Mini Project Report 22

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Submitted by:
Paras Chandra (2000970130074)
Purushottam Varshney (2000970130087)
Rohan Kumar Sinha (2000970130095)

Under the supervision of:

Ms. Raunak Sulekh

Session 2022-23
Department of Information Technology
Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology
Greater Noida

We want to give special thanks to our Mini Project coordinator, Ms. Raunak
Sulekh for the timely advice and valuable guidance during designing and
implementation of this project work.

We also want to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to Dr. Sanjeev
Kumar Singh, Head of Department (HOD), and Information Technology
Department for providing us with the facilities and for all the encouragement
and support.

Finally, we express our sincere thanks to all staff members in the department
of Information Technology branch for all the support and cooperation.

Paras Chandra

Purushottam Varshney

Rohan Kumar Sinha


1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………....7-9
1.1 Project Description………………………………………………………...7-8
1.2 Proposed System…………………………………………………………...8-9
1.2.1 Architecture of Recommendation Model….……………………..8-9
1.2.2 Applications Based on Content Recommendation Model………….9
2. LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………....10-12
2.1 Historical Overview……………………………………………………...…10
2.2 Related Work……………………………………………………………10-11
2.3 Problem Statement………………………………………………………11-12
2.3.1 Statement……………………………………………………...….11
2.3.2 Problem Solution…………………………………………………12
3. IMPLEMENTATION………………...…………………………...13-24
3.1 Project Scope and Features……………………………………………….....13
3.2 Methodology and Tools Used…………………………………………...13-16
3.2.1 Our Approach……………………………………………………..13
3.2.2 Description of Modules…………………………………………...14
3.2.3 Used Technologies………………………………………….…14-16 Python……………………………………………….14-15 Pyttsx3……………………………………...………......15 Deepface.……….………………………………………15 Visual Studio Code………………………………….......15 OpenCV…………………………………………..…….16 Speech Recognition……………………………………..16 Spotipy-Spotify API…………………………………….16
3.3 Implementation………………………………………………………….16-23
3.3.1 Environment Setup……………………………………………16-17 Deepface Framework Installation……………….......16-17 Libraries Installation..…………………………………..17
3.3.2 Source File…………………………………………………….18-23……………………………………………18-21 Emotion Detection Module.…………………………….21 API Module… ……………………………………….....22 Classifier XML File…………………………………….23
3.4 Testing………………………………………………………………......23-24
4. RESULT / SNAPSHOTS……………………………………….....25-27
4.1 Wakeup & Capture Image..…………………………………………………25
4.2 Emotion Detection….…………………………………………………........25
4.3 Image Captured…………..…………………………………………………26
4.4 Content Recommendation.………………………………………………….26
4.5 Tasks Performed……………………………………………………………27
6. REFERENCES…………………………………………………..........29

Figure 1.1. Zero level DFD for recommendation system

Figure 1.2. One level DFD for emotion detection module
Figure 3.1. File structure of the project
Figure 3.2. Code for libraries and tts-engine installation
Figure 3.3. Python code for recognizer
Figure 3.4. Greet function for virtual assistant
Figure 3.5.1. Python function for content recommendation
Figure 3.5.2. Python function for content recommendation
Figure 3.5.3. Python function for content recommendation
Figure 3.6. Function code for performing tasks on system
Figure 3.7. Main function for virtual assistant
Figure 3.8. Emotion detection module code file
Figure 3.9.1. Code file for Spotify API module
Figure 3.9.2. Code file for Spotify API module
Figure 3.10. XML file for the classifier
Figure 4.1. Screenshot of model start up
Figure 4.2. Screenshot of emotion detection
Figure 4.3. Screenshot of image captured for recommendation
Figure 4.4. Screenshot of song recommendations
Figure 4.5.1. Screenshot of search task command
Figure 4.5.2. Screenshot of search task performed.

