices techniques 3 x 3 good hygiene
and ways to Food protection Use MP10 and 11 to demonstrate hand
correct them Washing dishes washing
Keeping kids clean Use of tippy taps
Cleanliness around the home, Practise session to show hand washing
yard and neighbourhood Use Transmission route game
Comic book
Know how to Sanitation Microbes in human and animal Use MP 5 and 6 to illustrate breaking Feedback on 1 hr
work with faeces the transmission route with latrines and practise session (longer
householders to Latrine design latrine design and use if using
identify sanitation Maintaining a latrine Trip around the community practise
issues and how Group discussion sessions
they might correct Community mapping )
them Sanitation ladder
Bring in guest that works with latrines
Practise session during household
Respond to Client service Planning household visits Role playing Feedback from 1 hr
households in a Being polite and courteous Practise session practise
diplomatic and Handling clients questions Manual sessions
service oriented Gender analysis Use of all MP’s
Set up a school School Water Using the MP’s 1 hr
water filter programs Hygiene Using comic book
education program Sanitation 3 pile sorting game
Setting action plans transmission route game
Health or environment clubs Building and using tippy-taps
Poster competitions
Making shoes
Bring in a teacher to discuss options
Set up a Community Water Radio play 1 hr
community group programs Hygiene Typical community meeting agenda
program to work Sanitation Bring in community organization

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Module 3.4 Community Steward
on water, hygiene Setting action plans leader to discuss options
and sanitation
Wrap up Review all the issues above Verbal answers - List on a white board Ask for 15
participants minutes

Below is a great web site that has Power Point presentations which describe ways to communicate health messages – primarily intended
for people in developing countries. It gives good explanations on understanding behaviours, how behaviours can be changed, and how
to communicate messages (usually about health issues).

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