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(3) Transition (4) Sickle cell anemia

(4) Transversion
150. Select the, odd statement w.r.t'
148. Which of the following statement is false polygenic
w..t. phenyiketonuria? "or
(1) The phenotype reflectsthe contribution
(1) Inborn error of metabolism of each allele, ie., the effect of
(2) Sex-linked recessive trait allele is additive
(3) Affected individual lacks phenylalnine (2) Besides involvement of multiple
it also takes into account the influence
hydroxylase enzyme
(4) Phenylalnine is accumulated and of environment
converted into phenylpyruvic acid and (3) Polygenic traits show distinct alternate
other derivatives forms in their Occurrence and they are
not spread across a gradient
(4) Human skincolour is a classic example
of polygenic inheritance


151. In vivo fertilization of gametes will not be. 154. AII of the following statements are incorrect
possible if couple has opted for regarding various contraceptive
(1) IUI methodsBdevices, except
(2) ICSI 0) Tubectomy does not interfere with
(3) AL menstrualcycle of female
(4) GIFT (2) Synthetic progestogens in oral pil
Saheli inhibitimplantation of embryo
(3) Contraceptives such as diaphragm
152. Which of the following correctly represents prevent deposition of sperms in female
the sequence of evolutionary history of reproductive tract
(4) Harmone releasing IUD, like Multload
(1) Early repiles Synapsids 375 makes cervix hostile to sperms
Pelycosaurs Therapsids
155. AI of the following are considered as
(2) Extinct reptiles Sauropsids
Pelycosaurs Therapsids methods to prevent spread of venereal
Mammals diseases, except
(3) Early reptiles Pelycosaurs (1) Avoiding sex with unknown partner(s)
Synapsids Thecodonts - Mammals (2) Always using condom during coitus
(4) Early reptiles Sauropsids (3) Consulting a doctor for early detection
Thecodonts Pelycosaurs (4) Using cervical caps during coitus

156. In which of the following methods of

153. Which of the following was asserted as contraception, does the couple abstain from
natural selection by Darwin? coitus from day 10 to 17 of the menstrual
(1) Branching descent cycle?
(2) Survival of fittest (1) IUDs
(3) Non-random mating (2) Coitus interruptus
(4) Non-directional changes (3) Rhythm method
(4) Lactational amenorrhea

Term Exam-2024_CF+OYM(P2)-TEO3D

157, Which of the following 162. Life appeared about

after the
with reference to mutationpoints are correct
work of Hugo de Vries? according to the formation of earth.
a, Large ditference arising (1) 500 billion years
population. suddenly in a (2) 500 million years
b. Mutation causes evolution.
C. Mutations are (3) 300 million years
d. Single step large (4) 300 billion years
saltation, mutations 'are called
e. Mutations are direcionless 163. A gaseous mixture used in spark chamber of
(1) ab&c only Miller's experiment contained all of the
N2)a,d& eonly following gases, except
(3) b,d &e only (1) Methane
(2) Ammonia
(4) a, b, G, d &e
(3) Hydrogen
(4) Oxygen
158, Forellmbs of cheetah usedfor walking,
forelimbs of whale used for swimming and
forelimbs of birds used fortying are an 164. Which of : the following.pairs of organs
example of represent adaptive convergence?
(1) Convergent evolution (1) Flippers of penguins and dolphins
(2) Homologous organ_ (2) Forelimbs of human and horse
(3) Analogous organs (3) Heart of birds and mammals
(4) Brain of human and fishes
(4) Adaptive convergence

159. Among human ancestors, the extinct 165. Random change in allele.frequencies that
hominid who lived in near east and Central occur by chance in small populaions is
Asia between 100000 40000 years ago, known as
with a brain size of 1400 cc, used hides to (1) Natural selection
protect their body and buried their dead was (2) Gene low
(1) Cro-Magnon man (3) Geneic drift
(2) Homo habilis (4) Genetic Equilibrium
(3) Homo erectus
(4) Neanderthal man 166. Read the statements given below and
choose the correctapton.
160. TwNO key postulates on which Lamarckism is (1) Permissible use of the technique
based include amniocentesis in India is for detecing
(a) Natural selection sex of the unborn foetus
(b) Inheritance of acquired characters (2) Artifcjar insemination implies transfer
(c) Use and disuse of organs of sperms of a healthy donor to a test
(d) Branching descent tube containing many ova
(1) (ä) &(d) (3) Use of Nirodh' prevents sperms from
(2) (b) &(c) reaching cervix
(3) (c) &(d) (4) Generally chances of concepion are
(4) (a) & (c) nil as long as mother breast feeds the
young one

