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Balance vheet A CE TRE Geome statemen* / \ Veta \ alan Spans Orsets liabil'ties eguity Asset - everything the company Own ex. cash, stock, accounts recelvable Liabi Kites - the company owes ex. atcounts Payable, loan Equity - book vawe ° assets — Wabih'ties revenue — saleg in a company expenses — Cost fo run the business gross profit = revenue ~ cost of goods sold our nal entry Normal debi? balance ~ t debit — credit Nermal credit balance > ~debit + credit AlLe- R|= General ledgers ~ is the accoun ting recotd that has al] the /dd?aal catry made by the company Double -entry accounting ae # pebit Assets 2 La bii'ries * Owners Equity ss Capital Revenue Expenses v + Income Statement (PmSis and Loss) Total Revenue net income Toro! Lost of Goods Sold Total expenses Income statement C Period> Net income = total revenue — Ceost o& goods sold + expenses) Balance Sheet Cali time) * assets * Navilities current asset Fixed asset = can stand , = ~ inventory = withing must ve satishied witwina | year Equity = sexs ~ liabilities Jong derm abilities “arent due within Cash Flow Storemen+ A year Operation conn Flow 7 Spent/eorn Som runnicg He business revenue ~ expenses Financial cosh Flow — Fan = loans. Investment cosh #10W ~ dividend sold / spent 7 property SME development 7 plant Smal and medi yin Enterprise ~ equipment Balonce sheet NCS OMA Linviliaics Trial Balance Finandal Peport Tournal > Ledger > Triat Balance > Worksheet Baiiaess aetiviry Omalyticod device Financial Statement * hawesting. * operating Facilitate we gathering of data for ADTUSTMENTS, #6 * tinaacing Traperasions of FINANCIAL STATEMENT and 61: ee tecewail and vite verN te sussnme Stavement of Comprenensive Income tacome Statement Statement of Financial Performance Statement ot Ferformance Operation Balance treet - Statement of Finamvial Position reat

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