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Session- 2022-2023





1. What is the objectives of rural development.
2. Explain rural development and its importance.
3. Explain the Key issues of rural development.
4. Explain Rural Development in India.
5. Which award is given to cities and villages for
6. Which ministry started Swachh Bharat Abhiyan?
7. What is the significance of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan?
8. Write 10 slogans on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan?
9. Who is the brand ambassador of current Swachh
Bharat Abhiyan?
Q1. What is the objectives of rural development?

ANS: Rural development in India is the overall progress in the

economic and social conditions of Indians residing in rural areas. It is
not an objective but a constant process in itself. As a result, this
process actively contributes to the economic growth of a rural region
and the country as a whole. Conversely, the economic development in
an area leads to rural development.
With the passage of several decades since independence, the Indian
government has stressed the need for rural development in India.
Therefore, the objectives of rural development include providing
opportunities for earning a respectable livelihood. Consequently, the
rural population will be able to relieve themselves of poverty and
economic backwardness. The policy-makers in India attempt to
introduce modern education, health standards, and land reforms to
offer the rural inhabitants a standard of living.
The main objective of the Rural Development is improving the living
standards of rural people by utilizing the easily available natural and
human resources. The other objectives of rural development
programs are as follows:
1) Development of agriculture and allied activities.
2) Development of village and cottage industries and handicrafts.
3) Development of socio-economic infrastructure which includes
setting up of rural banks, co-operatives, schools etc.
4) Development of community services and facilities i.e. drinking
water, electricity, rural roads, health services etc.
5) Development of Human resource mobilization.
Q2. Explain rural development and its importance.

Rural development is the process of improving the quality of life and

economic well-being of people living in rural areas, often relatively
isolated and sparsely populated areas.
Rural development has traditionally centered on the exploitation of
land-intensive natural resources such as agriculture and forestry.
However, changes in global production networks and
increased urbanization have changed the character of rural areas.
Increasingly rural tourism, niche manufacturers, and recreation have
replaced resource extraction and agriculture as dominant economic
drivers. The need for rural communities to approach development from
a wider perspective has created more focus on a broad range of
development goals rather than merely creating incentive for agricultural
or resource-based businesses.
Education, entrepreneurship, physical infrastructure, and social
infrastructure all play an important role in developing rural
regions. Rural development is also characterized by its emphasis on
locally produced economic development strategies. In contrast to
urban regions, which have many similarities, rural areas are highly
distinctive from one another. For this reason there are a large variety of
rural development approaches used globally.
The role of rural development is important not only for the majority of
the population who live in rural areas but also for the overall economic
development of a country. In the process of the evolution of the
country, the process of rural development is becoming increasingly
important than it was in the past. The objective of this approach is to
achieve increased productivity, greater socio-economic equality and
ambition, and stability in social and economic development.
Additionally, the secondary responsibility is to ensure access to
clothing and footwear, a clean environment and house, medical
attention, recreational facilities, education, and communication.
Q3. Explain the Key issues of rural development.

Rural development is the process of improving the quality of life and

economic well-being of people living in rural areas. Rural areas support the
bulk of India’s population. Simultaneously, these areas are the breeding
ground of poverty, hunger and starvation. Rural development refers to
the actions and initiatives taken for the social and economic development
of the rural or backward areas. The key issues in rural development are
as follows:
1. Human Capital Formation- Rural areas lack quality human capital.
Therefore, rural development programmes should aim at development of
human resources by investing in education, technical skills development
through on-the-job training, health care, etc.
2. Development of Productive Resources- Productive resources help in
generating employment opportunities. Rural development must aim at
development of alternative sources of occupation. Development of
productive resources reduces excess burden on the agricultural sector,
thereby, increasing productivity and income of the rural people.
3. Development of Rural Infrastructure- Infrastructure development is
a very crucial issue at the micro level. Development of rural
infrastructure includes development of bank, credit societies, electricity,
means of transport, means of irrigation, development of markets,
facilities for agricultural research, etc.
4. Land reforms- Land reforms along with technical reforms must be
initiated in the rural areas. These enable the use of modern techniques
and methods, thereby, increasing the productivity and aggregate volume
of farm output. In addition, land reforms lead to efficient and optimum
use of land, enabling large scale production.
5. Lessening Poverty- Poverty is one of the main causes of rural
underdevelopment. Poverty is not a problem in itself; in fact, it gives rise
to many other interrelated problems like unemployment, inferior human
capital, underdevelopment and backwardness, inequalities, etc.
Q4. Explain Rural Development in India.

Rural development usually refers to the method of enhancing the

quality of life and financial well-being of individuals, specifically living in
populated and remote areas.

