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ESTEEM INDUSTRIES AHarcros Group Company ESTEEM INDUSTRIES PVT, Ltd Uni I) R.& D Center: Plot No.115, Bicholim Industal Estate, Bicholim, Pin - 403 528, Goa, INDIA. ‘Tel:+91-882-2981901/210; Fax:+ 91-832-2362287 E-mal : CIN No: U24231GA2001PTCD03058 1. identification Product tertiae Recommended rervietions| SAFETY DATA SHEET ManuectuevimpertrSupplenDistitutorintamation Menuaotrer Camponyrane bate Emsrganey hone number 2. Hazards) identification Phys na [nvronmentahezads Signal word Strene ozs) not oterwise ftasied (OC) stom nde Pre is Pat 70477 {00 Rsurem dul aa Pecuram Satad onan 83590 ra oy. s322n6 aarase6z808 Yeruseeurgeacon Emorgency# Creme Emergency & Creme Serious ey damage talon Netensstog > Ccae9e72 Caepor 18 May caves an alge sn encon Causa satus itaton ‘Ave bashing cstturigatns versa. ash oro atl naning. Cantante tok cong st tebe stow st lt moans. Wor ajo peecontace tecton ‘Wes eclesive gives on sr Wasnt pat ola. i ey: ne caus ith war ovr! minus Fomors conctlonses, I pecentaneas iso. Coir ining sin atone ash {ck arc eon aye aon roa dea eos Wash Stor nay tom ncorpatia mar Stowe aa we-ventae ioe Kop cose iy {eon Ste ictod up. Se scconance mi heal eponh nase aerator pions Deseo of aren ars corsa in azcrdace wth cl ogra raion antenna oso Registored Office: Esteem Industries Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 76/77, Pissurlem industrial Estate, Pissurlem Sattar, 403 530, Goa, INDIA. Esteom Industries Pvt. Ltd. Unit I ‘Alonde Plant: Plot No. 1 & 2, Gut No. 191/2,191/6, 189/1,189/2, Village, Alonde, Taluh ikramgad, District Palghar, - 401 605, Maharashtra, INDIA Website : ESTEEM INDUSTRIES tetsssennsnstesin soc Bicholim, Pin - 403 529, Goa, INDIA. AHarcros Group Company. Te!+81-83223818017210; Fact 91-832.2982257 E-mail: estsem@esteemindustriesn GIN No: U2423IGA2001PTC003056 Supplemental inormaton 100% he mur care ol componer) oh ion ae al oxy. 100% lhe mare ine aque omonment 3. Compositlorvinformation on ingrodients cl Common nme and synonyms AS number % yao Oude opener esiedos 720 Exnnyinar Ehynederine er Ccomportion comments OseyponsEapout int le ebdul a eles hn Saaon 4.First-ald measures ovo rsh a. Cala pysclan i sympons ceviop oso enor sila stingray a wah wih mp anal. cas ye coatact Imunecitty th yes ty ln wate ta aa! sites, Reeve carat ae ‘Toert ar ou5j ae Corin oving Get mesa! aon inain cove sha pte. Ingseton Foe mou Get mada stron it ymptoms oo, ost important Severe ay taton. Sysome may nude singing, asa eens, eneling, nd Duras ‘pte, scuand iy coe ons reson Set Ra Indication ofimmesots __Provio gerwa sipprie meaues and uel syapiomataly.Keop ti under earn Iesioastention nd special Syporamay be ays trenment needed General ntrmation Ensue st nec cone ar sna ofthe man) vod anda pecans piel nereves Wash cvaraie oti ober se 5. Fir-ighting measures Sutableextnglshing masta Walang Fea. Oy cham poder Carn doi (C02). nmi orbuning ort wr ar ogee do Specie hazards arsng rom Oui ir, gases nasrcovs thet ms Speci prtectve equipment _So-corairedbresPingapparus ad il poecive cing us! b wenn case, Sed precelons or hotghners eetanteg Mos containers om re are you can dogo wins ak. Specie methods Use sardaratetntng procedures nd conse ne raza ol oer ivled ater. 6, Accidental release measures Personal precautions, Keap unecessary eon! any. Keep pool ava tom and una setteak Vat Proeclve equipment and _pprearaloplolave aulpman’ tn cating ny clean Dal inch aamaged conte ergencyrocoaues rapes mara uns wening apeopree woeive dating toute soa versalan {oe achoaiae shots