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Effects of Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

Damage on Sugarcane Yield

Author(s): Hardev S. Sandhu, Gregg S. Nuessly, Ronald H. Cherry, Robert A.
Gilbert, and Susan E. Webb
Source: Journal of Economic Entomology, 104(2):474-483.
Published By: Entomological Society of America

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Effects of Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Damage

on Sugarcane Yield

J. Econ. Entomol. 104(2): 474Ð483 (2011); DOI: 10.1603/EC10172

ABSTRACT Feeding by lesser cornstalk borer, Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller) (Lepidoptera:
Pyralidae), larvae on sugarcane (a complex hybrid of Saccharum spp.) causes leaf damage, dead hearts,
and dead plants that can result in stand and yield loss. A 2-yr greenhouse experiment was conducted
to examine sugarcane variety and plant age-speciÞc feeding responses to E. lignosellus. Plants growing
from single-eye setts of three varieties were exposed to a single generation of E. lignosellus larvae
beginning at the three-, Þve-, and seven-leaf stages. Results indicated that the physical damage and
resulting yield loss of plants attacked by E. lignosellus larvae were dependent on the variety and leaf
stage at which they were infested. SigniÞcantly more plant damage was observed in all three varieties
when infested at the three- than at the seven-leaf stage. Larvae caused signiÞcantly more plant damage
and reduced yield in CP 89-2143 than in CP 78-1628. Tiller production increased in CP78 Ð1628 and
CP 88-1762 when infested at the three-leaf stage, whereas tiller production, biomass and sugar yield
decreased in CP 89-2143 when infested at all leaf stages, compared with the untreated control. There
was no reduction in yield when CP 78-1628 was infested at the three- or Þve-leaf stages. Biomass was
reduced in CP 88-1762 when plants were infested at any of the leaf stages, but sugar yield was reduced
only when infested at the seven-leaf stage. These results indicate that compensation in response to
E. lignosellus damage was variety dependent and declined with the delay in infestation time.

KEY WORDS CP 78-1628, CP 88-1762, CP 89-2143, compensation, lesser cornstalk borer

Florida is the leading sugarcane (a complex hybrid of push out to reveal one to several symmetrical rows of
Saccharum spp.)-producing state in the United States, holes (Schaaf 1974, Carbonell 1978). Leaves usually
with 162,348 ha of sugarcane valued at US$398.9 mil- break off above these points within a few weeks of
lion in 2008 (USDA 2008). The majority of the sug- expansion resulting in a loss of photosynthetic surface
arcane acreage is grown in Palm Beach, Martin, Hen- and nutrients.
dry, and Lee counties in southern Florida. Sugarcane “Compensation” enables plants respond positively
is vegetatively propagated by planting mature stalks. to an injury (Bardner and Fletcher 1974) and de-
New primary shoots grow from lateral buds at the creases the negative effect on yield (Pedigo 1991).
nodes soon after planting (Dillewijn 1952). Primary The ability of plants to withstand or recover from
shoots have many small internodes each with a lateral insect damage also is deÞned as “tolerance” by Painter
bud. These lateral buds develop into secondary shoots (1951). Sugarcane has a great capacity to compensate
that in turn may produce tertiary shoots. for mechanical damage to young shoots (up to 100%),
Lesser cornstalk borer, Elasmopalpus lignosellus but this capacity diminishes with plant age (Dillewijn
(Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), is a pest of many 1952). However, mechanical damage to 7-mo-old sug-
crops, including sugarcane (Falloon 1974). Larval arcane shoots also showed 50% compensatory growth
feeding on primary, secondary, and tertiary sugarcane (Demandt 1929). He showed that this compensation
shoots results in dead heart symptoms and dead plants was partly due to the production of new tillers and
that can translate into reduced sugarcane and sugar partly due to survival of the stalks that otherwise
yield at harvest (Sandhu et al. 2010). Nonlethal dam- would have died due to lack of nutrients in the pres-
age is caused when larvae only chew a few millimeters ence of the primary shoot. Loh et al. (1948) later
into the shoot and becomes evident when the leaves showed that mechanical removal (topping) of the
primary shoots increased the number of millable stalks
1 Everglades Research & Education Center, Institute of Food and (primary shoots and tillers ⱖ1.5 m in height) by 11.3%
Agricultural Services, University of Florida, 3200 E. Palm Beach Rd., and biomass yield by 25.9%.
Belle Glade, FL 33430. Shoots that die in response to E. lignosellus feeding
2 Corresponding author, e-mail: hardy@uß.edu.
3 Department of Entomology and Nematology, Institute of Food may not produce tillers; however, initial feeding dam-
and Agricultural Services, University of Florida, P.O. Box 110620, age does not always result in stand or yield loss. Car-
Gainesville, FL 32611. bonell (1978) reported 27.8% recovery in plant canes

