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Paediatrics and International Child Health

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Efficacy of zinc supplementation in the

management of acute diarrhoea: a randomised
controlled trial

Lakkana Rerksuppaphol & Sanguansak Rerksuppaphol

To cite this article: Lakkana Rerksuppaphol & Sanguansak Rerksuppaphol (2019): Efficacy of zinc
supplementation in the management of acute diarrhoea: a randomised controlled trial, Paediatrics
and International Child Health, DOI: 10.1080/20469047.2019.1673548

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Efficacy of zinc supplementation in the management of acute diarrhoea: a

randomised controlled trial
Lakkana Rerksuppaphola and Sanguansak Rerksuppapholb
Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand; bDepartment of Paediatrics,
Faculty of Medicine, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand


Background: Zinc has been recommended for the treatment of acute diarrhoea; however, Received 7 June 2019
there are heterogeneous reports regarding its efficacy. Accepted 24 September 2019
Aim: This study investigated the efficacy of zinc supplementation on the treatment outcomes KEYWORDS
of children admitted to hospital with acute diarrhoea. Child; diarrhoea; dietary
Methods: A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in the supplements; randomised
Srinakharinwirot University Hospital’s Paediatric Department, Thailand. Eligible children were controlled trial; zinc;
randomly allocated to receive either zinc bisglycinate (15 mg elemental zinc) or a placebo. The antidiarrhoeals;
study protocol was registered in the Thai Clinical Trials Registry (TCTR20190423004). gastroenteritis; therapy
Results: Of 86 patients, 50 (58.1%) were male and the mean age (range) was 2.5 years
(6 months to 9.3 years). The median (IQR) number of hours to recovery from diarrhoea was
significantly less in the zinc group than in the controls [44 (24–48) vs 52 (36–80) hours,
respectively, p < 0.01]. The median (IQR) number of stools was significantly lower in the zinc
group [5 (3–12)] than in the controls [7 (4–17), p = 0.02]. The median (IQR) duration of
intravenous fluid therapy was 40 (24–56) hours in the zinc group and 56 (40–73) in the
control group (p < 0.01). The duration of hospitalisation was 60 (44–72) hours in the zinc
group and 84 (56–136) hours in the controls (p < 0.01). There was good compliance by all
participants in both groups.
Conclusion: Zinc supplementation can reduce the time to resolution of acute diarrhoea, the
length of hospital stay and the frequency of stools. Zinc supplementation is recommended as
a routine strategy for Thai children with acute diarrhoea.

Introduction enhancing water and electrolyte transportation [6]. In

addition, pooled analyses of randomised controlled
Diarrhoea is a major cause of morbidity and mortality,
trials (RCTs) have estimated that zinc can lessen the
especially in children <5 years old. The highest incidence
duration and severity of diarrhoeal episodes and the
of childhood diarrhoea has been reported in Asia and
duration of hospitalisation [7]. A 2-week administra-
Africa [1,2]. However, diarrhoea related-mortality is an
tion of zinc for a diarrhoeal episode reduced the
intrinsic global burden on communities and a challenge
incidence of recurrent episodes in the subsequent
for public health practitioners [1,2]. A systematic analysis
3 months [8].
estimated that, globally, diarrhoea caused >1.3 million
There is a wide degree of heterogeneity between
deaths at all ages and was the fourth leading cause of
the results of published trials of the efficacy of zinc for
death in children <5 years with an estimated 499,000
acute diarrhoea. This might be because zinc is not
child deaths annually [3].
effective against all organisms, and the causes of
Diarrhoeal episodes lead to loss of micronutrients
diarrhoea in LMIC are not similar [9]. In general, zinc
stores such as zinc and copper. Therefore, malnour-
is not prescribed routinely for the management of
ished children living in low- and middle-income coun-
acute diarrhoea in Thai children. It has been estimated
tries (LMIC) have the greatest risk of zinc depletion [4].
that approximately 40% of Thailand’s population is
Based on the outcomes of several randomised trials,
potentially at risk of zinc deficiency [10]. No clinical
the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the
reports from Thailand have examined the effect of
World Health Organization (WHO) in 2004 established
zinc supplementation on the outcome of treatment
a strategy for the management of acute diarrhoea. It
of acute diarrhoea in children.
was based on administering oral rehydration solutions
Given the above, the aim of the study was to
together with zinc supplementation for 2 weeks [5].
undertake a randomised clinical trial to assess the
Zinc plays a substantial role in the growth and integ-
efficacy of zinc supplementation on the outcome of
rity of the immune system growth and integrity. It
treatment in Thai children admitted to hospital with
works directly on the intestinal villi and brush border,

