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The Influence of Social Media for Teenagers

Disusun Oleh :

Moh Saiful Mukminin (01)

M Rofik Amirulloh (11)
Riyan Eko Budiansyah (30)
Yusuf Ali (45)

Praise our prayers The presence of God Almighty because, by His

grace and guidance we can complete the Social Research Paper this
This paper contains the Definition of Social Media and Youth, Social
Media Characteristics, Social Media Growth, Social Media Roles and
Functions, Social Media Strengths, Social Media Functions, Age Limits
for Youth, Youth Stages, Characteristics of Youth Development,
Description Data in Table Form, Data Results, Questionnaire
Conclusions, Negative Influences and Positive Influence of Social
Media, and Adolescent Limitations on Social Media.

We would also like to thank all those who helped complete this
Social Research Paper. Of course, we expect your critics and
suggestions from the teacher to complete this task. And we hope
that this assignment will benefit readers and writers.

Sidoarjo,October 9th 2019

A. Background
In the era of globalization, the development of science and
technology is increasingly sophisticated, the dissemination of
information and access to telecommunications and transportation
are getting faster and easier. The internet is one of the results of the
sophistication and progress of man-made science and technology.
The functions of the internet are various, and one of them is as a
place for cyberspace social networking communities. Social
networking is a service of a range of internet software systems that
allows users to interact and share data with other users on a large
scale. Social networking sites on the internet are various types and
forms, but the most known and widely followed by teenagers today
are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path, Tumblr, and other social
networking sites.
With this networking site, we can expand friendship as well as with
the wider community, not only within the scope of the
neighborhood, but from a variety of environmental groups and social
status. It becomes a necessity for teens to have it. Social media for
teenagers is important not only as a place to get interesting
information but also has become a lifestyle or lifestyle. Many
students don't want to be considered old school because they don't
have a social media account. Social media for students is usually used
to express themselves, various things about him to many people,
especially friends and social media can also be used as a place to
make money.
Now social media has become an important factor for human
interaction. But with this social media, making someone too open
will be designed before other people or with people who are not yet
known, especially teenagers. Coupled with the emergence of
smartphones that provide social media freedom and providers that
provide cheap social media services. This clearly causes adolescents
to forget the social boundaries they should know. The magnitude of
the impact of social media not only has a positive impact but also a
negative impact on humans, especially its impact on the interaction
of fellow human beings who have currently been influenced by social
media. Social media gradually takes us to a new cultural pattern and
begins to determine our mindset. Social media can make a person
become dependent on social media.

B. Problem Formulation
From the background description above, the problem can be
formulated, namely:
1. How does social media influence teenagers?
2. What are the limitations that young people must place on social
C. Research Objectives
In detail, the objectives of this study are as follows:
1. Know how social media influences teenagers.
2. Knowing what the limitations that young people have to do with
social media.
D. Research Benefits
The benefits of this research are as follows:
1. Practical Benefits
For the author, the expected practical benefit is that all stages of the
research and the results obtained can broaden the horizon and at
the same time gain empirical knowledge about the Effects of Social
Media for Youth. For those who are interested in the results of the
study, the authors hope the benefits of the research results can be
accepted and useful.
2. Academic Benefits
The expected academic benefit is that research results can be used
as a reference for efforts to minimize the influence of social media
for adolescents. and it is also useful to be a reference for people who
are conducting studies on the influence of social media on