0022-0493/11/0474Ð0483$04.00/0 䉷 2011 Entomological Society of America

April 2011 SANDHU ET AL.: SUGARCANE RESPONSE TO E. lignosellus 475

and 48.1% recovery in stubble canes in response to E. Þelds at Belle Glade and Moore Haven, FL. Larvae and
lignoselus damage. Information on variety speciÞc sug- adult E. lignosellus were collected from sugarcane
arcane recovery to E. lignosellus damage would be Þelds and added to the colony each month to improve
useful for the industry in their variety selection pro- heterogeneity and fecundity in the laboratory popu-
gram. This information is also important for develop- lation. The colony was maintained on a wheat germ-
ing damage thresholds for integrated management of and soy ßour-based artiÞcial diet as described in
this pest. The objective of this study was to document Sandhu et al. (2010). Third-instar larvae were used to
variety and age speciÞc feeding damage in sugarcane infest sugarcane plants. To produce larvae for the trial,
by lesser cornstalk borer larvae and the potential for Þrst- and second-instar larvae were removed from the
damaged plants to compensate for early season dam- artiÞcial diet and reared on three- to four-leaf stage
age. shoots of respective sugarcane varieties to avoid the
effect of host change on larval feeding. The choice to
infest plants by using third-instar larvae was based on
Materials and Methods
preliminary trials on greenhouse plants, where it was
Effects of damage caused by lesser cornstalk borer observed that Þrst and second instars had high mor-
on sugarcane growth and yield were evaluated in two, tality and their feeding on leaves did not cause major
11-mo greenhouse studies during 2008 (JanuaryÐ damage. Third-instar larvae move from leaves to the
November) and 2009 (November 2008 ÐSeptember soil to feed on shoots and tillers.
2009) conducted at the Everglades Research and Ed- Experiment Design. A randomized complete block
ucation Center (EREC), Belle Glade, FL. There are design with a 3 by 4 factorial arrangement was used
multiple varieties of sugarcane grown in this area during both experiment years to evaluate sugarcane
(Rice et al. 2009) that are attacked by lesser cornstalk response to E. lignosellus feeding damage. The factors
borer at different growth stages. The sugarcane vari- were three sugarcane varieties (CP 78-1628, CP 88-
eties CP 78-1628, CP 89-2143, and CP 88-1762 were 1762, and CP 89-2143) and three leaf stages infested
selected for this study. These varieties occupy the plus one control (i.e., no infestation and infestation at
greatest acreage grown on Immokalee Þne sand the three-, Þve-, and seven-leaf stages). The combi-
(sandy soil) where lesser cornstalk borer is considered nations of these factors were applied randomly to the
to be a major perennial problem (Rice et al. 2009). CP 12 buckets in each block. The buckets in each block
89-2143 and CP 88-1762 also were ranked as Þrst and were arranged in two rows of six buckets each in a fan-
second in total Florida sugarcane acreage. Three early and pad-cooled greenhouse at the EREC. Tempera-
growth stages (three-, Þve-, and seven-leaf stage) ture within the greenhouse was maintained within 3⬚C
were selected for infestation with lesser cornstalk of the ambient temperature outside the greenhouses
borer larvae based on damage reports during the Þrst for the duration of each trial. Each block was repli-
2Ð3 mo of sugarcane growth (Carbonell 1978). These cated 12⫻ in 2008 and 15⫻ in 2009. Four, third-instar
three selected growth stages were present ⬇3, 5, and (6 Ð7-d-old) larvae conditioned on sugarcane as above
8 wk after emergence of primary shoots. were released near the base of shoots in each bucket
Production of Sugarcane Plants. Mature stalks of with the aid of a camelÕs-hair brush at the respective
each variety were harvested from Þelds at the EREC leaf stages. The number of larvae per bucket was
to obtain viable buds for planting. Stalks were cut into selected based on preliminary trials on greenhouse
10-cm-long seed pieces each with one lateral bud (i.e., plants. Sugarcane in the buckets was exposed to a
single eye setts) and planted in plastic trays (50 by 36 single generation of lesser cornstalk borer. After com-
by 9.5 cm) Þlled with Immokalee Þne sand to germi- pletion of the larval stage, pupae were located in silken
nate the buds and produce primary shoots. Immokalee tunnels in the soil surrounding the plants and removed
Þne sand was used as a medium for plant growth by straining the top 6 cm of soil through 15 mesh
throughout the experiment. The lesser cornstalk borer screen. Timing for the completion of the larval stage
causes more damage in sandy soil than muck soil, and was estimated based on the results of temperature-
Immokalee Þne sand is one of the major sandy soils in dependent developmental studies on sugarcane seed-
the sugarcane-growing area around Lake Okeechobee lings in the laboratory (Sandhu et al. 2010).
in south central Florida. Two days after the emergence Damage Assessment. Feeding damage was recorded
of primary shoots, uniform-sized seedlings were se- for primary shoots and tillers in each bucket. Second-
lected and transplanted to 19.0-liter (5-gal) buckets ary and tertiary shoots are referred to as tillers in this
(two seedlings per bucket) Þlled with Immokalee Þnd report. The number of dead hearts, number of shoots
sand. Plants were fertilized by adding 50 g of ammo- with symmetrical rows of holes in leaves, and number
nium sulfate and 20 g of a balanced granular fertilizer of dead plants per bucket were recorded weekly for 3
(14 Ð14 Ð14) to the soil of each bucket at planting time wk starting 1 wk after infestation at each leaf stage.
and again every 3 mo until harvest. Irrigation was The last sample date for each leaf stage was within a
applied every 2 d. week after the insects completed larval development.
Insect Rearing. Insects used in this study were ob- Plants were counted as dead hearts if feeding lead to
tained from a laboratory colony of lesser cornstalk chlorosis and necrosis of the unfurled leaves in the
borer maintained at EREC. The colony was started 4 whorl of primary shoots or tillers. A plant with damage
mo before the start of the experiment by using larvae that led to necrosis of all the aboveground plant tissues
and adults of E. lignosellus collected from sugarcane in both primary shoot and tillers was counted as a dead

Table 1. Summary of test statistics with effects of sampling date, variety, leaf stage and their interaction on plant damage by E.
lignosellus to sugarcane in 2008 and 2009

Source of 2008 2009

Feeding damage
variation df F P df F P
Dead hearts Sampling date 2, 264 4.02 0.0191 2, 313 5.94 0.0029
Variety (V) 2, 264 1.77 0.1730 2, 18.7 2.00 0.1636
Leaf stage (LS) 3, 264 270.08 ⬍0.0001 3, 24.5 531.85 ⬍0.0001
V ⫻ LS 6, 264 2.79 0.0120 6, 24.5 1.04 0.4216
Rows of holes in leaves Sampling date 2, 264 4.66 0.0102 2, 313 11.22 ⬍0.0001
Variety (V) 2, 264 6.97 0.0011 2, 17.9 1.23 0.3148
Leaf stage (LS) 3, 264 86.83 ⬍0.0001 3, 24.7 261.73 ⬍0.0001
V ⫻ LS 6, 264 1.38 0.2209 6, 24.7 2.58 0.0444
Dead plants Sampling date 2, 264 1.02 0.3634 2, 312 6.31 0.0021
Variety (V) 2, 264 118.93 0.0001 2, 19.1 5.82 0.0106
Leaf stage (LS) 3, 264 132.50 ⬍0.0001 3, 24.2 77.17 ⬍0.0001
V ⫻ LS 6, 264 24.57 ⬍0.0001 6, 24.2 1.58 0.1956