CONTACT Sanguansak Rerksuppaphol

© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

acute diarrhoea. The hypothesis was that zinc supple- indistinguishable in colour, taste and appearance. Each
mentation can hasten recovery. arm of the trial received the treatment according to the
registered protocol and the trial contributors were not
able to recognise the treatment or the placebo.
Subjects and methods Attending physicians were responsible for the manage-
Study setting ment of diarrhoea, the close observation of patients and
decisions to discharge, as per the study protocol.
From June 2018 to April 2019, a double-blind, rando-
mised, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in the
Paediatric Department of Srinakharinwirot University Data collection and outcome definition
Hospital, Nakorn Nayok. The study aimed to measure
the efficacy of zinc supplementation in children At enrolment, a detailed clinical assessment including the
admitted with acute diarrhoea. history and clinical examination was undertaken by the
attending physicians. Baseline demographic data includ-
ing age, gender, bodyweight and height were collected
Sample size and eligibility criteria and analysed. Weight was measured using an electronic
The sample size was calculated on the basis of scale to the nearest 0.1 kg. For children <2 years old,
a previous report which demonstrated that the mean length was measured in the recumbent position using
(SD) time to resolution of acute diarrhoea was 114.3 an infantometer, and in a standing position for children
(30.9) hours [11]. A sample size of 43 patients for each aged ≥2 to the nearest millimetre using a stadiometer.
group was determined to detect a 20% reduction in the Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as weight (kg)/
duration of diarrhoea with a sample power of 90% and height (m2). Children with a weight for height <-2 SD
95% confidence. (≤5 years) or BMI <-2 SD (>5 years) were defined as
Children aged ≥6 months admitted with acute diar- wasted and children with a length (height) for age <-2
rhoea were eligible to participate in the trial. Acute SD were defined as stunted [12]. Clinical dehydration was
diarrhoea was defined according to the following cri- determined according to WHO guidelines [13]. Fever was
teria: (i) patients who passed abnormal watery and/or defined as a body temperature of ≥37.8°C and the resolu-
mucous stool, (ii) more than three times within the tion of fever was defined as the first decrease of body
previous 24 hours, and (iii) for less than 2 weeks. The temperature to a normal level on two consecutive mea-
exclusion criteria were (i) patients with severe dehydra- surements with a 4-hour interval.
tion, (ii) evidence of systemic infection, (iii) chronic med-
ical conditions such as chronic liver or renal diseases,
immune deficiency or chronic gastrointestinal condi-
Laboratory procedures
tions, and (iv) who had received zinc or vitamin supple- A venous blood sample was collected using trace
mentation within the last 3 months. Eligible children element-free vacutainers for estimation of zinc levels.
were randomly allocated to receive either zinc or pla- Serum zinc was measured by flame atomic absorption
cebo. All randomisation procedures were performed spectrometry and levels <9.9 μmol/L were considered
using a computer programme (GraphPad QuickCalcs, to indicate zinc deficiency [14]. Haemoglobin, haema-
San Diego, CA, USA). Patients’ personal information tocrit, total and differential leucocyte counts and fae-
were entirely encrypted to randomisation sequence cal examination were performed on admission by the
codes. Patients’ families, research investigators, the sta- central laboratory. In addition, faecal examination for
tistician and the attending healthcare workers were rotavirus was undertaken by an immunochromatogra-
blinded to these codes. phy assay (Rota-strip, Coris Bioconcept, Belgium).
Stool culture was performed by a central laboratory
unit. At the end of the study, adverse events were
Intervention and procedures
estimated by interviewing children and/or parents
Enrolled children were randomised to receive either zinc with non-leading questions. Compliance was evalu-
bisglycinate (15 mg elemental zinc) or a placebo twice ated by total drug intake.
a day until discharge from hospital. The zinc bisglycinate The primary outcome of the study was the time to
and placebo were prepared in powder form in a single- recovery from diarrhoea; it was defined as the period
dose sachet (Qualimed, Bangkok, Thailand) and dis- between hospital enrolment until the passage of two
solved in water for administration. The manufacturing consecutive semi-formed stools or not passing stool
company which produced both the zinc and the pla- for 12 hours since the last defaecation. Secondary
cebo had no role in the study design, data analysis, outcomes were the number of abnormal watery or
interpretation of results or the publication process. The mucous stools, time of intravenous fluid administra-
powder form of zinc bisglycinate and the placebo were tion and length of hospital admission.