A. Literature Review
1. Social Media
a. Understanding Social Media
Social media (Social Media) is a channel or means of social
interaction online in cyberspace (internet). The users of social media
communicate, interact, send messages, and share, and build
networks. According to Wikipedia, social media is an online media,
with its users (users) can easily participate, share, and create content
including blogs, social networks, wikis, forums and the virtual world.
Blogs, social networks and wikis are the most common forms of
social media used by people throughout the world. Andreas Kaplan
and Michael Haenlein define social media as "an internet-based
application group that builds on the ideology and technology of Web
2.0, and which enables the creation and exchange of user-generated
content" (Kaplan, Andreas M.; Michael Haenlein [2010] "Users of the
world , unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media ".
Business Horizons 53 (1): 59–68).
Social networking is a site where anyone can create a personal web
page, then connect with friends to share information and
communicate. The largest social networks include Facebook,
Myspace, and Twitter. If traditional media uses print and broadcast
media, then social media uses the internet. Social media invites
anyone who is interested to participate by contributing and feedback
openly, giving comments, and sharing information in a fast and
unlimited time.
As internet and mobilephone technology has advanced, social media
has grown rapidly. Now to access Facebook or Twitter for example, it
can be done anywhere and anytime using only a mobile phone. So
quickly people can access social media resulting in a big
phenomenon of information flow not only in developed countries,
but also in Indonesia. Because of the speed with which social media
has also begun to appear to replace the role of conventional mass
media in spreading the news.
The rapid development of social media is now due to everyone like
being able to have their own media. If to have traditional media such
as television, radio or newspapers, it requires a large amount of
capital and a lot of labor, then it is different with the media. A social
media user can access using social media with an internet network
even if access is slow, without large costs, without expensive tools
and is done alone without employees. We as social media users can
freely edit, add, modify text, images, videos, graphics, and various
other content models.
b. Social Media Characteristics
Social media has the following characteristics:
§ The message delivered is not just for one person but can be many
people for example messages via SMS or the internet
§ The message is free, without having to go through a Gatekeeper
§ Messages delivered tend to be faster than other media
§ The recipient of the message that determines the time of
c. Growth of Social Media
The rapid development of social media is now due to everyone
like being able to have their own media. If to have traditional media
such as television, radio or newspapers, it requires a large amount of
capital and a lot of labor, then it is different with the media. A social
media user can access using social media with an internet network
even if access is slow even, without large costs, without tools long.

f. Social Media Function

When we define social media as a communication system, we
must define functions related to communication systems, namely:
§ Administration
Organize proof of company employees in relevant and relative social
networks where your current market position is. Establishment of
social media policy training, and education for all employees on the
use of social media. Formation of an organizational blog and
integration of content in relevant communities. Market research to
find out where your market is.
§ Listening and Learning
Establish a monitoring system to hear what your market wants,
what is relevant to them.
§ Thinking and Planning
By looking at stages 1 and 2, how will you stay ahead of the
market and how do you communicate to the market. How social
technology increases the operational efficiency of market relations.
§ Measurement
Establishing effective steps is very important to measure whether
the methods used, the content created and the tools you use are
effective in improving your market position and relationships.
2. Teenagers
a. Understanding Teenagers
Teenagers come from the Latin word adolensence which means
growing or growing up. The term adolensence has a broader
meaning that includes mental, emotional social and physical maturity
(Hurlock, 1992). Pasa this period actually does not have a clear place
because it does not belong to the group of children but not also the
group of adults or elderly. As stated by Candidates (in Monks, et al
1994) that adolescence shows clearly the nature of the transition or
transition because adolescents have not yet obtained adult status
and no longer have child status.
According to Sri Rumini & Siti Sundari (2004: 53) adolescence is a
transition from childhood to adulthood which experiences
development of all aspects / functions to enter adulthood.
Adolescence lasts between the ages of 12 years to 21 years for
women and 13 years to 22 years for men. While the understanding
of adolescents according to Zakiah Darajat (1990: 23) is: a transition
between childhood and adulthood. In this period the child
experiences a period of growth and a period of physical development
and psychological development. They are not children in body shape
or way of thinking or acting, but they are not mature adults either.
The same thing was expressed by Santrock (2003: 26) that
adolescene is defined as a developmental period of transition
between childhood and adulthood which includes biological,
cognitive, and social-emotional changes.
From the understanding of adolescence, according to some experts,
it can be concluded as described by Sri Rumini & Siti Sundari, Zakiah
Darajat, and Santrock that illustrates that adolescence is a transition
period from childhood to adulthood with an age range between 12-
22 years, where at That period occurs the process of maturation
both physical and psychological maturation.
b. Age Limits for Teens
The age limit for teens commonly used by experts is between 12 and
21 years. The time span of adolescence is usually divided into three,
namely 12-15 years = early adolescence, 15-18 years = middle
adolescence, and 18-21 years = late adolescence. Meanwhile,
according to Monks, Knoers, and Haditono, adolescence is divided
into four parts, namely pre-adolescence 10 - 12 years, early
adolescence 12 - 15 years, adolescence mid-15-18 years, and late
adolescence 18 - 21 years (Deswita, 2006: 192).
c. Stages of Adolescence
In the process of adjusting towards maturity, there are 3 stages of
adolescent development:
1) Early adolescents
A teenager at this stage is still amazed at the changes that occur in
his own body and the impulses that accompany those changes. They
develop new thoughts, are quickly attracted to the opposite sex, and
are easily aroused in an erotic manner. With the shoulder held by the
opposite sex he had an erotic fantasy. This excessive sensitivity
coupled with reduced control of the ego makes it difficult for early
adolescents to understand and understand adults.
2) Middle adolescents
At this stage adolescents really need friends. He is happy if many
friends admit it. There is a narcissistic tendency to love yourself by
liking friends who are the same as him. in addition, he is in a state of
confusion because he does not know which one is sensitive or
uncaring, busy or alone, optimistic or pessimistic, idealistic or
materialist, and so on. Remajapria must free himself from
oedipuscomplex (feelings of love for his own mother during
childhood) by strengthening relationships with friends.
3) Late adolescents
This stage is a period of consolidation into the adult period and is
indicated by

