Maths Geometry Investigation 2021 NW GR 12 and Memo

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Downloaded from education Lefapha la Thuto Onderwys Departement Department of Education NORTH WEST PROVINCE PROVINCIAL ASSESSMENT TASK This task consists of 12 pages. Bawnloadediiram March 2021. NSC ~ Grade 12 the questions. g system used in this question paper cetera which you have used in . Ss I Lon afin If necessary, answers should be rounded off to TWO Mies unless stated otherwise. @ 8 Diagrams are NOT necessarily drawn to scale, o 9. Write neatly and legibly. Bawnloadedi—ram March 2021 NSC ~ Grade 12 INVESTIGATING HOW A LINE INTERSECTING TWO SIDES OF A TRIANGLE DIVIDES THESE TWO SIDES. QUESTION 1.1 Whatis a ratio? @ 12 In the diagram below are three line segments AB, CF and DE. BD and AE are two transversal lines. The coordinates of the points are A(-2;2), B(3;-1), C(4;2), D(5;5), E(3.2;6.08) and F(0.6;4.04). 1.2.1 Calculate the gradient of: (@ AB 2) (b) CF ( (ODE a Bawnloadediiram March 2021. NSC ~ Grade 12 m., compare? M CF and DE? a) swer in surd form where possible): Q) w w (d) EF (correct to TWO decimal places) ( (©) AF (correct to TWO decimal places) a) () AE ( 1.2.5 What is a mathematical proportion? 2) 1.2.6 Determine and compare the ratios: (@ & and * @ RC na AE 8 o But @ 1.2.7 Complete the following conjecture: If three .. .._ lines intersect two transversals, then the lines divide the transversals .. 2) [28] Bawnloadedi—ram March 2021 NSC ~ Grade 12 QUESTION 2 In the sketch below the coordinates of the vertices of AABC are A(-2;1), B(2;—-3) and C(4;3). D(1;2) ison AC and E(3;0) on BC. (4:3) oe ete 2.4 Calculate the gradient of: 24.1 AB a 24.2 DE a 2.2 Compare the gradients m,, and mp, a 2.3. What can you say about the line segments AB and DE? a Bawnloadedi—ram 24 25 24.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 Determine and compare the ratios: 25.1 25.2 25.3 BE CE BC AD cD AC BE AD = and S— EC DC BE AD =~ and —— BC AC cE cD — and — BC AC NSC ~ Grade 12 Calculate the length of (leave your answer in surd form): March 2021 @ a @ wo @ am 8) QB) 3) 19] Bawnloadedi—ram March 2021 NSC ~ Grade 12 QUESTION 3 In the sketch below the coordinates of the vertices of AABC are A(-2;1), B(2;—-3) and C(4;3). F(1;-2) is on AB and G(2.5; 2.5) on AC. C(4;3) aS er 3.1 Calculate the gradient of: 3.1.1 BC w 3.1.2 FG w 3.2 How do gradients my. and my, compare? @ 3.3 What can you say about the line segments BC and FG? a Bawnloadedi—ram NSC ~ Grade 12 Calculate the length of (leave your answer in surd form): 34 35 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 Determine and compare the ratios: 3.5.1 3.5.2 35.3 AF FB AB AG CG FB AF B AB Ar AB and and and oc AG co AC AG AC March 2021 @ a @ wo @ @) @) @) [18] Bawnloadedi—ram March 2021 NSC ~ Grade 12 QUESTION 4 In the sketch below the coordinates of the vertices of AABC are A(-2;1), B(2;—-3) and C(4;3). K(-1;0) is on AB and L(3.5; 1.5) on BC. 41 — Calculate the gradient of 4.1.1 AC @ 4.1.2 KL wo 4.2 Compare the gradients m,. and m.. oO 4.3 What can you say about the line segments AC and KL? @ Bawnloadedi—ram 44 45 NSC ~ Grade 12 Calculate the length of (leave your answer in surd form): 441 AK 44.2 KB 443 CL 444 LB Determine and compare the ratios: 45.1 AK ang SE KB LB 452 AK ang SE AB BC 453 8B ang LB AB” BC 10 March 2021 @ a @ wo @) 3) 8) (17) Bawnloadedi—ram March 2021 NSC ~ Grade 12 QUESTION 5 5.1 From questions 2, 3 and 4 above we can conclude that: Ifa line intersecting a triangle is cesssesen to one side of the triangle, then the line divides the other two sides .........- Q) 5.2 Inthe diagram below SU || QT and ST || QR. PU = 9cm and UT = 6cm Giving reasons PS 5.21 Calculate = 2 sQ 5.22 Calculate TR 2 6] a Bawnloadedi—ram March 2021 NSC ~ Grade 12 QUESTION 6 AC isa diameter of the circle with centre F. £0, = ZC, GF is perpendicular to AC. AD || GC Prove that: 61 AC=CD 8) 62 ee = 36 Q) 6.3. GBCF is a cyclic quadrilateral. 8) 6.4 If BC = 12 units and the radius of the circle is 10 units, 6.4.1 determine the length of AB @ 6.4.2 determine the length of GA. @ [12] TOTAL: [100] 2 Downloaded from education Lefapha la Thuto Onderwys Departement Department of Education NORTH WEST PROVINCE PUNTE: 100 Hierdie merkriglyne bestaan uit 16 bladsye. Downoasteshkrom NW/ Maart 2021 NSC ~ Graad 12 ONDERSOEK HOE ‘N LYN WAT TWEE SYE VAN ‘N DRIEHOEK SNY, DIE SYE VERDEEL. VRAAG 1 1.1 | Verhouding: Vergelyking van twee hoeveelhede deur | V twee Q deling hoeveelhede Y deling 1.2 Downoasteshkrom NSC ~ Graad 12 NW/ Maart 2021 Y substitusie 2) _3 v3 or 06 5 5 (0) | iy = 27404 @ 4-0,6 3 v 3 or -06 --5 5 © @ =3 v 3 or -06 5 5 1.2.2 | my = Mey = Moe Y antwoord @ 1.23 | ABI|CFI|DE Y antwoord o 1241 poe (4-3) 4(241) Y substitusie @ @ | vo v Si ) = (5-4) +(5-2) @ =vi0 v io © | pp=(s-3y +5417 @ = 210 v io OF BD=BC+CD = 10+ 10 vio + Vio voi =2V10 @ | pr=(3,2-0,6)' +(6,08-4,04)° ¥ 3,31 ao =3,31 © | ap=y(o6+2)' +(4,04-2)° ¥ 331 @ =3,31 Downoasteshkrom NW/ Maart 2021 NSC ~Graad 12 () | AE=AF+FE=6,62 Y 6,62 @ 1.25 | Verhouding: Twee verhoudings wat gelyk is aan | V twee verhoudings @ mekaar Y gelyk OF “n Vergelyking wat toon dat dat twee Y vergelyking verhoudings gelyk is ¥ twee verhoudings 12.6 | BC GB) cD v @ |@ 1 AF EF ‘1 BC _ Ae ¥ verhoul wr verhouding ©) | Bc Vio 1 vi @) BD 2Vi0 2 2 AE vi AE 2 BC Y verhouding BD © lo vi @ DB 2 EF vi AE 2 cD EF Y vethouding DB AE 1.2.7 | Indien drie parallelle lyne twee transversal sny, | V parallel Q dan verdeel die lyne in diesefde verhouding / eweredig ¥ dieselfde verhouding / eweredig [28] Downoasteshkrom NW/ Maart 2021 NSC ~Graad 12 VRAAG 2 (4:3) ESL etree v-l @, vol @ ¥ antwoord @ ¥ antwoord oO 24.1 @ v v10 Downoasteshkrom NW/ Maart 2021 NSC ~ Graad 12 242] cp @ vio v fio 243) BC=2V10 v 210 ) 244) ap = 142) +(2-17 ® =vi0 v 0 2451 cp. [ana +(a-2y @ =vi0 v Vio 2.46 | ac=2Vi0 v wid (@ 251) BE _ Vio GB) EC io v1 AD _ vio va pc Vio ¥ verhouding 252 @ vi 2 vi 2 ¥ verhouding Downoasteshkrom NW/ Maart 2021 NSC ~ Graad 12 253] cE @ BC vi cp Vid 1 2 AC 2¥10 2 vi 2 CE _ CD. BC AC ¥ verhouding [19] Downoasteshkrom NW/ Maart 2021 NSC ~Graad 12 VRAAG 3 3 4 (4:3) G (25:25) +s 8 a v3 @ Y antwoord @ ¥ antwoord aw 341 ap @ 32 v 2 Downoasteshkrom NW/ Maart 2021 NSC ~Graad 12 342) pp = (2-1) +(-3+2)° o V2 v2 3.43 | ap=3y2+J2 a =4V2 v ad 344) ag = (2.542) 425-1) w _3vi0 wo 2 2 345 @ / 2 35.1] pRB V2 1 @) F 3/2 3 vi v0 3 cc_-) Vi 2 1 GE__2_ vie, =. vi AG 3¥i0 2 3vi0 3 3 2 FB _GC AF AG v verhouding 352! PB V2 1 @) AN2 1 ve vio 4 G__2__MWO, 1 1 1 AC 210 2 2vi0 4 “a FB _cG Y verhouding AB AC Downloastesh&rom Stanm NW/ Maart 2021 NSC ~ Grad 12 353 ® v3 4 v3 4 ¥ verhouding {18} 10 Downoasteshkrom NSC ~ Graad 12 VRAAG 4 NW/ Maart 2021 In die skets hieronder is die kodrdinate van die hoekpunte van AABC, A(-2;1), B(2;-3) en C(4;3). K(—1;0) 18 op AB en L(3.5; 1.5) op BC. 1 (3.5;1.5) c(4:3) vi a 3 vi o 3 ¥ antwoord oO ¥ antwoord @ uw Downoasteshkrom NW/ Maart 2021 NSC ~ Grad 12 441] ax - asap (o-ay @ =v2 v 2 442) p= (241) +(-3-0) a =3V2 vw? 443) cy - 4-3) +(3-15) w 0 y £0 2 2 444) Tp (35-2) +(,5+3) a y N10 2 451] ak V2 1 @) vi 3 vi 3 ¥ verhouding 452] aK V2 1 @) 4 vi 4 — 1 vi Be 4 AK _ cL Y verhouding AB BK 2 Downoasteshkrom NSC ~ Graad 12 NW/ Maart 2021 453 @ v3 4 v3 4 Y verhouding (17) VRAAG 5 3.1 _| Indien ‘n lyn wat ‘n driehoek sny parallel is aan | V parallel @ een sy van die driehoek, dan verdeel die lyn die ander twee sye van die driehoek in dieselfde | ¥ in dieselfde vethouding / eweredig verhouding / eweredig B Downoasteshkrom NW/ Maart 2021 NSC ~ Graad 12 52 521] PS_ PU [eweredigheidstelling; VSR @ SQ UT SU||QT] OF [lyn [J een sy van A] ¥ antwoord 5.22| TR SQ [eweredigheidstelling; Q) Pr Ps. ST//QR] OR VSR [yn |[ een sy van AJ TR 2 153 TR= 2a =10cm ¥ antwoord [6] 14 Downoasteshkrom NSC ~ Graad 12 VRAAG 6 NW/ Maart 2021 61 2£0,=2ZD [ooeenk. 7s; AD // GC] VSR (3) ZC,=ZA, [verw Zs; AD GC] VIR AC=CD Isye teenoor gelyke Zs] | YR 62 [eweredigheidstelling; VSIR @ AD // GC] [AC = CD; bewys] * VSR 63 [240] VIR @ ZF, =9 (GF LAC) GBCF is ‘n [omgekeerd teenoorst Ze VSR koordevierhoek koordevierhoek] vr 15 Downoasteshkrom NSC ~ Graad 12 NW/ Maart 2021 6.4.1 | AC=2x10=20 [deursnee = 2 x radius] Q) AB’ +12? =20° [Pyth.] vs AB=16units ¥ antwoord 642] GA_CD Teweredigheidstelling; VSR @ AB BD ADJ! GC] GA _20 16 32 ¥ antwoord GA=10 [12] TOTAAL: [100] 16

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