Statistical analysis different between the two groups. Enteric pathogens

were detected in 14 patients, non-typhoidal Salmonella
Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS
in six, one in the intervention group had shigella infection
Statistics 23.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). A one-
and seven had rotavirus. Mean (SD) serum zinc concen-
sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was employed to
trations at baseline were 10.6 (2.6) µmol/L in the zinc
assess the normal distribution of variables. Normally dis-
group and 10.3 (2.6) μmol/L in the controls, with no
tributed variables were presented as means and standard
significant difference. Baseline characteristics including
deviations (SD) and non-normally distributed variables as
demographic data, stool frequency and characteristics,
median and interquartile ranges (IQR). Student’s t-test
the severity of clinical status and laboratory findings for
and the Mann–Whitney U-test were used to examine
both trial arms are compared and detailed in Table 1.
the differences between normally and non-normally dis-
tributed variables, respectively. Pearson’s χ2 or Fisher’s
Exact test were introduced to compare proportions
Clinical outcomes
between groups, as appropriate. Cox-proportional
regression models were employed to investigate the The median (IQR) hourly time to recovery from diarrhoea
effects of zinc supplementation and baseline zinc status was significantly less in the zinc group than in the control
on time to recovery from diarrhoea by calculating the group [44 (24–48) vs 52 (36–80), respectively, p < 0.01]
hazard ratio (HR); p < 0.05 was considered to be statisti- (Table 2). In addition, the Cox proportional hazards
cally significant. regression model showed a significant effect of zinc
supplementation in reducing the time to recovery from
diarrhoea [HR 0.412, 95% CI 0.256–0.663)] (Figure 1).
Ethics clearance
Baseline zinc status did not affect the time to remission
The study protocol was approved by the Ethics of diarrhoea in either group [HR 1.003, 95% CI
Committee of Srinakharinwirot University and registered 0.651–1.544]. Forty-two (97.7%) patients in the zinc
in the Thai Clinical Trials Registry (TCTR20190423004). group recovered from diarrhoea 3 days after receiving
Written informed consent was obtained from parents or the treatment and 30 (69.8%) controls recovered 3 days
legal guardians of eligible children before participation, after receiving the placebo, a difference which is statisti-
and all participants were free to withdraw from the study cally significant (p < 0.01). By the 5th day of therapy, no