d. Characteristics of Youth Development

Adolescent development is seen in the following characteristics
(Widyastuti, 2009):
1. Biological Development
Physical changes at puberty are the result of hormonal activity under
the influence of the central nervous system. Very obvious physical
changes are seen in the growth of physical enhancement and in the
appearance and development of secondary sex characteristics.
2. Psychological Development
Traditional psychosocial theory assumes that critical development in
adolescence results in the formation of identity. In adolescence they
begin to see themselves as other individuals.
3. Cognitive Development
Cognitive thinking reaches its peak in the ability to think abstractly.
Teenagers are no longer limited by the reality and the actual
characteristics of the concrete period, adolescents also pay attention
to the possibility that will happen.
4. Moral Development
Younger children can only accept decisions or the point of view of
adults, whereas adolescents, in order to obtain autonomy from
adults they must replace their own set of morals and values.
5. Spiritual Development
Teenagers are able to understand abstract concepts and interpret
analogies and symbols. They are able to empathize, philosophize and
think logically.
6. Social Development
Teenagers must free themselves from family domination and
establish an identity that is independent of family authority.
Adolescence is a time of strong social skills with close friends and
B. Thinking Framework
· The Effects of Social Media For Teenagers
1. Positive Influence:
1) Teenagers can learn to develop technical and social skills that are
very much needed in the digital age like today.
2) Expanding networks of friends and teens will make it easier to
make friends with other people around the world.
3) Make it easy to obtain information. Teenagers become easy to
obtain information on the internet because of a blog or website.
4) Make it easy for teens to share or share. With a blog, it's easy for
teens to share their life experiences and various other things by
posting them on blogs.
2. Negative Influences
1) Being lazy learning to communicate in the real world. The level of
understanding of language becomes disturbed.
2) Social networking sites will make teenagers more selfish. They
become unaware of the environment around them, because most of
them spend time on the internet.
3) Making a teenager lazy to learn because he often uses social
networks to play games on the site.
4) Increasing fraud, defamation / use, juvenile abduction crimes,
online gambling and other crimes are very common lately.
5) Social media is also sometimes used for business prostitution.