Today is the era of new technology. In such a busy life music plays an important role in
rejoicing the mood of the person. Music helps the person to refresh the mood and energy
of the person. People have different mood and emotion in different situation and every
emotion is expressed by the face of the person.
Recommending the content according to the present mood of the user will help to refresh
the mind and also make the person happy and feel good. Earlier recommendation model
is based on the user’s data i.e., the model uses the history of the user to recommend
content such as music.
In this project, we have developed an emotion-based recommendation model which
includes a virtual assistant which acts as the Voice User Interface (VUI) for the system
and also to assist the model to detect the current emotion of the user and recommend the
content based on emotions detected. The virtual assistant will assist the user to navigate
through the system.
In today’s world the feeling of the person can be judged through its emotion which
can be clearly understood from its facial expression. The feeling which is going
through our mind is expressed on our face. For example, if we are sad due to any
reason our face will be also be dull. So, providing content such as music or videos
or story or article according to the present mood of the user helps to refresh and also
satisfy the need of the user. It makes user feel good and happy. So, we have
developed emotion-based content recommendation model in which we will capture
the photograph of the user and our model will analyse the mood of the user and
according to the mood of the user the model will recommend content which will
help the user to get content according to his/her emotion. In our model we have used
emotion-based content recommendation rather than recommending content by
analysing the user history. The project will analyse the emotion of the user through
its facial expression. For taking photograph of the user, we will use the webcam.
Thereafter, the model will detect the emotion from the user by analysing the image
taken by the webcam through image segmentation and image processing techniques
which will use the features of facial detection system. Finally, the model will
recommend the content such as music or videos story or article according to the
mood of the user which the system has detected.

Today is the era of technology. The use of artificial intelligence in today’s world is
common. So, in our project we have included use of artificial intelligence in order
to provide user convenience. We have used virtual assistant which will assist the
user in navigating emotion-based recommendation model and also helps to user to
get content of its interest i.e., according to the mood of the user. It is an application
program that understands voice commands and natural language to perform task for
the user. In today’s world virtual assistant is very useful for the user. It helps the
user to communicate with system in human understandable language. It makes the
life simpler.

1.1 Project Description

In this project, we have designed emotion-based content recommendation model
using virtual assistant. This project aims to recommend content based on the
emotion detected from the user face using facial landmarks rather than
recommending from the user history. We have designed our model in such a way
that it will recommend the content such as music according to the present mood of
the user. There is also the option for the user to change the content category if the
user does not like to get content according to the facial expression detected by
model. Our recommendation model will first take photograph of the user face
through the web cam and classifies its emotion based on facial features. On the basis

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of facial landmarks, the ML classifier of Deepface library classifies the image. It
then returns a list of features with emotion dominance.

Today, everyone likes to have talk with system in human understandable language.
In our project we have included the virtual assistant which will assist the user to get
the content according to their mood. Getting content according to the mood
refreshes the mood of the user. Nowadays, user don’t want to navigate through the
software manually rather they like virtual assistant that can understand their human
understandable language and perform tasks which the user wants from the software.
The virtual assistant will capture user’s voice commands from the microphone,
converts it into plain text in system language. Thereafter, it performs the certain
task and finally produces the output in human understandable language. The virtual
assistant uses natural language processing model to decode the human language and
producing the desired result.

1.2 Proposed System

1.2.1 Architecture of Recommendation Model
Data flow diagram is usually used as a first stage to develop an overview of the
Chat Application without going into depth, which could then be worked upon later.
Some of the user’s flow and related entities described are User, Listener, Interpreter,
Emotion Detection, Task executer, Query Executer, and web/API. The diagrams
below are used to visualize data processing and a better design of the virtual
assistant and whole model’s process and activity.

Figure 1.1: Zero level DFD for recommendation system

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Figure 1.2: One level DFD for emotion detection module

1.2.2 Applications Based on Content Recommendation Model

Here are some examples of Emotion based content recommendation model
1. Recommendation specific to current user mood.
2. Minimizing user data collection.
3. Integrated virtual assistant to operate system also.
4. Can be mounted on any content-based platform.

