Nicholas Conno14

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Nicholas Connors-Johnson

August 10th, 2021

History 103

1. Which learning outcome did you choose to reflect on? Why do you think it stood out to

Acquire an understanding of diverse cultures and of shared humanity, as evidenced both

orally and in writing. This outcome stood out to me specifically throughout each of the
readings and assignments the differences in our cultures, but also our similarities are human

2. Do you feel like you have met the learning outcome? If so, what did you do during this
class that makes you feel you've met the outcome. If not, how might this course be
improved to help you meet the outcome? Either way, give a specific example.

Yes, I feel as though I’ve reached the outcome previously stated above. I’ve learned and also
relearned an enormous amount of information in so little time.

3. Overall, how do you feel about this course? What was something you liked? What was
something you disliked?

Overall I loved this course! In my opinion, our assignments never felt like they were stressful.
It was truly fun experience researching and completing each of the discussions and modules.

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