Nouveaux Ordres Granbretons

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New Granbreton orders

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a game aid for Hawkmoon

Author : Alan Oliver (Signs & Portents 55)
Translation : Zaoutir
Proofreading : David Hodent, Arasmo
Layout : Arasmo

The illustrations are taken from the books Hawkmoon — The Screen, Empire Ténébreux
and Son of Granbretanne, published by Oriflam

© The Scriptorium, all rights reserved

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Introduction in court intrigue, science-witchcraft and military

intelligence, although she is also known to be a
Not all of the masked orders of Granbretanne keen botanist.
are as important and powerful as those detailed
in the collection La Granbretanne. Here we will The Order: The Order of the Spider is one of
describe smaller, specific orders that fulfill the smallest orders in the Empire, as highly
particular roles in the armies of Granbre-tanne. trained and specialized as the Wasps. The order
None of these orders are widely known outside is not only made up of women but it is they who
of Granbretanne and even among the masked find themselves at the top of the order: all the
orders themselves, detailed knowledge of these Masters and 2/3 of the Constables are women.
new orders is not widespread. They are scientific fighters capable of handling
any problem in combat but especially used for
their mastery of communications and military
Our webs connect the whole Empire Their greatest strength (their greatest secret)
comes from their ability to communicate with
each other instantly over great distances.
It is a service that they provide free of charge to
other orders: their contribution to the work of
Granbretanne. Of course, this means allows
them to be informed of all the information they
transmit; the actions of the other masked orders
therefore have no secrets for them. Some nobles
and lords strive to have a Spider in their retinue,
to send and receive messages from everywhere
thanks to the web woven by the Spiders.
2 While the highest dignitaries of other orders and
most nobles are aware of the Spiders'
communication abilities, the precise way in
which they operate is known only to the Masters
and Grand Constable of the Order of the Spider.

Military intelligence is another role they fulfill in

the service of the Empire. A single Spider can
often find itself close to an enemy and instantly
Grand Constable: Countess Lanas Quinith de communicate its location and description to a
brother or sister in Granbretanne's army. This is
At the head of the order is an immortal who a high-risk assignment because if they are
has been High Constable for at least 400 years caught, they will certainly be killed as spies,
and is said to have fought alongside the King- however they share the madness of the
Emperor during the Battle of Londra. There is Granbretons and do not care about the risks
nothing physically impressive about her: small they take. Besides, it's better to risk a sister or
and pleasant to look at, she is not breathtakingly brother to spy on the enemy than to send a
beautiful and does not give off an impression of dozen to the front...
power. On the other hand, her mind is prodigious
and she is one of the great minds of the Empire.
The only reason she is not more widely known Spiders are well trained in the art of combat,
to Granbretanne's enemies is that her actions
as they often travel alone or often find themselves
are subtle and she does not seek attention. His separated from their own order.
greatest talents are Unlike most other orders, They

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rely mainly on martial arts and an unarmed Spiders and Ravens began working together
Spider is often more dangerous than if it were regularly, the combination of Raven pilots with
armed. They do not trust other orders to keep a Spider observer being a powerful tool for
them safe; an attack on one of them, if it does obtaining military intelligence. The Spiders are
not kill her instantly, will quickly become a public satisfied with this collaboration, although the
affair while the deceased will be mourned by her Ravens take the credit for it, and boost their
fellow sisters. The order may feature a few rise among the orders. However, the Ravens
companies of deserving troops, typically the are aware that this success depends in part on
largest and strongest men of the order, who are cooperation with the Spiders.
normally busy defending their palace in Crew.
When the orders set out in large numbers, the
Spiders help. However, even the stupidest On the other hand, Baron Meliadus, High New

commander will realize that using them at the Constable of the Wolf, has a deep aversion to
front is wasting their skills. the order. For some reason, he distrusts the
Spiders and does not want to take them into his service.
This made them a minor player in the conquest
of Europe, as they were excluded from most
Unlike other orders, Spiders never remove major battles. Some say that Melia-dus distrusts
their masks. This is not just a fad: their masks the order because of his loyalty to the King-
are surgically grafted to their bodies during Emperor and this is entirely true.
initiation rites and once grafted, they cannot be
removed without killing the Spider and They are also hated by the Serpent Order,
destroying witchcraft. contained in the mask. especially because they are rivals for the
Whatever witchcraft secret allows Spiders to resources the Serpents desperately need.
speak to each other is part of their mask. These In addition, they are scientific sorcerers outside
masks provide other benefits: the eye-like gems the control of the Serpents, which the latter
that adorn the forehead, top, and sides of the perceive as a threat. The Spiders never
mask are all functional, giving the Spider a field presented themselves as rivals to the Serpents,
of vision that extends his peripheral and normal just specialists with a few useful talents; but that
vision. These eyes can also see in complete doesn't appease the Serpents...
darkness. Finally, the masks also have air filters.
Temple: The Spider Temple is located in Crew;
it is a very large enclosed botanical garden, a
glass greenhouse extending over tens of meters
Relationship with other orders: The Spiders and inside which exotic climate and conditions
have an ancient affinity with the order of the are maintained. Strange plants lean against the
Mantis, the two orders have always supported glass, pulling anyone who comes too close
each other since the early days of the masked towards them, like hungry predators. There are
orders. The Spiders have always been loyal several species of predators and carnivorous
partners, effectively serving the needs of the plants in the garden, as well as spiders in
Mantis; with the advent of the King-Emperor, immeasurable numbers. Rumors suggest that
they became their most loyal servants. Spider scientists have created monster spiders

