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Martha Romero

! Allison Ha
Exam Fall Name:
Math Date:

Exam Instructions

❏ For your first submission, complete the problems independently using only your mind and no other
resources. This is on your honor of course, so I would like to remind you that this assessment is of
and for your learning – you and I will be using it to help you grow and deepen your learning. There
are a lot of opportunities to earn the grade you desire - just do your best with integrity.
❏ Please do all work on grid AKA graph or quadrille or plain printer paper if possible.
❏ Your goal is to show enough work and explain enough reasoning to convince a skeptic it’s me - I’m
the skeptic - you have to show enough work to convince me you understand .
❏ Please be very neat and precise. Make the numbers of the problems very clear; copy the prompts
onto your own paper; use straightedges for lines, segments, and rays; and use a compass or stencil
to draw circles.
❏ When it seems applicable, please box your final answer so it is easy for me to find.
❏ Do your very best on each problem and write what you know – it is very difficult if not impossible
to give feedback with zero work. Sometimes, people will even write a note to me about how they
know something they wrote is wrong, how they know, and then they ask a question. This is super
helpful when giving feedback. It is rare that someone knows nothing about the prompt – just do
your best – you’ve got this!
❏ Submit the final drafts for all of the problems first, followed by the pages with your messy
mathematics process just like for essays in English classes – final draft in front, rough drafts
attached .
❏ Review these instructions when you are done with your test to ensure you have followed the
You have until : AM on Thursday, / to submit. Upload your Exam Independent Draft in TWO
Blackboard submission at the top of the BB home page.
In OneNote to your Workbook section. You can title the OneNote page as “Exam Independent Draft .”
Only once you have SUBMITTED your Exam Independent Draft , you may then work with ONE other
person and your class resources to revise and correct your work. Use a different color or do work on
new pages - basically, it should be easy to differentiate between your individual work and your partner
work. Write “Partner:” followed by your partner’s first and last name somewhere on your exam. Upload
this to your Workbook section under a page titled Exam Revisions – Partner: Partner’s First and
Last Name by : AM on Friday, / .

I generally have this in mind when looking at your work:

: This is a correct and complete problem.
: I believe you know how to do the problem but some of what you have written is incorrect or incomplete.
: I cannot tell if you understand the problem based on what you have written, but I think you have an intuitive idea of
the solution.
: There is at least one major flaw in your argument or understanding
: You have shown minimal work on the problem or I cannot make sense of your work or it shows little understanding.
Note, these do not correspond with percentages e.g., a is not . Also, a does not correspond with a
just showing some meaningful work will earn you credit.
Exam Fall
! Allison Ha
Math Date:

Exam Problems 11/4/20

There are problems on this exam. No work or explanation means no credit because it shows no
understanding. You may assume for all problems that you are expected to show enough work and explain
enough reasoning to convince a skeptic using a combination of written explanation, algebraic work, and
visual representations.

. a Sketch the function f ( ) = = ( + 3)2 + 1 by starting with its parent function, then performing
each transformation of the parent function one step at a time in the order that the transformation
occurs on the parent function. For each step, write the equation of the function and describe
completely in words the transformation that occurred.

n u

Parent Function Equation: Equation: y=-x2

4=42 reflection across xaxls

A .
A .

9=-4-135 Equation:
translation left 3 MITS translation PIMM
b i Write the equation of the inverse of = = ( + 3)2 + 1 . If the inverse relation is not a
function, restrict the domain of f ( ), then write the inverse, f 1 ( ), of f ( ) with the restricted
domain. ii What is your inverse’s parent function? iii What transformations would have to occur
on the parent function of f 1 ( ) and how do they compare to the transformations of f ( ) ?
1) th)=y= ( x -13741 -

" .÷i÷÷÷
in .
:*: ÷÷÷÷÷÷n¥inm .

