Interview Report by Parthav Savaliya

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Organizational Interview Report

Name: Parthav Savaliya

Student Id: 804069

Institution: Conestoga college

Course: organizational behaviour BUS (8020)

Professor: Chris Braun

Date: 23, November

Organizational Interview Report

Section 1: Executive Summary

Ravi did very well in his interview, and it was clear that he is committed to his profession and

the success of the firm he is interviewing with. Ravi stated that he is motivated to do better in

the future because of the positive work environment at the organization. With over two years

of experience, Ravi has nothing but praise for his employer. The success of any business

depends on happy, fulfilled employees. Therefore, for an organization to prosper, it needs

hard-working staff members who are also invested in their work and prepared to take the

initiative when necessary. To give one concrete example, a tired driver should be able to

immediately continue to the next delivery. For the safety of the public, this must be taken into

account. Effective communication is crucial to its success when running a business and

should not be stifled under any circumstances (Langton et al., 2021). Every aspect of

communication must be carefully prepared from the top of the organization down to the

ground floor. Their moral direction shows that their leader is decent and supports equal rights

for all. There are disagreements regarding who gets to make decisions and who doesn't, and

communication problems exist. If appropriate measures are taken, we can address these


Section 2: The results of the interviews

Ravi's passion for the firm and the task for which he works created a positive

impression on the interviewer. The company provides a comfortable workplace to keep its

employees happy. The atmosphere here has inspired Ravi to strive harder in the months and

years to come. If the CEO can inspire and lead their staff with integrity, the same can be said
of the organization. Concerns have been voiced in the workplace due to a need for more

consensus on handling several recent communication and decision-making concerns.

The summary of the business

The interviewee's name is Ravi, and his company's name is AH Gary Transport Inc.

One of the company's various transportation services is the provision of freight forwarding

and supply chain management. In 2007, the company was created. A total of 30 truck and

trailer power units are fitted in the vehicle. The company's operations extend within and

beyond the country's borders. The Brampton, Ontario-based company is CTPAT-approved

and works out of its yard. An employee of the firm, Ravi, is entrusted with monitoring the

company's supply chain and transportation logistics. His job is vital to the organization, and

he has worked as a dispatcher for over two years.

Strengths identified in the interview

Because of his time working for the corporation, Ravi has a favourable view of the

organization. After nearly two years of involvement with the organization, he has developed

a deeper appreciation for its mission. He has, without a doubt, picked up some information

that will come in handy. Because he has positive thoughts about the business environment at

his place of employment, he finds that he is inspired and motivated to perform at a higher

level of productivity and with a better level of satisfaction. Because of this, it is suggestive of

his contentment in his current job, as well as the fact that he has never expressed any

displeasure with the workplace that he is employed at. Its company promotes a culture of

equality, and its leader does an excellent job of boosting morale and productivity

consistently. The most effective leaders don't just say they care about their consumers; they

take action to demonstrate that they do. A leader must exhibit this dedication and passion at

all meetings, presentations, and other customer interactions to succeed. This is the primary
reason for its significance: it exemplifies the qualities essential to effective leadership. The

decision-making process is one area in which Ravi's thoughts excel. Because of the difficulty

of the situation, which required him to make split-second decisions and go outside of his

comfort zone, he was delighted with his performance on that particular occasion. As a result

of everything we discussed, we have a greater understanding of the issue.

Areas of improvement identified in the interview

To Ravi's mind, the Management Group is to blame for the company's current

predicament. There have been times when I had to send one driver more than his ability to

work, which affected team performance and the organization's success, according to him.

Additionally, he shared a story about a time he and a colleague argued while working on a

project. Since he could not contact the driver promptly, he was given a late delivery. The

company needs to catch up because of a lack of coordination across its many levels, which is

the root of many issues.

Section 3: Business Concepts Linked to OB Theories

Selfie-taking employees who are emotionally and physically invested in their jobs,

have positive feelings toward their work, and have high expectations for their own

performance are considered happy in their careers. The following is an electronic version of a

passage found on page 96: This interview gives the impression that Ravi is satisfied with his

current position and values the chance to contribute to the organization's success.

Positivity in the Workplace: Those who come to work with a cheerful outlook are

more likely to do their best, benefit from their employment, and positively affect the lives of

those around them. AH, Gary is a good illustration of this because its workers are optimistic

about the firm's future and committed to doing a good job. What follows is a definition of

what is meant by "good organizational behavior."

An Ethical Workplace: It is of the utmost importance to cultivate a work atmosphere

that is both constructive and ethical. As long as the head of the organization keeps a positive

attitude, the company's expansion will proceed honestly and morally. This is especially

essential here because the company's proprietor genuinely cares about the well-being of his

employees and contemporaries. Many competing demands will likely increase the likelihood

of conflict on the job. When there are more things to do in an organization that performs

many functions, there is a more significant potential for conflicts between the various tasks.

During the conversation, Ravi revealed that he had difficulty resolving disagreements. The

level of commitment and interest that employees bring to their work is one of the most

critical factors determining an organization's level of success. Every successful company has

one thing in common: they all have people willing to put in the effort and work hard even

when things are difficult. To aid his firm while it is going through a difficult time, Ravi goes

above and beyond his job expectations.

