Task 1 Stakeholders of Well-Known Large Businesses: Unit 5 Understanding External Influences

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Worksheet 1 Business stakeholders

Unit 5 Understanding external influences

Name:...................................................................................................... Class: ..................

Task 1 Stakeholders of well-known large businesses

1. With a partner, or in a group, think about the two businesses below. Write a list of all the
people, groups and organisations (stakeholders) that are interested in these businesses,
and outline what each of the stakeholder’s interests are in the business.


Stakeholder Interest in the business

e.g. Customer Fast service, hot food, reasonable/fair price


Stakeholder Interest in the business

Worksheet 1 Business stakeholders
Unit 5 Understanding external influences

2. Explain any common themes between your two lists.

Worksheet 1 Business stakeholders
Unit 5 Understanding external influences

Task 2 Impact of business activity on stakeholders

A new energy company has applied for planning permission to develop a site just 3 miles
from your house. The company has already started searching for skilled workers in the area
and boasts that it has a sizeable Government grant due to its vital role in the country’s
national energy plan. The industry, however, has a reputation for creating pollution. The site
has also been the subject of interest for other more sustainable energy companies. There
are a number of stakeholders interested in the proposed development.

1. Consider the list of stakeholders above and complete the table, identifying which
stakeholders are likely to benefit from the development of the land, and which are not.

Will benefit Won’t benefit

Worksheet 1 Business stakeholders
Unit 5 Understanding external influences

2. The Government has set-up a public consultation about the site’s development. Choose
one stakeholder that you believe will benefit from the proposed development and one
stakeholder who you feel would be opposed to it. List three points that each of the
stakeholders could use at the consultation meeting to present their view on the

Stakeholder 1:




Stakeholder 2:




Worksheet 1 Business stakeholders
Unit 5 Understanding external influences

Task 3 Evaluating the impact on stakeholders of business activity

You are employed as a Government advisor. Following the public consultation on the
proposed site development by the energy company you have been asked to provide your
recommendation as to whether the development should go ahead or not.
Taking into consideration the views of a variety of stakeholders, evaluate whether the site
should be developed by the energy company.

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