Drama - Term 4, CST (Puppets)

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The two princess, Mr.

Cat and
Horse and the wicked witch!
Chelsea, Sonke, Talitah

Far away in a magical forest stood a tower which

the duo lived, Princess Tiana and Rapunzel they
lived in harmony and never had any sort of
problems all they did was paint and play dress up
but after a while they got very bored and tiring
afternoon the two decided to go pick some daisies
and roses for a change. Thats when they saw a
house made of candy.
Rapunzel: Tiana look over there! There is a house
made of candy!
Tiana: Oh, I see lets go check it out.
(The two walk over to see the house from a closer
Rapunzel: Wow I’ve never seen so much candy in
my ENTIRElife!
Tiana: Me neither(she says in aww) let’s take
some home.
(Two breaks off candy and a alarm suddenly goes
off then an old strange looking woman comes out
and she sees them)
Witch: Oh well hello there I’m Agnes *she says in
raspy voice*
(The two seem frightened)
Tiana: U-uhm... We are so sorry for breaking your
home miss Agnes
Witch: I don’t mind at least you aren’t some
animals eating on my home say why don’t come
in for a cup of hot chocolate?
(They look at each other wondering if they
Rapunzel: Sure we don’t have anything better to
Tiana: *she whispers*We are supposed to not go
into strangers homes!
Rapunzel: Miss Agnes looks trustworthy so trust
(Rapunzel walks in with no hesitation but princess
Tiana looks around and walks in slowly and the
with slams the door behind her and the witch
pushes them into a dungeon)
Witch: HAHAHAH (evil laugh) I’ve trapped you!
(They both say at the same time)
The witch goes of stage, and 5 hours pass by.
Princess Tiana, and Rapunzel noticed a quite
strange-looking cat and horse in a cell across from

Mr. Cat: Oh, and who might this be? Two

princesses caught by that evil witch Agnes?

Mr. Horse: AHAHAHAHHA… couldn’t be us!

Mr. Cat: Ahem… we are trapped by the evil witch

*Both Mr. Cat and Mr. Horse look at the


Rapunzel: We NEED to find a way out of here,


Tiana: Yea, but how?? We’re ALL trapped here


Rapunzel: uhm… *she thinks HARD* Hey, Mr. Cat?

Can’t you fit through the bars??

Mr. Cat: Oh YES!! What a brilliant idea!

As Mr. Cat walks straight through the bars, he
frees Mr. Horse and later the 2 princesses
Mr. Horse: Now what? That evil witch is STILL in
the house *he says while hysterically crying*

Tiana: Maybe, one of us can trick the witch! Mr.

Cat, you can let the witch chase you outside, while
we escape!

Mr. Cat: B-but I’m s-scared…

Rapunzel: It’ll be okay, Mr. Cat! You can do this!

We BELIEVE in you!

Tiana and Mr. Horse: YEAA!!

Mr. Cat eventually distracted the crazy witch

Agnes while the others could escape. Mr. Cat,
soon join the rest after they all ran out of the
woods, and back to the tower!
Mr. Horse: Yes! My old friend, you did it! You
saved us all!!

Mr. Cat: Aww shucks guys! I wouldn’t have been

able to do it without you guys believing in me!

Rapunzel and Tiana: You did amazing Mr. Cat!!

Rapunzel: And to everyone that’s watching.

*Looks at audience* Just know, that you can do
ANYTHING you put your mind to!

Tiana: And remember to NEVER go in strangers’


*Ends with background music*

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