161. When a population is in Hardy-Weinberg 167. Corrective reatment for infertile couples has
equilibrium, which of the following is true?
(1) Allof its recessive lethal genes are become possible because of
wiped out, leaving only healthy (1) MTP
dominant genes. (2) ART
(2) Mutations occur at five times the normal (3) RCH
rate to balance the loss of genes by (4) ST
way of natural selection
(3) The frequencies of the alleles in the
population change over time 168. Select the incorrect statement w.rt oral
contraceptive pills.
(4) The frequencies of genotypes in the
population are stable over time (1) Pills have higher contrace ptive value in
comparision to implants
(2) Alter the quality of cervical mucus
(3) Inhibit ovulation
(4) Make uterus unsuitable for implantation


169. Absence of which factors alter the Hardy 174. Though all persons are vulnerable to STIS
Weinberg equilibrium? but their incidences are reported to be very
(1) Gene migration high among persons of age group.
(2) Genetic drift (1) 25-35 years
(3) Assortative mating (2) 5-10 years
(4) Random maing (3) 15-24 years
(4) 40-50years
170. Among the following, closest though extinct
ancestors of modérn day mammals are a 175. If vasectomy is performed in a male, which of
(1) Sauropsids the following will be correct?
(2) Synapsids (1) No ejaculation occurs
(3) Therapsids (2) Testosterone level reduces in blood
(4) Pelycosaurs (3) Spermatogenesis stops
(4):Semen contains no sperms
171. In case of a population of Giraffes, which
assumption will be incorrect W.f.t. 176. When did, the Medical Termination of
Lamarckian conceptof evoluion? Pregnancy Act in India come into
(1) All giraffes are nearly similar and, have existence?
same requirements for feeding (1) 1984
(2) Lack ofvegetation at their height (2)2002
induces the giraffes to stretch upwards (3)1951
and n vegetaion at higher level
(3) Excessive stretching of neck and limbs
causes their elongation
(4) Giraffes of different heights compete 177. The testtube baby programme does not
with each other resulting in suvival of sincludé which one of the following
only the tallest techniques?
(1) GIFT
172. WNhich ,one among the following is an
example for homology? (3) CSI
(1) Sing of honey bee and sting of 4)IUT
(2) Flipper of dolphin and lipper of 178. Geneticdrift is not observed in
penguin (1) Small popultion
(3) Brain of frog, cat and man
(2) Interbreeding large sized population
(4) Sweet potato (root modification) and
potato (stem modification)
4) Isolated population
173. A:Before industrialization, there were more
white winged moths on trees than melanised 179. Read the following features.
a.Suppresses sperm motility.
R: Dark color in moths evolved due to a b. Promotes phagocytosis of sperms within
mutation induced by chemicals present in uterus.
c. Copper ions reduce the fertilizing capacity
industrial smoke.
of sperms.
(1) Both Assertion & Reason are true and d. Inhibits ovulation.
the reason is the correct explanation of
e. Blocks the entry of sperms beyond cervix.
the assertion Which of the atbove are applicable for
(2) Both Assertion & Reason are true but Multiload 375?
the reasoOn is not the correct (1) b &e only
explanation of the assertion
(2) b, c& d only
(3) Assertion is true statement but Reason
(3) a, b &c only
(4) Both Assertion and Reason are false
(4) c, d & e only

180. statements W.r.t.
Contraceptive method that is 184. Read the following given
advised for the female partner as generally MTP
method to prevent any more pregnancies Statement A: As per MTP (Amendment) Act,
(1) Vasectomy 2017, a pregnancy may be terminated on
(2):Tubectomy certain considered grounds within the 1st
trimester of pregnancy onthe opinion of one
(4) Hysterectomy
registered medical pracitioner.
Statement B: The MTP (Amendment) Act,
2017 was enacted by government of India
181. Natural selection cannot lead to a with the intention of increasing the incidence
in which situation of illegal abortion and consequent maternal
(1)M mortality andmorbidity.
individuals acquire mean Choose the correct option.
character value (1) Both statements A and B are incorrect
(2) More individuals with low fitness level (2) Both statements A and Bare correct
to outlive individuals with high fitness (3) Statement A is correct, statement B is
(3) More individuals acquire peripheral (4) Statement A is incorrect, statement B is
values at both ends ofdistribution Correct

(4) More individuals reproduce sexually

185. Which among the following can be a primary
constituent of implants that are used as
182. The first ape-man in the studý of human contraceptive device?
evolution is (1) Parathormone
(1) Australopithecus (2) Pitocin
(2) Dryopitheus (3) Prolactin
(3) Ramapithecus (4) Progestogens
(4) Homo habilis

183. Statutory ban on amniocentesis for sex

determination is to avoid
(1) Detection of Down's syndrome
determination of X-linked
(2) Early
disorders O Y M 2 3 2 4 P 2 T E 0 3 D )

