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10TH GRADE BIOLOGY Review CELL THEORY * Allliving things are made up of one or more cells and their products. ©The callis the simplest unit that can carry out all life processes * Allcelis come from other cells, they do not come from nonliving matter with a pucieus without 2 ucieus (6. pine tee) PROKARYOTES & EUKARYOTES, * Allliving things are either prokaryotes or eukaryotes depending on the type of cells they contain © Prokaryotes: cell that does not contain a nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles ‘* Eukaryotes: a cell that does contain a nucleus and other organelles, each surrounded by a thin membrane PROKARYOTIC VS. EUKARYOTIC LIFE © Prokaryotic life simplest organism, unicellular (include archaea or bacteria), cells have no nucleus or other membrane bound organelles © Eukaryotic life: more complex organism, mostly multicellular (includes protists, fungi, animals and plants), cells contain a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles, 10-1000x larger than prokaryotic cells KEY PROCESSES OF CELLS * allcells have to perform the same basic activities to stay alive: use energy, store materials, take materials from the environment, get rid of wastes, move substances to where they are needed & reproduce. ORGANELLES cytoplasm: all organelles are suspended in the cytoplasm. Mostly water but also contains many other substances that the cell stores until they are needed * Cell membrane: a flexible double layered structure that surrounds the celll and provides support. Semi permeable ( allows some materials to pass through in and out of the cell but not all). Some organelles contain double membrane Nucleus: spiracle, dense structure in cell. Surrounded by a double membrane. Contains DNA that controls cell activity. genetic info (DNA-Deoxyribonucleic acid) is stored as chromosomes * Mitochondrion: sometimes called carbon dioxide + water + usable energy (ATP) * endoplasmic reticulum: network director of fluid-filled tubes extending through the cytoplasm from the nuclear membrane to cell membrane. They transport materials such as proteins through the cell. rough E.R -studded with ribosomes. Smooth E.R -lack of ribosomes ¢ Golgi bodies: tube-like structures. Collect and modify materials to be transported within the call or removed from the cell. They make secrete mucus © Vacuole; fluid filed sack composed of a single layer of the membrane. Their functions are mostly storing, transporting, and removing important molecules and/or waste products. Animal cells may have many small vacuoles that are often visible and plant cells have one central vacuole that is visible under a light microscope. * Ribosomes: found free floating in cytoplasm or bound to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Makes it synthesizes protein in the cell. IN PLANT CELLS ONLY: © cell wall: rigid structure made of cellulose and is found outside of the cell membrane of a plant cell. Provides support for the cell and protection from physical injury Central vacuole: large membrane bound organelle located in the center of the cell that stores water, food, nutrients and wastes. When full of water, turgor pressure keeps the cells plump and high keeps the plants stems and leaves firm. If water levels drop, the vacuoles pose turgor pressure and the cells become soft. © Chloroplast: contains chlorophyll and gives leaves the green colour. Chloroplasts absorb light energy which is used in photosynthesis (process of converting carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen). Carbon dioxide + water + energy(sunlight) -> glucose + oxygen. Photosynthesis allows plants to obtain their energy from sunlight so they can make their own food. Plant cells rely on mitochondria cells to metabolize glucose, just as animal cells do. IN ANIMAL CELLS ONLY Lysozyme: specialized vacuoles that contain chemicals which digest and break down biomolecules. ae rN nal Cell afc oso Cel Merbuane eos vcronsnan ee, sete cane a. 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Therefore cells remain the @o same size since a larger call would «a have more difficulty transporting substances at a fast pace. sapien © Substances move in and out of the cell by two processes: diffusion and osmosis. DIFFUSION: Movement of a solute for an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. © factors that affect the rate of diffusion: surface area of membrane (the other the area, the greater the exchange). Concentration difference (the greater the difference, the more rapid the rate of diffusion). Diffusion distance (the Partdesofcyeinweter ——wenbranepmentle wan, smaller the distance the substance —dvepstiesarconetaed —Dyepaiinstine A eu mneneet has to travel, the greater the rate of = “Et temmnbaw Stustnemeniw Teo diffusion) * Molecules of gas (02, CO2) must be dissolved in a liquid before it may diffuse across in the body. OSMOSIS: Movement of water from high concentration to area of low concentration REPAIR: © When part of an organism is damaged, the remaining cells divide to repair injury MICROSCOPES: Eyepiece Coarse _- Aajustment Knob Objective Fine ‘Adjustment Knob ip Arm Mirror ‘ » Stage Base CELL CYCLE: © Cells follow a cycle that includes interphase (growth and preparation for division) followed by mitosis and cytokinesis (cell division) INTERPHASE: © Inthis stage DNAis very long, thin and in invisible strands called chromatin During late interphase, all of the DNA in the cell replicates so there ate two identical strands of the genetic material CELL DIVISION: ‘* Stage: plateforme where a slide is placed Eye piece: lens at the top of the microscope that the user looks through (10x) ‘* Coarse focus knob: large knob that moves the stage up and down to focus the sample * Fine focus knob: small knob that moves the stage over a short distance to refine the focus ‘* Objective lens: a second lens that further magnifies the sample (several objective lenses) ’° Slide: a rectangular piece of glass upon which a sample is mounted for viewing under a microscope. Wes ar” cot orows Oo callrceives instructions mt repens reaardea dision © cell division occurs in 2 stages: mitosis and cytokinesis MITOSIS: © The division of the nucleus into two identical nuclei The four phases of mitosis: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase (PMAT) PROPHASE: Chromatin condenses into visible chromasomes (coiled DNA) Each chromosome consists of two identical strands called sister strands The sister chromatids are held together by 4 centromere © Spindle fibers form and attach to the centromeres of each chromosome The nuclear membrane breaks down near the end of prophase METAPHASE: The chromosomes migrate to the middle of the cell The spindle fibers push and pull the chromosomes into the middle of the cell. ANAPHASE: © The spindle fibers pull the centromere apart, splitting the sister t} chromatids into two daughter chromatids { * Daughter chromatids move towards opposite ends of the cell { TELOPHASE: © Final phase of mitosis The daughter chromosomes unravel into chromatin and become invisible © Anew nuclear membrane forms around each group of the daughter chromosomes The cell appears to have two nuclei CYTOKINESIS: After mitosis, cytokinesis divides the entire cell into two new daughter cells, Animal cell cytokinesis features the cell pinching off to form two daughter cells © Plant cell cytokinesis features a new cell wall forming a cell plate to espérdtes two daughter cells. CHECKPOINTS OF CELL CYCLE: © Specialized proteins monitor cell activities and send messages to regulate cell division. Acell should remain in interphase(not divide) if signals from surrounding cells tell the cell not to divide, there are not enough nutrients to provide for cell growth, or the DNA within the nucleus has not been replaced or is damaged.

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