at any time.
Table 1. Baseline characteristics.
Results Placebo,
Characteristic Zinc, n = 43 n = 43 p-value
Flow and follow-up of participants Age, months 38.7 (25.1) 30.8 (23.1) 0.13
Age <5, n (%) 36 (83.7) 39 (90.7) 0.52
A total of 91 children with acute diarrhoea were consid- Age ≥5 y, n (%) 7 (16.3) 4 (9.3)
Male, n (%) 28 (65.1) 22 (51.2) 0.27
ered for participation. The parents of four children Weighta, kg 13.4 11.7 0.43b
refused. In addition, one child had signs of severe dehy- (10.8–15.3) (9.0–14.8)
Height, cm 93.1 (17.1) 88.2 (17.7) 0.19
dration and was excluded. Eventually, a total of 86 chil- Wasting, n (%) 6 (14.0) 6 (14.0) 1.00
dren were randomly assigned to receive either zinc or Stunting, n (%) 3 (7.0) 5 (11.6) 0.71
placebo. None of the participants discontinued the treat- Pre-enrolment diarrhoea 24 (12–48) 24 (12–48) 0.55b
durationa, hrs
ment or experienced any apparent complications. The Stool frequencya 5 (4–7) 5 (4–8) 0.90b
flowchart of the enrollment process and procedures is Stool characteristic, n (%) 0.55
Watery or loose stool 38 (88.4) 35 (81.4)
shown in the supplemental figure (available from Mucous 5 (11.6) 8 (18.6)
http://www.). Vomiting, n (%) 32 (74.4) 30 (69.8) 0.55
Fever, n (%) 35 (81.4) 34 (79.1) 1.00
Antimicrobial therapy before 7 (16.3) 8 (18.6) 1.00
admission, n (%)
Baseline characteristics of included patients Hydration status, n (%) 0.12
Minimal or no dehydration 21 (48.8) 13 (30.2)
Of 86 subjects, 50 (58.1%) were male and the mean age Moderate dehydration 22 (51.2) 30 (69.8)
(range) was 34.7 months (6 months to 9.25 years). There Laboratory findings
Haemoglobin, g/dL 12.2 (1.1) 11.9 (1.6 0.29
were no significant differences in age or gender distribu- Haematocrit, % 36.8 (2.9) 36.1 (4.8) 0.43
tion between the two groups. Median duration of diar- White blood cell 12.5 (5.0) 13.1 (6.9) 0.66
count ×109/L
rhoea in both arms before admission was 24 hours (IQR Neutrophil, % 65.0 (19.4) 67.6 (17.2) 0.39
12–48 hours) and the frequency of diarrhoeal episodes in Stool pathogens, n (%)
Bacteria 3 (7.0) 4 (9.3) 1.00
both groups was five times (IQR 3–8 times). Thirty-four Rotavirus 4 (9.3) 3 (7.0) 1.00
children (39.5%) had no or mild dehydration at the time Serum zinc concentration, 10.6 (2.6) 10.3 (2.6) 0.69
of enrolment and the remaining patients had moderate <9.9 μmol/L, n (%) 20 (46.5) 21 (48.8) 1.00
dehydration. Haemoglobin and haematocrit levels and Mean (SD) unless otherwise indicated; amedian (interquartile range);
leucocyte and neutrophils counts were not statistically Mann–Whitney U-test.