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2.1 Historical Overview
Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer coined the term ‘Emotional Intelligence’ in 1990
describing it as “a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor
one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to
use this information to guide one’s thinking and action”.[1]
In 1943, the concept of artificial neurons was published.
In 1950, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”, A research paper by Alan
Turing proposed a concept of Turing test which will check machine ability to show
Year 1955: An Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon created the "first artificial
intelligence program" Which was named as "Logic Theorist". This program had
proved 38 of 52 Mathematics theorems, and find new and more elegant proofs for
some theorems.
Year 1956: The word "Artificial Intelligence" first adopted by American Computer
scientist John McCarthy at the Dartmouth Conference. For the first time, AI coined
as an academic field. [3]
In 2011, First digital virtual assistant which was installed on Apple smartphone was
of Siri. In 2015, Cortana was developed by Microsoft. In 2016, Google assistant
developed by Google.

2.2 Related Work

Mikhail Rumiantev and Oleksiy proposed emotion driven recommendation system
with respect to personalized preferences. Their approach is to train the system about
recommending music and music selection. In their research, they proposed that their
model will understand the purpose of listening and the feeling of the user through
the feedback collected from the user and then listening user to understand the
emotion and feelings of the user. They are still training their model with data.
P.A. Riyantoko in their research paper, for facial detection he has proposed a
Conventional neural Network (CNN) architecture. They divided the facial emotion
in seven class. Then they test data in real- time using Haar-Cascade Classifier for
highlighting the face. They have used FER2013 to train their model
Zheng et al. proposed two significant categories for facial feature extraction, which
included Appearance-based feature extraction and geometric based feature
extraction, which included extraction of some essential points of the face such as
mouth, eyes, and eyebrows.[4]
The Department of Information technology, SRM Institute has focussed on Human
science and increasing the accuracy of emotion detection model with advanced

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concept of taking photograph and also, they worked on the efficiency of the emotion
detection model. They have used Emotion Extraction Module to convert the image
captured to grayscale image to improve efficiency. Then, Audio Extraction module
is used to detect the emotion by the voice of the user and Finally Emotion-Audio
Integration Module to implement the model.
Divisha Pandey in their research work “Voice Assistant Using Python” has
developed a voice assistant which helps the user in navigating the desktop and to
perform tasks such as sending emails, text messages, open apps, folders, comments
etc. they used NLP model i.e., Natural Language processing Model that helps to
convert speech to text and analysing text and then producing output in human
understandable language.
Jayshree Jha et al. proposed an emotion-based music player using image processing
This showed how various algorithms and techniques that were suggested by
different authors in their research could be used for connecting the music player
along with human emotions. [5]
Bassam A, Raja N. et al, have wrote about statement and speech for communication
between humans and machines analog signals are used which is converted by
speech signal to digital wave. The technology is massively utilized and has
unlimited uses and also permit machines to reply accordingly to user’s command
and voices. Speech recognition system is growing day by day and also has unlimited
uses. [6]
Anjali Fapal, Trupati Kanade in their research paper Personal virtual Assistant for
windows, have proposed personal Voice assistant for navigating windows in python
language. They have also used the NLP model to develop virtual assistant. Their
approach for this project is that the model will first listen the voice, then recognise
the command and performs the tasks. They have developed this voice assistant that
will assist the user in navigating windows application.
Parul Tambe in his research work proposed the interaction of music and the user
automatically which will assist the model in recognising emotion.

2.3 Problem Statement

2.3.1 Statement
Develop an emotion-based recommendation system that facilitates content
recommendation on the basis of current user’s mood captured through facial
landmarks. To develop a voice user interface that allows user to operate the model
efficiently and reducing manual operations keeping it simple to use and integrate to
any content-based platform.