(3) Female foeticide

(4) Detecion of klinefelter syndrome


186. Select the true statement w.r.t. GIFT.

187. Oral contraceptive pills generally contain
combination of Oestrogen and
(1) in-vitro fertilization technique progestogens. In females, probably these
(2) After retrieval of male and female pills inhibitalter which of the following?
gametes both are simultaneously a. LH and FSH secretion
ransferred in fallopian tube b. Follicular development and ovulation
(3) Onlysperms are transferred in fallopian c. Qualiy of cervical mucus
tube after their retrieval from Select the correct option
donor/husband (1) a only
(4) After plac1ng female gamete in uterus, (2) a &b only
artificial insemnation S performed
(3) b &conly
(4) a, b &c

Term ENAn2024_CF OYM(P2)-TFOaD

asslsted 195. Darwin's finches are a good example of

ollowlng methods of
n which of he technologles, does n-v/vo
8,reproductlve (1) Convergentevolution
tertilisation take,place? (2) Industrlal melanism
(1) IUT (3) Analogy
(2) ICSI (4) Adapttve radiation
(3) ZIFT
(4) GIFT 196. I nature favours those individuals in the
populatlon, whlch pOssess the mean
character value, then it is said that natural
189. Which category of.evldence is represented selectlon leads to
by restricted distrlbutlon of marsuplals "In
Australia? (1) Stabillsatlon
(1) Biogeographical evidence (2) Directlonal change
(2) Embryological evidence (3) Progressive change
(3) Morphologlcal evidence (4) Disruption
(4) Palaeontologlcal evidence
197. Whlch of the following is an example of fish
190, AcCording to Darwin, organic evolution: like reptle?
mainly due to (1) lchthyosaurs
(1) Use and disuse of organs (2) Ichthyophis
(2) Absenceof intraspeclfic compeitón (3) TUataras
(3) Natural selection (4) Stegosaurs
(4) Mutation
198. Which of the following STI is completely
191, Embryological support for evolution was curableif detected earlyand treated
proposed by properly
(1) JBLamarck (1) Genital herpes
(2) Altred Wallace (2) Syphilis
(3) Ernst Haeckel (3) Hepatitis B
(4) Charles Darwin (4) HIVínfection

192. FI the blanks with appropriateopion, 199. Insertionof SIUD within 72hours of
"About X mya Australopithecus probably unprotected aex is aimed for
(1) Suppressing sgerm motility
lived in Y ."
(2) Preventingímplantation of embryo
(1) X-2, Y- East and central Asia (3 Inhibitingovulation
(2) X- 1.5, Y- Ethiopia and Tanzanla (4) Causing positive feedback for
(3) X-2, Y- East African grassland pragesterone
(4) X-1.5, Y- Australia
200: one-fifth of the total number of conceived
193, Which one is considered as a pollution pregnancies are lost every year, all over the
world due to
(1) Biston beularia (1) Failure of sterilisation operations
(2) Lichens (2) Complications of STDS
(3) Darwin finches (3) Voluntary termination
(4) Australian marsupials (4) Weak health of mothers

194. AII are medicated intrauterine devices,

(1) Cu-T
(2) Progestasert
(3) Cu-7
(4) Lippes loop

AllIndia Aakash Test Series for NEET-2023 Test-2 (Code-A)
148. In prokaryotes, RNA polymerase is a A that is Regulator gene (iiü) Interacts with
made up of regulator molecule
D Promoter gene (iv) Codes for three
Select the correct option to fill in the blanks A and B. different
A B polypeptides
(1) Lipoprotein Lipids and proteins A B C D

(2)Ribozyme Ribonucleic acid (1) () (iv) (i) (ü)

(3) RNA molecule Nucleic acid (2) (ii) (iv) () ()
(4) Holoenzyme Polypeptides (3) (ii) (i) (ü) (iv)
149. Match the following columns and choose the (4) () (i) (iv) (ii)
150. Which of the following activities is not concerned
correct option w.r.t. lac operon.
with ribosome in the process associated with
Column ll polymerisation of amino acids?
A, Operator gene (0) Site for RNA (1) Encountering mRNA
polymerase (2) Activation of amino acid
attachment (3) Proceeding elongation phase of
B protein
Structural gene (i) Codes for repressor synthesis
(4) Catalysing the formation of peptide bond

