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A Written Report in Introduction to Computing

Systems Plus College Foundation

Balibago, Angeles City

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in <Course>

Submitted by:

<Group Members>

Submitted to:
Ms. Liza G. Mananquil

ITC Instructor


(An executive summary is a standalone section that summarizes the findings in your
report so readers know what to expect.)

(The introduction explains the overall topic that you’re about to discuss and any
need-to-know background information before you get into your own findings.)

The relationship between computing and economic development is a complex and

intertwined one. In today's digital age, technology plays a crucial role in driving innovation
and productivity, thereby influencing economic growth. This statement aims to explore this
relationship, highlighting the impact of technology on various aspects of economic
development. technology plays a pivotal role in fostering innovation and the creation of new
products and services. Computing advancements enable businesses to develop and introduce
novel solutions to meet evolving consumer demands. These innovations can open up new
markets and opportunities, stimulating economic growth. By harnessing the power of
technology, businesses can stay competitive, adapt to changing market dynamics, and drive
economic progress through the introduction of groundbreaking products and services. The
impact of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) on employment and job market trends is
a topic of significant interest and concern in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape.
This statement aims to analyze the effects of automation and AI on employment, particularly
focusing on job losses and the potential consequences for different sectors and skill levels.

One of the primary impacts of automation is the potential for job losses in certain sectors,
such as manufacturing and assembly line work. As machines and software become
increasingly capable, they can replace human workers in performing repetitive or routine
tasks. This can lead to unemployment and underemployment, particularly for workers with
lower levels of education and skills who are more vulnerable to displacement by
automation.It is crucial to recognize that the impact of automation and AI on employment is
not uniform across all sectors and skill levels. While some jobs may be at risk of being
automated, other roles that require complex decision-making, creativity, and interpersonal
skills are less susceptible to displacement.

The impact of automation on income inequality and the bargaining power of workers is a
critical aspect to consider in the ongoing discussions surrounding technological
advancements. This statement aims to explore the potential consequences of automation,
including increased income inequality and reduced bargaining power for workers.
Automation, with its ability to replace human labor with machines and software, has the
potential to reshape the job market and income distribution. One significant effect of
automation is the exacerbation of income inequality. The jobs that are most susceptible to
automation tend to be lower-paying and lower-skilled positions. As these jobs are replaced by
machines, individuals in these roles may face challenges in finding alternative employment
opportunities that offer comparable wages and benefits. This can lead to a widening income
gap between those who possess the skills required to adapt to automation and those who do
not. In addition to income inequality, automation can also result in reduced bargaining power
for workers. Companies may leverage automation to reduce labor costs by replacing workers
with machines. This can lead to a decrease in wages and benefits for workers, as companies
may have less incentive to negotiate favorable terms with employees when they have the
option to automate tasks. The reduced bargaining power of workers can further contribute to
income inequality and create challenges for workers in maintaining fair compensation and
working conditions. The disruptive effects of automation extend beyond the economic realm
and can have profound implications for communities and the quality of human interactions.
This statement aims to explore two significant consequences of automation: the disruption of
communities and the reduction in the human touch. In addition to the disruption of
communities, automation can also lead to a reduction in the human touch. While machines
and software can perform tasks efficiently, they are unable to replicate the personal and
emotional interactions that humans provide. This reduction in human touch can have
implications for customer satisfaction, particularly in industries that heavily rely on human
interactions, such as healthcare, customer service, and retail. The absence of human empathy
and understanding can result in a decrease in customer satisfaction and loyalty. Recognizing
the importance of human connection and finding ways to integrate automation while
preserving the human touch is crucial to maintaining positive customer experiences and
relationships. The impact of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) on employment is a
complex and multifaceted issue. This statement aims to explore the effects of automation on
job displacement and the potential opportunities created by AI. Automation, driven by
advancements in AI and technology, has the potential to lead to job displacement. As
machines and software become increasingly capable, certain tasks and roles that were
previously performed by humans may become automated. This can result in employees
needing to acquire new skills or retrain to work in a different field as their current job
becomes obsolete. Job displacement can be a significant financial burden for employees,
particularly for older workers or those with limited education and skills. The need for
reskilling or transitioning to a new field can pose challenges and create anxiety among
workers. The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation has the potential to
transform the workplace by automating routine tasks. This statement highlights the positive
aspect of AI, which allows employees to shift their focus towards more creative and strategic
aspects of their work. However, it is important to consider the potential economic disparities
created by the digital divide and the significance of promoting digital literacy and accessibility.
The digital divide refers to the gap between individuals or communities who have access to
digital technologies and those who do not. This divide can have far-reaching implications,
particularly in the context of AI and automation. One of the key areas where economic
disparities can arise is in employment opportunities. In today's digital age, many job roles
require digital skills and familiarity with technology. Individuals who lack access to digital
resources and training may find themselves at a disadvantage, limiting their employment
prospects and potentially widening the income gap. Bridging the digital divide is crucial to
ensure equal access to job opportunities and prevent the exacerbation of economic
inequalities. In today's increasingly digital world, promoting digital literacy and accessibility is
of paramount importance to address the potential economic disparities caused by the digital
divide. To promote digital literacy and accessibility, collaborative efforts are required from
various stakeholders, including governments, educational institutions, and private
organizations. Initiatives can include providing affordable or free digital skills training
programs, ensuring internet connectivity in underserved areas, and integrating digital literacy
into educational curricula. Additionally, efforts should be made to address barriers such as
language barriers, disabilities, and socio-economic constraints that may hinder access to
digital resources. By prioritizing digital literacy and accessibility, we can empower individuals
to fully participate in the digital society, unlock their potential, and contribute to economic
growth. Moreover, promoting digital literacy and accessibility is not only essential for
individuals but also for the overall development and competitiveness of nations in the global
digital landscape.

(The body of the report explains all your major discoveries, broken up into headings and
subheadings. The body makes up the majority of the entire report; whereas the
introduction and conclusion are just a few paragraphs each, the body can go on for

(The conclusion is where you bring together all the information in your report and come
to a definitive interpretation.)

Citation Guide: How to cite WEBSITES

There are three elements absolutely necessary for an web site citation:

• Name (or title) of site

• Date of retrieval if web site is not Authoritative

• URL of Homepage (Internet address) (If hard to find like on a government website,
complete URL can be used)

Basements and crawl spaces. (2002, June 23). Retrieved from

Build smarter with alternative materials. (n.d.). Retrieved June 15, 2002, from

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