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the Melniboné Dragon Cemetery

a game aid
for Elric



a game assist from Lawrence Whitaker

translated by Kurgan

taken from Signs & Portents n° 72

correction: Gungnir, Zaoutir, Arasmo

© The Scriptorium, all rights reserved

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— What happens when they die?

— They don't die. They are immortal, perhaps.
No dragon prince of Imrryr has yet seen a dra-gon The death of a Dragon is an important moment of
die (of old age). mourning for any Melnibonean, but particularly for
Dragon Lords - those who bear the prefix Dyvim

—So what happens when they are killed? I know

they can be killed, because several dragons were before their name - especially for the Dragon Lord
mortally wounded in the war against the Dharzi. who rode the deceased. Traditionally, the dragon
rider takes his own life, using a ceremonial blade,
- Oh yes. It's a completely different situation. carved from the claw of the dead dragon, to cut open
When a dragon is slain, or when it is injured and his belly and throat. Then his corpse, dressed in the
cannot be healed by sleep, then it is brought to full war gear of a Dragon Lord, accompanies the
Imenthi'er. But it's a secret only the Dragon Lords procession heading towards Imenthi'er. Although the
know. Melniboneans are not a sentimental race, the bond
between them and the dragons is powerful enough
A discussion between Dyvim Tvar and the
to cause such pain in those who ride them into battle.
young prince Elric, concerning the fate of dragons

The dragons of Imrryr are believed to be immortal.

It is true that they live a very long time, and that they
The bodies of the dragon and rider are placed on
existed long before the Melniboneans colonized
the corresponding dais in the middle of Scale and
their island. However, dragons can be mortally
Claw Square in the northern district of Imrryr. There
wounded (as in the war against the Dharzi, a few
the nobles of Melniboné parade in solemn silence,
centuries ago); when this happens, they are then
showing their respect with a bow of the head and
transported to Imen-thi'er. Imenthi'er is a word from
scattering chrysanthemum petals at the foot of the
the High Melnibonéan idiom (High language)
remains. Once the last noble has passed the twin
designating both a ceremony and a place. The
catafalques, 12 slaves are ritually killed at the base
ceremony is the preparation and transport of the of the dragon's pedestal, then dressed in fine robes
dragon's body to its place of burial; as for the place,
2 it is the secret valley, known only to the Dragon Lords
of brocade and silk. These 12 slaves will be the
servants of the dragon and the rider in whatever
of Imrryr, where we find the immense tombs of the
afterlife exists beyond the mortal realm. The act is
dragons. This article details Imenthi'er, both ritual and
more symbolic than a true belief in any form of life
after death; but be chosen

the Scriptorium - Game aid - Imenthi'er - Lawrence Whittaker

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as one of the slaves destined to die in the However, the mortuary battle barge anchors
Imenthi'er ritual is considered a great honor. here, sailing around the coast until it reaches
the harbor - a long stone pier intended to
Hundreds of other slaves then carry the accommodate a single battle barge, and wide

bodies of the dragon and rider to the port, enough to accommodate the body of a dragon.
where, resplendent in the colors of the dragon's Waiting on the pier is a huge cart, richly carved
livery, a specially prepared battle barge waits and decorated with inscriptions and images of
to take on its cargo. The decks of the ship have dragons covered in gold leaf. The barge docks
been cleared so that the body of the dragon can and the dragon's body is transferred to the cart.
be easily accommodated and the crew of the Slaves, brought to Guladd'rin for this purpose,
barge forms a guard of honor while the dragon pull the cart inland, following the marble road
and its rider are deposited, with respect, on the that winds through the island. The land rises all
galley in waiting. around, until the Imenthi'er valley is reached. It
From Imrryr, the boat sails through the maze is the dragon's final resting place, the place
of a thousand gates before sailing into the where it will join its parents in death.
Dragon Sea, heading east, first for the first day, His body is placed, with all due respect, in a
then back towards the coast of the continent mausoleum prepared specifically for dragons.
north. The ship passes the Vilmir and Ilmiora,
sailing precisely for eight days, until a rocky, The valley is filled with mausoleums: vast zig-
misty island rises before them. This is the island gurats that stretch in a line on either side of the
of Guladd'rin; No more than 10 kilometers wide, marble road for almost six kilometers, shaded
but densely forested and protected by a sea by the steep slopes of the valley. There are only
mist that hides it from view of all but the most 30 ziggurats because it is considered impossible
discerning captains. that more than 30 dragons could die. Only six of
Those who know the island stay away from it; the ziggurats are occupied and once the bodies
the mists hide powerful currents and treacherous of the dragon and the Rider have been placed
rocks capable of piercing the keels of boats on their catafalque, the Ziggurat is sealed (The
below the waterline. The sailors believe that
Guladd'rin is an island of ghosts and a land
slaves who carried the dragon are buried with
it) from the inside. The Melniboneans then return
where one can only perish. to their ship and sail home.