Analysis of variance (PROC MIXED, SAS Institute 2008).

plant. Buckets were Þrst observed for dead plants, used as the repeated variable and were nested under
then dead hearts and then holes in the leaves. Plants treatment combinations in the repeated measures
counted as dead were not counted as dead hearts, and statement. Several covariance structures were Þtted to
plants with dead hearts were not counted as plants the data. The compound symmetry type (Littell et al.
with holes in leaves. The number of tillers per bucket 1998) provided the best (lowest) Þt statistic and was
was counted 4 mo after emergence to account for used for the analysis. Percentage data were arcsine
varietal and leaf stage differences in tiller production. transformed before analysis and retransformed for
Sugarcane Yield Assessment. Sugarcane yield was presentation purposes. Sugarcane variety, leaf stage at
determined using the number and weight of millable infestation, and their interaction were Þxed effects in
stalks (biomass yield), and the sucrose concentration the analysis of variance (ANOVA) model. Replicates
(sugar yield) of juice squeezed from those stalks. Mill- and their interaction with the main plots were used as
able stalks are primary shoots and tillers ⬎1.5 m in random effects in the model.
height and are traditionally counted 8 mo after the Þrst Yield traits were recorded at the end of each ex-
emergence of sugarcane shoots. Millable stalks are periment (i.e., no repeated measures); therefore, the
counted 3 mo before harvesting, because the possible data were analyzed using the PROC GLM procedure
lodging in sugarcane at harvest time interferes with for a factorial design (SAS Institute 2008). Sugarcane
determining the height and exact number of millable variety, leaf stage at infestation, and their interactions
stalks. Millable stalks from each bucket were har- were used as Þxed effects in the ANOVA model. Rep-
vested 11 mo after sugarcane emergence. Individual licates and their interaction with the main plots were
stalks were weighed separately, and biomass yield used as random effects in the model. Orthogonal con-
(kilograms per bucket) was calculated as the product trasts (SAS Institute 2008) were used for mean sepa-
of the number of millable stalks and the mean stalk ration among treatments where ANOVA F values were
weight in each bucket. To determine sugar concen- signiÞcant at the P ⬍ 0.10 level. Orthogonal contrasts
tration, two randomly selected millable stalks per were used due to the incomplete factorial experimen-
bucket from each block were milled and crusher juice- tal design and for better comparisons between the
analyzed for brix and pol values as described by Gil- untreated control and treatments.
bert et al. (2008). These values were used to calculate
sugar yield (kilograms per bucket) according to the
theoretically recoverable sugar method (Glaz et al.
Analysis. The data on response variables (dead Damage. The study year affected the percentage of
hearts, holes in the leaves, dead plants, number of dead plants at P ⫽ 0.0001 (F ⫽ 301.99; df ⫽ 1, 883; P ⬍
tillers, millabe stalk count, biomass yield, and sugar 0.0001) and the percentage of plants with dead hearts
yield) were recorded for each bucket and analyzed for at P ⫽ 0.06 (F ⫽ 3.73; df ⫽ 1, 884; P ⫽ 0.0538);
the effect of year, varieties, infested leaf stages, and therefore, the data on all damage types were analyzed
their interactions. The PROC MIXED procedure (SAS separately for 2008 and 2009 (Table 1). The study year
Institute 2008) with the repeated measures statement was not a signiÞcant source of variation in the model
was used to analyze the damage data due to the po- for percentage of plants with holes in the leaves (F ⫽
tential covariance structure associated with repeated 0.01; df ⫽ 1, 879; P ⫽ 0.9401). Sampling date also
damage assessments over time in the same locations. signiÞcantly affected the measured damage parame-
Degrees of freedom were calculated in PROC MIXED ters (Table 1); therefore, the mean percentage of dead
by using the KenwardÐRoger correction. Normality of hearts, leaves with holes, and dead plants were pre-
the data were tested with the Shapiro-Wilk normality sented by date (Fig. 1AÐF). The data for untreated
test (Shapiro and Wilk 1965). Sampling dates were controls were not included in the Þgures because
April 2011 SANDHU ET AL.: SUGARCANE RESPONSE TO E. lignosellus 477

Fig. 1. Percentage of sugarcane plants damaged by E. lignosellus by variety, leaf stage, and sample date: dead hearts in
2008 (A) and 2009 (B), holes in leaves in 2008 (C) and 2009 (D), and dead plants in 2008 (E) and 2009 (F).

there was no feeding damage observed in the un- (Table 1) in the model; the earlier the plants were
treated controls. infested, the greater the resulting dead heart symp-
Dead hearts were the most commonly observed toms were produced. The percentage of plants with
result of E. lignosellus feeding damage to sugarcane. dead hearts was greater in the sequence three- ⬎
The change in the percentage of dead hearts with Þve- ⬎ seven-leaf stage (Fig. 1A and B). Although
sampling dates varied with the variety and the leaf variety alone was not a signiÞcant source of variation
stage at which the plants were infested (Fig. 1A and in the model for dead hearts in either year, the sig-
B). Leaf stage was a signiÞcant source of variation niÞcant affect of sample dates and leaf stages com-

