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Accident Analysis and Prevention 105 (2017) 38–43

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Can cycling safety be improved by opening all unidirectional cycle

paths for cycle traffic in both directions? A theoretical examination of
available literature and data
Rob Methorst a,∗ , Paul Schepers a,b , Jaap Kamminga c , Theo Zeegers c , Elliot Fishman d
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, The Netherlands
Utrecht University, Faculty of Geosciences, The Netherlands
Dutch Cyclist Union, The Netherlands
Institute for Sensible Transport, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many studies have found bicycle-motor vehicle crashes to be more likely on bidirectional cycle paths
Received 8 December 2015 than on unidirectional cycle paths because drivers do not expect cyclists riding at the right side of the
Received in revised form 13 May 2016 road. In this paper we discuss the hypothesis that opening all unidirectional cycle paths for cycle traffic in
Accepted 18 May 2016
both directions prevent this lack of expectancy and accordingly improves cycling safety. A new national
Available online 1 June 2016
standard requires careful consideration because a reversal is difficult once cyclists are used to their
new freedom of route choice. We therefore explored the hypothesis using available data, research, and
theories. The results show that of the length of cycle paths along distributor roads in the Netherlands,
Cycling safety 72% is bidirectional. If drivers would become used to cyclists riding at the left side of the road, this result
Bidirectional cycle paths raises the question of why bidirectional cycle paths in the Netherlands still have a poor safety record
Contra-flow cycling compared to unidirectional cycle paths. Moreover, our exploration suggested that bidirectional cycle
paths have additional safety problems. It increases the complexity of unsignalized intersections because
drivers have to scan more directions in a short period of time. Moreover, there are some indications that
the likelihood of frontal crashes between cyclists increases. We reject the hypothesis that opening all
unidirectional cycle paths for cycle traffic in both directions will improve cycle safety. We recommend
more attention for mitigating measures given the widespread application of bidirectional cycle paths in
the Netherlands.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Bicyclists travelling against the direction of traffic on unidirec-

tional cycle paths are 4–6 times as likely to sustain bicycle-motor
Over recent decades, the Netherlands has established a repu- vehicle crashes at intersections as compared to those travelling
tation as one of the safest countries in which to cycle, on a per with the direction of traffic (Schepers and Voorham, 2010; Wachtel
distance travelled basis (Schepers et al., 2015). Although unrivalled and Lewiston, 1994). Even though legal and indicated to drivers by
in both cycling participation and safety, bicycle use on bidirectional, traffic signs, the likelihood of bicycle-motor vehicle crashes at inter-
segregated paths has been shown to carry an elevated risk when sections with bidirectional cycle paths is found to be higher than
compared to cycling on unidirectional paths. This paper sets out to at intersections with unidirectional paths (Schepers et al., 2011;
determine whether the safety of cycling in the Netherlands would Vandenbulcke et al., 2014) (see Fig. 1). These elevated risks have
be improved by adopting a policy of making all cycle paths bidirec- been explained by drivers’ expectations and related visual scan-
tional. Thereby, this study focuses on a system level while previous ning strategies at intersections. Drivers entering a distributor road
research, described in the following, was done at a location level from a minor road have difficulties in detecting cyclists from the
such as a crossing. right (in case of right-hand driving) (Räsänen and Summala, 1998),
see the sketch in Fig. 2. Summala et al. (Summala et al., 1996) found
that drivers turning right scanned the right leg of the T-intersection
less frequently and later than those turning left. Their explanation
∗ Corresponding author. is that drivers turning right focus their attention on cars from the
E-mail address: (R. Methorst). left because those coming from the right pose no threat to them.
0001-4575/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Methorst et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 105 (2017) 38–43 39

control areas would be ideal from a research perspective to inform

a before-after study. However, such research and or new national
standard containing this new policy requires careful consideration
because a reversal is difficult once cyclists are used to their new
freedom of route choice. This paper explores the hypothesis that
cycling safety can be improved by converting all unidirectional
cycle paths into bidirectional cycle paths in the Netherlands using
available data, research, and theories. We did so by considering the
development of illegal contraflow cycling on unidirectional cycle
paths (Section 2), the presence of bidirectional and unidirectional
cycle paths (Section 3), a discussion of alternative theories for the
aforementioned expectancy theory to judge the safety of bidirec-
tional cycle paths (Section 4), and consideration of other crash
types that may be affected next to the aforementioned bicycle-
motor vehicle crashes at intersections (Section 5). The results are
summarised and discussed in Section 6.
Fig. 1. Unsignalized intersection with bidirectional cycle paths at both sides of the
distributor road.
2. Is contraflow cycling increasing on unidirectional cycle