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The infamous Doctor Aqeer of Imrryr went

The Ziggurats alone to Imenthi'er, to study the sculptures. He
was found again about ten years later,
of Imenthi'er completely berserk: he had torn out his
Each ziggurat is a tiered pyramid with many fingernails and toenails as well as all his teeth,
steps, made of a shiny white marble found on he could only communicate in a sort of
the island. Each stone is richly carved with gibberish. incomprehensible. When the Imrryr
leering faces or draconic motifs and on the top doctors had finished observing him, they
of the pyramid, a marble representation of the concluded that he had succeeded in deciphering
dragon that the ziggurat contains or is intended the true name of a single dragon and that this
to contain. Although the ziggurats have a similar knowledge had completely shredded his mind.
appearance, their carvings and arrangement are Doctor Aqeer strangled himself with his own hands 10 day
unique. It is possible to walk within an unoccupied zig-
gurat. Slits strategically cut into the stone of the
That the ziggurats are of Melnibonean design upper tiers of the building allow light to enter,
is obvious to any Melnibonean, or to any other illuminating the catafalque reserved for the
character passing a Knowledge (World) test. body of the dragon. This base is made of an
However, Melni-boné did not prepare the valley even more beautiful gold-inlaid marble and its
of Imenthi'er for the dragons, but it was clearly upper surface can be reached using a series of
taught that if a dragon were to die, this is where very wide steps on the east side of the base.
it should be brought. The race that built The catafalque is 10 meters high and at its base
Imenthi'er may well have been the one that there is a simple stone door which can be
forged Mournblade and Stormbringer, and the opened by passing an Athletics (Brute Strength)
runes that decorate the carved walls of the test. Inside is a bedroom occupying the entire
ziggurats bear some resemblance to those length of the cata-falque; it is completely empty
carved on the treacherous runeswords. Other in an unoccupied ziggou-rat, but if a dragon has
than that, the architects of Imenthi'er remain a been buried there, the room contains the saddle,
4 mystery. The Dragon Lords of Imrryr believe spurs, spear and other regalia of the dragon
that the Emperors of Melniboné possess a rider. The rider is also buried here, in a stone
special dream quest involving Imen-thi'er, but sarcophagus located at the front of the
as the nature of such a quest is known only to catafalque. On this sarcophagus is inscribed, in
the Emperors, no one can be sure. the high language of Melni-boné, the name of
the Dragon Lord and a small Imryrian poem
A typical mausoleum is 60 meters high and 50 (haiku) summarizing his actions.
meters wide at the base. A single set of doors is Around the catafalque are statues of dragons.
integrated into the structure at ground level, Each ziggurat has precisely 12 statues and
measuring 10 meters high and 5 meters each is a representation of the dragon at
wide. If a ziggurat is occupied, then different stages of its life, from egg to death.
the door is sealed with a massive Intricate, perfectly crafted, the statues sit
slab of carved marble. The several meters high and are exquisitely
sculptures are faces with evil looks and beautiful. Some collectors would be willing
swirling runes which, while reminiscent to pay hundreds of thousands of silver
of those of the High Language of Mel- coins for a single statue: the value of the
niboné, constitute a completely entire collection is completely
different language. The runes express inestimable. Such sta-tues would be
the dragon's true and full name, a extremely popular in Hwamgaarl and
name unpronounceable to the courts of some great nobles,
humans; whatever his strength where Mel-nibonean artifacts
of mind, he who begins to are both revered and hated,
study them is likely to go and where draconic
mad. imagery is most prized.