Order Bonus to Basic Skills Advanced Skills Standard equipment

Spider Acrobatics +5%, Athletics +5% Martial Arts +10%, Knowledge Light Granbreton Armor, 1M
(Cryptography), Lan- Sword or Exquisite Rapier
Choose one at +10%: Rapier, Sword 1 pledge (Spider) (Sharp and Light is common
M, Firethrower, Dagger, Shield for females), Fire Fist,
Choose one: Crafting, Spider Mask
Engineering, Mechanisms

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spiders big enough to chase a man, but the Spiders father. After a year, Lys gained the support of the
laugh softly behind their masks when we talk other Masters by dismissing her father and taking
about these things. his position as Grand Constable for herself. The
other Masters, all men, thought it would be easy
Benefits: Spiders gain the Night Vision ability to remove this young woman and take her place,
with their mask, which also gives a +10% bonus to however the loyal women of the Glutton proved
Perception. They have access to the web, which them wrong and within a week of her appointment,
allows them to contact another Spider at will and all the Masters of the order were murdered and
conduct a conversation with them as if they were replaced by women loyal to Lys.
face to face.

The order has not become an order of women


and even they do not dominate in numbers, only

The madmen women occupy most of the key positions under
the leadership of an inflexible Lys. This is partly
Grand Constable: Countess Lys de Is-witch because she has now turned the order's fortunes
When Lys took her father's place as Grand around after its disastrous fall from grace into an
Constable of the Order of the Glutton; No one order with real political power and one that holds
thought she would stay more than a week in this its place among the other major masked orders.
position. Ten years later she is still there and It is only limited by its size with a total of 15,000
what's more, she has taken the reputation of the warriors, 1/3 of whom are women.
order out of the gutter where her father's follies
had placed it. Once a pretty woman, she was The order's demands for glory are merely a rage-
marked for life by the battles she fought at the inducing drug that soldiers use in combat, fighting
head of her madmen; only a warrior of a masked without the use of weapons other than the claws
order would find her desirable today. on their armor. They are not a subtle tactical force
but shock troops used at a critical moment in battle
4 The order: ten before the start of the conquest where the ferocity of the Wolverines will have the
of Europe, the Order of the Glutton was insignificant, greatest impact. Even with greater numbers they
led by a debauched Grand Constable driven mad cannot fight alone in battles, their mode of combat
by drugs, incapable of leading his order anywhere is too specialized for that. Instead they are used
other than disaster. Half of the order's fighting by the great generals of Granbretanne as one of
force was killed in a single action when he ordered many tools that can be thrown into battle when
his men to charge the enemy positions, just needed.
before the place was bombarded by the onslaught
of Salamanders and Ravens. . This mistake cost
10,000 of the order's best warriors.
Relationship with other orders: the countess

After this disaster, his daughter Lys, then Master Lily of the Glutons and Countess Marya of the
of the order, persuaded her father to incorporate Péli-cans seem very close. Rumors suggest all
women in order to increase the number of the kinds of things, but whatever the truth, the two
order; she took control of these women while the orders work together more often than normal. We
men continued to degrade under the rules of her also often see the

Order Bonus to Basic Skills Advanced Skills Standard Equipment

Glutton Acrobatics +10%, Athletics +10%, Martial Arts, Language Heavy Granbreton armor for
Discretion +5% (Glutton) men, standard for women; they
have spikes, claws and blades on
the gauntlets that cause
1D6 points of damage each

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Glutton women protect the Pelicans; perhaps it Glutton Drug: a white powder that is absorbed
is a simple spirit of camaraderie between female through the nose. Most Gluttons have a dispenser
orders? installed in their battle mask that supplies them
with drugs when their nose is caught in the helm.
Tigers and Gluttons respect each other's martial
skills. The Tigers' arrogance is such that they
treat most other orders with disdain, but the
Gluttons are one of the few where their arrogance Snow Leopard
is directed against them. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

As the shock troops of the Glutons compete

with those of the orders of the Bull and the San- New

glier, the latter consider the newcomers as

upstarts and are particularly hostile to them,
especially since the Glutons began to recruit
women .

