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5 pts): Choose the words/phrases in the following box to

match with the given definitions.
A. bonds F. merchandise
B. hierarchy G. agile
C. promotion H. revenue
D. recruitment I. word-of-mouth advertising
E. negotiation J. venture
1. the money that is received by a business usually from selling goods or services
2. a system, especially in a society or an organization, in which people are organized
into different levels of importance from highest to lowest.
3. a move to a more important job or rank in a company or an organization.
4. goods that are bought or sold.
5. able to move quickly and easily.
6. the process of finding people to work for a company or become a new member of
an organization.
7. free advertising, when satisfied customers recommend products to their friends.
8. certificates of debt issued by governments or companies to raise money.
9. a business project or activity, especially one that involves taking risks.
10. the process of discussing something with someone in order to reach an agreement
with them.

Your answers:
1. ___________ 6. ___________
2. ___________ 7. ___________
3. ___________ 8. ___________
4. ___________ 9. ___________
5. ___________ 10. ___________

II. GRAMMAR (3 pts): Select the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. They have to be threatened, for example with _____ their job.
A. losing B. loses C. lose D. lost
2. In The Human Side of Enterprise, Douglas McGregor outlined two opposing theories of
work and _____.
A. motivate B. motivation C. motivates D. motivated
3. I _________ customer enquiries and problems.
A. deal B. handle C. take care D. settle
4. The success or failure of companies often depends ________ the quality of their

A. about B. at C. on D. in
5. When has advertising ever persuaded you _________.things you don’t need?
A.buying B. to buy C. bought D. buy
6. You need to have the depth _____experience
A. of B. in C. with D. on
7. Venture capital is a business _____its own right
A. of B. in C. with D. on
8. If you are starting a business, you have to get capital from_____
A. investment B. investing C. investment D. investors
9. It will specify current and long-term _____ requirements and give details of previous
A. financial B. financing C. finance D. financially
10. It took three years for our revenue to reach_____ break- even point
A. to B. on C. out D. up
11. He decided to put the company’s secret _____ data on the Internet, and offered prize
money to experts outside the company who could suggest where undiscovered gold
might lie.
A. geologically B. geological C. geology D. geologise
12. The company’s value has risen ___ $100 m to $9 bn.
A. on B. of C. from D. in
13. Large organizations making a range of products are often further divided ___ separate
operating divisions.
A. of B. about C. for D. into
14. Teams are not always very good ___ decision making, and usually require a strong
A. in B. on C. forward D. at
15. If Procter & Gamble is looking for a new molecule to clean red wine off a shirt, it ____
use its own scientists.
A. could B. would C. can D. would have

Your answers:
1. ___________ 6. ___________ 11. ___________
2. ___________ 7. ___________ 12. ___________
3. ___________ 8. ___________ 13. ___________
4. ___________ 9. ___________ 14. ___________
5. ___________ 10. ___________ 15. ___________

III. READING (3 pts): Read the text carefully and then briefly answer the following
The business cycle is affected by a number of developments in the economy. Liquidity
is very important because it tells us how much cash there is in the system. Banks need to
have cash for loans and withdrawals. Therefore, they need to have liquidity if they want to
lend money to customers. When banks stop lending, customers stop spending. This is not
good for the economy because there is too little cash in the system. The economy can grow
when banks have been lending money and interest rates are low. People spend money on
non-essential goods, and companies make investments and sell more goods. As the economy
grows, prices usually go up. This causes inflation, which makes goods and services more
expensive. The value of money also goes down. At this point, the central bank may raise the
interest rates. Banks borrow the money they need from central banks, so they have to charge
the customers more. Then people stop borrowing money. This stage in the cycle is called
contraction. The economy has stopped growing. Central banks try to help by lowering
interest rates again. Then the economy may begin to recover and people start to spend money

1. When can the economy grow?

2. Why do banks need liquidity?
3. What is inflation?
4. Why is it bad for the economy when people stop spending money?
5. What is contraction?


1. Advertising informs consumers about the existence and benefits of products and services,
and attempts to persuade them to buy them.

2. This is an extension of the trend of outsourcing: transferring some of the company’s

internal functions or operations or jobs to outside suppliers, rather than performing them
3. Traditionally, organizations have had a hierarchical or pyramidal structure, with one
person or a group of people at the top, and an increasing number of people below them
at each successive level.


4. Most large manufacturing companies have a functional structure, including specialized
production, finance, marketing, sales, and human resources departments.
5. An investor’s exit strategy can be sabotaged by events such as a suddenly falling stock

V. WRITING (1.25 pts): Build a complete sentence with the given words.
1. Advertising/a core /channel/ a business/ to/ introduce/ their/ product/ the consumers.
2. Teams/ be not/ always very good/ decision making./ and/ usually require/ a strong leader.
3. It/ always/ difficult/ know/ how much/ spend/ advertising.
4. They/ also generally/ offer/ stockbroking/ portfolio management services/ rich corporate/
individual clients.
5. How long/ you/ think / recruiters in a Human Resource department spend/ look at the
average CV or resume for a junior position.

--------------------THE END----------------------

I. Vocabulary: (1.5 pts)

1. H 2. B 3. C 4. F 5. G 6. D 7. I 8. A 9. J 10. E

II. Grammar: (3 pts)

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. C
11. B 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. C

III. READING: (3 pts)

1. The economy can grow when banks have been lending money and interest rates are low
2. Banks need liquidity if they want to lend money to customers because they need to have
3. Inflation means that prices go up but the value of money goes down.
4. There is too little money in the system.
5. It is the stage when the economy stops growing.

1. Quảng cáo thông tin tới người tiêu dùng về sự tồn tại và lợi ích lợi ích của các sản phẩm
và dịch vụ, và qua đó cố gắng thuyết phục họ mua chúng.
2. Đây chính là sự phát triển của xu hướng sử dụng nguồn lực ngoài: chuyển những nhiệm
vụ, trách nhiệm nội bộ của công ty hay quá trình hoạt động hay các công việc sang những
người cung cấp bên ngoài, hơn là thực hiện chúng trong “nội bộ”.
3. Một cách truyền thống, các tổ chức có một cấu trúc phân cấp hoặc dạng kim tự tháp, với
một người hay một nhóm người đứng đầu, và dưới họ là nhiều người hơn ở mỗi cấp bậc
kế tiếp.
4. Hầu hết các công ty sản xuất lớn áp dụng mô hình quản lý cấu trúc chức năng, bao gồm
sản xuất chuyên môn hóa, tài chính, tiếp thị, bán hàng, nhân lực.
5. Chiến lược thoát hàng của các nhà đầu tư có thể bị phá hỏng bởi các sự kiện bất thường
chẳng hạn như sự sụt giảm đột ngột của thị trường chứng khoán.

V. WRITING (1.25 pts): Build a complete sentence with the given words.

1. Advertising is a core channel for a business to introduce their products to the consumers.

2. Teams are not always very good at decision making, and usually require a strong leader.

3. It is always difficult to know how much to spend on advertising.

4. They also generally offer stockbroking and portfolio management services to rich
corporate and individual clients.

5. How long do you think recruiters in a Human Resource department spend looking at the
average CV or resume for a junior position?

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