bined to produce too much variation to separate out than CP 89-2143 (Table 3). Buckets infested at the
the varieties when the data were pooled across time three- and Þve-leaf stages produced signiÞcantly more
and leaf stage. The variety ⫻ leaf stage interaction was tillers than those infested at the seven-leaf stage in
also a signiÞcant source of variation (Table 1) in the 2008, but there was no difference among the leaf stages
model for dead hearts in 2008. In all three varieties, for tiller production in 2009. The variety ⫻ leaf stage
plants infested at the three-leaf stage had a greater interaction was not a signiÞcant source (at P ⫽ 0.05)
percentage of plants with dead hearts than those in- of variation in either year. However, leaf stage signif-
fested at the seven-leaf stage. icantly (P ⬍ 0.10) affected the number of tillers pro-
Symmetrical rows of holes in the leaves were the duced by CP 78-1628 and CP 88-1762 in 2008 with
second most commonly observed damage by E. ligno- more tillers produced when infested at the three-leaf
sellus feeding on sugarcane. The change in the per- than at the seven-leaf stage or in the untreated control
centage of leaves with holes among sampling dates also (Table 2). In 2009, damage at all the leaf stages re-
varied with the variety and the leaf stage at which the sulted in fewer tillers produced CP 89-2143 than in the
plants were infested (Fig. 1C and D). Leaf stage was untreated control (Table 3).
a signiÞcant source of variation in the model for per- Sugarcane Yield Traits. Yield traits refer to the num-
centage of leaves with holes in both years (Table 1). ber of millable stalks, biomass yield, and sugar yield.
In contrast to dead hearts, mean percentage of plants The experiment year (df ⫽ 1, 322) was again a sig-
with holes in the leaves was greater in late-infested niÞcant source of variation in the models for numbers
(seven-leaf stage) than early-infested (three-leaf of millable stalks (F ⫽ 88.28, P ⬍ 0.0001), biomass yield
stage) plants (Fig. 1C and D). The mean percentage (F ⫽ 49.78, P ⬍ 0.0001), and sugar yield (F ⫽ 11.83, P ⫽
of plants with holes in the leaves at the seven-leaf stage 0.0007). Therefore, the data were analyzed separately
was signiÞcantly greater than at the Þve-leaf stage, and for 2008 and 2009. The signiÞcant year affect resulted
more were found on plants infested at the Þve-leaf from greater yields in 2009 than in 2008. Overall there
stage than at the three-leaf stage in all three varieties. was approximately one extra stalk produced per
However, variety was signiÞcant only in 2008 and the bucket in 2009 than in 2008, which lead to a 0.75-kg
variety ⫻ leaf stage interaction was signiÞcant only in increase in biomass yield and a 0.5-kg increase in sugar
2009. Among varieties in 2008, CP 88-1762 had a yield per bucket in 2009 than in 2008. Mean ⫾ SEM
greater percentage of plants with holes in leaves than values of yield traits for 2008 and 2009 are presented
CP 89-2143. in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.
Dead plants were the third type of observed damage The number of millable stalks per bucket was sig-
caused by E. lignosellus feeding on sugarcane. The niÞcantly affected by variety and variety ⫻ leaf stage
variation in percentages of dead plants among sam- in 2008 (Table 2). In 2009, both main effects and their
pling dates was dependent upon the variety and the interaction were signiÞcant sources of variation in the
infested leaf stage (Fig. 1E and F). Variety and leaf model (Table 3). More millable stalks were produced
stage were signiÞcant sources of variation in the model by CP 78-1628 followed by CP 88-1762 and then by CP
for dead plants in both years, but the variety ⫻ leaf 89-2143 in both years (Tables 2 and 3). Plants infested
stage interaction was signiÞcant only in 2008 (Table at the three-leaf stage produced more millable stalks
1). Among varieties, CP 89-2143 had a signiÞcantly than when infested at the seven-leaf stage in 2009
greater percentage of dead plants than the other two (Table 3). E. lignosellus damage to CP 78-1628 at the
varieties (Fig. 1E and F). The mean percentages of three-leaf stage in 2008 (Table 2) and at the three- and
plants that died when infested at the three- and Þve- Þve-leaf stages in 2009 (Table 3) resulted in increased
leaf stages were signiÞcantly greater than when in- millable stalk production over the untreated controls
fested at the seven-leaf stage. Infestation at the three- and those damaged at the seven-leaf stage. In CP
and Þve-leaf stages in CP 78-1628 and CP 88-1762, and 88-1762, plants infested at the three-leaf stage pro-
at the three-leaf stage in CP 89-2143 produced greater duced more millable stalks than plants infested at the
percentages of dead plants than when infested at the seven-leaf stage in 2009. SigniÞcantly fewer millable
seven-leaf stage in each variety. No CP 78-1628 plants stalks were produced by CP 89-2143 when plants were
died when infested at the seven-leaf stage; however, infested at all three-leaf stages compared with the
early infestation of CP 89-2143 caused the greatest untreated control in 2008 (Table 2).
percentage of plant deaths. Biomass yield was signiÞcantly affected by variety
Tiller Production. Experiment year signiÞcantly af- and leaf stage in both study years (Tables 2 and 3).
fected tiller production (F ⫽ 34.85; df ⫽ 1, 322; P ⬍ Biomass yield was the greatest in CP 78-1628 followed
0.0001) with approximately one additional tiller pro- by CP 88-1762 and then by CP 89-2143 in 2008 (Table
duced per bucket in 2009 than in 2008. Due to the 2), whereas CP 78-1628 and CP 88-1762 produced
signiÞcant year affect, the data were analyzed sepa- similar biomass yields that were both greater than CP
rately for 2008 and 2009. Variety and leaf stage in 2008 89-2143 (Table 3). In 2008 and 2009, untreated control
and only variety in 2009 were the signiÞcant sources plants produced greater biomass yield than plants in-
of variation in the model for number of tillers per fested at all three-leaf stages, and plants infested at the
bucket in both years (Tables 2 and 3). CP 78-1628 three- and Þve-leaf stages produced greater biomass
produced the greatest number of tillers followed by yield than those infested at the seven-leaf stage. Bio-
CP 88-1762 and CP 89-2143 in 2008 (Table 2). In 2009, mass yield in each variety was signiÞcantly affected by
both CP 78-1628 and CP 88-1762 produced more tillers leaf age in both study years (Tables 2 and 3). Biomass
April 2011 SANDHU ET AL.: SUGARCANE RESPONSE TO E. lignosellus 479

Table 2. Sugarcane tillers and yield measurements (least mean square ⴞ SEM) in 2008 study comparing varieties, leaf stages, and
their interaction