equation: y
' -
Lx -135

Transformation: translation left 3 MITS

I instantly recognized the parent function of
" the equation which is y=x^2 and it would
be quadratic, but it would be downwards
since the function is negative. For the third
step, I translated the function 3 units to the
equation: y= ( 443541
v u

left and I initially did the last step first in


order to determine the graphing process

Trans : translation
PIMM and transformation when I first read the
problem. Utilizing the original function, I
is:* .
came up with 5 different y values that are
negative because I tried incorporating
-2 O
= -

positive x values and the outcome were too
L 31-3141
= -

-4 high and they would not be able to show

f- 4-137291

up on the graph. A negative quadratic

function would mean I would have to find
numbers that are less than 0.

b) y '
txt'd 'll
subtract both sides

-1 x= -

ly -131411 -
by 1


Goes down -


4+37 divide by
3. Shifts one → Tet
MIT to the
left and is i x

FK M¥4

across y-axis .


3Fx=y -13-3 3 TO
q by get
VFX 3=y -
by Itself

parent function would be fcxtrx

Exam Fall given hypotenuse ,
Math Date:
mntlply by 2
. a Determine, using convincing work and explanation, the lengths of the legs for i a - -
triangle with hypotenuse of length and ii an isosceles right triangle with a hypotenuse with
length . 45 45 90 - -

b Describe completely how to create and label the special angle values eighths and twelfths
of the unit circle in both radians and degrees. Show all angles on your page

c Finally, explain and demonstrate how to determine the ( , ) coordinates on the unit circle at
these special angle values. Show all ( , ) on your page. Note: Just showing the completed unit
circle is insufficient and will earn you little, if any, credit.

. a Graph function C ( ) from = 0 2 . Show or explain how you determined your coordinates
and use at least a couple specific examples to support your explanation.

b Explain what you would do to graph S ( ) and list as many similarities, differences, and patterns
as you can that exist when comparing it to the C ( ) function. For your comparison, you should
consider all of the multiple representations - circles, right triangles, tables of inputs and outputs,
angles of rotation, arc lengths, parts and wholes, graphs, etc. Note, you do not have to actually
graph S ( ) , but you may if it supports your comparisons.

. a Find the radian measures of four angles for which S ( ) = 2 . Describe a rule or define a
formula that someone could use to find all of the angles that are a solution to this equation.

b Given an angle of degree measure - , determine the radian measure of this angle and the
xy-coordinates of the point on the unit circle.

c Suppose a kids’ bike has wheels with diameter foot. The bike rolls feet forward. i How
many revolutions has one of the wheels made? ii Through how many radians has the wheel

If you use decimal approximations as a method to verify whether your work make sense, here are our
common approximations: √2 1.41 ; √3 1.71 ; 3.14

Definition . For any real number a , the absolute value of a is the positive distance the number a is from
zero. The absolute value of a is denoted as |a| .

Definition . Let a be any real number and let n be any positive integer. The expression an means
a a ... a where a is multiplied by itself n times. In particular, for any real number a , the square of a
means a a and is denoted as a2 .

Definition . A right triangle is a triangle where two of the sides are perpendicular.

Definition . For a right triangle, the hypotenuse is the side that is not perpendicular to any other side.

Definition . The unit circle is the circle centered at the origin with radius one unit.
Hypotenuse '


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Htt '

Ft's E) 55% E )
- -

. .

I drew the unit circle first before starting on the triangles in order to
determine the legs for each side because it seems that there is
correlation between the two. The circle is split into 16 pieces that all
lead up to 360 degrees also known as 2pi radians. I converted each
degrees into radians and I did this by utilizing the formula which is 1
degrees=pi/180 and a short cut I found to make the process faster
was by dividing the degrees and the 180 in the formula and then
canceling both degrees and the denominator, leaving just the
numerator (pi) over the answer I have come up with which can be
seen next to the unit circle. For the coordinates, the denominator
would be 2 because the radian of the circle itself is 2. I memorized the
sin and cos as 3, 2, 1 and then 1, 2, 3 which is how I got the
coordinates and then it varies in terms of negative and positives in
accordance of the axis. I had placed the rest of the conversions into
the calculator which explains the lack of work shown on this sheet. In
the 30-60-90 triangle, I determined the legs by referring back to the
unit circle. For the 30 degree leg, I came up with
because that is what the unit circle tells me at -2
30 degrees and that’s what I continued doing for all the legs for both
triangles. For the isosceles, I know that it is a 45-45-90 triangle and I
referred to the circle again to determine each leg.

