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Cs515 , IS 517 Sheet1 [Type text]

1- Construct a Play fair matrix with the key largest.

2- Construct a Play fair matrix with the key occurrence.

3- What is the OSI security architecture?

4- What is the difference between passive and active security threats?

5- List and briefly define categories of passive and active security attacks.

6- List and briefly define categories of security services.

7- List and briefly define categories of security mechanisms.

8- using PlayFair algorithm encrypt the (everyone has day)

With key: classical

9- Let the letter world: 11 letter from A to K

Encrypt the text: hello using Key = 5

10 – Decrypt the following text using Rail Fence:

“wieesgl tesignly rtmsaee trdaoal”

11- Encrypt using Rail Fence : “ classic cipher”

12- Using row transposition

Encrypt: cryptology was born among the Arabs

Key : 45231

13- Using row transposition

Encrypt : Arabs were the first to discover and write down the crypto analysis

Key : 47561248

14- Using Play Fair algorithm

Dr. Nermin Hamza

Cs515 , IS 517 Sheet1 [Type text]

Encrypt: I love my counter

Key : Egypt

15- Using Play Fair algorithm

Encrypt: the exam is very simple

Key : math

16- Using S-box

S1(011000)— S2( 010001) -- S3( 011110) --- S4(111010)

S5( 100001) --- S6( 100110) – S7( 010100) --- S8( 100111)

17- Let the following table :

Permute the following string : 1010000010

18- Let

Permute : 10111101

19- Let

Dr. Nermin Hamza

Cs515 , IS 517 Sheet1 [Type text]

Solve: (11101100)

20- From Vigenere cipher

Plain text: vigenerescipher

Key: Key

21- Encrypt the following using a Caser Cipher with key K=4.

“Logic is the youth of mathematics”

22- Decrypt the cipher text

Given that it has been encrypted with the Vigenere cipher using the keyword `maths'.

23- The key : 3

Plain letters : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

What is the cipher letters

Using this Playfair matrix

Encrypt this message:

The Egyptian revolution took place following a popular uprising that began on twenty
five of January

Dr. Nermin Hamza

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