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Portfolio Task 1

1. Describe all consonant phonemes in the following words:

Word: Transcription: Meaning: Consonant phonemes:

Strings [ strɪŋ ] Низ, струна “str” blend, nasal consonants
Lame [ leɪm ] Досаден Nasal vowel: e,nasal consonant
Thought [ θɔːt ] Мисъл “th” digraph

2. Identify and discuss potential problems for Bulgaria learners of

English in the pronunciation of the words in Task 1.

2.1: strings - the difficulty would come in the pronunciation of the

"s" at the end of the word is most likely going to be pronounced with
a strong zed, rather than "sss"
2.2: lame - ae, ai, would be pronounced as "leime", causing difficulty
in not only remembering the word, but also heightening the
possibility of a future mistake, writing the word as "leim", much like
the transcription of the word.
2.3: thought - the "th" sound would cause a problem for new
learners, as well as forgetting the "ough", due to the silent nature of
vower "u", followed by a silent "g".

3. Transcribe the Simple Past Tense forms of the following verbs:

Word: Past Simple form: Transcription:

Call called [ kɔːld ]
Add Added [ ˈædɪd ]
Use Used [ ˈjuːzd ]
Pass Passed [ pɑːst ]
Mind Minded [ ˈmaɪndɪd ]
Play Played [ ˈpleɪd ]
Wish Wished [ wɪʃt ]
Bang Banged [ Bæŋd ]
4. Transcribe the following short dialogue:
- What’s your favorite Christmas song? – [ wɒt ɪz jɔːz feɪvərɪt
ˈkrɪsməs sɒŋ? ]

- Let’s sing “Jingle Bells”! – [ let’z sɪŋ ˈdʒɪŋɡ(ə)l belz! ]

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