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Mata Ujian : English For Multicultural Education Sifat : Take Home / Open Book
Semester/Jur : 5 / PAI Hari/Tgl : Kamis, 18 Januari 2024
Dosen Pembina : Dr. Dian Mohammad Hakim, M.Pd.I Waktu : 100 menit

Petunjuk Umum:
1. Kerjakan soal-soal berikut sesuai dengan petunjuk pengerjaan soal dan jangan lupa menyebutkan
(Nama, NPM, Prodi dan Semester).
2. Kerjakan soal dengan cara menulis jawabanya pada kertas folio bergaris in english language is
3. Hasil pengerjaan dikumpulkan dalam hard file dan ketua kelas menyerahkanya kepada dosen
pengampu mata kuliah di ruang LPIK pada hari Senin, 22 Januari 2024 maksimal pukul 15.00. Jika
pada waktu tersebut tidak mengumpulkan dianggap tidak mengikuti UAS.

1. In the context of Multicultural Education, there are 7 models of multicultural educations. What are

they? Explain them detaily! And give example of each!

2. As a teacher later on, you will find different culture of your student. How will you teach them in

the context of multicultural education!

3. Explain the paraghaph below based on your point of view!

The purpose of this paper was to explore bilingual educators’ perceptions of their strategies to
maintain their cultural and religious identities within a multicultural society. This multiple case
studies of three institutions employed semi-structured interviews and documents. The research
question guides this study: What are strategies that have been utilized within the institutions, to
further the aims of multicultural education? The data in this study was analyzed thematically via
Qualitative data analysis. The finding of this study showed that the institutions were committed to
providing a public education alongside a multicultural education – respect for other religions,
ethnicities, and cultures. These institutions have a strong commitment to their spiritual purpose and
maintenance of their respective religious and cultural identities. The findings of this study have
implications for the understanding of similar programs and the ways to preserve cultural and
religious identities within educational contexts. Most studies of multicultural education have been
conducted in public institutions resulting in little information on how ethnic institutions promote
cultural and religious identities within their institutions and communities. This research contributes
to the body of literature that examines the promotion of cultural and religious identities in ethnic
2. What’s the meaning of paragraph below!
Overall, this study confirms that interactions with individuals from different cultural
backgrounds and a supportive school setting may have a significant impact on the implementation of
multicultural practices by teachers. When teachers have the chance to interact more often with
multicultural students and feel supported by the environment, they may attempt to learn about
their students’ backgrounds; and, as Kim says, it motivates them to integrate a certain method
into their teaching. However, it would be ideal to avoid putting the students “on the spot” .
This could make students become more resistant to “multiculturality”,as seen with the
Vietnamese case; instead, teachers could try to facilitate multicultural-themed activities where all
students get to participate. Furthermore, Gorski and Parekh (2020) have found that,in order to
achieve these types of inclusive practices, there are instructional and institutional challenges
that must be overcome


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