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XAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN vet DUCATION CERTIF SION ECONDARY E EXAMINA CARIBBEAN § SOCIAL STUDIES Paper 032 - General Proficiency T hour 30 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. | You MUST use this answer booklet when responding to the questions. For EAC question, write your answer in the space provided. 2. Use the CASE STUDY to answer the questions. 3. Do NOT write in the margins. the paper and plan your answers. 4. You are advised to take some time to read thro You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer questions. 5 6. If you need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the original page, you must use the extra lined page(s) provided at the back of this booklet, Remember to draw a line through your original answer. | fe the question number clearly in ant, include 7. Iyow use the extra page(s) you MUST w the box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where ri the question part beside the answer. UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. DO NOT TURN THIS PAG! ————$— Sssssssssssssssssssses Copyright © 2022 Caribbean F-xaminations Council All rights reserved. r “ 7 Questions 1-3 are based on the paragraph below. You are a puntance officer at the Ministry of Education. You have been informed that stwdents in the school distnct might be skipping meals to tose weight The Ministry of Education has asked you to investigate the tseae 4. (a) Supgest an appropriate tome for this invexgation (1 mark) (b)—— Outhuwe the purpose of the study. The purpow of the study ty 10 (2 marks) fe) Write ONE research question that will puide your investigation (2 marks) (d) Identity TWO hey terms from the topic chosen in (a) that you, as the researcher, willl clearly define tn your research report I marks) ‘Total 7 marks @ (0) ( 4 State TWO reasons why an inter iew schedule would be suitable for the research, (2 marks) Slate TWO problem researcher might experienee using an interview schedule to collect data for the study: (2 mark)s Write TWO questions, other than personal information, that you would ask during the interview. Q marks) ‘Total 6 marks r a 7 3%.) State TWO sources that may be used 0 obtain information on the research topic (2 marks) (b) Gi) Suggest ONE appropriate sampling method that may be used to select the participants for the research (1 mark) (01) Explam why the sampling method suggested in (b) (1) 1s appropriate for the research (2 marks) (©) Confidentiality 1s important in research, State TWO ways in which the identity of the participants in this study may be prot 1 2 marks) ‘Total 7 marks Questions 4 and S arc based on the case study presented below. Read the case carefully and then answer hoth quest The Impact of Industria! Developsnent in the Danville Community Danville ty an agricultural community in a large valley on the ssland of Hovash. Danville has a population of 1200 persons most of whom depend on farming for a livelihood. Within the last year, a manufacturing company purchased a large piece of forested kind near Danville with the intention of constructing a glass bottle factory. The residents of Danville have complained about the potential impact of the factory on their crops and the ecosystem. Given the residents’ concems, the Ministry of Agnculture hired researchers tw investigate the Possible impact of the proposed project on Danville and the forested area. Questionnaires were distributed to 180 residents of Danville. The sample was geverated using the registration numbers from the voters’ list. The results of the survey revealed the following: 40 per cent of the respondents believed that during Construction. soil erosion would allect the irrigation provided by a nearby river: 20 per cent felt that the operations of the factory would cause noise pollution; 10 per cent were concemed about the decline in the natural habitat; 30 per cent thought that deforestation would negatively impact climate change (2) Write TWO statements of fact which can be made about the Danville comm 1 (2 marks) (b) State the sample size for the sundy (mark) () — Wentify the sampling method for the stuly. (mark) ext TWO reasons why a questionnaire may be an appropriate method for collecting data in this study (dy a) (4 marks) (i) Suggest ONE limitation of using a questionnaire as the only data collection instrument in this study (1 mark) Total 9 marks “ 7 (9) The table below gives the findings from the research. Complete the table by filling in the missing information neces - Number of Respons itewson | ao | Noise pollution | Loss oFhabita ‘Deforssiaton @ marks) (b) Using the gridhnes provided, eon plete the pic chart below (o show the percentage of residents who provided each response. You will be awarded marks for accurately + stating the title (1 mark) + shading the sector representing each issue G marks) labelling the sectors. rk) Title: -10- “| (se) Suggest TWO ways the Ministry of Agriculture can reduce the negative impact of the constitction of the factory (4 marks) Total 11 marks END OF TEST. YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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