aiiedfsstean spinges arabe connies For pean protason, co soca Bal ta S08, Moines and mates for__Abeclan ih apap an camesble marl Slop ow omer witout fk Nor {omtanment and cleaning up ‘lim pls to ita cmt or feuse For vase daze ee secon athe 308, Environments precautons —AvoW dschage iro ras, wal urges onthe urd 7.Hanating and storage or sls handing Avi breathing duttune/etinivaprespay, Avid carta wih eyes sin, and cog front arate erton, Wow septs ors rei eaupen Cone ged Registered Office: Esteem Industries Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 76/77, Pissurlem Industrial Estate, Pissurlem Sattari, Esteem Industries Pvt. Ltd. Unit Il: Alonde Plant: Plot No. 1 & 2, Gut No, 191/2,191/6, 189/4,189/ District Palghar, - 401 605, Maharashtra. INDIA Website : 103 §30, Goa, INDIA. , Village, Alonde, Taluka: Vikramgad, ESTEEM INDUSTRIES gasesuauise to Bicholim, Pin - 408 529, Gos AHarcros Group Company. Tai#91-8322381301/210; Fax 91-892-2362267 E-mail: esteem@esteemindusties.n CIN No: U242siGAz001PTC003058 “Conaiions sale siovage, Sten cosed cele. Sore ane tor iconpalbe Mala (8 Secon 100th Irotuaing any msompstiiie S05), 8. Exposure controls/person: ‘ceeupainal exposure its ‘U8. OSHA Speciteally Regusted Su protection (0 CFR 1010. 101-1050) Peslate Te vate ayes OH TOAS TEL Sean wa 1pm Peale Tee vate yen Ons (CAS Wa pm — reer) US. MOSH: Pockst Gul to Chemica Hazards : Pestle “hee valve Eigen Ouse AS Coane Sima mate) Spam wa o18-m0m9 ‘ACGIMBlolopcal Exposure noes Resi ‘ate Determinant Specimen Sampling Time Elyse Ot (OAS Sha Siows| Craven > ates hmarapioe ira mean) 000 pty N@ayenm — Hemepetin . Inpewne See evr ‘nnloin mics For angling eas, pleases te source dooumert, Arotengnesing Gor vrata shh nd, Verne oat mato onions Iman ster eet bolo esomandes ora. ia (sitisned man aise ives an eos eel So ree ae 01 ae ‘Genet Tis ecomarced at ses is post pero ak assert dtermine te Eyeace protection Wearsefty anes wa cd shiei(rgogat Face sei recammendd Hand protection Wea arpeple omic rea, noanious pov. Fox longer peas skin corte Use culate tecve an inponiusgoros, Susie gves cane fecomenehGad ye gore over Wea aproptae chem estar cltirg Use ot animpenous arn recommenced Thermal ha ‘Wo spp ernal pos cog, whan ease Scraertine slice sur ovtog a enira e ah ece woes mere 8. Physical and chemical properties sopmnance Registered Office: Esteem Industries Pvt, Ltd. Plot No. 76/77, Pissuriem Industrial Estate, Pissurlem Sattari, 403 530, Goa, INDIA. Esteem Industries Pvt, Ltd. Unit It: Alonde Plant: Plot No. 1 & 2, Gut No. 191/2,191/6, 189/1,189/2, Village, Alonde, Taluka: Vikramgad, District Palghar, - 401 605, Maharashtra, INDIA Website : ESTEEM |NDUSTRIES A Harcros Group Company ESTEEM INDUSTRIES PVT. Ltd,( Unit Ill R& D Center: Plot No.116, Bicholim Industal Estate, Bicholim, Pin - 403 529, Goa, INDIA. ‘Tol:+91-882-2881301/210; Fax:+ 91-892-2362257 E-mail: esteem@esteerrindusties in GIN No: U24231GAz001PTC003056 Physi at Visor tia, Fem isos tenis Past Color Cobuises Sgt allow dor teenie Net vail, os 85-118¢e04i9) eltng pontrezig point Notavaleto a Bong point and boting > 12°F (> 100°C) Fash point > 2120°F 6 1000") Flawnabity (0h, gos) Noted, Flammability Umit -lower No ela. 3 Famoraittybirit-upper Not avlabie, oo Explosive limt-lower (3) Notovatabe Explosive tiit-upper) Not avalabe Vapor pressure Netantabe Vapor aenay Relive density Sotuinyies Sob (water ‘ate Decompostiontempersire Nol esisbie Viscosity Nottie Explosive proverios Note. 10. Stablty and reactivity eactty The produatis ble and na Choma! tity tore unser roma: onions Possiiy ot nazardous _Nogangerur eacen kaon une crates ot orale, Constons to avo Incompatible materials Song obdoing agers 11. Toxicological information ‘nation owe about heath azalis ncomple ‘Skin comet May eae an wore tn Eye contact caene ces oy natn. ‘Symptomarlated tothe Se. ge iston Syepome aye sgl tree physeal chemical en ‘Son hay enue seg shir eacon Demet Fash {oxlologial caretoristios ‘aa i VENERERRO a7 Registered Office: Esteem Industries Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 76/77, Pissurlem Industrial Estate, Pissurlem Sattari, 403 530, Goa, INDIA. Esteem Industries Pvt. Ltd. Unit Il: Alonde Plant: Plot No. 1 & 2, Gut No. 191/2,191/6, 189/1, 1892, Vilage, Alonde, Talul District Palghar, - 401 605, Maharashtra. INDIA Website : ikramgad, - ESTEEM INDUSTRIES PVT. Ltd.( Unit Il) R & D Center: ESTEEM INDUSTRIES Seema AHarcros Group Company Tel81-£02-2381201/210; Fact 6-832.2962257 E-mail: CIN No: U2423IGA2001PTCO03056 Tow icy Nation Toxlooglal ta tyne Os (ERS 7:98) sate Lose fat 2000 pon Heute 080 a remote ‘Stun comoslonintation Du pine compe aka data he aetna nt ssh, Serious eye damageloyo —_Cavecs sarous oy inate. espeatary oon sonatzation ‘ACGIH sanltzaton PROPYLENE OXIDE (CAS 7560) ema! sarstzaton Respzatory senseaton O06 pra or cpl ecko dae casiieaton sno posse ‘Skin sensation Nay caso an aloe in race Germ cet agency ‘Dus paral er compat ako deta te casicaon not ose Ccrcnagenety ue pata compet ak a are ears eabon no oP ARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of Caregenety Eyre Oude (CAS 7521-8), 1 Cainogde to munans. Prone Os (CAS 76569) 25 oan encinogerc lo hana (08H Speciteaty Regulated Substan (29 CFR 910100105) ‘Keo To Be Hunan Cactogen Proper Cabs (CAS 75589) Peasonsly Rate 6 Reproductive toxcty vat pata compo ak of dt Specter ran tony ote pei comp ako Specie ortorgantovcly-Dvato parle compets ack a data ne easctonie nl sss, ‘peated exposure Aspulonhazaa Net, oh fom of throat 12, Ecological information Ecoxty ‘he posit no casa as ennmoray ez asda lego Fogo pls ony hae a Parlor emai saeon eases eso Species Test Rest Eyone One GAS TSET) ‘gute Fan es Frhess moron Psat ras) 72-86 9, 8 os Persistence and dgrodebity to dias avaleteon he degrada ary eos inthe mre. Biosccumuativepotemol Noda avaable. Mostyn so No da evade ther sere etects No ter ederee envionment eects eg, ozoedepeton, polc aria ozone roaten beta egoctne depen. ba warning flea) are pied ton Ms component 18, Disposal considerations Diaposalinaivctons| Cotas and elim or dspoee hn aed conan ens ase pons it, Dapoce criontssaraner In szecatca min osaneioataions feral equate Waste rom rosiiues unused Dispos ol cose wih ae roqdaons. Empty contin ree ray a ame proauets et ei ora acannon ct ae wr os Registered Office: Esteem Industries Pvt. Ltd, Plot No. 76/77, Pissuriom Industrial Estate, Pissuriem Sattari, 403 630, Go: Esteem Industries Pvt. Ltd. Unit Il: Alonde Plant: Plot No. 1 & 2, Gut No. 191/2,191/6, 189/1, 18912, Vilage, Alonde, Talu District Palghar, - 401 605, Maharashtra, INDIA Website : ESTEEM INDUSTRIES ESTEEM INDUSTRIES PVT, Ltd Unit II) R & D Center: Plot No.116, Bicholim Industrial Estat, Bicholim, Pin - 403 529, Goa, INDIA. AHarcros Group Company Te!81-882-2881301/210; Fax 91-852-2362257 small: esteem@esteemindusties in GIN No: U2423IGA2001PTC003056 Contaminated packaging ‘Shen eed covanes nay esa pail tm, low nee wariags evn at caianer = "ep Enpty overs have be when oa apse waa Rana Seon 14. Transport information or Net ragd a dpercus god Net rogusad a dangerous ore Not outed as dangerous gods Tgrpatinbuk crorang to Net wet Nt pre, ‘helBc