Currently available data suggest that contraflow cycling on uni-

directional paths is substantial but constant. This is important
because increased contraflow cycling could potentially cause safety
levels at unidirectional cycle paths to decrease to a level compara-
ble to bidirectional paths because of the high risk of cyclists riding
against the direction of traffic on unidirectional paths (Schepers and
Voorham, 2010; Wachtel and Lewiston, 1994). The earliest study
we found about contra-flow cycling was conducted in 1994 by Van
Minnen and Braimaister (1994). Of the 1314 cyclists counted at
unidirectional cycle paths around roundabouts, 4% were cycling
Fig. 2. Sketch of an encounter between a driver entering a distributor road from a against the direction of traffic. A count of 23,652 cyclists completed
minor road and a cyclist coming from the right (riding on the left side of the road).
in 2014 yielded 2% (Methorst and Schepers, 2015). Three locations
in the study by Methorst and Schepers (2015) were also examined
Van Haeften (2010) found similar results in Groningen which has a using conflict observations in 2012 (De Goede et al., 2013). The
bicycle modal share as high as 50%, one of the highest in the world share at these locations remained stable at 3%.
(Ligtermoet, 2009). The share of contraflow varied between locations and over
Because of the elevated risks at intersections, the Dutch Design time, e.g. between 2% and 13% in the study by Van Minnen and
Manual for Bicycle Traffic (CROW, 2007) cautions against applica- Braimaister (1994) and between 0% and 9% at locations reported
tion of bidirectional bicycle paths unless it strongly reduces cyclists’ by Methorst and Schepers (2015). The lowest share was found at
need to cross distributor roads and avoid potential large shares of the location with the highest volume of cyclists (over 2000 cyclists
illegal contraflow cycling. Most bicycle-motor vehicle crashes in per hour during the countings). Similarly, Methorst and Schepers
urban areas in the Netherlands occur at unsignalised intersections (2015) found a share below 2% on weekdays and above 3% in the
of distributor roads (Schepers and Voorham, 2010). Per passing weekend (with countings at all locations taken together). High
cyclist, the number of bicycle-motor vehicle crashes is about two volumes of cyclists appear to correlate with reduced contra-flow
times as high while crossing a distributor road compared to while cycling, probably due to less space remaining available.
crossing a minor road at an unsignalised intersection. However,
since the number of minor roads is high, there are about two times
3. To what degree are bidirectional cycle paths applied in
as many bicycle-motor vehicle crashes while crossing a minor road
the Netherlands?
as compared to while crossing a distributor road (Schepers et al.,
2011; Schepers and Voorham, 2010). Because of the high frequency
The Dutch Cyclists’ Union recently finalized an online route
of the former crash type and its increased likelihood at bidirectional
planner covering the whole country (Fietsersbond, 2014). Whether
cycle paths, a net safety improvement through bidirectional cycle
cycle paths are open for cycle traffic in one or two directions is
paths is expected to be rare (CROW, 2007).
essential information for route planning and is therefore recorded
The lack of expectancy of cyclists from the right for cars entering
in the underlying database. Based on this database, Zeegers and
from a minor road seems to be the main problem of bidirectional
Kamminga (2014) estimated that the Netherlands:
cycle paths (Summala et al., 1996). It has been suggested that this
expectancy problem is related to a lack of uniformity. Some paths
are unidirectional and others are bidirectional. It can therefore be • Has some 15,900 km of bicycle paths along roads (standalone
hypothesized that cycling safety can be improved by allowing con- bicycle paths are excluded) of which 11,400 km (72%) are bidi-
traflow cycling on all unidirectional cycle paths. A few Dutch cities rectional paths
like Breda already decided to convert unidirectional cycle paths into • The share of bidirectional bicycle paths amounts to 62% within
bidirectional bicycle paths (Gemeente Breda, 2007). city limits and 79% outside city limits
Uniform allowance of contraflow cycling on all unidirec- • Road sections (between intersections) of unidirectional cycle
tional cycle paths in a number sufficiently large jurisdictions (i.e. paths within city limits have an average length of 52 m versus
provinces in the Netherlands) with other jurisdictions serving as 107 m for bidirectional cycle paths
40 R. Methorst et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 105 (2017) 38–43