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2.3.2 Problem Solution
The previous works basically aims to detect emotions based on facial landmarks
and provide a virtual assistant for operating a system. The emotion detection
systems already developed focuses on just developing the model and finding its
accuracy and no application. Also, the models were used only for research purposes.
And the recommendation models developed earlier uses user data to recommend
content leading to large amount of data collection and user history. In previous work
there is no option for the user to get the content of other category if the user does
not want content according to his mood and the user has to navigate the
recommendation model manually.
So, to overcome all these problems, we searched for the solution and found that
using data set of approximately 10000 people which is tested and verified can solve
the problem of accuracy and also training of ML Classifier dataset and will use high
quality web cam for taking photograph.
We’ll also include the facility for the user to search other category content or music
at the time after the emotion detection model will detect the facial expression and
will communicate the user about their mood and if the user dos not want the content
according to his/her mood. We’ll also included the facility of the Virtual Assistant
which will play the role of Voice User Interface (VUI) that will assist the user in
navigating and communicating with the model in human understandable language
and also help the user to save time and energy.

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3.1 Project Scope and Features
1. The system provides functionality to capture user’s emotions through facial
2. It facilitates content recommendation based on emotions captured.
3. It provides a virtual assistant that works as Voice User Interface (VUI).
4. This project can be extended by mounting it on a content platform for
5. Accuracy of the emotion detection module can be increased further.

3.2 Methodology and Tools Used

3.2.1 Our Approach
Our approach towards building this project was that first we discussed and selected
an appropriate problem statement to work upon keeping in mind it’s relevancy and
practicality. While analysing the problem and selecting it we ensured that it should
remain in accordance with the need of project and curriculum.
After this, our next step was to search for the various resources and information
required for our project from different sources available. We browsed on web and
gone through several sites and documentations and also discussed from teachers
and our seniors for problem analysis and work required.
Then after, we searched for the solutions to our problem statement. We researched
and discussed the various approaches already available and what our solution
should be and we collected relevant data regarding the development of our project.
Then we distributed the work among us regarding various phases of development
of our project. First, we’ve done the designing part of the app and then gained some
basic knowledge about the topics to be used like Emotion detection, Virtual
assistant, APIs and various Python libraries to be used and then we studied tutorials
and documentations present on the web related to our project.
At the point of studying tutorials, we’re also coding, implementing, testing, and
debugging to develop our intended application.
Finally, at the later stages of this project when the project was almost completed,
we did tests and analysed our model if it is working as intended or not and fixed
some minor bugs to avoid the malfunctioning of the system. Also, we’ve tested the
model in between our friends to see its proper functioning.

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3.2.2 Description of Modules
 Emotion Extraction Module –
The image of user is captured through camera/webcam. Then the image is
converted to grayscale image for the classifier to identify the face properly.
Once the conversion is completed, the image is sent to classifier and with the
help of feature extraction it extracts the landmark features of the face from
image. From the extracted features, the classifier detects the emotion expressed
by the user. The classifier is trained through the tested and verified dataset
provides by OpenCV.

 Voice User Interface Module –

The Voice User Interface module captures the voice commands given by the
user through the pyttsx3 engine and then it is sent to Google recognizer to
recognize the user command. The recognizer then converts the command into
plain text and using hot word detection the desired operation is performed by
the virtual assistant for the user. It uses pyttsx3, speech recognition, web
browser, system and OS modules of python.

 API Module –
Spotify API is used to recommend songs to the user based on the emotions
captured by the emotion detection module. It is implemented through the
Spotipy library of python. After detecting the emotion of user, the system calls
the API and based on the emotion it randomly suggests songs from different

 Integration –
The emotion detection module and the API module are integrated to the Voice
User Interface module and can only be accessed by the interface module. When
the interface module is invoked, it first calls the emotion detection module to
detect emotion and then it calls the API module to search for the songs based
on that particular emotion and displays it to the user.

3.2.3 Used Technologies

In order to develop the intended app, the technologies used with their role in the
project are discussed. Python
Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-
level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented
programming. Python’s elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its
interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application
development in many areas on most platforms.