Traditionally, rural development was centred on the misuse of land-

intensive natural resources such as forestry and agriculture. However
today, the increasing urbanisation and the change in global production
networks have transformed the nature of rural areas.

Rural development still remains the core of the overall development of

the country. It is important for the government to be productive and
provide enough facilities to upgrade their standard of living.

Rural development is a term that concentrates on the actions taken for

the development of rural areas to improve the economy. However, few
areas that demand more focused attention and new initiatives are:

• Education

• Public health and Sanitation

• Women empowerment

• Infrastructure development (electricity, irrigation, etc.)

• Facilities for agriculture extension and research

• Availability of credit

• Employment opportunities
Q5. Which award is given to cities and villages for Cleanliness?
Nirmal Bharat was started in 1999 and was envisioned as a '
‘community-led’, ‘people-centered’ and ‘demand-driven’ scheme to
achieve open defecation free India. It sought the active participation of
the public along with the government to ensure cleanliness and a safe
environment for everyone.
The focus on the construction of sanitation facilities was not only on a
house level scale but provisions of community latrines were also there
where the need was. Additionally, the program focused on water
availability and water quality. The Nirmal Award was initiated in 2005 to
honor the achievement of Gram panchayats which had acquired full
sanitation in their respective areas and where the villages have
become environmentally clean and open defecation free.
The Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan was tweaked and is now called Swachh
Bharat Abhiyan which aimed to make India Open Defecation
Free(ODF) by 2nd October 2019. Therefore, The awards are given in
several categories, such as:
• Swachh Survekshan Grameen (rural areas)
• Swachh Survekshan Urban (urban areas)
• Swachh Iconic Places (tourist places)
• Fastest Mover (cities that show significant improvement in
• Best performing cities (cities that perform well in cleanliness)
• Top performers (cities that have achieved the highest level of
Q6. Which ministry started Swachh Bharat Abhiyan?

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a cleanliness Campaign run by the

government of India and initiated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri
Narendra Modi . It was launched especially on the birth anniversary of
the “Mahatma Gandhi” as it was his dream to make our country a well
kept nation. It is only possible if each and every person living in
India would understand this campaign as their own responsibility and
try to meet hands together to make it a successful mission.

Pursuant to the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s call on “Swachh Bharat (clean

India) Campaign and directives from Ministry of Home Affairs , the
same was launched in SSB by the Director General along with other
officers and officials of FHQ SSB. Similarly, it has also done by SSB
field units on Indo-Nepal Border and Indo –Bhutan Borders.

Construction of individual, cluster and community toilets. To eliminate

or reduce open defecation. Open defecation is one of the main causes
of deaths of thousands of children each year. Not only toilet
construction, the Swachh Bharat Mission will also make an initiative of
establishing an accountable mechanism of monitoring latrine use.
Public awareness will also be provided about the drawbacks of open
defecation and promotion of latrine use. For proper sanitation use, the
mission will aim at changing people’s attitudes, mindsets and
behaviours. Proper, dedicated ground staff will be recruited to bring
about behavioural change and promotion of toilet use to keep villages
Q7. What is the significance of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan?
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is one of the most significant and popular
missions to have taken place in India. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan translates
to Clean India Mission. This drive was formulated to cover all the cities
and towns of India to make them clean. This campaign was administered
by the Indian government and was introduced by the Prime
Minister, Narendra Modi. It was launched on 2nd October in order to
honor Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of a Clean India. The cleanliness
campaign of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was run on a national level and
encompassed all the towns, rural and urban. It served as a great initiative
in making people aware of the importance of cleanliness. The campaign
has several objectives, including:
1.Eradicating open defecation: The campaign aims to build toilets
and promote the use of toilets, with the goal of eliminating open
defecation and improving sanitation in rural and urban areas. 2.Solid
waste management: The campaign aims to improve the management
of solid waste, including collection, transportation, and disposal, in
order to reduce litter and pollution. 3.Cleanliness of streets, roads
and infrastructure: The campaign aims to promote cleanliness of
streets, roads, and infrastructure, including public facilities such as
schools, hospitals, and public transport. 4.Public participation: The
campaign aims to involve the public, particularly school children, in
promoting cleanliness and sanitation, through activities such as
community clean up drives and awareness campaigns.
5. Behavioural change: The campaign aims to promote a culture pf
cleanliness and hygiene among the population, through education and
awareness campaigns.
Overall, the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a significant campaign in India
with the aim to improve the quality of life of people by providing clean
and hygienic environment and eradicating open defecation. It is a
collective effort of the government, local bodies, and citizens to make
India a clean and healthy country.
Q.8 Write 10 slogans on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan?
Swachh Bharat Mission, popularly known as Swachh Bharat Yojana,
is a campaign launched by PM Narendra Modi on 2nd October 2014
with aim to make India clean and open defecation free by 2nd October
2019 which is 150th Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. This
campaign is very crucial for clean India image, because it contains
basic facilities like construction of toilets, clean roads and streets.
We have provided here some inspiring, effective and eye catching
slogans on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan which you can use on various
places like celebrating the event in your school, society or in your
speeches and essays etc.
By using these Swachh Bharat Mission slogans you can inspire your
friends and family members to actively participate in this mission.
You can also use these slogans to increase awareness among people
about cleanness.
The 10 slogans on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan are:-
1. "Swachh Bharat, Swasth Bharat" (Clean India, Healthy India)
2. "Clean India, Green India"
3. "Cleanliness is next to godliness"
4. "Together we can make a clean India"
5. "Cleanliness is a way of life, let's make it our habit"
6. "A clean India is a symbol of pride"
7. "Cleanliness begins at home, let's start from our own doorstep"
8. "Let's make India a shining example of cleanliness"
9. "Cleanliness is the foundation of a healthy society"
10. "One step towards cleanliness, one step towards a better future"
Q.9 Who is the brand ambassador of Swachh Bharat
“Swachh Bharat Abhiyan”, as cleared from its name, is a
cleanliness campaign ran by the Prime Minister of India Mr.
Narendra Modi. Narendra Damodardas Modi, famous as
Narendra Modi and also as “Namo” is the first prime minister of
India to be born after the Independence. He launched the
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on 2nd October 2014 on the occasion
of Gandhi Jayanti.
The main objective of Government of India behind launching
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is to make India open defecation free
and achieve complete hygiene by 2nd October 2019, the
150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
Daljit Singh, a dedicated social worker of Sahnewal town, has
been appointed brand ambassador for Swachh Bharat Mission
(Urban) and Swachh Survekshan 2023 for Sahnewal. He has
been entrusted with this responsibility for his contribution
towards society.
Daljit Singh runs Ishwarjot School in Sahnewal where he
teaches needy students free of cost. Daljit assured the council
that he would continue with his services of helping the needy
and making the town plastic and garbage free. He along with
his students will spread the message of cleanliness and waste
management to every house of the town. He will strive to work
for a clean town which will become a befitting example for
others to emulate.
Swach Bharat QUIZ- 1 (RO/BT-108)