the Scriptorium - Game aid - Imenthi'er - Lawrence Whittaker

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If a ziggurat is sealed, we find within it the

bodies of the slaves who transported the dragon
The empty ziggurats
on its last journey and who placed it and its rider The unsealed Ziggurats contain the dragon
inside the ca-tafalque. The slaves' final act is to statues that may one day stand in the
activate the large stone levers that control the mausoleum. Each statue weighs around 24,000
closing of the slab, locking them in the kg, making them difficult, but not impossible, to
catafalque for eternity. These slaves will die of move. Moving a statue triggers a random effect
- part of the ziggurat's builders' pre-established
hunger and thirst, and while some lie down
accepting their fate, others, parched by the dry plan to deter theft.
air inside the ziggurat, may be found in terribly Roll on the following table to determine what
contorted positions. , having suffered all the happens if one of the statues is moved even a
agonies of agony. fraction of an inch from its resting place.
1D6 Traps
The Ziggurat closing slab is slowly closing. The
1–2 people inside have 2D4 rounds to get out before

Who would being walled in alive.

rob the grave A block of rock anchored eight meters above the

3–4 ground becomes dislodged and falls on the

characters, causing 6D6 points of damage to those
of a dragon? who fail an Athletics check to avoid it.

Few know the secrets of Imenthi'er, and few The ground beneath the statue suddenly shifts, those
human ship captains would dare approach the in the area must pass an Athletics check or fall into
island. But some can, and rumors persist of this a 10 meter deep pit taking damage from the fall. The

dragon graveyard somewhere outside Imrryr. 5-6 statue tips back into its original position, trapping the
unlucky ones below.
Fanatical collectors, curious wizards or avid
grave robbers will eventually drive people to It requires a combined STR of 100 to be able to tilt
explore the Imenthi'er Valley. the stone and rescue the prisoners.

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Dragon dream The sealed ziggurats

If a statue is removed from the ziggurat and brought Breaking into a closed ziggurat is not an easy task.
back to the Young Kingdoms, it can easily pocket 1D6 The huge marble slabs blocking the entrance must be
Imenthi'er x 100,000 Bronzes, if sold to the right collector (which moved by sorcery or with a combined STR of 300 or
can include a certain number of cults serving the Law more. Inside, grave robbers will find the corpses of the
or Chaos). However, with the statue also comes the slaves, the body of the dragon and, in the catafalque,
curse of its creators. Anyone who owns a dragon the body of the rider - along with the rich ornaments of
statue stays well for 1D6 months - the time it takes for the Dragon Lord, which again can be sold to a collector
their soul to awaken the attention of the sleeping for 1D6 x 10,000 Bronzes.
dragons of Imrryr.

Little by little, the dreams of the owner are sucked into The Dragon Lord's sarcophagus is of Melnibonean
the dreams of the dragons and the collector is trapped design, it is protected by the rune of perplexity, which
in the dream world of the dragons - the equivalent of is charged with 10 magic points and affects the five
the seventh, unnamed land of the Dream Realm. The senses. If the sarcophagus is opened, the person
Dragon Dream has an intensity of 7D4, making it a responsible will have their five senses scrambled and
very risky challenge for even the most powerful will instantly forget where and who they are.
Dreamstealers. His memory will only return when he leaves the
Inside, the dreamer is caught in the whirlwind of a island, but he will retain an irrepressible fear of what
hellish dragonworld, where the great Wyrms dominate the island contains. Under no circumstances will he be
and the lower races of the multiverse are only toys or able to return there, having acquired a deep paranoia
prey subject to the unsympathetic and inhuman whims of the ghosts who inhabit it. If the dragon's remains
of the dragons. Dragons create micro-realities to are disturbed, there will be no immediate repercussions.
torment the lesser races, which dissolve and reform at However, if any part of the remains – the scales, skin
will, and in fact, dragons are in these places just as or bones – are removed from the ziggurat, the person
powerful as lords of Law and Chaos (so powerful, in responsible will suffer the punishment of the Dragon's