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The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are freely available in
source or binary form for all major platforms from the Python web site,, and may be freely distributed. [7]
In the development of this project, it is used as the main programming language of
the project and its whole development. Pyttsx3
Pyttsx3 is a text-to-speech conversion library in Python. Pyttsx stands for Python
Text to Speech. It is a cross-platform Python wrapper for text-to-speech synthesis.
Unlike alternative libraries, it works offline, and is compatible with both Python 2
and 3. [8]
In the app, we used pyttsx3 for making our virtual assistant communicate with the
user in human language. Deepface
Deepface is a lightweight face recognition and facial attribute analysis (age, gender,
emotion and race) framework for python. It is a hybrid face recognition framework
wrapping state-of-the-art models: VGG-Face, Google FaceNet, OpenFace,
Facebook DeepFace, DeepID, ArcFace, Dlib and SFace.[9]
It is an open-source face recognition attribute analysis framework that was
created for python. It is a very powerful computer vision library that’s helpful
in identifying things in images, as the shapes and faces within the image, so it’s
easy to detect and analyse them.
We used Deepface for the face recognition using landmarks from the images
captured. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on
your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It comes with built-
in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of
extensions for other languages (such as C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go) and
runtimes (such as .NET and Unity). [10]
All our app programming is done on VS Code as it makes coding easy and comes
with a lot of extension supports and features.

Page | 15 OpenCV
OpenCV (Open-Source Computer Vision Library) is an open-source computer
vision and machine learning software library. OpenCV was built to provide a
common infrastructure for computer vision applications and to accelerate the use of
machine perception in the commercial products. Being an Apache 2 licensed
product, OpenCV makes it easy for businesses to utilize and modify the code. [11]
We used OpenCV mainly for 2 things-
1. To capture the image of the person with different emotion in front of the
2. To load the predefined training dataset of different emotions over the face. Speech Recognition

This is a library for performing speech recognition, with support for several
engines and APIs, online and offline. It supports APIs like Google Cloud Speech
API, IBM Speech to Text, Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition etc. [12]

This library we used for the recognition of commands given by the user and to
convert them into plain text to perform operation. Spotipy – Spotify API

Spotipy is a lightweight Python library for the Spotify Web API. With Spotipy you
get full access to all of the music data provided by the Spotify platform. Spotipy
supports all of the features of the Spotify Web API including access to all end
points, and support for user authorization.[13]

Here, we used the Spotify API to access songs database of Spotify and recommend
songs to the users.

3.3 Implementation
3.3.1 Environment Setup
The environment setup of the project requires the installation of different Python
packages and libraries. Deepface Framework Installation

Deepface is a lightweight face recognition and facial attribute analysis (age, gender,
emotion and race) framework for python. It is a hybrid face recognition framework
wrapping state-of-the-art models: VGG-Face, Google FaceNet, OpenFace,
Facebook DeepFace, DeepID, ArcFace, Dlib and SFace.

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Experiments show that human beings have 97.53% accuracy on facial recognition
tasks whereas those models already reached and passed that accuracy level. [14]

To install Deepface framework, we went to the official website i.e., To install Deepface framework, open the terminal and type in
the following command –

PS D:\VS Code\python\Mini Project\MARC>

pip install deepface
And to import it into the module include following statement in the module –
from deepface import DeepFace
After this deepface framework is ready to use in the project. Libraries Installation

For installing the required libraries, in VS code following steps are performed:
1. Open a new terminal in the project folder.
2. Use pip – python package management system to install all the libraries.
3. After successful installation import the libraries in the required modules.

After the environment setup, create a file structure in order to divide the modules
and other files.

Figure 3.1: File structure of the project

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3.3.2 Source File
M.A.R.C is the name of our virtual assistant or voice user interface and this is the
interface that connects the user to other two modules. It consists of the modules for
content recommendation and tasks to perform.

Figure 3.2: Code for libraries and tts-engine initialization

The screenshot in Figure 3.3 shows the code for initializing and implementing
speech recognition using Google recognizer.

Figure 3.3: Python code for Recognizer

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This function enables greetings from the virtual assistant on every start up.

Figure 3.4: Greet function for virtual assistant

The following screenshots shows the recommendation function for recommending

songs based on the emotion classified.

