Grade-8-4 Lesson

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Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


➢ What is a problem Analysis

All make decisions on a daily basis.

- What should I have for breakfast?

Where should I go this?


Every time we make a decision. After making this decision, over act on it.Thus,
decision-making is a two-step process.

1. Deciding what to do
2. Taking an Action

Problem analysis is …………………………………………………………………….


Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


We can divide the problem into smaller

segments. This will make it easier to solve the

➢ Problem Analysis Method

To Analys a problem we can classified three components.

1. ………………………………………………………………………………….
2. ………………………………………………………………………………….
3. ………………………………………………………………………………….

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


For example,
let us consider an invoice issued by a ABC Bookshop. To calculate the price
(amount) of each item, number of items and unit price are required.

First, we should be identified

Input, Process and Output

Input -

Process -

Output -

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


Example 1

Find the cost of purchasing five pens




Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


➢ What is a control structure?


❖ There are three type of control structure such as,




Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


➢ What is a sequence control structure?


Ex – climbing up or down step by step when going on

stairs case

Ex – students’ study from

grade 1 to 11 continuing

Example -

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


➢ What is a selection control structure?


Example -

Consider a rainy day,

If it rains students are asked to question?

➢ asked to go to the library?

➢ it does not rain, asked to go to the playground.

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


Consider a scenario where 10 marks are awarded to the correct answer

Before marks are awarded, it must be checked whether the answer is correct or
wrong. If the answer is correct, 10 marks are awarded. Incorrect answers are
awarded no marks.


Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


➢ What is a repetition control structure?


Ex – a class teacher marking the attendance


Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


➢ What is Flow Chart?


Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT




Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


➢ What is a Scratch program and Scratch Interface

SCRATCH is an Open-Source Visual Programming

Language produced to make programming easier to
learn and your own interactive stories animations,
games, music, and art.

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


Scratch components

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


➢ We can sprites (cat image) move 10 steps forward using Move –Steps in the Blocks
Palette and dragging it onto the Scripts Area.

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


➢ Turn …. Degrees

1. Rotate clockwise 15 degrees 2. Rotate anticlockwise15 degrees

• Sprites

➢ The sprite move by (10) to the right change x by a positive number.

➢ The sprite move by (10) to the right change x by a negative number.

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


➢ Control Tools

• When. Clicked
- When the green flag is clicked do the following steps

• Wait..secs - It does nothing for 1 second. Go to the next step after 1 second

➢ Practical Example

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT



➢ What is a variable?


What is a Variable name?

The names you give to computer memory locations

which are used to store values in a computer program.

Ex - length, width, marks, height, score, count, total

➢ Create Variable in Scratc

- There are two buttons displays in the block Blocks Palette. When clicked on the
variable block, the following image will be shown

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


• When clicked Make a variable in the Blocks Palette the following dialog box will be

- For all sprites: Create a new variable that all sprites can see (Such as Marks)
- For this sprite only: Creates a new variable that only this sprite can see

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


➢ What is a errors?


Type of Errors
• Syntax Error
• Semantic error
• Logical error

• Syntax errors:

• Semantic errors:

• Logical errors:

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


Two types of selection control structures can be used in developing Scratch programs

1. ………………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………………

Ex -

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


➢ What is a comparison Block?


1. Check whether the value on the left is smaller than the value of the right.

2. Check whether the value on the left equals to the right.

3. Check whether the value on the left is greater than the one on the right.

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


There are three types of logical blocks as follows

instruction blocks are used to combine comparison

instruction blocks.

The decision is taken after

comparing the two values
instruction blocks.

1. AND

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


2. OR

3. NOT

Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT


Umayanga Wijesinghe | ICT

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