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Republic of the Philippines


Sigma, Capiz Certificate No.: AJA18-0166
website: www.capsu.edu.ph email address: sigma@capsu.edu.ph


“Have a greet morning everyone! Welcome to

Capiz State University Sigma Campus 7:30 – 8:00 AM Welcoming Trainees
Training Center. My name is Jinky D. Contextual Learning Area
Castronuevo, your trainer for Bartending

“This is our contextual area. It is good to

begin our training with the guidance of our Prayer
Lord. May I request everyone to please rise for Contextual Learning Area
our prayer… Amen … You may take your 8:00 – 8:05 AM
seats now.

“I hope through our prayers everyone will get

determined and motivated. Anyways, how’s
your valentines my dear trainees? Hope you
all enjoyed your special day with your special 8:00 – 8:15 AM Unfreezing Activity
someone! Are you ready to learn something Contextual Learning Area

“Okay but before that

I will do the recap of our yesterday’s activity.”
8:15 – 8:25 AM Recap of Activities
Contextual Learning Area

8:25 – 8:30 AM Checking of Attendance

Contextual Learning Area
And now please say present whenever I call
your name for our attendance checking.”
And please sign this attendance sheet.

“Ms. Vidal we will now proceed to Learning

Republic of the Philippines
Sigma, Capiz Certificate No.: AJA18-0166
website: www.capsu.edu.ph email address: sigma@capsu.edu.ph

Resource Area. For the name that I did not Preparing for CBT
call please remain here in Contextual 8:30 – 9:30 AM Orientation
Learning Area, I will be right back in just a Contextual Learning Area

“Welcome to the Learning Resource Area my

dear trainee. Today, you will be reading
information entitled clean bar, equipment and
tools. After you read that information sheet,
please proceed to self-check 1.1.-1 and 8:30 – 9:30 AM
compare your answer afterward using answer
key 1.1.-1 Learning Resource Area

On the next page. I will be giving you an hour

to do this activity. Do you have any
questions? Clarifications? If there is none.
You can start, the time is 8:30 AM, I will be
back by 9:30 AM. Good luck Trainees!

“Welcome again to the Contextual Learning

Area Mr. . Today, I will be orienting
you on competency based Training” (Turn on Prelude of CBT Orientation
PPT Presentation)
9:30 – 10:30 AM End of CBT Orientation
(Turn off PPT Presentation) Thank you for
paying attention for the last one hour. See Computer Laboratory
you all again tomorrow for your first day of
training. Please be on time. Have a great day

It’s 9:30 and we are still here in the Learning

Resource Area. It seems that everyone has
done self-check 1.1.-1 and was able to
compare your answers with the Answer Key
provided. I will be checking your papers one
by one. Great job trainees! Everyone got the Learning Resource Area
right answer! We are now ready to proceed to
Republic of the Philippines
Sigma, Capiz Certificate No.: AJA18-0166
website: www.capsu.edu.ph email address: sigma@capsu.edu.ph

the Computer Laboratory for our video

presentation. Trainees, follow me,

“Welcome to the computer Laboratory! I have

made available video presentation about
Proper Cleaning of Bar tools. I will be giving
you 9:30 to 10:30 to view the video
Computer Laboratory
(Start the Video Presentation)

10:30 -11:30
“Thank you for paying attention during the AM
video presentation. Let us review the Proper
Cleaning of Bar Tools.

1. What do you do think is the purpose of

cleaning bar tools before and after your
2. What are some example of your
morning task that should be done

“Welcome to the practical work area. I will be

giving an hour to perform task sheet. Your
tools, materials and equipment have been 11:30 -12:30 Practical Work Area
prepared individually on your assigned work PM
station. Please perform carefully and be
mindful for some safety precautions.
Whenever you are done with your task you
can compare your output with the
performance criteria provided. The time now
is 11:30 and it is expected that you will be
able to finish your output by 12:30 noon.
Good luck dear trainees!

“Okay, trainees. How was it? The time now is

12:30 and it seems most of you was done on
your task. May I have your task sheet now?
Republic of the Philippines
Sigma, Capiz Certificate No.: AJA18-0166
website: www.capsu.edu.ph email address: sigma@capsu.edu.ph

Alright, good job trainees! I can feel that you

are ready to perform the institutional 12:30-1:30 PM
assessment. I will be giving you again an hour
for your return demonstration for you to
master the task, time now is 12:30 so by 1:30
you are done here in practical work area. Any
questions? Clarifications? If there is none. Go
on with your task. Good luck!

BREAKTIME ------------------------------------- BREAKTIME---------------------------------------------- BREAKTIME

“Good afternoon Trainees! Are we all set now?

Okay, welcome again to the practical work
area, please continue doing the task for your
mastery. I will call your name one by one later
to proceed to the institutional assessment Practical Work Area
area for your institutional assessment. Any
questions? If there’s none you may start now.

“Ms. Gallaza, welcome to the institutional

Assessment Area, I will let you demonstrate
the task and I will be observing you using the
performance criteria checklist. But before
your demonstration, here’s your test papers, 1:30 – 1:45 PM
please give the best answer, this will
determine your written test. You will be given
you 15 minutes to answer the test questions.
Your time starts now.

“Okay, Ms. Gallaza, time is up now. May I

have your test paper. Okay, thank you. This
time, I will let you demonstrate the task. I will
give you 1 hour for your demonstration. Here
are your tools, equipment and materials to be
used. Please check, any questions? If none,
your time now is 1:45 and you are now
Republic of the Philippines
Sigma, Capiz Certificate No.: AJA18-0166
website: www.capsu.edu.ph email address: sigma@capsu.edu.ph

expected to be done at 2:45. You may start

now Ms. Gallaza. Good luck!

“Ms. Gallaza, the time now is 2:45, your time

is up. You may take your seat now. I would
like to ask some questions related to your
demonstration: Institutional Assessment
1. Is weekly deep cleaning schedule Area
necessary to do? Why?
2. Is waste audit helps you bar business
generates? Why?

“Ms. Gallaza, I had observed, that you follow

the correct standard procedures in cleaning Positive Feedback
bar tools and equipment. I just want to
congratulate you Ms. Gallaza and I will mark
it on your progress chart your job well done!

“Ms. Mayo, I observed that you are active and

willing to learn something new. But there are
some lapses on your task that you did not
perform in line with the standard, like you did
not follow the correct steps in cleaning and Negative Feedback
organizing bar tools and equipment. With
this, you are given chance to back here
anytime you are ready for your re-
assessment. Next time around please master
more Ms. Mayo. Thank you. Better luck next

“Trainees, welcome again to Contextual

Learning Area, this time I would like to
request everyone to please answer the
evaluation sheet. Please answer it honestly
and don’t worry because it will not reflect to
your performance. This is to assess our Session Evaluation
training center and the trainer here as basis Contextual Learning Area
Republic of the Philippines
Sigma, Capiz Certificate No.: AJA18-0166
website: www.capsu.edu.ph email address: sigma@capsu.edu.ph

for improvement:

- Okay, it seems everyone was done.

- May I have here your evaluation sheet
- Thank you very much trainees for
active cooperation
- Good bye and keep safe everyone!

Prepared by:


Submitted to:


Course Facilitator
Republic of the Philippines
Sigma, Capiz Certificate No.: AJA18-0166
website: www.capsu.edu.ph email address: sigma@capsu.edu.ph

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