SECTION-A (1) Copper - T (2) Implants
151. First cellular forms of life appeared around
(3) Oral pills (4) Vaults
(1) 2000 mya (2) 1000 mya 154. Government of India has laid a statutory ban on
(3) 4000 mya (4) 5000 mya for sex determination to check female
152. Select the odd one w.r.t methods of contraception. foeticide.
(1) Barrier methods Select the option that fills the blank correctly:
(2) Coitus interruptus
(1) Computed tomography
(3) Lactational amenorrhea
(2) MRI
(4) Periodic abstinence
(3) Amniocentesis
153. What is shown in the given figure?
(4) MTP
155. 'Saheli' oral contraceptive for the female was
developed by which institute?
(1) CDRI (2) RCH
(3) -WHO (4) NACO
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All India Aakash Test
Test-2 (Code-A) Series for NEET-2023
is related with
156.Coitus Interruptus method (A) (B) (C) (D)
(1) Withdrawal of penls fraom vagina (1) (c) (a) (b) (d)
(2) Prevention of coitus (2) (c) (b) (a) (d)
(3) Withdrawal of penis from vagina after (3) (b) (d) (a) (c)
(4) (b) (a) (d). (c)
(4) Abstaining from coitus from day 10 to day 17 of
the menstrual cycle 161, Allof the following are curable STIs, except
157. Progestasert is a/an (1) Syphilis
(1) Oral contraceptive (2) Gonorrhoea
(2) Natural contraceptive (3) Genital warts
(3) Hormonal IUD
(4) Genital herpes
(4) Copper releasing IUD
158. To prevent further pregnancies, surgical methods 162. How many complications given in the box below
OCCur due to venereal diseases?
called are advised for male/female partners
as a means of contraception. Stillbirths, Infertility, Abortions, Ectopic
Select the correct option to fill in the blank. pregnancies, PIDs
(1) Radiation (2) Sterilisation Choose the correct option.
(3) Abortion (4) Barrier methods (2) 5
(1) 2
159. Industrial melanism is an example of
(3) 4 (4) 3
(1) Adaptive radiation
(2) Adaptive convergence 163. Infertility is the inability to conceive or produce
children after minimum 'X years of unprotected
(3) Natural selection sexual cohabitation.
(4) Inheritance of acquired characters
Select the correct option for 'X.
160. Given below are four methods (A-D) and their
(1) One
modes of action (a-d) in achieving contraception.
Choose the option with the correct match. (2) Six
Method Mode of action (3) Ten
(a) Make cervix hostile to (4) Two
(A) Tubectomy 164. Which of the following will not act as emergency
contraceptives if administered/taken within 72 hours
(B) LNG-20 (b) Female sterilisation of coitus?
(C) Condoms (c) Inhibits ovulation and (1) Progestogens
(2) Progestogen-estrogen combinations
(D) Combined (d) Prevents sperms from (3) Vaults
pills reachingthe ovum (4) IUDs
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2023 Test-2 (Code-A)
165. Select the characteristic from the following which an 169. Analysis of meteorite content provides evidence for
ideal contraceptive should not have.
(1) Chemical evolution
(1) User friendly
(2) Biological evolution
(2) Easily available
(3) Parallel evolution
(3) Non-reversible
(4) Almost no side effects
(4) Co-evolution
166. Select the correct match. 170. The geological history of earth closely correlates
with biological history of earth', this statement states
(1) ZIFT Early embryo Could be that
transferred into fallopian tube (1) Earth and living organisms evolved at the same
(2) GIFT time
Male gamete is inserted directly
into female gamete (2) Life evolved only when O2 appeared on earth
(3) ICSI Semen from healthy donor is (3) As earth evolved, it parallelly affected the life of
artificially introduced into uterus living organisms
(4) Chemical evolution explains the formation of
(4) IUI Introduction of zygote into earth and its livingorganisms
7). Read the following statements carefully
167. All of the following terms are related with ill-effects
Statement A: The rate of appearance of new forms
of using contraceptive methods, except is linked to the life cycle or the life span.
(a) Nausea Statement B: Evolution is not a directed prOcess in
(b). Iregular menstrual bleeding the sense of determinism.

(c) Abdorminal pain Choose the correct option.

(d) Pleuritis (1) Only statement A is incorrect
(2) Only statement A is correct
(e) Breakthrough bleeding
(3) Both statements are incorrect
(1) (a) (2) (b)
(4) Both statements are Correct
(3)(d) (4) (e) 172. Stellar distances are measured in
168. Who said that life could have Come from
pre-existing non-living organic molecules and was (1) Kilometers (2) Light years
preceded by chemical evolution? (3) Angstrom (4) Miles
(1) Miller and Urey 173. Analogous structures are a result of
(2) August Weismann (1) Adaptive radiation
(3) Oparin and Haldane (2) Convergent evolution
(3) Divergent evolution
(4) Louis Pasteur
(4) Chemical evolution
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Test-2 (Code-A) AllIndia Aakash Test Series for NEET-2023
174. Forelimbs of man and bat 178. Evolution for Darwin was while de Vries
(1) Show convergent evolution believed mutations caused