Tillersa Millable stalksb Biomass yieldc Sugar yieldd

Main effect
CP 78-1628 4.3 ⫾ 0.14A 3.6 ⫾ 0.10A 2.6 ⫾ 0.08A 0.26 ⫾ 0.009A
CP 88-1762 3.8 ⫾ 0.14B 3.2 ⫾ 0.10B 2.2 ⫾ 0.08B 0.23 ⫾ 0.009B
CP 89-2143 3.1 ⫾ 0.14C 2.2 ⫾ 0.10C 1.9 ⫾ 0.08C 0.21 ⫾ 0.009B
F; P; df ⫽ 2, 66 18.54; ⬍0.0001 46.71; ⬍0.0001 22.24; ⬍0.0001 7.98; 0.0008
Leaf stage
Untreated (un) 3.8 ⫾ 0.16ab 3.1 ⫾ 0.12 2.7 ⫾ 0.09a 0.28 ⫾ 0.011a
3-leaf (3L) 4.1 ⫾ 0.16a 3.2 ⫾ 0.12 2.3 ⫾ 0.09b 0.24 ⫾ 0.011b
5-leaf (5L) 3.8 ⫾ 0.16a 3.0 ⫾ 0.12 2.1 ⫾ 0.09b 0.23 ⫾ 0.011b
7-leaf (7L) 3.4 ⫾ 0.16b 2.8 ⫾ 0.12 1.8 ⫾ 0.09c 0.18 ⫾ 0.011c
F; P; df ⫽ 3, 66 3.88; 0.0129 1.64; 0.1895 19.39; ⬍0.0001 16.25; ⬍0.0001
Interaction effects
Variety ⫻ leaf stage
CP 78-1628 ⫻ un 4.0 ⫾ 0.27b 3.3 ⫾ 0.17b 2.9 ⫾ 0.17a 0.30 ⫾ 0.021a
CP 78-1628 ⫻ 3L 4.9 ⫾ 0.27a 3.9 ⫾ 0.17a 2.9 ⫾ 0.17a 0.28 ⫾ 0.021a
CP 78-1628 ⫻ 5L 4.5 ⫾ 0.27ab 3.8 ⫾ 0.17ab 2.6 ⫾ 0.17b 0.27 ⫾ 0.021a
CP 78-1628 ⫻ 7L 4.0 ⫾ 0.27b 3.3 ⫾ 0.17b 2.1 ⫾ 0.17c 0.19 ⫾ 0.021b
F; P; df ⫽ 3, 44 2.59; 0.0644 3.20; 0.0323 5.23; 0.0036 4.86; 0.0053
CP 88-1762 ⫻ un 3.7 ⫾ 0.31bc 3.1 ⫾ 0.18 2.7 ⫾ 0.11a 0.28 ⫾ 0.014a
CP 88-1762 ⫻ 3L 4.5 ⫾ 0.31a 3.6 ⫾ 0.18 2.2 ⫾ 0.11b 0.24 ⫾ 0.014a
CP 88-1762 ⫻ 5L 4.0 ⫾ 0. 31ab 3.2 ⫾ 0.18 2.1 ⫾ 0.11b 0.23 ⫾ 0.014a
CP 88-1762 ⫻ 7L 3.2 ⫾ 0. 31c 3.0 ⫾ 0.18 1.7 ⫾ 0.11b 0.17 ⫾ 0.014b
F; P; df ⫽ 3, 44 3.37; 0.0268 2.03; 0.1242 12.76; ⬍0.0001 10.12; ⬍0.0001
CP 89-2143 ⫻ un 3.7 ⫾ 0.24 2.8 ⫾ 0.25 2.6 ⫾ 0.19a 0.27 ⫾ 0.022a
CP 89-2143 ⫻ 3L 3.0 ⫾ 0.24 2.0 ⫾ 0.25 1.8 ⫾ 0.19b 0.20 ⫾ 0.022b
CP 89-2143 ⫻ 5L 3.0 ⫾ 0.24 2.1 ⫾ 0.25 1.7 ⫾ 0.19b 0.19 ⫾ 0.022b
CP 89-2143 ⫻ 7L 2.9 ⫾ 0.24 2.1 ⫾ 0.25 1.5 ⫾ 0.19b 0.17 ⫾ 0.022b
F; P; df ⫽ 3, 44 2.18; 0.1039 2.01; 0.1265 5.94; 0.0017 3.62; 0.0203

Means separation tests (orthogonal contrasts, SAS Institute 2008) were performed where ANOVA F values (Proc GLM, SAS Institute 2008)
were signiÞcant at P ⱕ 0.10. Means followed by different letters in a column are signiÞcantly different. Uppercase letters indicate differences
among varieties (main effects). Lowercase letters indicate differences among leaf stages (main effects) and among leaf stages of the same variety
(interaction effects).
Number of secondary and tertiary shoots.
Number of stalks ⱖ1.5 m in height.
Total weight (kilograms) of millable stalks in each bucket.
Raw sugar weight (kilograms per bucket) calculated from brix and pol values by using the theoretically recoverable sugar method (Glaz
et al. 2002).

yield in CP 78-1628 was signiÞcantly reduced com- at the Þve- and seven-leaf stages in 2009 (Table 3). E.
pared with the untreated control when infested at the lignosellus damage to CP 89-2143 caused signiÞcant
Þve- and seven-leaf stages in 2008 (Table 2) and at the sugar yield losses at all the infested leaf stages com-
seven-leaf stage in 2009 (Table 3). In both CP 88-1762 pared with untreated controls in both years (Tables 2
and CP 89-2143, the biomass yield was signiÞcantly and 3).
lower when infested at all leaf stages compared with
the untreated control in both years (Tables 2 and 3).
Sugar yield was signiÞcantly affected by variety and
leaf stage in both years (Tables 2 and 3). Sugar yields Damage. Feeding damage to the plants occurred
were signiÞcantly greater in CP 88-1762 than in the over the 2Ð3 wk required for the third instar larvae to
other two varieties in both years (Tables 2 and 3), and complete development to the pupal stage. Dead hearts
greater in CP 88-1762 than in CP 89-2143 in 2008 and dead plants can be recognized soon after larval
(Table 2). In both years, plants had lower sugar yield feeding cuts off the supply of water to the shoots and
compared with the untreated control when infested at tillers from the roots. Expression of the symmetrical
all leaf stages, and those infested at the seven-leaf stage rows of holes in leaves is delayed for at least 1 wk as
had less sugar yield than those infested at the three- the leaves expand from within the stems to reveal the
and Þve-leaf stages (Tables 2 and 3). Sugar yield in damage. Damage symptoms were expressed as per-
each variety was signiÞcantly affected by leaf age in centages of damaged shoots and tillers to standardize
both study years (Tables 2 and 3). In CP 78-1628, the results across replicates and treatments, because
damage by lesser cornstalk borer resulted in sugar plants in each bucket grew and produced new tillers
yield reductions compared with the untreated control at different rates in response to the treatments. In-
only when infested at the seven-leaf stage in both creases in the observed percentage damage symptoms
years. Sugar yield in CP 88-1762 was signiÞcantly re- between sample dates resulted from continued dam-
duced compared with the untreated control when age by larvae and delayed expression of symptoms
infested at the seven-leaf stage in 2008 (Table 2) and relative to the number of undamaged shoots. De-