" ,
" or.

a 405/191=-1
( 0,1)

3% ya
y -1050 .



To create my points, I first created a unit circle and labeled the radians to
help me form my next graph. For my next graph, I will be graphing
points and to do that, I used my radians increments from the first graph.
To actually plot the points, I started off by generating a table with inputs
and outputs. I first plugged in 0, placing us at the positive x axis which
equals out to 1 and then for the second plot I plugged in pi over 2 and
this equals out to 0 due to the placement of the second increment. I
continued doing this for all four points and continued plotting on the
second graph. I let it repeat on the negative axis because the pattern
predicts a continuous period of 2pi.

The similarities between the sin and cos graph is that the
formation of the graph is the same and they both have
wavy motions. They both have maximum values of -1 and
then minimum -1 on the graph. For the sin graph, I would
create a unit circle and like the cos graph, I would focus
on y values of the circle as opposed to the x values since
we are doing sin. If you look at the previous page with
the circle and it’s radians and coordinates, you’d see the
visual. I would refer back and forth from the graph and
label the y value coordinates on the x axis graph which
can be seen next to this text. The wave would start off at
0 because that is what our y value is and starts to
increase until pi over 2.
4) on ,
cos ,SM

3¥ f- TIME)ezo°
5%1-7 .
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Ft's El Il's E )
' -

. . Looking at the graph again, I kept an eye out for .rs

) a Z

in the coordinates. I know that sin is a value of y

V and initially I only found two points, but what
caught me off guard was when the prompt told
3% me there was two more that I missed. I wasn’t so
sure if I did right because the other two are
values of x which is cos and the objective is
looking for the measures of sin and this may be

b) SLO) '
F just coincidence that there are four points. To

450 find those points, I drew a unit circle and labeled

lvsed the formula get-go everything from degrees to coordinates and

looked for the measures the prompt asked me
to convert degrees to (-4/50)%0 SIL
radians and found

the greatest common factor : 90 .

c) radius :b
" "" " "'

b. 's

Exam Fall Name:
Math Date:

Definition . The circumference of a circle is the length of the perimeter of the circle.

Definition . The diameter of a circle is the length of a line segment starting at one point on a circle,
passing through the center and ending on the circle.

Definition . The radius of a circle is half the length of the diameter of the circle.

Definition . The number π is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter of the circle.
Restated, = CD .

Definition . An angle is a subset of a plane consisting of two distinct rays with a common endpoint called
the vertex of the angle.

Definition . An angle in standard position is an angle for which the vertex is at the origin and one of the
rays is the positive a i . The ray on the positive a i is referred to as the initial ray of the angle. The
other ray is referred to as the terminal side of the angle.

Definition . Given any circle centered at the origin and an angle in standard position, let P 1 be the
intersection of the circle with the initial side of the angle and let P 2 be the intersection of the circle and the
terminal side of the angle. The arc associated with the angle is the portion of the circle traced by a point
traversing the circle in a counter-clockwise direction from the point P 1 to the point P 2 .

Definition . Given any circle centered at the origin and any angle in standard position, the radian measure
of the angle is the ratio of the length of the arc associated with the angle and the radius of the circle.

a c leng h
adian mea e= adi

Theorem . Pythagorean Theorem Given a right triangle in a plane with sides of lengths a, b, and c where
c is the length of the hypotenuse, then a2 + b2 = c2 .

Definition . We define the function C such that if P x,y is the point on the unit circle such that the
radius of the circle that contains P forms an angle of radian measure θ with the positive x-axis, then C θ

Definition . We define the function S such that if P x,y is the point on the unit circle such that the
radius of the circle that contains P forms an angle of radian measure θ with the positive x-axis, then S θ

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