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Adaptive reuse is the process of reusing a pre-existing building and changing its function from
its previous function and by maintaining its historical value, adaptive reuse is an effective
strategy to optimize the operational and commercial performance of built assets, in Indonesia
itself there have been many applications of adaptive reuse, for example like one of the cafes in
the city of Bandung called "Didago".
Didago is one of the illustrations of adaptive design that is now widely implemented in
Indonesia, Didago is located on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.21, Tamansari, Kec. Bandung Wetan,
Bandung City, West Java 40116. Formerly, Didago was a building that functioned as a hotel that
raised the architectural concept of the Art Deco style which was a reflection of the architectural
style during the Dutch East Indies in the 1930s and was one of the hotels where the 1955 Asian-
African Conference delegates stayed which operated from 1954-1980 as a hotel called the dago
hotel, then the building was converted into an office and abandoned for several years, after a few
years this building was converted back into a café called "didago".

This café has the concept of "Abandoned Building" which means that the building is an
abandoned building but is arranged in such a way that it remains comfortable, looks clean and
beautiful. It can be seen from the shape that has not been changed at all, even this building is not
repainted at all, there are only additional external stairs and balconies on the upper floors, while
the inner stairs are maintained as the original condition. In the selection of buildings, it is
prioritized to use buildings that are old enough, abandoned or unused and still have a strong
building structure, and have historical architectural value.
By applying the concept of adaptive reuse, it can increase public awareness that old buildings,
especially historic ones, still have high value with the adaptation of new functions. It will
indirectly attract other communities such as entrepreneurs to also apply this concept with
commercial purposes such as restaurants, cafes, or other retail functions.

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