(2) Show parallel evolution Choose the correct option which fills the above
(3)) Have different ancestors given blanks respectively.
(4) Show homology (1) Directional, Recombination
175. Cranial capacities of hominid that lived
1,00,000 (2) Directionless, Selection
40,000 years back and used hides to protect their (3) Sudden, Saltation
body and buried their dead, were
(4) Gradual, Speciation
(1) 650 cc
179. Select the correct example for the type of natural
(2) 1400 cc
selection shown in the given figure.
(3) 800 cc of
with Peak gets higher
and narower
(4) 900 cc
176. Consider the organisms given below. Number
(a) Tasmanian tiger cat
(b) Spotted cuscus
(c) Numbat
(d) Bobcat (1) Average birth weight of human babies
(2) DDT resistance in mosquitoes
Choose the option from the following with a pair of
(3) Industrial melanism in melanic moths
mammals showing convergent evolution from the
above given animals. (4) Antibiotic resistance in microbes
(1) (a) and (b) 180. Theory of Panspermia was related to
(2) (b) and (d) (1) Evolution of life forms
(2) Origin of life
(3) (a) and (c)
(3) Origin of Earth
(4) (a) and (d)
(4) Formation of protobionts
177. The first autotrophic organisms that never released
Oxygen were the 181. Founder's effect is related with
(1) Genetic drift
(1) Chemoautotrophs
(2) Oxygenic photoautotrophs (2) Mutation
(3) Gene flow
(3) Chemoheterotrophs
(4) Anoxygenic photoautotrophs (4) Genetic recombination

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AllIndia Aakash Test Series for NEET-2023 Test-2 (Code-A)
182. Match the Column-l with Column-!. 184. In 1938, a fish caught in A happened to be a
Column4 Column-| B which was thought to be extinct.
(a) Evolution by () Process of Choose the option which correctly identifies A and
.anthropogenic evolution of
actions different species
in an area starting
(1) Australia, lchthyosaurs
from a point and (2) Australia, Coelacanth
radiating to other (3) South Africa, lchthyosaurs
(4) South Africa, Coelacanth
(b) Adaptive (i) Key concepts of 185. In Hardy-Weinberg equation, the frequency of
radiation Darwinism hômozygous individuals is represented by
(c) Branching (ii) Selection of (1).p² and q² (2) pq
descent and resistant (3) 2pg (4) p² + 2pq
natural selection organisms in a
lesser time scale
186. Deficiency of which of the following hormone is
(d) Convergent (iv) Flippers of
mainly responsible for abortion?
penguins and
(1) Progesterone
(2) Estrogen
Select the correct option.
(3) FSH
(a) (b)(c) (d)
(4) LH
(1) (ii) (ü) ) (iv)
187. Among the following sets of examples, select the
(2) (i) () () (iv) correct option for divergent evolution.
(3) (i) ) (ii) (iv)
(1) Wings of bat and birds
(4) (iv). (i) (ii)
(2) Heart of man and cheetah
183. Which of the following statements is correct about
the origin and evolution of men? (3) Eye of the Octopus and of man
(1) Homo habilis probably ate meat. (4) Flippers of dolphins and penguins
(2) Pre-historic cave art developed about 75,000 188. MMR stands for
years ago. (1) Mortality Maternal Rate
(3) Agriculture came around 10,000 years back and (2) Matemal Mortality Rate
human settlements started. (3) Matemal Morbidity Rate
(4) Homo erectus had a large br£in around 1400 cc.
(4) Malaria Mortality Rate
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Test-2 (Code-A) All India Aakash Test Series for
the statements given below regarding 193. Consider the following statements.
189. Consider thereafter
contraception and answer as directed (1) Stegosaurus had plated back and spikes at the
(a) Though all people are vulnerable to STIs. but end of the tail.
incidences are reported to be very high among
the persons in the age group of 25-40 years. (2) Brachiosaurus was a herbivorous dinosaur.
(b) Use of condoms during coitus can prevent STIs. (3) Pteranodon disappeared earlier than
(c) MTP during first trimester is generally safe. Archaeopteryx.
(d) Multiload 375 is a copper releasing IUD. (4) Thecodonts are possible common ancestors of
Which of the above statements are correct? crocodiles, birds and dinosaurs.
(1) (a), (b), (c) (2) (b), (c), (d) How many of the following are incorrect statements?
(3) (a), (c), (d) (4) (a), (b), (c) and (d) (1) 1 (2) 2
190. How did Miller create reducing atmosphere in his
experimental set up? (3) 3 (4) 4
(1) Complex reactionsleadto binding of oxygen 194. Assertion (A): Vasectomy can be considered as a
permanent method of contraception.
(2) Miller had specific deoxygenating apparatus
(3) By providing aerobic conditions Reason (R): Surgical intervention blocks gamete
transport and thereby prevent contraception.
(4) Used water vapour, methane, ammonia and
hydrogen gas in oxygen-free environment In the light of above statements, select the correct
191. Alfred Wallace, a naturalist who worked in Malay option.
Archipelago had come to similar conclusion as (1) Both (A)and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
given by Darwin. According to Darwin, the fitness explanation of (A)
ultimately refers to
s (2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
(1) Ability to adapt in new environment correct explanation of (A)
(2) Physical strength and dominance over other
individuals (3) (A) is true but (R) is false
(3) Reproductive fitness (4) Both (A) and (R) are false
(4) Healthy appearance and ability to defend.itself 195. Which of the following animal shows discontinuous
192. The finches of Galapagos islands provide the best distribution?
examples of the phenomenon called (1) Whale
(1) Special creation (2) Lung fishes
(2) Convergent evolution
(3) Pacific salmon
(3) Biogeographical evolution
(4) Cyclicalevolution (4) Sugar glider
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2023 Test-2 (Code-A)
196. Presence of the following factors can disturb Hardy (b) India was amongst the first countries in the
Weinberg equilibrium, except world to initiate action plans and programmes at
(1) Genetic drift (2) Random mating a national level to attain total reproductive
(3)Natural selection (4) Gene migration health.
197. Which one of the following scientist's name is (C) It is not necessary to introduce sex-education in
correctly matched with the theory put forth by him? schools to discourage children from believing in
(1) Pasteur Theory of Pangenesis myths about sex-related aspects,
(2) Mendel Theory of Natural (d) Sucoessful implementation of various action
selection plans to attain reproductive health does not
require professional expertise and material
(3) Hugo de Inheritance of acquired support.
Vries characters
How many statements are not correct?
(4) Lamarck Theory of use and
(1)- One (2) Two
disuse of organs
(3) Three (4) Four
198. Progymnosperms are the ancestors of all of the
200. Pills used to prevent conception in females usually
following, except contain progesterone or progestogen-estrogen
(1) Seed ferns
combinations and have to be.taken
(2) Cycads
(1) Daily for a period of 21 days starting preferably
(3) Conifers
within first five days of menstrual cycle
(4) Angiosperms
(2) Daily for seven days during which menstruation
199. Comprehend the given statements carefully. OCcurs
(a) According to the WHO, reproductive health
means a total well-being in all. aspects of (3) Daily for a period of 28 days without any gap
reproduction, i.e., physical, emotional, ti- (4) Daily for 14 -days, starting from the day of
behavioural and social. Ovulation

