Esercizi Elettronica

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1 Lab 1-3 10 Lab report
2 Project 5 Project report
3 Kirchoff Lecture/Book/Practice
Series/Parallel components (R, L, C) Lecture/Book/Practice
Nodal analysis Lecture/Book/Practice
Mesh Analysis Lecture/Book/Practice
Thevnin Lecture/Book/Practice
Norton Lecture/Book/Practice
4 Op-Amp 10 Lecture/Book
5 Safety 5 Lecture/Book
Total 50

Safety do not use mater

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- How do you extinguish fire that might have caused by electric short circuit? Then after
mendio covelettrici connection uselow-prality materials ,
2. What are all the causes for fire hazard in electrical wiring? improper
- inadeguate insulation external damage
Hommable materal , overloaded arcuts...
3. Analyze the use of Earth fault circuit breaker.
1-3aM annaging paralysis of voluntary

4. Specify the effect of levels of current against the human muscles.3-10 painfl
/ shock 20-100

5. Why the body impedance and voltage levels are important to decide the effect of
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6. Where does electricity always want to go, even if it means traveling through a

person? to the ground and for doing it chooses always the way with less resistance

7. A shock from an outlet at home may be painful, lead to collapse, or even death. True
or False T
8. Which part of the human body offers the most electrical resistance? stin
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9. When should power tools and extension
- cords be inspected?e eacha set before storing the
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Long period
-Fuses and circuit breaker are designed to protect people from shocks. True or False
11. When a circuit breaker trips, you should immediately reset it. True or False
12. Extension cords should never be used as a permanent power source. True or False
13. What should be done with a damaged power tool or extension cord? disconnet from power
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Op-Amp if repair
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1. Consider an inverting op-amp circuit with a gain of -5. If the input voltage (Vin) is a
sinusoidal signal with a peak amplitude of 1 V, calculate the peak-to-peak output voltage
2. a) What is the concept of virtual ground in an op-amp circuit? Why is it important?
b) Explain how a virtual ground is established in an inverting op-amp configuration.
3. For an inverting op-amp circuit, what is the purpose of the feedback resistor (Rf), and
how does it affect the gain of the circuit? Explain with an example.
4. In an inverting op-amp circuit, what happens to the output voltage if the feedback
resistor (Rf) is increased? Explain the effect.
5. Consider an inverting op-amp circuit with the following parameters:

Rf (Feedback resistor) = 10 kΩ
Rin (Input resistor) = 2 kΩ
Vin (Input voltage) = 2 V
a) Calculate the gain (voltage amplification) of this circuit.
b) Determine the output voltage (Vout).

6. Derive the gain or output voltage for the following op-amp circuits
- inverting amplifier
- Non-inverting amplifier
- differential amplifier

7. Compare and contrast the applications of half-wave and full-wave precision rectifiers. In
what situations would you choose one over the other?

8. In a non-inverting op-amp circuit, what is the relationship between the input voltage (Vin)
and the output voltage (Vout) when Vin is greater than the supply voltage (positive
saturation)? Explain.

9. Consider a non-inverting op-amp circuit with a voltage gain of 3. If the input voltage (Vin)
is a sinusoidal signal with a peak amplitude of 1 V, calculate the peak-to-peak output voltage

10. For a non-inverting op-amp circuit, explain the purpose of the feedback resistor (Rf) and
how it affects the gain of the circuit. Provide an example.

11. In a non-inverting op-amp circuit, what happens to the output voltage if the feedback
resistor (Rf) is increased? Explain the effect.

12. Consider a non-inverting op-amp circuit with the following parameters:

Rf (Feedback resistor) = 10 kΩ
Rin (Input resistor) = 2 kΩ
Vin (Input voltage) = 2 V
a) Calculate the voltage gain of this circuit.
b) Determine the output voltage (Vout).

13. Explain the operation of a full-wave precision rectifier. How does it differ from a half-
wave precision rectifier in terms of output waveform?

14. Describe the advantages of using a precision rectifier circuit over a simple diode-based

15. What is the role of the input resistors in a full-wave precision rectifier circuit? How do
they affect the rectified output?
16. How can a full-wave precision rectifier be used to obtain a rectified signal with both
positive and negative voltage components while eliminating the diode voltage drop?

17. Find V0

18. Find V0

19. Find V0

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