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Paper ID : 30727 Roll No...................


B. Tech. / B. Tech. + M. Tech. (Int.) / B. Tech. + MBA (Int.) (SEM. / TERM-01)

Time : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 100

Note : 1. Attempt All sections.
2. Marks are indicated against each section.

Q.1 Answer ANY FIVE questions of the following: (54=20)

1 2 3 
(i) Find rank of A  2 4 7  .
 
 3 6 10

(ii) Find the area bounded by the curves y2 = 9x and x – y + 2 = 0.

(iii) Prove that  A  B   A  B .

(iv) Check whether the vectors (1,3,4,-1), (2,4,-2,1) and (0,2,1,5) are linearly dependent or
linearly independent?

1 2 3
(v) Find the characteristic equation of the matrix A   3 1 2 .
 
2 3 1

(vi) Find the first order partial derivatives of the following function .

(vii) Define cyclic group with an example.

Q.2 Answer ANY FIVE questions of the following: (54=20)
(i) Express the following matrix as the sum of a symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix:
  1 7 3
 4 3 4 .
 
 5 0 5
 5 2 
(ii) Find the eigen values of the matrix A   .
 2  2
(iii) Determine whether the given vectors are linearly independent or dependent:
x3  (5, 3, 3) x1  (1, 1, 0) x2  (3, 1, 3)

1 Contd…..
(iv) Find where is the angle between and .

(v) Let g be the linear operator on defined by , find

the matrix representation of g relative to the basis:

(vi) Give an example of an infinite non commutative ring that does not have a unity.

(vii) Show that the following mapping is not linear defined by:

(viii) Approximate the function f (x) = x1/3 by a Taylor polynomial of degree 2 at a = 8.

Q.3 Answer ANY TWO questions of the following: (210=20)
(i) Show that the set of integers is an abelian group under the composition defined by

(ii) Check the consistency of the following system of linear non-homogeneous equations and
find the solution by Gauss elimination method, if it exists:
7x+2y+3z=16, 2x+11y+5z=25,x+3y+4z=13
5 4
(iii) Determine eigen values and eigen vectors of the following matrix: A   .
1 2

(iv) Verify Euler’s theorem for the following function .

Q.4 Answer ANY FOUR questions of the following: (410=40)
(i) Show that R be the relation on the set Z defined by f is an equivalence relation.
(ii) Suppose a linear mapping f is one-to-one and onto. Show that the inverse mapping f is
also linear.

(iii) Prove that the set V={a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 : a0, a1, a2 are real numbers of all plynomials of
degree 2 over R is a vectoe space over R with respect to the compositions:

(iv) Using elementary transformations find the inverse of the following matix:
1 2 3
1 3 3 .
 
2 4 3
5 3
(v) Diagonalize the matrix  .
1 3
(vi) If u = f (2x – 3y, 3y – 4z, 4z – 2x , then prove that .

2 Contd…..

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