Table 3. Sugarcane tillers and yield measurements (least mean square ⴞ SEM) in 2009 study comparing varieties, leaf stages, and
their interaction

Tillersa Millable stalksb Biomass yieldc Sugar yieldd

Main effect
CP 78-1628 5.4 ⫾ 0.18A 4.7 ⫾ 0.10A 3.1 ⫾ 0.06A 0.30 ⫾ 0.001A
CP 88-1762 5.1 ⫾ 0.18A 4.4 ⫾ 0.10B 3.0 ⫾ 0.06A 0.28 ⫾ 0.001B
CP 89Ð2143 3.6 ⫾ 0.18B 3.2 ⫾ 0.10C 2.5 ⫾ 0.06B 0.22 ⫾ 0.001C
F; P; df ⫽ 2, 84 30.45; ⬍0.0001 64.39; ⬍0.0001 29.97; ⬍0.0001 33.64; ⬍0.0001
Leaf stage
Untreated (un) 4.8 ⫾ 0.21 4.2 ⫾ 0.11a 3.6 ⫾ 0.07a 0.33 ⫾ 0.008a
3-leaf (3L) 4.9 ⫾ 0.21 4.3 ⫾ 0.11a 3.0 ⫾ 0.07b 0.28 ⫾ 0.008b
5-leaf (5L) 4.6 ⫾ 0.21 4.1 ⫾ 0.11a 2.8 ⫾ 0.07b 0.26 ⫾ 0.008b
7-leaf (7L) 4.5 ⫾ 0.21 3.6 ⫾ 0.11b 2.1 ⫾ 0.07c 0.19 ⫾ 0.008c
F; P; df ⫽ 3, 84 0.80; 0.4968 7.36; 0.0002 76.63; ⬍0.0001 49.11; ⬍0.0001
Interaction effects
Variety ⫻ leaf stage
CP 78-1628 ⫻ un 5.0 ⫾ 0.33 4.4 ⫾ 0.19b 3.7 ⫾ 0.14a 0.35 ⫾ 0.016a
CP 78-1628 ⫻ 3L 6.0 ⫾ 0.33 5.3 ⫾ 0.20a 3.6 ⫾ 0.13a 0.33 ⫾ 0.014a
CP 78-1628 ⫻ 5L 5.5 ⫾ 0.33 5.1 ⫾ 0.20a 3.3 ⫾ 0.13a 0.31 ⫾ 0.014a
CP 78-1628 ⫻ 7L 5.1 ⫾ 0.33 4.0 ⫾ 0.20c 2.0 ⫾ 0.13b 0.21 ⫾ 0.014b
F; P; df ⫽ 3, 56 1.82; 0.1534 9.80; ⬍0.0001 28.43; ⬍0.0001 14.38; ⬍0.0001
CP 88-1762 ⫻ un 5.0 ⫾ 0.41 4.3 ⫾ 0.19ab 3.6 ⫾ 0.15a 0.34 ⫾ 0.014a
CP 88-1762 ⫻3L 5.6 ⫾ 0.36 4.9 ⫾ 0.20a 3.1 ⫾ 0.13b 0.30 ⫾ 0.014ab
CP 88-1762 ⫻ 5L 5.1 ⫾ 0.36 4.3 ⫾ 0.20ab 3.0 ⫾ 0.13b 0.28 ⫾ 0.014b
CP 88-1762 ⫻ 7L 4.9 ⫾ 0.36 3.9 ⫾ 0.20b 2.1 ⫾ 0.13c 0.19 ⫾ 0.014c
F; P; df ⫽ 3, 56 0.62; 0.6043 4.20; 0.0095 17.00; ⬍0.0001 20.64; ⬍0.0001
CP 89-2143 ⫻ un 4.4 ⫾ 0.30a 4.0 ⫾ 0.24a 3.6 ⫾ 0.18a 0.31 ⫾ 0.018a
CP 89-2143 ⫻ 3L 3.1 ⫾ 0.36b 2.8 ⫾ 0.20b 2.2 ⫾ 0.13b 0.21 ⫾ 0.014b
CP 89-2143 ⫻ 5L 3.4 ⫾ 0.36b 3.0 ⫾ 0.20b 2.1 ⫾ 0.13b 0.19 ⫾ 0.014b
CP 89-2143 ⫻ 7L 3.4 ⫾ 0.36b 3.0 ⫾ 0.20b 2.0 ⫾ 0.13b 0.18 ⫾ 0.014b
F; P; df ⫽ 3, 56 3.80; 0.0150 5.09; 0.0035 17.91; ⬍0.0001 11.03; ⬍0.0001

Means separation tests (orthogonal contrasts, SAS Institute 2008) were performed where ANOVA F values (Proc GLM, SAS Institute 2008)
were signiÞcant at P ⱕ 0.10. Means followed by different letters in a column are signiÞcantly different. Uppercase letters indicate differences
among varieties (main effects). Lowercase letters indicate differences among leaf stages (main effects) and among leaf stages of the same variety
(interaction effects).
Number of secondary and tertiary shoots.
Number of stalks ⱖ1.5 m in height.
Total weight (kilograms) of millable stalks in each bucket.
Raw sugar weight (kilograms per bucket) calculated from brix and pol values by using the theoretically recoverable sugar method (Glaz
et al. 2002).