For a sample of 250 bidirectional cycle paths within city lim-

its, Zeegers and Kamminga (2014) judged visually whether there
was a route alternative for cyclists at the other side of the road. In
about 65% of the cases there was no alternative cycle route at the
other side of the road (Zeegers and Kamminga, 2014). Moreover, for
a sample of 20 municipalities, the Cyclist Union has recorded the
width of cycle paths. Bidirectional cycle paths appear to be wider
than one-way bicycle paths, but the difference is less than a factor
of two (Zeegers and Kamminga, 2014).
There appeared to be large variations in the share of bidirec-
tional cycle paths among municipalities with some nearing 100%. Fig. 3. A bidirectional cycle path with a sight obstruction at the right side of the
The highest shares were found in new towns like Lelystad, Almere, road.
Houten, and Zoetermeer, where only a small share of the length
of distributor roads have cycle facilities (Zeegers and Kamminga,
Fig. 1 presents an example with only a 1 m clearance resulting
2014). In these cities cyclists are mostly separated from the coarse
in a demanding task for drivers entering or leaving the distributor
distributor road network and instead have a fine grained network
road. As people have limited information processing capacity (De
of standalone bicycle paths and access roads through traffic calmed
Waard, 1996; De Waard et al., 2010), road users are more likely to
areas at their disposal (Schepers et al., 2013). To fit logically within
be overloaded if road design is complex (Birth et al., 2009; Elvik,
a larger network of standalone cycle paths, which are bidirectional
2006). A driver entering or leaving a distributor road has to scan
by standard, contraflow cycling is allowed on the few cycle paths
a lot of directions if he or she has to cross a bidirectional cycle
along distributor roads.
path. Some distance between the cycle path and the main carriage-
The aforementioned finding that road sections between inter-
way (sometimes called ‘bent-out crossing’) gives drivers extra time
sections with minor roads are about two times as long for
because they can first scan for cycle traffic on the bicycle path and
bidirectional paths as compared to unidirectional paths suggests
after that for motor traffic on the road (Elvik et al., 2009; Schepers
that road authorities indeed account for the amount of crossings as
et al., 2011).
advised by CROW (2007). The lack of a route alternative at the other
Unfortunately, a clearance between a bicycle path and main
side of the road for the majority of bidirectional cycle paths suggests
carriageway of a least a few meters is not always possible and
that cost savings play a role as well. To conclude, road authorities
similarly the possibilities to remove sight obstacles can be lim-
seem to account for the recommendations in the Design Manual
ited. Even when a lack of expectations among drivers would be
for Bicycle Traffic on the application of bidirectional cycle paths
undone by a uniform application of bidirectional cycle paths, high
but their application in real life is much more frequent than would
work load (in terms of directions to scan for drivers) in combina-
be expected given CROW’s advice (CROW, 2007).
tion with restricted visibility (due to sign obstacles) will remain in
a number of instances. The hypothesis that a uniform application
of bidirectional cycle paths would improve cycling safety cannot be
4. Human factors theories and cyclist safety
underpinned by human factors theory.
Human factors theories or ergonomics theories help explain
how roads can be designed to fit road users’ needs and capabili- 5. Non-intersection (mid-block) crashes
ties (Birth et al., 2009; Schepers et al., 2014). Expectancy theory
was already discussed in the Introduction in relation to drivers’ All previous sections were concerned with bicycle-motor vehi-
scanning strategies at intersections. Drivers insufficiently look for cle crashes at intersections. There is to our best knowledge no
cyclists from the right when entering from a minor road (Summala quantitative research linking the presence of bidirectional cycle
et al., 1996; Van Haeften, 2010). Similar problems have been found paths to collisions between bicycles, even though cyclists sustain
at roundabouts (Sakshaug et al., 2010). The safety in numbers the- substantial numbers of serious injuries in such crashes (Schepers,
ory posits that cyclist safety is improved when cycle use is more 2010). Similarly, the potential for frontal conflicts with mopeds is
prevalent and this is explained by drivers adapting their expec- increased where they have to use the bicycle path, which, contrary
tations and behaviour in response to the increased numbers of to the Dutch National policy not to allow moped on bicycle paths
cyclists (Jacobsen, 2003). Similarly, it can be hypothesized that within city limits, is the case on 42% of the length of bidirectional
drivers learn to expect cyclists from the right once they meet suf- cycle paths within city limits in the Netherlands (Zeegers and Kam-
ficiently large numbers of cyclists from this direction. Moreover, minga, 2014). Furthermore, so the called ‘snorfiets’ (max 25 km/h
a uniform application of bidirectional cycle paths would enable ‘mopeds’, slow mopeds), comprising over three-quarters of all sold
a national campaign to inform drivers. We do not expect large mopeds in 2012 (Ewalds et al., 2013), ride as fast as ‘real’ mopeds
benefits from the latter since visual scanning strategies is largely on cycle paths before the National policy was enacted in 1999, i.e.
habitual and automatized by driving experience (Summala, 1988) some 34 km/h (Wijlhuizen et al., 2013). Moreover, slow mopeds
and therefore difficult to influence by communication. have the same mass and width, are allowed on the bicycle paths
Next to expectations, the elevated risk of bicycle-motor vehicle and form potential risk of serious frontal conflicts (Methorst et al.,
crashes at intersections has also been related to vision. Contrary 2011). A small-scale study with 17 frontal crashes between cyclists
to what one might expect, Henson and Whelan (1992) found good found a high frequency on bidirectional cycle paths (Schepers,
visibility at T-junctions to be associated with a greater probability 2010). Similar results were found in an in-depth study of crashes
of bicycle crashes when a cyclist was riding among cars. However, with cyclists older than 50 years which led SWOV to advice bidi-
when cyclists are entering from the right on a bidirectional cycle rectional cycle paths be sufficiently wide (in accordance with the
path (from the unexpected direction for drivers), sight obstacles at Design manual which also accounts for the volume of cycle traf-
the right side appear to increase the risk of bicycle-motor vehicle fic; CROW, 2007) or even have a physical separation between both
crashes compared to a situation with better visibility (Räsäsen et al., directions of cycle traffic (Davidse et al., 2014), although we think
1998; Schepers and Voorham, 2010). Fig. 3 exemplifies such a sight a separator might introduce single bicycle crashes. The numbers
obstruction. in these studies are too small to draw firm conclusions but they
R. Methorst et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 105 (2017) 38–43 41

