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Aio e r a u M Mehw's Aalt s" (100 ml) and.

ABL Je dalaminu the matanuly and Jbungth of h w
girn etasmiium rumanganatt (KMrDy) AAA"
Maltualy RLAd. Tut ulbt, buaki, Mshns uadt, KNno,
H,SO4,fnijut,tuutt, conical osk, funnul, clampatand.
he Auas Mehns saltFesOLNH), s0y.6H0 and KNndyiu a
ALden Auoe. in sae, Ft ibn pem Mehn's salt geta
euduisdl and pirt colerudl Mnqui suauwmdt stanuu Mn
Alondandss" e Metw's salt h0)in a muawung Hask of100m
Coun be os
Melas moss Mehn's salt is 3929/ ms. , to pnenam Il o
mslan sa"st Mehu's salt, 3129 o ths olt au Aauinnd.
Th toliluhng mlhed iu uud e caleutat tha weight of salk
Ad. Anase I00 ml La"
W mMV =342x0 X 100 :69
I000 1000
6 Mehn's salk u sugal1e pmnas t00 ml sel

Mn0+8H+ 5e Mn" tH20

Nn0+8H 5Fe. 5 Fe3+ Mn+ tH0

A tokun in the buutti =
KMnoy Le"
Le"Jakun in thu wnicol {tosk 10 m
but tws
Mhh's a t As

ndinnke ud neru; KMn0y a ul indinp

und n Colonkus o umanunt ioht rinR Ce

mi)Fainal (Fm) (F-I)m
Moha's olt Let" (ml)ritiol (I
10 18.3 23.4 89
10 .12 2 21 0 8-8

3 10 8.2 8-8
294 36 2 8-8

nducotoA KMnO4 ac all
a4a indcaten
nd noint Clerus te,nink
Reao. armt. ot Ms's Aalt wal weuahud in a dy wughung tiul
ight e wughing tule (w,) I3 500
dry =

weight t Mehh's salt (w,) = 196

Total wight (w, twa) 15.460g

1 0 ml e 1 ut tul dil. HS0 was takun in a 100m
MLasuning flaik. hi miohtud mshn's salt (L46 q) wad
Isanstand inte th flask wih the hupeh a claan kunnd
and distllid wal. lask was thun datud with a tid and
thakin te cemyuelily disowe Jhu salt. bitilled nraiu was
addud to make the ss" unte Jhu mask
Burute ond pintte we washusl and sinud with diitild wats,
and thun with thu s6" to be filud in hum.
h e burtte was hiued uilh Ihu gwen
KMnAy &e"and 1Oml el
Mehr'sLalt sot" wu pitttid But in a uoshudtibaluen Hosk
8onicol lask.
/4nantIst iube o dil.HaS0y weas acddud o thu Mehn's salt
Ls takn in hi rical lask.
nitial uading ethe busettowa netid and KMnby Ael
wal addd hom thu bunti t l a pwmanunt rink, colo.
had umyahlid te the se" in thu conical {lask.
Melauly e KMndy &el =Ma lte be
Velum o KMnOu 8e" ud
Melasily Btandbndl lV) 8.8 ml =

Mehn's alt Lel" (M,) =I2o

Velumu 4 Maha's Aalt Lel"
(V,) =10 m
M,V, 5(MaV,)
M 1 10x
5x8-8 88
M 0 011t M
Aungth Melaniy (M,) x Mslas mass 0:0114 Xx 158)g/k
8-a1 aen.
Molouiy gutn KMndy &"- 0-0114 M
ungth gun KMnOy ol"= 1-8g/
Anbbu must le samoNd ham the nnpll e tuneti
cenical Hlosk must nat be nuinud anlh wa.

Aim e punanl 100 m 10 xolic atid Le,and to
Ihu o o dituminu he meloanity and AINunath
hu given retauum peamangorale (RMnw) ui.

Maduuols Riad t t tuu, akuu, ocalio acid so", KMMy J8",

dil. H,Soy4, rinutte, uuti, coniual Hask, unnu,
clamp tand, buns, w i gaug

hi marien t ealie acd (H,c,0u) and KMndy u a
Adon mastuen. in hui ntaclueh, eralatr Lon-qst_oridiied.te
eCOa ond thn sink olsud Mn* qot Audlucud
coloruu M
Atondard _calic acio. M) in a miauning ask
o100 ml can e Madi au
Malan mas o ustolluins orolie anid H,C10u 2Ma0) u 126.
o Nnahs 14_melan Lo ocolic anid w Uauu 126
thu solt. thi pllauing mulhed d umd te caleulate the
wiaht o{ solt augd.14 phupae 100 ml st"
W mMV =126 * Ao x 100 269

26 o ralic arid. u nad to pAunoM 10Oml. of*

enic puoen
(Mno+ 8H +5e NntH20) x2
LCO 2C0 2e) x 5
2MnOy +
16H 5Ca04 2Mn+8 Ha0 +10CO
ndicol KMnOt acti a Alk-indicaleh
no eint Colru te sink.
RLd. amt. ocalic acid
ighud in wighig .
uight dy wtighing ule lw) 13.500g
weighto onalic acid (wa) = 1:2609
TCal uught = w t wa) =
10 ml er I tud ule ok dil.Ha S04 wo oukon in a lo Dml
mosuning lask. Jhu weightud omalis asidl (1:26g) wos
bransksd inte Ihu {ask wilh. hu hulp of a dhan tunnl
and ditlhd untus. iask was hun deud with a id and
shakan e comnllly diyelued thi salt. Sutilud uats was
addud. te maki th Leluple thi mank
Buulte and niputte uh ashud and ingud wih diutiud
wath, and then unh Jhu s"o bejilldin thum.
hu. Auntt was fud uxth tha quun KMnDy_LeL" and 10mk
OTalic asio wad pinuittd ou in a umlhud lhotuen
tosk ora_conical Hask.
Adtd Ynaat t tuls olil. HaS O4 ums Ihu
ocalic acid ssl Iaken in Iha conical Kask..
nelhd and the contunlu
Initial, ading e hs bunllu uau

in u b u t t =KMO4
tokun 0 ml
o takunin thtconicaltiaAk a l i c acid
ndica wd none; KMnoy oct ou a indisalsm
o n. (»tonuu te a rwmonunt ught rånk colsA

Velurni o
caiic ard sal" (mt) BURETTE READING
3nuol I mi)| Einal F Voum okMnO4et uad
i0 m
1. ml
25 3 F-L) ml
3- D m 5.4

thu uask weu wamud lo 50- 60'C and. it

wu larsd
low thu bwutt.
KMnD, L8U" wau adoad pom thi ulle ti a rumAnint
uink. sslor wau imyantud 1e bhu s" in he coniral totk..

Calculaien hu naac inwalmd in Ihu iolion

2KMnO +5H C,O t 3H SOy KaS04 t2MnSO,+ loCo8 H0

Melariy o qven KMnO &A" = Ma ( t e be caleulalud)

Vetume o KMnd A" ukid ( V.) =

Melarily e Orcalicacid ket" (M)= io
Velume e malic acid ss" V fo ml
AM,V, 5MV2
Ma 2M,VL
Ma 2x * 46 x o.t
4e 5x 5t 5.4 S
Ma 0-0747 M
Snath Malority (Ma)xMalan masl 00T5 I58

RutMelanity sguen
KNnD Ae" 0.015 M
Lnungh gun KMD, e 11-850g
An duts mut be sumed Lom hu nsylu uel
hi ceriLol pask must nst Ae sintud with utis

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