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Napisz zdania stosując mowę zależną!!!

1. „Don’t do it!” (warn/us) – She warned us not to do it.

2. “Write it down!” (tell/me)-

3. “Speak English, please.” (ask/her)-
4. “Work hard!” (warn/ us)-
5. “Remember, use the dictionary.” (remind/them)-
6. “Work hard.” (order/me) –
7. “Don’t sit down!” (warn/him)-
8. “Can you buy it?” (ask/me)-
9. “Steal it!” (order/her)-
10. “Don’t take it.” (warn/us)-
11. “Win it” (order/us) –
12. “Do it on your own” (order/them)-
13. “Write it down!” (tell/ us)-
14. “Keep calm!” (order/the crowd)-
15. “Sit properly!” (tell/me)-
16. “Read it aloud!” (aske/me)-
17. “Say it!” (order/me) –
18. “Don’t smoke!” (warn/the girls)-
19. “Keep watching!” (tell/ Kate)-
20. “Drink the water!” (order/witness)-
21. “Don’t forget” (warn/Sarah)-
22. “Forget about that.” (tell/the victim)-
23. “Listen to the music!” (tell/the students)-
24. “Say it!!!” (order/the boy)-
25. “Wear a uniform!” (remind/the students)-
26. “Don’t drink the alcohol!” (warn/ the pupils)-
27. “Eat healthy food.” (tell/ her friends)-
28. “Be patient!!!” (ask/Jenny)-
29. “Don’t make any noise!!!” (order/the children)-
30. “Make some friend” (tell/her)-
31. “Use the dictionary!” (want/her brother)-
32. “Tidy your room!” (tell/her son)-
33. “Write in pen” (ask/him)-
34. “Translate it.” (tell/him)-
35. “Please join us.” (want/ us)-
36. “Look at the picture!” (tell/the boy)-
37. “Listen to me!”(order/them)-

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