6 fact, even the Lords of Chaos dare not enter the

Dragon Dream Realm).
Dream, as previously stated.
The Dragons must rest in peace; desecrating their
remains provokes the magical wrath of all the other
dragons still alive.
Any human spirit imprisoned for a number of days
greater than its non-dedicated POU becomes
permanently insane (even if it can be saved). If the
spirit remains in the dream for a number of days Those in
greater than twice this value, then the dreamer will die
and his soul will be devoured by the dragons sleeping
Quest of Imenthi'er
in the caves of Imrryr. Once the dragon dream has The location of Imenthi'er is a closely guarded secret,
been activated, there is no way to stop it. Even the but secrets always come to light and the Dragon
return of the stolen statue to its ziggurat will not stop Graveyard is no exception. The following individuals
the nightmare: only a powerful and experienced Dream have some information on Imenthi'er and are willing to
Thief will have the hope of saving the imprisoned soul. go looking for him.

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- Captain Bryagan Goldtooth of the Purple Gann's sworn enemy since he murdered his
Cities stumbled upon the misty isle of Gu-ladd'rin bride. He too has dreamed of Imenthi'er and he
six years ago; he has since planned a return trip knows its location, but not what it contains. When
to study it. His investigations revealed that several the adventurers serving Gann finally reach the

battle barges ventured in the direction of this island, they will find the vindictive knight of Aubec,
island in the distant past; Bryagan suspects the eager for revenge...
existence of a Melnibonean treasure. An arrogant - The cult of the Spellstealers seeks to build a
and greedy moron, Bryagan is ready to hire chaotic machine from the bones and stones of
adventurers for this quest and when he finds the the ziggurats of Imenthi'er. The machine,
valley of Imen-thi'er, he will only see it as a way designed by Cran Liret himself, will call upon the
to make millions by plundering the treasures of mystical energy of the dreams of the architects of
the unsealed ziggurats. His obsession with the ziggurats as well as that of the sleeping
pillaging the island will grow and not content with dragons of Imrryr, with the aim of creating a
taking what he can easily steal, he will want to dragon of pure energy infested by the madness
pillage the sealed ziggurats. He will therefore of Cran Liret. The agents of this cult will then be
condemn everyone to the dire fate of the dragon able to direct this dragon of pure magic against
dream. the very real dragons of Imrryr, destroying them
- Aloysius Gann, a wizard who devoted half his while they sleep and growing stronger with each
soul to Mabelode, saw the necropolis in his death (because the ziggurats of Imenthi'er will be
dreams. He wishes to possess the wing bones of deprived of the bodies which must one day
a particular dragon - known in the Low language occupy them). The cult brings together many
as Triumphant Wing Gyre - in order to craft a slaves, collected from the four corners of the
sword that will allow him to "harvest" the souls of Young Kingdoms, to transport them to the island
his many enemies. of Guladd'rin and begin, according to the plans of
The frail and paranoid Gann needs adventurers Cran Liret, the construction of the machine of
to locate Imenthi'er precisely, perhaps by stealing chaos. The architects of the machine - priests and
information from the city of Imrryr itself, then followers of the cult - are ready to risk death or
taking him to the island to recover the bones. But
that's without counting on Jarrulph the Valiant, a
madness to achieve their goals: the creation of 7
the Energy Wyrm, a creature full of hatred and wishing to slay all r
knight of the cult of Aubec, who is Can she be stopped?

the Scriptorium - Game aid - Imenthi'er - Lawrence Whittaker

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