Gade 15, Regulatory Information Us taderareguaions agouti varus Chia as ded ‘oxl Substances Contot et TSCA) ‘ECA Section 20) Export Notioaton 40 CFR 707, Subst.) Note ‘CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (0 CFR 302) Etyone Oo (CAS 7521-8) ste sane ST it ETHYLENE OXIDE (CAS 752-8) ‘Grane, maby (CAS 76666) {ous (29 cm rora.101- ‘congener inet TSCA) ero ae dente epost tony ‘Stn sontoaten bette emsty Supertnd Amendments and Resuthosaton Act of 1968 (SARA) SARA 302 Eureatyhazarcoussubetance Chamicalname CAS number Reportable Tveshols Sanity planing query GGounds) pours) eae 7 To SARAB19%2 Harardoue Ho Css hazard —_Sarus yedanage o ee ton Saagoroe Fespatay orn sorsenon 'SARA319 (TRreporthg) mylene Ose Teate Propane One 7508 Theoshola Trreshoa penning quanty, planning avanty, fowervatie Upper vatue (pounds) (pounce) byw “07 ocoot 6/7 Registered Office: Esteem Industries Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 76/77, Pissuriem Industrial Estate, Pissuriom Sattari, 403 630, Goa, INDIA. Esteem Industries Pvt. Ltd. Unit Il: Alonde Plant: Plot No. 1 & 2, Gut No. 191/2,191/6,189/1,189/2, Village, Alonde, Taluka: Vikramgad, District Palghar, - 401 605, Maharashtra. INDIA Website : ‘ESTEEM INDUSTRIES secntcassntusiuntinnso cover Bicholim, Pin - 403 529, Goa, INDIA. AHareros Group Company Tel¥81-882.2381301/210; Fax 91-832.2962267 E-mail: COIN No: U24231A2001PTC003056 Caloris Proposition 35 - WARNING: Tis product can expose you'e amin nung Eihyore ie which son to Ste ot ‘omits ane ants ees ae epodacie Nit Fos a ‘Calloria Proposition 65. CRT: Liste aalt/Crcnogene substance Etlone ace (a8 7521-8 Usted 1887 Proppana Oxse (CAS 76-508) Utes Ceobr 7080 Colforna ropeain 5 CRT: led doteDevelopmonta ona thione Ouida CAS 75218) ste: agua 7, 2008 ‘Caloris Proposition 65 CRT Uses date Female reproach ts Eylene Gus (648 7521-8) Usted: Feces 27,1807 Caloris Propositon 85- CRT: Listed data reprosucteaste fone One Ga 752-8) Unies: Agus 72008 ia Candidate Chomoas La. ster Consumer Prods Rogulton (Ca. Code Regs, tk 2, 68023, Ethene Gnd CAS 752-6) Propose Oa (ons 75360) Couns) region Inventoryname On inventory yee araia ‘Aatalan hero of Chen! Sbsunos (5) Yoo Carasa Does Subsaces Uist81) ve carats en Doren vonage Lil (OS) No cana Invern ot ts9 Crema SubtaneesnChna (ECS) Yer ™ Siitanes (ences) "sta Commer nena " wope Eurapeen Lis Need Camis Siete (ELINGS) No san Inver of Big sn New Caria Sucstaen ENC) vee ore Erisieg Chemie et C1) Yer Nw Zend New Zeer avenony Yee Prine Pigg men of Cheats ané Chic! S.otaoee ve ice ‘aha Tainan Chania! Sestnce nvr (TCS ted Sates & Puen Fico Tel Subsanee Cone! At TSCA vena iiPeeeet ans cohc eet an soe aa ryn aeeneg co Same 16, Other information, including date of preparation or last revision. ater sae a8 rangs sana NEA ating eath2 Fama: Disetimes The nomaton provi in ths Saley Data Smet as een cbse om sures bees tobe Sunes re ensayo the seoucy a comphuanes oie daa onined een is imoration sofa your ntrnaton sradraton, ans nesinaion tees aloe Your thal youve al curt ua roovant i your panic ase" Eseam Daas ge ti eros of mesial condor har han hse aes onthe Sala Dla Shock wich ore reognized as bara eqoreaaay gone oF pol Registered Office: Esteem Industries Pvt. Ltd, Plot No. 76/77, Pissurlem Industral Estate, Pissurlem Sattan, 403 630, Goa, INDIA. Esteem Industries Pvt. Ltd. Unit Il: Alonde Plant: Plot No. 1 & 2, Gut No. 191/2,191/6, 80/1, 1892, Vilage, Alonde, Taluka: Viramgad, District Pelghar, - 401 605, Maharashtra, INDIA Website : wwwi.esteem-india,com:

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