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Teacher: Arbunea Oana Flavia
Date: 22.03.2022
Time: 09.00-09.50
No. of students: 28
Grade: IIA
Class level:Starter
Textbook:Limba engleza pentru clasa a 2a editura ELICART
Unit 18
Title of the unit: What do we eat and drink?, At the market, Seasons and months
Type of the lesson: revision
Title of the lesson: Progress test 3
Assumptions: Students will identify food, and time words
Anticipated problems: One anticipated problem is that the students may pronounce
incorrectly October, and potato
Solution : I will give extra exemplifications, explanations, substitution
Teacher’s role: controller, resource, observer, motivator
General aim: To enable students to use vocabulary correctly
By the end of the lesson students will:
-PRACTICE vocabulary for food, and time
-use English in familiar situations
Language focus. Fruit, vegetables, seasons
Lesson aims :-identify fruit, vegetables, seasons
-practise speaking with specific questions and words
Skills: speaking, reading, listening, writing-integrated
Teaching techniques: exercise, discussion, exemplification, translation, drill,
Methods: T will start the warm up by introducing 3 objects representing fruit, vegetables,
season. Students will guess the objects. Teacher will brainstorm some other 5 words for each
topic. Students will write down the words on the board ,Teacher will clarify the meanings,
and will introduce ex 1 pg 52.Students will also read and translate the sentences. Then the
teacher will continue with ex 2 where students have to place the words in the correct order ,
will give examples, will make students create their own examples. Students will continue
with ex 3 pg 52. Then, students will have ex 4 pg 53 After solving this exercise Students will
write the 2 sentences on their notebooks. Teacher will choose 2 students to write them on the
board and the teacher will clarify the mistakes., if there are any. After that teacher will
continue with ex 5 and 6.At the last one Students will role play the activity. In the end the
students will receive some exercises with the months and season .
T appreciates the best opinions, remarks the SS .T helps each time there is the case, controls
the activities..
Class organization: frontal, individual.pair
Interaction: , T-C, S-T, S-SS,
Teaching aids: blackboard, auxiliary book, objects, and worksheet

ORGANIZATIONAL MOMENT: the presentation; the student on duty tells the absents;
Timing: 2 minutes

1. Warm-up
Aims: identify the topic through the objects
Timing: 5 minutes
Interaction: frontal, individual T-S. S-T
Procedures: T will introduce an apple, a tomato, a flower. Students will guess the objects .

2.Lead in
Aims: scan for new vocabulary
Timing:5 minutes
Interaction: frontal, individual T-S. S-T
Procedures. Teacher will brainstorm together with students some other 5 words for each
topic. Students will write down the words on the board , and the teacher will clarify the
meanings or the spelling mistakes.

Activity 1
Aims : identify food vocabulary and express likes and dislikes
Interaction” T-Ss
Procedures: .Teacher will introduce ex 1 pg 52where students match the pictures with the
right sentences. Students will also read and translate the sentences

Activity 2
Aims: apply the vocabulary
Timing: 8 minutes
Interaction : individual, frontal
Procedures: . Then the teacher will continue with ex 2 where students have to place the words
in the correct order , will give examples, will make students create their own examples.

Activity 3
Aims: apply the known vocabulary
Timing: 6 minutes
Interaction : individual, frontal
Procedures : Students will continue with ex 3 pg 52. Here they have to add other 2 words for
each category.

Activity 4
Aims: apply the known vocabulary in real life situations
Timing: 6 minutes
Interaction : individual, frontal
Procedures : Then, students will have ex 4 pg 53 . Here they will hear a poem and will
complete the table according to what they have just heard.After checking the teacher will
choose 2 students to write the 2 sentences on the board.The teacher will clarify the mistakes.

Activity 5
Aims: use like and don`t like
Timing: 4 minutes
Interaction : individual, frontal

Procedures :After that teacher will continue with ex 5 where they create sentences following
the pictures

Activity 6
Aims: use known vocabulary in speaking
Timing: 5 minutes
Interaction : pair work
Procedures: through ex 6 pg 53 Students will role play the activity for lemon and tomato

Activity 1
Aims: identify months and seasons
Timing: 2 minutes
Interaction : individual, frontal
Procedures: .In the end the students will receive some exercises with the months and season .

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