A. Place and Time of Research
The completion of this questionnaire was taken at:
Day, Date: Thursday, December 22, 2016
Number of samples: 15 Teenagers
Sample subjects: Middle, high school, and STUDENT level students
B. Research Population and Samples
1. Popolation
The population in this study included a limited population. The
population in this study were several adolescents from junior high,
high school, and student level.
2. Samples
The sampling technique in this study uses a random sampling
technique, which is a sampling technique where each member of the
population has the same opportunity to become a sample member.
and stratified sampling technique, i.e. the sampling technique used
in the sample if it consists of several levels. Distribution of samples
from each level starting from junior high school, high school, and
students as follows.
Middle school = 5 people
SMA = 5 people
STUDENT = 5 people
------------------------ +
Total = 15 people
C. Research Types
This type of research is included in the Explanation. Explanation is a
data collection technique using a questionnaire / questionnaire.
D. Data Sources
Our data sources are a number of teenagers ranging from junior high
school level, high school, and the students we took were 15
E. Data Collection Techniques
Primary data is data obtained directly from the research field, such
as data obtained from a questionnaire / questionnaire that is shared
directly with the object of research.
F. Data Analysis Techniques
Quantitative data analysis techniques are carried out through the
process of editing, coding, and tabulating.
1. Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media
The positive effects of social media are as follows.
a) Can add broader information, as long as it can filter out existing
information then its benefits are taken.
b) Knowing the outside world and its development. Because
everyone must develop better over time.
c) Knowing something new from home and abroad quickly.
d) Add lots of friends with social media and can communicate with
distant friends / old friends.
e) Can get money from social media by selling online.
f) Discover a new world with news that in fact never again watch
television because of its contents there is no useful and educated.
The negative influence of social media is.
a) Can damage the brain or thinking patterns so that performance
b) Making addictions for teens today.
c) Making teenagers lazy in terms of learning and can be disruptive
when learning.
d) Often forgets time because people who are comfortable with
social media if they cannot control their activities will forget their
real world.
e) Spend a lot of money to buy internet quota.
f) Display adult content ads (17 ++).
g) If you have often used social media if you don't use it a day, it's
h) Make people unsos, lack respect for the surroundings, do not have
attitude, bad behavior, justify all means for the sake of mere
mereness, cannot respect older people, judgment everywhere.
i) Easily influenced by the words of others who are not necessarily
real and difficult to control what should not be good for digestion or
j) Sometimes social media is now often blamed for using, for
example, nearing the distance away from the near.
2. Adolescent Restrictions on Social Media
The rise of negative things that happen on social media, which makes
teenagers as the main victims of negative things. For this reason,
adolescents should be required to know the limitations in
communicating on social media. As for the limitations of adolescents
on social media, among others:
1) Using technology that is mastered to establish relationships that
have been intents with friends or people who have previously been
known in the real world.
2) When in the house you should manage your time best between
learning and utilizing communication technologies such as mobile
phones, the internet, and others.
3) Avoiding accessing porn sites or downloading pornographic


A. Conclusion
Social media is a channel or a means of social interaction online in
cyberspace (internet). Social media users communicate, interact,
send messages to each other, and share and build networks. While
adolescence is a transitional period from childhood to adulthood
with an age range between 12-22 years, during which the maturation
process occurs both physical and psychological maturation.
From the results of the research above, surely the respondents have
different impacts that they will get from the social networking site.
Based on our subsequent questionnaire, respondents stated that,
67% of respondents stated that the benefits of social media were
adding various information, 13% added friends, 7% eliminated
boredom, and 13% others. The positive influence of social media is to
be able to add wider information, make more friends with social
media, get money from social media by selling online, discovering a
new world with news that in fact never again watch television
because it contains nothing useful and educated, and others. The
negative influence of social media, which can damage the brain or
thinking patterns so that performance decreases, make addicted and
lazy in terms of learning and can be disruptive when learning, often
forget time, spend a lot of money to buy internet quota, display adult
content ads (17 ++ ), and others.

B. Suggestions
As we already know, social networking has its own positive and
negative impacts on its use. We as teenagers, must be very clever in
sorting out how to use social networking that is good and right so
that we do not fall into negative things. Social networks must be
used properly and correctly. If it is used properly, there are also
many positive impacts that we can get. We can also adjust the
pattern of our activities, so that it can be more useful and not waste
time wasting on things that are less important. We as a teenager
have the main task of learning. Therefore, we must not leave our
main task because it is very beneficial for us in the future. Indeed
there is no prohibition

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