Table 2. Effect of zinc supplementation on clinical outcome Regardless of baseline serum zinc status, time to
in children with acute diarrhoea. remission of diarrhoea and to resolution of fever
Characteristic Zinc, n = 43 Placebo, n = 43 p-value exponentially declined in patients receiving zinc com-
Time to recovery from 44 (24–48) 52 (36–80) <0.01
diarrhoea, hrs
pared with children receiving a placebo. There was
Recovery by 3 days, n (%) 42 (97.7) 30 (69.8) <0.01 a significant reduction in the number of diarrhoeal
Recovery by 5 days, n (%) 43 (100) 40 (93.0) 0.24 episodes in the zinc group compared with the control
Recovery by 7 days, n (%) 43 (100) 42 (97.7) 1.00
No. of diarrhoeal stools per 5 (3–12) 7 (4–17) 0.02 group. In addition, the duration of hospitalisation and
admission of rehydration with intravenous fluids were markedly
Duration of intravenous fluid 40 (24–56) 56 (40–73) <0.01
therapy, hrs reduced in children receiving zinc compared with
Time to resolution of 12 (4–44) 20 (8–48) <0.01 those receiving a placebo. Zinc supplementation was
fever, hrs
Duration of hospital stay, hrs 60 (44–72) 84 (56–136) <0.01 safe and compliance was good.
Median (IQR) unless otherwise indicated; p-values in bold type are Recent research has demonstrated that zinc is an
statistically significant. essential factor in minimising the morbidity and mor-
tality associated with acute and chronic diarrhoeal
child in the zinc group had persistent signs of diarrhoea diseases [15]. Experimental research has found that
compared with three (7.0%) in the placebo group. The zinc can maintain the mucosal immune response to
median (IQR) number of stools during the trial was sig- enteric pathogens as well as the integrity of the
nificantly lower in the zinc group [5 (3–12)] than in the intestinal epithelium [16,17]. Additionally, animal stu-
placebo group [7 (4–17), p = 0.02]. The median duration dies have shown that zinc deficiency increases the
of intravenous fluid therapy and of hospitalisation was susceptibility to diarrhoea through several mechan-
considerably less in the zinc group than in the controls (p isms; it may induce alteration of the intestinal mor-
= 0.001 for both). Fever in the patients receiving zinc phology and mucosal integrity by decreasing the
resolved within a median of 12 hours and within a median villous height and crypt depth. In addition, zinc can
of 20 in the control group (p < 0.01). No patient experi- enhance lamina propria infiltration through stimula-
enced any serious adverse event during the trial. After tion of specific inflammatory cell reactions and loss of
24 hours of treatment, 38 (88.4%) patients in the zinc intestinal mucosal integrity [18].
group had no vomiting compared with 35 (81.4%) Results of trials on the efficacy of zinc for diarrhoea
patients in control group. The median duration of vomit- are contradictory [19–25]. In this study, zinc supple-
ing in the zinc and placebo groups was similar [0 (0–8) mentation significantly reduced stool frequency.
and 0 (0–24), respectively] and the median number of Consistent results were demonstrated in another trial
vomits [0 (0–2) and 0 (0–3), respectively]. There was good in which administration of zinc reduced the frequency
compliance with zinc and placebo in both groups. of diarrhoeal episodes (62% reduction with zinc vs
26% reduction with a placebo) and normalised the
stool consistency [19]. In another randomised trial in
Discussion Bangladeshi children aged 3–24 months, zinc supple-
This randomised trial demonstrated that zinc supple- mentation in a multivitamin syrup reduced diarrhoeal
mentation ameliorated acute diarrhoea in children. episodes by 38% (p < 0.05) and diarrhoea duration by

Figure 1. Cox regression plots for the survival function that predicts the probability of diarrhoeal recovery in the placebo and
the zinc groups.

