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Examinations December 2022

Candidate No: Venue: Seat Location:

Class code e.g. Ax, D, BE (FM): Teachers (all of them please):


Date of exam: Monday 6th December 2022

Length of Exam: 1 hour 30 minutes

Start Time: 1:00 pm

Additional material if appropriate: Formula books are required

Specific advice to candidates if required:

1. The total mark for this paper is 75.
2. You are advised to spend approximately 1hr on the Pure section of the paper (50 marks) and
30mins on the Statistics section (25 marks).
3. Use black ink or ball-point pen.
4. If pencil is used for diagrams/sketches/graphs it must be dark (HB or B).
5. Answer all questions and ensure that your answers to parts of questions are clearly labelled.
6. Answer the questions in the spaces provided – there may be more space than you need.
7. You should show sufficient working to make your methods clear. Answers without working may
not gain full credit.
8. Inexact answers should be given to three significant figures unless otherwise stated.
9. Candidates may use any calculator permitted by Pearson regulations. Calculators must not have the
facility for algebraic manipulation, differentiation or integration.
10. Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. Try to answer every question and check
your answers if you have time at the end.

Section A: Pure Mathematics (50 marks)

1. Given that

express each of the following in the form kxn where k and n are constants.

(a) y
(b) 3y−1


2. Answer this question without the use of a calculator and show all your working.

Show that



3. The equation 2x2 + 5px + p = 0, where p is a constant, has no real roots.
Find the set of possible values for p.




f(x) = 3 + 12x − 2x2

(a) Express f(x) in the form
a − b(x + c)2
where a, b and c are integers to be found.
The curve with equation y = f(x) − 7 crosses the x-axis at the points P and Q and crosses the y-axis at the
point R.

(b) Find the area of the triangle PQR, giving your answer in the form where m and n are integers to
be found.





6. In this question you must show detailed reasoning

Solve the equation 3𝑥 + 1 = 4√𝑥




The line l1 has equation

2x – 5y + 7 = 0
(a) Find the gradient of l1
Given that

- the point A has coordinates (6, –2)

- the line l2 passes through A and is perpendicular to l1
(b) find the equation of l2 giving your answer in the form y = mx + c, where m and c are constants to be
The lines l1 and l2 intersect at the point M.
(c) Using algebra and showing all your working, find the coordinates of M.
(Solutions relying on calculator technology are not acceptable.)
Given that the diagonals of a square ABCD meet at M,
(d) find the coordinates of the point C.


8. The circle C has centre X (3, 5) and radius r.
The line l has equation y = 2x + k, where k is a constant.
(a) Show that l and C intersect when
5x2 + (4k − 26)x + k2 − 10k + 34 − r2 = 0
Given that l is a tangent to C,
(b) show that 5r2 = (k + p)2, where p is a constant to be found.

The line l

- cuts the y-axis at the point A

- touches the circle C at the point B
as shown in Figure 2.
Given that AB = 2r
(c) find the value of k





Section B: Statistics (25 marks)


A researcher is studying the birth weights of babies. A random sample of 98 babies was
taken and their birth weights, w kg, are summarised in the table below.

Birth weight (w kg) Frequency (f ) Birth weight midpoint (x)

1.50 ≤ w < 2.50 16 2.00
2.50 ≤ w < 3.00 24 2.75
3.00 ≤ w < 3.50 32 3.25
3.50 ≤ w < 4.00 14 3.75
4.00 ≤ w < 5.50 12 4.75

( You may use  fx = 311.5 and  fx 2

= 1051.125 )

A histogram is drawn to represent these data.

The bar representing the birth weight 1.50 ≤ w < 2.50 has a width of 1 cm and a
height of 4 cm.

(a) Calculate the width and height of the bar representing birth weight 3.50 ≤ w < 4.00

(b) Use linear interpolation to estimate the lower quartile of the birth weights of
the 98 babies.

(c) Find an estimate for (i) the mean birth weight

(ii) the standard deviation of the birth weights.



Alyona, Dawn and Sergei are sometimes late for school.

The events A, D and S are as follows:

A Alyona is late for school

D Dawn is late for school

S Sergei is late for school

The Venn diagram below shows the three events A, D and S and the probabilities associated with each region
of D. The constants p, q and r each represent probabilities associated with the three separate regions outside

(a) Write down 2 of the events A, D and S that are mutually exclusive. Give a reason for your answer.


The probability that Sergei is late for school is 0.2. The events A and D are independent.

(b) Find the value of r.


Dawn and Sergei’s teacher believes that when Sergei is late for school, Dawn tends to be late for school.

(c) State whether or not D and S are independent, giving a reason for your answer.




(a) State two conditions under which the binomial distribution may be a suitable model to use in statistical

(b) A fair six-sided die is rolled 80 times. Find the probability of getting at least 20 fives.

A four-sided die is biased. When the die is thrown the number 3 is twice as likely to appear as any other
number. All the other faces are equally likely to appear. The die is rolled repeatedly.

(c) Find the probability that:

(i) in the first seven throws there will be exactly two 3s

(ii) the first 3 will occur on the fifth throw.





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