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149. A disorder caused by
chromosome is
(1) Down's syndrome
non-disjunction in sex
150. Select the
All India
Aakash Test
incorrect statement
Series for NEET-2024
(2) Klinefelter's syndrome Transformation
Griffith experiments were conducted by
(3) Haemophilia (2) Punnett square was
(4) Sickle cell anemia scientist developed by a German
(3) Altman found
DNA to be acidic in
(4) Meselson and
Stahl nature
mode of replication semi-consevative
151. Neanderthal
sapiens in
differs from modern
154. the given list.
Homo a. Zygote formed by
(1) Having higher cranial in-vitro fertilisation
b. Sperm can be
(2) Having lower cranial capacity C. Embryos with
directly injected into ovum
(3) Having erect
capacity more than 8
blastomeres are
posture transferred into uterus
(4) Being a hominid d. Ovum collected from a donor is
152. Consider the following
fallopian tube of another female transferred into
statements W.r.t. How many of the above
evolutionary history of vertebrates. w.r.t. test-tube baby features islare incorrect
(a) Coelacanth was
caught in South Africa in 1938. (1) Two
(2) Three
(b) About 65 mya,
from the earth. dinosaurssuddernly disappeared
(3) Four
(4) One
155. According to the 2011census report, what was the
(c) Snakes evolved from population growth rate of India?
Select the option with correct (1) More than
statement(s). (2) More than
(1) (a) and (b) only (2) (a) and (c) only 150/1000/year
(3) (a). (b) and (c) (3) Less than
(4) (c) only 20/1000/year
153. Cho0se the odd one w.r.t. (4) More than
analogous structures. 156. Pouched mammals in
(1) Flippers of penguins and Australia survived and
dolphins flourished because of
(2) Wings of birds and (1) Large body size
(0) Thorn of Bougainvilleaand tendril of Cucurbita (2) Lack of
competition from any other mammal
(4) Sweet potato (stem modification) and potato (3) Manyvarieties on the same island
(root modification) (4) Divergent evolution
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Alllndia Aakash Test Serles for NEET-2024 Test-2 (Code-B)
157. Select the correct match w.r.t. origin and evolution 162. Which of the following çorrectly explains Darwin's
of man. theory?
(1) Dryopithecus More man-like (1) Use and disuse of organs
(2) Nature selects organisms which can adapt well
(2) Australopithecines Fossils in an environment.
discovered in
(3) Mutations are random and directionless.
(4) Embryos pass through the adult stages of other
(3) Homo sapiens Arose In Africa animals.
(4) Homo erectus Lived near east 163. In 1953, S.L. Miller created electric discharge in a
and central Asla closed flask containing 'A', 'B', NHs and water
vapour at 800°C and observed the formation of 'C.
158. All of the following are ancestors of mammals,
except Identify 'A', 'B' and C' respectively and select the
correct option from the options given below.
(1) Sauropsids (2) Therapslds
(3) PelycOsaurs
(1) CHs, H20 and lipids
(4) Synapsids
159. Select the incorrect feature w.r.t. stabilising
(2) CH4,02 and polysaccharides
selection. (3) CH4, H2 and amino acids
(1) Peak gets higher and narrower in the (4) CH4, O2 and amino acids
distribution curve. 164. In a population of 1000 individuals, 160 have
(2) It can lead to stabilisation. attached earlobes, which is a recessive character.
Calculate the number of individuals who are
(3) More individuals may acquire peripheral heterozygous.
character value.
(1) 320 (2) 480
(4) More individuals acquire mean character value.
(3) 360 (4) 240
160. Select the odd one w.r.t. saltatlon.
165. All of the following are the possible ill-effects of
(1) Single step change contraceptives on the woman's body, except
(2) Cause of speciation (1) Nausea
(3) Large mutation
(2) Abdominal pain
(4) Gradual evolution
(3) Stillbirths
161. In England, after industriallsation, there were more
dark-winged moths than white-winged moths. This (4) Breakthrough bleeding
was due to industrial smoke and soot. 166. Which of the following does not occur in case of
This illustrates an example of vasectomy?
(1) Natural selection (1) There is no sperm in semen
(2) Co-evolution (2) No sperm occurs in seminiferous tubules
(3) Adaptive radiation (3) Sperms mature in epididymis
(4) Convergent evolution (4) Vas deferens is cut and tied
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Test-2 (Code-B) All India Aakash Test