Temple: The Temple of the Gluttons is located

in the port of Is-witch and it fell into an advanced
state of disrepair during the reign of Father de
Lys. Refurbishments and repairs have begun to
restore it to its former splendor; However, the
damage is significant and it will require a lot of
wealth to repair, more than the order can hope
to gather in a few years. High Constable: Baron Ravencroft of Ab-deen
The Marquis is a cold man, both physically and
The building itself is a massive ziggurat, raised emotionally. Rumors at court say he used Serpent
on colossal pillars above pits where the youth of sorcery to turn his blood into ice. In any case, 5
the order are forced to fight for food. The eastern man is immune to the harsh conditions of cold.
part of the temple has collapsed due to lack of The coldness that runs through him also extends
maintenance and there are rumors of unnatural to politics and the intrigues of the imperial court,
things living there. The young men and women where he is feared for his icy and cruel character.
of the order compete to hunt these things, hoping
to show their bravery and cover themselves in
glory. Moreover, it seems that these things would
be good to eat, which is not without arousing the His wife, Baroness de Ab-deen, is his opposite.
insatiable appetite of the Gluttons... She is a noble warrior who has the madness of
the Gran-Bretons anchored in her body and she
indulges in amphetamines, always looking for
the next fight or conflict that will present itself to
Benefits: Gluttons use a secret drug that her. Her aggression is often beyond tolerable,
causes a war frenzy. In this state, they fight with even in the court of the King-Emperor, but for
their hands, the spikes and claws that decorate unknown reasons, she has not yet been molested
the gauntlets of their armor. In a single action, by the Mantis guards.
they can make an attack with each hand, without
penalty. However, while in this state, they cannot The order: the masked order of the Snow
ward off attacks. Additionally, they will attack Leopard was built around a simple specialty:
anyone not wearing beast masks around them, arctic combat. They are trained from a young
until all opponents are age in survival techniques intended to keep a
man and his equipment functional in the cold and
dead. are exposed to grueling arctic conditions.

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health to harden them against the harsh conditions full Snow Leopard armor can ignore the first -20%
of winter. Once they have completed their training, penalty due to cold. The armor also includes other
they are equipped with armor and weapons that minor additions for survival in the Arctic
are modified to operate in arctic conditions without environment, such as sharp blades on the feet
breaking: this ranges from heated armor to the which allow the beasts to skate on the ice, hooked
overloaded fire lances of ornithopters which are points on the forearms to hold on in the snow or
capable to fly in temperatures that would freeze the ice in case of slipping and so on. In total, the
the wings of a normal aircraft. armor grants a +10% bonus to Survival in arctic
The order was heavily involved in the repression
in Scandia, fighting alongside the Order of the
Bear. Nearly 80% of the order is now stationed in The Leopards' overloaded firethrowers only
the far north of Scandia, where it has been tasked operate in freezing conditions, given the heat they
with finding a northern route through which the give off. They do 3D8/1D6 points of damage and
Granbreton armies can attack Moskovia. otherwise follow the normal rules for firethrowers,
but only when used at temperatures below 0.

When sent outside areas of Arctic conditions, If used in temperatures above 0 degrees, there is
the order commits the minimum number of troops; a 60% chance of explosion with each shot, doing
he considers them too precious to be recklessly triple the damage of a normal explosion.
wasted. Which led him to gain a reputation as a
coward compared to other orders. Small units sent
for general assembly will fight in close units, with Relationship with other orders: The Snow
human shields in front and spearmen behind their Leopards have developed close ties with the Order
ranks. of the Bear through their cooperation in Scandia.

There is a political alliance between them and

6 In winter wars, Leopards often fight on skis, the Order of the Cat, partly due to common ties
using them to gain advantageous firing positions with Shkarlan. These links are not close but more
with their cold-weather firethrowers and to charge based on political considerations.
at enemies and crush them with their sabers or to
simply circle them. Before reaching the battlefield, Temple: the official temple of the order is located
they hide their troops in the snow to ambush in Londra; it is a small ornate building, easily
enemies. They will use the ornithopters' firethrowers overshadowed by the towers that surround it. The
to trigger avalanches on their enemies. They even temple is used as a mailbox by the order. Security
use icebergs as vessels to cross the Arctic waters systems and clever and varied devices have been
and outflank their adversary. put in place to preserve the secrets of the order:
an inopportune intruder will be swallowed up by
the building and his bones will be found on the
pebbles years later.
Their armor has an additional effect, which is to
reduce the penalty to skills inflicted by cold The true Snow Leopard Temple is located in the
conditions. Anyone who wears a frozen north of Shkarlan. Officially, it is