creases in the observed percentage of dead hearts and number of sclerenchymatous cell layers play an im-
symmetrical rows of holes between sample dates re- portant role in imparting resistance against stem bor-
sulted from the emergence of new tillers that in- ers. Varietal differences in percentage lesser cornstalk
creased the number of undamaged shoots relative to borer damage also were reported by Chang and Ota
the number of damaged shoots. Larvae occasionally (1989), with ⬍5% dead hearts in sugarcane varieties
cut through the unfurled leaves above the growth H83-6818 and H83-7498 compared with 23% dead
point, resulting in initial dead heart symptoms. But hearts in H77-6359. Similar varietal differences have
continued expansion of the undamaged leaf tissue been reported for damage caused by other pyralid
pushed out the dead leaf material nearby reverting stem borers. Bessin et al. (1990) reported seasonal
the shoot or tiller into the undamaged category at the differences in injury by sugarcane borer, Diatraea
subsequent sample date. Decreases in the percentage saccharalis (F.) among tested sugarcane clones that
of dead plants between sample dates resulted from the may have been due to resistance to stalk entry or
eruption of new tillers above the soil surface from antibiosis (larval survival). Pfannenstiel and Meagher
plants that showed no visible signs of life at the pre- (1991) reported signiÞcant differences among sugar-
vious sample date. cane varieties to injury by the Mexican rice borer,
Plant deaths caused by lesser cornstalk borer feed- Eoreuma loftini (Dyar).
ing varied with sugarcane variety and leaf stage at Infestation at the three- and Þve-leaf stages resulted
infestation. CP 89-2143 displayed greater susceptibil- in greater percentages of dead hearts and dead plants
ity to lesser cornstalk borer damage than the other two than when infested at the seven-leaf stage. Infestation
varieties. Damage differences among varieties may be at the seven-leaf stage resulted in a greater percentage
due to morphological, physiological, or biochemical of plants with symmetrical rows of holes in the leaves.
resistance in plants. Agarwal (1969) reported that the This may be due to increasing stem thickness with
physical and chemical make-up of sugarcane plants plant age that allowed fewer larvae to penetrate to the
greatly inßuences their protection from insect dam- stem core to cause dead hearts. In maize, Rojanaridi-
age. He reported that cell wall ligniÞcation and the piched et al. (1984) found that the silica and lignin
April 2011 SANDHU ET AL.: SUGARCANE RESPONSE TO E. lignosellus 481

content of some varieties increased with age and were at the vegetative stage by the stem borer Scirpophaga
major factors of resistance to stem borers at later plant incertulas (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (Rubia
development stages. Greater Þber content has been et al. 1990, 1996) by producing new vegetative (Soe-
shown to generally increase D. saccharalis mortality in jitno 1979, Tian 1981) and reproductive tillers (Luo
sugarcane (Mathes and Charpentier 1962). 1987). They also indicated that 33% dead hearts in
Tiller Production. The increased number of tillers 30-d-old plants did not have a signiÞcant effect on
produced in 2009 compared with 2008 may have re- productive tillers or grain yield. Jiang and Cheng
sulted from different planting times. Sugarcane was (2003) reported that rice plants infested with Asiatic
planted in January for the 2008 trial and in November rice borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera:
for the 2009 trials. Higher temperatures normally pres- Crambidae), produced approximately one more tiller
ent in southern Florida during November and De- than untreated control plants 2 wk after infestation.
cember relative to January may have resulted in en- Studies also have shown that low insect infestation
hanced initial growth of the sugarcane plants. levels at early growth stages may increase plant yield
The three varieties tested in this study produced in Þeld beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Banks and
signiÞcantly different numbers of tillers in response to Macaulay 1967); wheat (Triticum spp. L.) (Gouch
feeding by lesser cornstalk borer at different leaf 1947, Bardner 1968); potato, Solanum tuberosum L.
stages. Although signiÞcantly more primary and sec- (Skuhravy 1968); and cotton (Gossypium spp. L.)
ondary shoots of CP 78-1628 and CP 88-1762 were (Kincade et al. 1970).
killed when infested at the three- and Þve-leaf stages Sugarcane Yield Traits. Biomass and sugar yields
compared with no shoot loss in the untreated control, were greater in 2009 than in 2008. This resulted from
there was no difference in the number of tillers among increased tiller and millable stalk production in the
these treatments when sampled after 4 mo. This result second year over the Þrst year of the study. Although
is probably due to increased tiller production in the the mean number of millable stalks produced by the
infested plants that compensated for the shoots killed untreated controls was less than or equivalent to the
by lesser cornstalk borer during the Þrst 2 mo of number produced by CP 78-1628 and CP 88-1762 in-
growth. Increased tiller production in infested plants fested at the three- and Þve-leaf stages, biomass yields
may be the result of changes in “growth-regulating of untreated plants were greater than or equivalent to
substances” in damaged primary shoots (Dillewijn infested plants. The greater biomass yield in the un-
1952). Changes in sourceÐsink relationship due to treated controls than in the infested leaf stages was
damaged primary shoots may also be responsible for due to greater millable stalk weight in the untreated
increased tiller production (Trumble et al. 1993). controls, because biomass yield was a product of the
They reported that the injury to rice stem tissue can number of millable stalks and stalk weight in each
reduce the ability of a plant or tiller to capture light bucket. This disparity in millable stalk weight among
and nutrients, resulting in increased availability of treatments was probably due to proportionately fewer
these resources to neighboring plants or tillers. Lower primary shoots remaining and more tillers produced in
tiller production in plants infested late rather than early-infested than in untreated control plants at har-
early may be due to lesser cornstalk borer larval dam- vest. Early research by Rodrigúes (1928) observed a
age to both tillers and primary shoots of the seven-leaf gradient in stalk weight and sugar content among
stage plants. In early-infested plants, only primary shoots with primary shoots having the greatest weight
shoots were damaged because tillers had not yet de- and “richest juice” (i.e., greater brix values) followed
veloped. Larvae completed their development by the by secondary and then tertiary tillers.
time of tiller emergence in early-infested leaf stages Although all the varieties were infested with the
allowing these tillers to escape injury. Tillers had al- same number of lesser cornstalk borer larvae at each
ready emerged by the time of the seven-leaf stage infested leaf stage, there were signiÞcant differences
infestation and both primary shoots and tillers were in the responses to plant feeding damage that varied
available for borer damage. The greater percentage of by leaf stage, variety and their interaction. Similar
dead plants in CP 89-2143 probably reduced the po- levels of damage resulted in signiÞcant differences in
tential compensation from production of secondary responses by variety. At the last sample date for plants
and tertiary shoots compared with the other two va- infested at the three-leaf stage over the two study
rieties. years, 60 Ð 64% dead hearts resulted in no signiÞcant
Compensation through increased tiller production yield loss in CP 78-1628, whereas 66 Ð 68% dead hearts
in response to damage also was observed by Carbonell resulted in a 11Ð18% yield loss in CP 88-1762, and
(1978), who reported the recovery of lesser cornstalk 74 Ð 88% dead hearts resulted in a 25Ð38% yield loss in
borer-damaged sugarcane plants through production CP 89-2143. Across the three varieties tested, the re-
of additional tillers. Similarly, Hall (1990) and Cherry sults of this trial indicated a 14 Ð16% loss in yield when
and Stansly (2009) reported that early stand loss due attacked at the three-leaf stage with a 35% increase in
to wireworm (Elateridae) damage was compensated loss between the three- and Þve-leaf stages and an-
by increased tiller production during the sugarcane other 100% increase in loss between the Þve- and
growing season. Compensatory plant growth in re- seven-leaf stages. Based on these Þgures, plant cane
sponse to insect damage caused at early growth stages producers would be warranted to apply an effective
also has been reported in many other Þeld crops. For control strategy at the Þrst sign of dead hearts or dead
example, rice, Oryza sativa L., compensates for injury plants to prevent increasingly signiÞcant yield losses