suggest that, without additional measures, converting one-way encounters with oncoming cyclists. On the other hand, in coun-
into two-way cycle paths is likely to increase the number of col- tries with lower volumes of cyclists, paths may be narrow (in the
lisions between cyclists and with mopeds and/or slow mopeds. Netherlands a minimum of 2.5 m or more for high volumes of
Additionally, it should be noted that bidirectional cycle paths have cyclists is advised by CROW, 2007), of poor quality and shared with
to be wider to allow safe passing and overtaking, especially if pedestrians thereby introducing new risks. For instance, Van der
mopeds are allowed (CROW, 2007). Road authorities sometimes Voet-Kurbatsch (2014) describes that the German Cyclist’s Associ-
lack space to provide the required width. Therefore, a uniform ation ADFC has argued against the obligation to cycle on cycle paths
application of bidirectional paths will result in an increased length (the so-called Benutzungsplicht) because these are often insuffi-
of insufficiently wide paths and accordingly increased likelihood of ciently wide, of poor quality or shared with pedestrians, etc. This
collisions between cyclists and falls resulting from manoeuvres to position is to a large extent adopted in design guidelines and leg-
avoid a crash (Davidse et al., 2014). islation. There is a risk of head-on crashes with mopeds or slow
mopeds only in countries where these two-wheelers are frequently
6. Discussion: bringing different lines of research together used and where these vehicles are allowed on bicycle paths. As this
is only one of the many risks associated with bidirectional cycle
We hypothesized that opening all unidirectional cycle paths paths, there is little reason to believe that there are jurisdictions
for cycle traffic in both directions would improve cycling safety. where cycling safety can be improved by opening all unidirectional
Based on the outcomes of this study we reject the hypothesis. The cycle paths for cycle traffic in both directions.
hypothesis is based on the belief that drivers will adapt their scan-
ning strategies once they meet large numbers of cyclists from the 6.2. Limitations
right when entering a distributor road from a minor road. How-
ever, Dutch motorists encounter cyclists at a higher rate than in Unfortunately we could not empirically test our hypothesis
any other country, given that some 27% of all trips are by bike which limits our possibilities to draw firm conclusions. Technically
(Statistics Netherlands, 2015). Additionally, some 72% of Dutch it is possible to simulate a city having only bidirectional cycle paths
bicycle paths are already bidirectional, meaning that motorists in a driving simulator. Participants could drive multiple sessions to
could be expected to be accustomed to scanning strategies that monitor whether their visual scanning strategies changes. How-
include cyclists coming from the contra-direction. Still, recent ever, visual search pattern are highly automatized based on many
research found an elevated risk of bicycle-motor vehicle crashes hours or even years of driving experience which explains the differ-
at unsignalised intersections in the Netherlands (Schepers et al., ences between experienced and novice drivers (Patten and Kircher,
2011). 2006). Practically, it is almost impossible to achieve sufficient hours
We do not expect the safety levels at unidirectional cycle paths of simulator driving to resemble real world learning processes. A
to decrease to a level comparable to bidirectional paths because higher level of external validity can be achieved by studying visual
of the high risk of cyclists riding against the direction of traffic search patterns among drivers living a city with a share of bidi-
on unidirectional paths (Schepers and Voorham, 2010; Wachtel rectional cycle paths nearing 100%. Zeegers and Kamminga (2014)
and Lewiston, 1994). The share of contraflow cycling amounted to found the share of bidirectional cycle paths in some Dutch cities to
between 2% and 4% of all cyclists at unidirectional cycle paths, but approach 100%, but these cities were primarily new towns. These
there are no indications of an increase overtime. cities have only a limited length of distributor roads with bicycle
Even without expectation problems, sufficient space is needed infrastructure which could prevent drivers from developing the
to safely construct bidirectional cycle paths. A clearance between right expectations. A few older cities like Breda decided to make
a bidirectional bicycle path and distributor road of a least a few bidirectional cycle paths their standard (Gemeente Breda, 2007)
meters is needed to reduce a too complex design where drivers have so they may also achieve a share near 100% in the future. It is not
to scan too many directions in a short moment of time. This problem yet clear whether this would allow drivers to develop the right
is aggravated at some locations by sight obstructions. Also, bidirec- expectations. Along with converting unidirectional cycle paths into
tional cycle paths need to be sufficiently wide to prevent frontal bidirectional cycle paths, Breda equips intersections with new traf-
crashes between cyclists and with mopeds where they are allowed. fic lights (Methorst and Schepers, 2015). As visual search patterns at
Road authorities often lack space to meet these requirements. Con- signalized intersections are to a large degree based on traffic lights,
verting all unidirectional cycle paths into bidirectional bicycle paths it is unlikely that it will affect drivers’ expectations at the decreased
will cause new risks at locations with insufficient space. number of unsignalised intersections and roundabouts.