1.Swachh Bhart Abiyan started on whose birthday

A) Narendra Modi
B) M.K.Gandhi
C) Rajiv Gandhi

2. Who started Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

A) Nitin Gadkari
B) Pranab Mukharji
C) Narendra Modi

3. When Swachh Bhart Abiyan was started

A) 2nd Oct 2013
B) 2nd Nov 2014
C) 2nd Oct 2014

4. What is the tag line to Swachh Bharat

A) One Step towards Cleanliness
B) Clean India
C) Green India

5. What is the logo of Swachh Bharat

A) Broom Stick
B) Spectacles
C) Gandhi

6. What is the percentage of tax for Swachh Bharat

A) 0.1%
B) 0.5%
C) 0.05%

7. What is ending year of Swachh Bharat

A) 2018
B) 2019
C) 2020

8. What is the position of Swachh Bharat logo on new currency

A) Left Side
B) Center
C) Right Side

9. From which year Swachh Bharat is applicable

A) 2014
B) 2015
C) 2016

10. Where Swachh Bharat was launched

A) Goa
B) Delhi
C) Kolkata

Swach Bharat QUIZ- 2 (RO/BT-108)

1. Face of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

A) Amitabh Bachchan
B) Narendra Modi
C) Amit Shah

2. In which month” Bal Swachhta Week” observed every year?

A. November
B. October
C. July

3. Swachh bharat Mission Concept developed with inspiration of which Indian leader ?
A. Rajiv Gandhi
B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Sardar Vallabh bhai Patel

4. The Tagline of Swachh Bharat Misson ?

A. Ek Kadam Swachhta Ke ore
B. hamara Desh Swachh
C. Towards Clean india

5. On Which of the following date Swachh bharat Mission Launched?

A. 31,July 2014
B. 08,November 2016
C. 02,October 2014

6. Which program was relaunched as Swachh bharat abhiyan ?

A. Nirmal Bharat Mission
B. India
C. Swachhata

7. How many tons of organic waste can be converted to compost in 24 hours?

A. 1 ton
B. 0.5 ton
C. 1.5 ton

8. What is the percentage of funds allocated for awareness raising under SBM?
A. 15%
B. 30%
C. 25%

9. What is the total amount of waste generated in Class I and II towns of India?
A. 1.33 lac metric ton
B. 1.22 lac metric ton
C. 1.11 lac metric ton

10. The money for SBM share of Center, State for J&K and North Eastern states is:
A. 90: 10
B. 50:50
C. 25:75

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