167. AcOuple,
who is facing infertility issues, where the 172. Select the incorrect match w.r.t.
male partner has a very low sperm count, but the methods.
female is reproductively normal, will be preferably (1) Hormone releasing IUD
suggested which of the following ARTs? (2) Barrier method-Nirodh
(1)ZIFT (2) GIFT (3) Surgical method- Tubectomy
(3) A! (4) IUT (4) Oral contraceptive pill
evolved into the first
168. The similarity in Cu7 and Multiload 375 is that both 173. Which of the following animals water?
amphibians that lived on both land and
(1) Increase fertilising capacity of sperms 1
(1) Lobefins
(2) Inhibit menstruation
(2) lchthyosaurs
(3) Make the cervix hostile to sperms (3) Salamanders
(4) Suppress sperm motility (4) Mammals
Homo habilis was
169. Select the incorrect statement. 174. The cranial capacity of
(1) 1400 cc
(1) RTIs can lead to ectopic pregnancy.
effective if taken (2) 1350 cc
(2) Emergency contraceptives are (3) 650-800 cc
within 72 hours of coituS.
combinatioD with (4) 900 cc
(3) Estrogen alone or active by the time of
females as 175. Invertebrates were formed and
progestogen can be used. by
injections or implants. (1) 4 bya
sperms within (2) 500 mya
(4) IUDs increase phagocytosis of (3) 620 mya
the uterus.
(Amendment) act, 2017, a (4) 700 mya
170. According to MTP certain grounds 176. Apopulation will not exist in Hardy-Weinberg
pregnancy may be terminated onpregnancy on the equilibrium, if all of the following are present, except
within the first weeks of
practitioner. (1) Gene migration
opinionof one registered medical
in the blank. (2) Mutation
Choose the correct option to fill
(3) Genetic drift
(1) 12- 24 (2) 12
(4) 36 - 48
(4) Random mating
(3) 24 -36
population, explosion 177. Who believed mutation caused speciation and
171. The probable reasons for termed it as saltation?
include all of the following, except (1) Lamarck
(1) Rapid decline in bírth rate (2) Pasteur
(2) Decline in MMR (3) Darwin
(3) Decline in IMR (4) Hugo de Vries
people in reproducible age
(4) Increase in number of Space for Rough Work
All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2024 Test-2 (Code-B)
178. Forelimbs of bats and cheetahs are the 184. Oral contraceptive pills for females prevent
resultlexample of conception by inhibiting/preventing all of the
(1) Convergent evolution following, except
(2) Homologous organs (1) Implantation
(3) Analogous organs (2) Ovulation
(4) Anthropogenic action je (3) Entry of sperms through cervix
179. Which of the following scientists proposed that the (4) Spermiation
first form of life could have come from pre-existing 185. The fluid taken for the analysis of foetal cells in
non-living organic molecules? amniocentesis, is
(1) Oparin (1) Maternal blood
(2) S.L. Miller (2) Foetal blood
(3) Thomas Malthus (3) Amniotic fluid
(4) Ernst Haeckel .(4) CSF of foetus
180. First non-cellular forms life appeared SECTION-B
approximately how many years ago?
186. According to Darwin, variations are and
(1) 20 billion
(2) 3 billion
Select the correct option to fill the blanks
(3) 4 million respectively.
(4) 4.5 billion
(1) Random and directional
181. The ART in which embryos with more than 8 (2) Smalland directional
blastomeres are transferred into the uterus, is called
(3) Small and directionless
(1) ZIFT (2) IUT (4)' Random and directionless
(3) IUI (4) GIFT
187, Assertion (A): According to Pasteur, life comes
182. Aprocedure in which spermis directly injected into only from pre-existing life.
the ovum,is called.tofi .. Reason (R): Louis Pasteur demonstrated that in a
(1) Artificial insemination pre-sterilised flask, new organisms arose from killed
(2). ICSI yeast.
(3) GIFT In the light of above statements, select the correct
(4) ZIFT option.
183. One of the most widely accepted methods of (1) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
contraception in India i s t correct explanation of (A)
(1) Use of IUDs (2) Both (A)and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
(2) Coitus interruptus explanation of (A)
(3) Lactational amenorrhoea (3) (A) is true, (R) is false
(4) Use of vaults (4) Both (A) and (R) are false
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Test-2 (Code-B) AllIndia Aakash Test Series for NEET-2024
188. Match column Iwith column I| Homo erectus
(3) Australopithecines ’