Team design: The design of a company's team is critical to maintaining the

company's culture, productivity, and employee makeup. To function correctly, some factors

must coexist. In this situation, poor management of the available labor resulted in a shortage

of drivers, making it impossible to meet the deadline and ensure that the job was done


Section 4: Recommendations

Recommendation 1

Any company's success depends on its ability to keep its team structure at a high

standard. The shortage of drivers necessitates the development of a strategy to remedy the

situation. With this advice, the company can better manage its available drivers to get the

most out of its operations and guarantee that the driver shortage problem is resolved as soon

as possible.
Recommendation 2

Put another way, and there should always be a break for the driver before transporting

them to the next delivery. In this particular instance, it is essential to give some thought to it

because the lives of other individuals are at risk. This is the situation as a result of the fact

that drivers can improve their overall productivity by being given some time off.

Nevertheless, when drivers aren't provided breaks, they frequently approach their tasks with

low or negative energy, which decreases productivity. Therefore, it is essential to give the

drivers occasional opportunities for relaxation.

Recommendation 3

Because efficient communication is necessary for the operation of the business and its

continued existence, there should be no obstacles. The communication process must be

precisely organized from its highest to its most fundamental stages. When communication is

improved throughout a company, it will be much simpler for employees to get clear

instructions, and they will be in a position to put those instructions into practice because of

the ease with which they receive them. In addition, efficient communication will prevent

misunderstandings and incorrect information from spreading across the business and among

all the workers.


Langton N, Robbins S, A. Judge T, Organizational Behaviour, e Text November 2021,


Answers to the Asked Questions

Part 1: Introduction

How would you describe your organization and its work in a few short


My name is Ravi Savaliya, and I work for AH Gary Transport as a freight dispatcher.

I appreciate you taking the time to learn more about me. Please provide a general estimate of

the total number of staff members.

Over thirty employers in the organization are both motivated and committed to the

development of the business.

Have you been working for the company long?

For more than two years, I've served this company as a Dispatcher.

This includes the person's name and contact details.

The author, Ravi Savaliya

+1 2262010367

Part 2

Topic 1: Attitudes, Both Positive and Negative

Do you enjoy or despise working in your current location? Is there a reason for


I feel fortunate to have found a job at AH Gary that I love doing. These results are a

direct result of the abundance of valuable resources and willing workers in the area.
Energy levels are high at AH Gay. Consequently, my workplace is one of my favorite

places in the world.

How do you think your attitude affects your day-to-day professional life?

A key element of my job as a transportation dispatcher is coordinating with the

shipping firm to acquire cargo details and schedule a pickup. I then design routes (also known

as dispatches) and provide shipment routes and transportation agreements with independent


The dispatcher is responsible for various tasks that have far-reaching consequences

for the business.

How do your co-workers feel about their jobs? (Negative or positive) and the

place of work?

As I've mentioned, everyone in my office is motivated and supportive of one another,

regardless of their position in the company. This positively affects the workplace, creating a

happier and more productive workforce, which is good for business.

Topic 2: Power

Formal power is derived from an individual's position in the organization;

however, an individual's power can be derived from the power they possess. What is the

difference between formal and personal power in the organization?

My superiors have legal jurisdiction over me, similar to that of a director in a

company. This person has formal authority thanks to their position inside the company.

However, experts in their field can influence others due to their unique skills and knowledge.

Are you a company that places a lot of importance on power? What's the point?
Power is critical because it influences others' efforts and its role as a source of

inspiration and drive. Managers and Supervisors have control and use it to operate the

workplace smoothly.

Is the organization's leader a motivator? Explain why or why not.

Being an inspiring leader requires more than telling your team that you value their

customers' experiences. Leaders can motivate their teams by demonstrating the traits they

value most in their employees, such as perseverance, honesty, and dedication to their work.

The leader needs to exude this kind of vitality and excitement in every interaction with the

team, every presentation to clients, and every response to their problems.

Decision Making

A time when you were able to make decisions for yourself at work?

My duties as orders coordinator with customers and cargo delivery coordinator were

combined when our freight broker was away from the office. That day, I had more autonomy

to do what I wanted, and as a result, I felt more energized about the assignment.

Tell me a story of a moment when you made a bad judgment. What are the

causes of this problem?

Sure enough, I was responsible for an 8-hour holdup in a shipment destined for Winnipeg.

Since the original driver had a fever and failed to notify me via email, I had to find a

substitute as soon as possible.

How can you improve decision-making in your company?

In some circumstances, when I'm short on drivers, I'm forced to make poor

choices, such as sending drivers out twice in a single day, which impairs the drivers'

productivity since they need more sleep. As a result, the company should hire a sufficient

number of drivers to deal with the situation when there is a great deal of cargo to be

Proof of the Interview

Here is a picture of the interview meeting on zoom video call that took place:

As stated in the discussion, Ravi is the interviewee's first name.

Company Name: AH Gary Transportation Inc.

Job Title: Company Dispatcher

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