up to at least 8 wk postemergence. Likewise, scouting In summary, the lesser cornstalk borerÕs ability to
efforts should increase as the plants age, because yield cause damage to sugarcane was dependent on variety
losses increase as the age at Þrst attack increases, at and time of infestation. Equal numbers of lesser corn-
least to the seven-leaf stage. The varieties CP 78-1628 stalk borer larvae produced more dead hearts and
and CP 88-1762 compensated for plant damage by dead plants in CP 89-2143 than in CP 78-1628 and CP
increasing tiller production above that of the un- 88-1762. Infestation of plants at the three- and Þve-leaf
treated control when infested at the three- and Þve- stages produced more dead hearts and dead plants
leaf stages. This trend was carried into the number of than infestation at the seven-leaf stage. Tiller counts
millable stalks for these two varieties with a net in- were greater in early damaged plants than late dam-
crease compared with the untreated control when aged plants, because E. lignosellus larvae damaged
attacked at the three- and Þve-leaf stages. It is not clear more tillers in late-infested plants that were not pres-
whether CP 89-2143 compensated for early season ent in early-infested plants. Early-infested plants re-
damage, because tiller production was reduced by sulted in more yield response than late-infested plants
18 Ð29% and millable stalk production was reduced by in CP 78-1628 and in CP 88-1743 with CP 78-1628
28 Ð30% when infested at the three-leaf stage com- demonstrating the greatest ability to compensate for
pared with the untreated control. Relative increases in lesser cornstalk borer damage among the three tested
percent yield loss compared with the untreated con- varieties. The above-mentioned conclusions were
trol were dependent on both variety and leaf stage at made based on controlled experiments conducted in
Þrst attack. When CP 78-1628 was attacked at the a greenhouse. In Þeld conditions, many climatic (sun-
three-leaf stage, it compensated for the attack by pro- light, temperature, moisture) and biological factors
ducing roughly equivalent levels of biomass and sugar (insect population, other pests, natural enemies)
yield compared with the untreated control. However, could affect the results. Field trials will be conducted
later attacks resulted in subsequently greater increases in to determine how season-long exposure to lesser
in percentage yield loss at each step compared with cornstalk borers and insect population limiting factors
the other two varieties. Yield loss increased by 50 Ð (e.g., soil moisture and high summer soil surface tem-
100% between the three- and Þve-leaf stages and by peratures) may affect damage throughout the season
250 Ð280% between the Þve- and seven-leaf stages for and resulting yields.
CP 78-1628. Overall yield loss was greater for CP
88-1762 than for CP78-1628, but yield loss increased by
only 25Ð50% between the three- and Þve-leaf stages
and by 100 Ð125% between the Þve- and seven-leaf We thank K. Pernezny (EREC, Belle Glade, FL) for pro-
stages. Overall yield loss was the greatest for CP 89- viding laboratory facilities for diet preparation. Moth collec-
2143, but yield loss increased by only 17Ð18% between tion for colony established was assisted by N. Larsen and B.
the three- and Þve-leaf stages and by 10 Ð35% between Thappa (EREC). Statistical assistance was provided by M.
the Þve- and seven-leaf stages. Therefore, both the Brennan and J. Colee (University of Florida, Gainesville,
FL), and Drs. M. Josan and T. Lang (EREC). Sandeep
variety and age of the plants should have a signiÞcant
Sandhu (Belle Glade, FL) was instrumental in experimental
affect on control recommendations. For a variety with setup and support. Funding for this study and the land for
a response to damage similar to CP 78-1628, our Þgures collecting insects and sugarcane were provided by the Sugar
suggest that the producer could effectively wait until Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida and the United States
the Þrst signs of infestation occurred before initiation Sugar Corporation. This work was made possible by student
of effective treatments without a signiÞcant yield loss. Þnancial support from the Wedgworth Graduate Fellowship
In contrast, producers with varieties similar to the and the University of Florida College of Liberal Arts and
apparent sensitivity of CP 89-2143 would probably Sciences.
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