Figure 3.5.1: Python function for content recommendation

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Figure 3.5.2: Python function for content recommendation

Figure 3.5.3: Python function for content recommendation

Figure 3.6: Function code for performing tasks on system

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Figure 3.7: Main function of the virtual assistant Emotion Detection Module

This is main module which is used to capture and classify the emotions of the user
and provide the results to the interface.
This is the module code.

Figure 3.8: Emotion detection module code file

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This module fetches songs from the Spotify database according to the emotion
detected by the emotion detection module and suggests top songs from that

Figure 3.9.1: Code file for the Spotify API module

Figure 3.9.2: Code file for the Spotify API module

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This xml file is required by the emotion classifier to classify the emotions
captured using the datapoints retrieved.

Figure 3.10: XML file for the classifier

3.4 Testing
1. Wake Up by Voice Command
- Expected result:
The system should wake up and greet the user.
- Actual outcome:
System wakes up using voice command by user successfully.

2.Image Capture on Wakeup

- Expected result:
It should capture the image of user’s face through webcam/camera.
- Actual outcome:
Image capture and image file generation was successful.

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3. Emotion Detection by Model
- Expected result:
After image capture the model should be able to detect emotion of user.
- Actual outcome:
At first, it failed to detect the emotion of the user.
Due to error in the integration and parameter passing
Integration done again and it then detected emotion successfully.

4. Content Recommendation
- Expected result:
The system should recommend content based on the emotion captured.
- Actual outcome:
It suggested a list of songs based on the emotion captured.

5. Performing System Tasks

- Expected result:
Virtual assistant should perform desired tasks on user voice command.
- Actual outcome:
Tasks performed successfully by the assistant.

6. Quitting on Command
- Expected result:
System should quit on voice command.
- Actual outcome:
System quits on user’s voice command.

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4.1 Wake up & Capture Image

Figure 4.1: Screenshot of Model Start up

4.2 Emotion Detection

Figure 4.2: Screenshot of Emotion Detection

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4.3 Image Captured

Figure 4.3: Screenshot of Image captured for recommendation.

4.4 Content Recommendation

Figure 4.4: Screenshot of Song recommendations

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4.5 Tasks Performed

The following screenshots shows the browser search task performed by the model.

Figure 4.5.1: Screenshot of search task command

Figure 4.5.2: Screenshot of search task performed.

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Keeping in mind the various factors while making a recommendation is highly

important and current recommendations are only based on user data and leaving
behind the importance of other factors affecting like context, personal parameters,
feelings and emotions.
In this project, we build a recommendation model that can recommend songs and
other content based on the emotions of the users captured. It includes a virtual voice
assistant that assists user to access the system and provide them a companion. Not
only this project suggests songs but can also suggest content if mounted on other
content platforms.
Current model is not a full-fledged recommendation model. The work on accuracy
and the integration of this model to other independent platforms can be considered
as the further elaboration work in this context.
In conclusion, we want to say that this project is implemented keeping in mind the
basic needs for recommendation model but it needs development and upgradation
in the future if the developer gets an opportunity to put effort into it.

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[1] Emotional Intelligence
[2] History of Emotional Intelligence
[3] Artificial Intelligence – History

[4] Kabani H, Khan S, Khan O and Tadvi S 2015 Emotion based music player
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science 3 750-6

[5] Vivek JD, Gokilavani A, Kavitha S, Lakshmanan S and Karthik S 2017 A

novel emotion recognition-based mind and soul-relaxing system In2017
International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and
Communication Systems 1-5 IEEE

[6] G.O. Young, “Synthetic structure of industrial plastics (Book style with paper
title and editor),” in Plastics, 2nd ed. Vol. 3, J. Peters, Ed. New York: McGraw-
Hill, 1964, pp. 15-24.

[7] Python

[8] Pyttsx3

[9] Deepface Framework

[10] Visual Studio Code

[11] OpenCV Library

[12] Speech Recognition Library

[13] Spotipy – Spotify API

[14] Deepface Framework Installation

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