44% (p < 0.05) compared with a multivitamin syrup As far as we know, this is the first randomised trial in
without zinc [20] and these findings are consistent Thailand examining the efficacy and tolerability of zinc in
with our trial. Furthermore, a small trial (n = 60) children with acute diarrhoea but it has several limita-
demonstrated that, compared with rehydration solu- tions. Firstly, the attending physicians were responsible
tion alone, zinc supplementation in conjunction with for interventions and discharge decisions; however, all
a rehydration solution lessened the cost by 5% and procedures were randomly and blindly performed and
the duration of diarrhoea by 17 hours [21]. A recent the remission of acute diarrhoea was recognised as
study in Pakistan also showed the benefits of zinc a primary treatment endpoint. Secondly, the trial did not
supplementation in reducing the number and dura- evaluate treatment outcomes by long-term follow-up.
tion of diarrhoeal episodes and improving stool con- Thirdly, the sample size was small which prevented any
sistency in children with acute diarrhoea treated in subgroup analysis or the proposal of any future standard
the outpatient department [22]. practices. For instance, the age range of the study subjects
On the other hand, other trials have shown no ben- was 6 months to 9.25 years which is different from most
efits of zinc supplementation for diarrhoea [23–25]. In an published reports which have studied children <5 years.
open-label trial in Turkish children with acute diarrhoea, Future studies should examine age-specific outcomes of
zinc had no effect on the duration and severity of diar- zinc supplementation for acute diarrhoea. Lastly,
rhoea and there was no significant effect on the inci- although the trial outcome was not influenced by the
dence and prevalence of diarrhoea [23]. In a controlled baseline zinc level, various factors might have affected
trial in patients aged 28 days to 5 months randomly the results such as dietary minerals, phytates and zinc
assigned to receive 10 mg zinc or a placebo, the mean dosage. Phytates are common in Thai food [28] and the
duration of diarrhoeal episodes was slightly longer in parents and guardians might have given the children
those receiving zinc compared with a placebo, but the many of these food ingredients. In addition, the zinc
effect was not statistically significant, and there were no dosage was approximately two-to-three times the recom-
reported differences between the zinc and placebo mended daily allowance prescribed for the treatment of
groups with regard to stool frequency, the proportion zinc-deficient conditions [29]. Therefore, future large-
of diarrhoeal attacks and vomiting rates [24]. In another scale, randomised studies with longer follow-up and
large-scale trial comparing zinc, placebo and zinc com- direct diet observation are recommended to thoroughly
bined with copper, no significant difference was re-investigate and assess the efficacy of zinc supplemen-
observed in any group in the duration and severity of tation in children with acute diarrhoea. Furthermore, sub-
diarrhoea [25]. group analysis of different variables such as age, gender,
In an effort to establish a rigorous effect size, various and zinc form and zinc dosage are required.
systematic reviews and meta-analyses have examined In conclusion, supplementation with 15 mg ele-
the impact of zinc in acute diarrhoea [9,26,27]. In a meta- mental zinc bisglycinate can reduce the time to reso-
analysis of 18 randomised trials including 7314 children lution of acute diarrhoea and lessen the length of
under 5 years of age, zinc was effective in reducing the hospital stay and the frequency of stools. Treatment
duration of diarrhoea [26]. However, the incidence of outcome was not affected by baseline zinc status.
vomiting was significantly higher in the zinc group than Zinc supplementation was safe and compliance was
in the controls. Furthermore, reduction in the duration good. These results need to be confirmed by large-
of diarrhoeal episodes was marked in malnourished scale trials with extended follow-up.
children. However, this quantitative meta-analysis was
limited by the considerable heterogeneity. Based on
a sensitivity analysis, the authors attributed this hetero-
geneity to the nutritional status of the patients. The We gratefully acknowledge the children, parents and
authors acknowledged that the evidence from this sub- healthcare workers for their various contributions to the
group analysis cannot be generalised since it comprised research.
a small number of studies and most of the trials did not
separate the subjects according to nutritional status Author contributions
[26]. A recent systematic review of 33 trials including
10,841 children aged 1 month to 5 years with acute or Both authors defined and developed the initial research
idea. Both were involved in designing and implementing
persistent diarrhoea found that there is insufficient evi-
the study, as well as analysis and interpretation of the
dence in well conducted randomised controlled trials to results and writing the manuscript. Both authors have read
confirm the efficacy of zinc supplementation for acute and approved the final manuscript.
diarrhoea in reducing mortality or hospitalisation.
However, zinc supplementation may be beneficial in
children aged ≥6 months living in areas endemic for Disclosure statement
zinc deficiency or where there is a high prevalence of No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
malnutrition [27]. authors.

Funding with acute infectious diarrhea. Turk J Gastroenterol.

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