Order Bonus to Basic Skills Advanced Skills Standard Equipment

Snow Fire Thrower +5%, Survival +10% Knowledge (Conditions Granbreton stan-arctic armor)
Leopard +15%, Dart language with modifications for
Choose one at +5%: Ax 1 M, Ax (Snow Leopard) cold, skis, equipment
2 M, Flail 1 M, Flail 2 M, Hammer 1 arctic survival, fire thrower
M, Hammer 2 M, Sword 1 M, Sword 2 M, Snow Leopards
Shield, Spear

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just the training ground for arctic warfare; however They had even worked on armor modifications to
the deep, ancient cellars discovered beneath the limit water loss from the body by means of a
training ground have become the spiritual lair of the recycling system, which would have increased the
order for centuries. Snow Leopards believe in the range of action of their scouts; However, this
existence of ancient magic in these caves, which technology did not have time to be really used.
gives them strength, speed and resistance to the
cold. The truth is actually unknown, but it is not
impossible that an ancient science/witchcraft exists As an Order born after most of the great conquests,
in these caves and works on the Snow Leopards. the Scorpions incorporated recruits from a wide
variety of ethnicities, with the largest contingent
coming from the vanquished peoples of Europe and
Benefits: Snow Leopards can ignore the first 2 Turkia. This makes them a less noble order than New

points of damage from an attack based on cold or the older, more "pure" orders of Granbre-tanne. A
frost. They also receive a +10% bonus to their more diplomatic Grand Constable could have
Survival skill when in arctic conditions. enhanced this reputation, but Vezar takes pleasure
in seeing his order considered a mongrel dog within
the pack.

Scorpio When the civil war broke out in the Empire, the
We will soak the sands with blood and brains. majority of the members of the Order were exploring
the distant East; Scorpions were found on both
sides of the conflict.
Grand Constable: Duke Vezar of Istanbul
Relationship with other orders: during its brief
A brutal, heavily built man, shaved head, with a
face disfigured by scars and an evil glint in his existence and thanks to its Grand Constable, the
Order had managed to offend and irritate a certain
eyes. He is a brutal and sadistic killer who rose to
number of other orders.
lead the new order of Scorpio by becoming more
vicious and violent than his rivals. He does not have
The Order of the Wasp was the first order to have
the time or talent for court intrigues and his order
suffers from this weakness. Neglecting the antipathy for the Scorpions when Duke Vezar made
intricacies of court, he is never seen without his insulting and lewd propositions to Baroness Helena
heavy armor and Scorpion battle mask. At social de Bashea. This could have been ignored if the
events, he presents himself with a bare face, scene had not happened in the presence of the King-
because he claims that the mass of scars which Emperor himself. She challenged him to a duel on
serves as his face fulfills the same role as a mask. the steps of the King-Emperor's palace at dawn
and carved new scars on his damaged face, as well
as cruel wounds that made his lustful propositions
The order: the Order of the Scorpion is a new impossible.
order, created after the conquest of Turkia to
During his short career, Duke Vezar's scandalous
operate in Eastern countries such as Persia or
Ukraine. The Scorpions were supposed to handle conduct managed to offend many nobles and Grand
desert warfare and be reconnaissance specialists, Constables; the simple fact that he was able to
however they had time to establish some semblance survive the many duels he was forced to honor
of a reputation before the start of the Granbreton proves his talents as a warrior. He lost his only duel
Civil War. against Baroness Helena and this experience
apparently taught him a lot of lessons.
The order had begun to develop the equipment it However the entire order suffered from his conduct
needed for this role: ornithopters protected against and the Scorpions often found themselves without
the sand and dust of the desert, armor made the support of their fellow beasts on the battlefield
waterproof against the heat... due to the faults of their Grand Constable.

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Temple: the temple of the Order of the

Scorpion was still under construction in Istanbul
at the time of the fall of Granbretanne. The
building was to take the form of a gigantic stone
scorpion atop the minarets of an ancient temple.
The construction of the work had accumulated
delays due to numerous difficulties, perhaps
due in part to a lack of cooperation from the
orders of engineers, quite angry with the conduct of Duke Vezar.

Benefits: Scorpios are trained to endure the

most terrible conditions. In a desert environment,
they gain a +25% bonus to their Endurance test.

Basic Skill Bonus Order Advanced Skills Standard Equipment

Scorpion Riding +5%, Perception +5%, Endurance Knowledge (Deserts), Granbreton armor
+5%, Survival +10% Language (Scorpio) heavy, Weapon of your choice,
8 Choose one at +5%:
Sword 1 M, Sword 2 M, Ax 1 M, Ax 2 M,
Flail 1M, Flail 2M, Hammer 1M, Hammer 2
M, Shield, Spear, Polearm

the Scriptorium - Game aid - New Granbreton Orders by Alan Oliver

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