Column I Column ll Neanderthal man ’ Modern Homo sapiens

Homo habilis
a Theory of Life came out of
(4) Ramapithecus
special Australopithecines ’ Modern Homo sapiens
decaying and rotting
creation materials 191. The incorrect feature w.rt 'Sahelr is that it
b Cosmozoic (ii) Earth is about 4000 (1) Prevents implantation
theory years old (2) Does not have any effect on
of coitus
C. Theory of (ii) Life came from pre (3) Is to be used only within 72 hours
chemical existing non-living (4) Developed at CDRI, Lucknow
evolution organic molecules diseases by all of the
192. One could be free of venereal
d. Theory of (iv) Units of life called options given below,except
spontaneous spores Were
generation transferred from (1) Avoid sex with multiple partners
different planets to (2) Avoid use of condoms during coitus
the earth (3) Avoid sex with unknowWn partners
Choose the correct option. (4) Goingto a qualified doctor in case of doubt
(1) a(i), b(iv), c(i), d(ii) (2) a(i), b(iv), c(ii), d(i) 193. Select the mismatch w.r.t contraceptive methods.
(3) a(iv), b(i), c(i), d(ii) (4) a(ii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i) (1) CuT- Copper releasing IUD
189. Consider the given features.
(2) Diaphragms - Barrier method
a. Early herbivore
(3) Coitus interruptus - Surgical method
b. Long necked
(4) Lactational amenorhea- Natural method
C. Longtail 194. Consider the given statements.
d. Walked with four legs
Statement A: Some of the land reptiles went back
e. Absence of horn and spikes into water to evolve into fish-like reptiles probably
correct w.r.t. which of the
Theabove features are 200 mya.
following dinosaurs? Statement B: Whales and dolphins are the only
(2) Stegosaurus
(1) Brachiosaurus aquatic mammals.
(3) Tyrannosaurus (4) Triceratops
Choose the correct. option.
sequence of origin of modern
190. Select the correct
Homo sapiens. (1) Only statement A is incorrect
Homo habilis (2) Only statement A is correct
(1) Homo erectus sapiens
Australopithecines ’ Modern Homo (3) Both statements A and Bare correct
Dryopithecus (4) Both statements A and B are incorrect
(2) Australopithecines sapiens
Homo erectus ’ Modern
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All India Aakash Tost Sorios (or NEET-2024 Test-2 (Code-B)
195. Select the correct option to complete the following 198. Which of the following theories attempted to explain
analogy. the origin of the universe?
Tasmanlan tiger cat : Bobcat : Spotted cuscus : (1) Big Bang theory
(1) Flying phalanger (2) Lemur (2) Theory of Spontaneous Generation
(3) Numbat (4) Mole (3) Theory of Panspermia
196. Select the Incorrect statement w.r.t, amnlocentesis. (4) Theory of Chemical Evolution
(1) It is used to test for the presence of Down's 199. The biggest reptile with huge fearsome dagger-like
syndrome. teeth was
(2) Survivability of foetus can be determined by this (1) Brachlosaurus
(3) It is banned in India for (2) Tyrannosaurus rex
legally check increasing menace of female
(3) Triceratops
foeticides. (4) Stegosaurus
(4) It can be used to detect cleft palate. 200. Select the odd one w.r.t. STIs which are not
197. How many of the contraceptlve methods given in the completely curable even if detected early and
box have similar mode of action?
treated properly.
Implants, Progestogen injections, Cervical (1) Hepatitis-B
caps, Lippes loop, Steroidal Contraceptive pills (2) Genital warts
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) Genital herpes
(3) 1 (4) 5 (4) HIV infections

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