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The monster who was afraid of the dark

Once upon a time there was a monster named Squeek. Squeek was a
monster who was afraid of the dark. Every night, when it was time to go to
bed, Squeek was afraid.
Squeek was big, very big! He was not as big as a building, but he was as
big as a car! A big car! Squeek was ugly! He was ugly but he wasn’t horrible.
All monsters have to be ugly so Squeek was ugly. Squeek was also scary,
because all monsters in his family were scary.
But Squeek was a different monster because he was afraid. He wasn’t
afraid. He was terrified! He was terrified of the dark and the creatures that
were in the dark places.
There were vampires and wirewolves and witches and huge monsters in
the dark. These monsters were very very big. They were huge! They were as
big as buildings! Squeek wasn’t very big for a monster. He was a baby
monster. When it was dark, Squeek was always in his monster parents´bed.
They were not happy with Squeek, because the monsters in their family were
big, scary and ugly.
They weren’t afraid of the dark and they were not afraid of the creatures
in the dark places.
Squeek was afraid of the dark until he was eight years old and his uncle
Squack was in his house to visit him. His uncle was very brave and he was not
afraid of anything. Squeek wasn’t afraid of the dark because Squack was there
to protect him from the vampires and wirewolves and witches in the dark. At
the end of the week, Squeek was ready to sleep alone in his bedroom in the

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