6.1. International transferability of the results 6.3. Recommendations for practitioners

This paper is to a large extent based on the Netherlands where The analysis presented in this paper found an insufficient basis
drivers, due to the high model share of cycling and widespread for changing the Dutch Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic to con-
application of bidirectional cycle paths, have ample opportuni- vert all cycle paths to bidirectional (CROW, 2007). However, as
ties to grow accustomed to cyclists riding along the right side more than half of the cycle path length is open in two directions
of the road. The fact that Dutch drivers coming from a side road with a strongly increased risk of bicycle-motor vehicle crashes at
still insufficiently scan for these cyclists (Van Haeften, 2010) sug- unsignalized intersections and roundabouts (Schepers et al., 2011;
gests that more widespread application will not solve expectancy Zeegers and Kamminga, 2014), we advise to expand the discus-
problems in countries with lower volumes of cyclists and accord- sion of appropriate mitigation measures and present a start in the
ingly fewer encounters with cyclists from the right. The potential remainder of this section. For instance, a recent publication by the
human factors issues of complexity and sight obstructions are not Dutch Fietsberaad (Bicycle Council), advises speed reducing mea-
restricted to cycling countries either. For instance, an additional sures and removal of sight obstructions (Van Boggelen et al., 2011).
risk increase due to sight obstacles at the right side of a minor Very few studies specifically focussed on crossings with bidirec-
road was first discovered in Helsinki (Räsäsen et al., 1998). The tional cycle paths. An exception is a before-after study by Summala
risk of frontal crashes between cyclists and with (slow) mopeds et al. (1996). Positive results were found for a stop sign and speed
may be less elevated at bidirectional cycle paths in countries with reducing measures, but the researchers did not find visual search
lower volumes of cyclists and accordingly where there are less behaviour to be affected by markings (Summala et al., 1996). The
42 R. Methorst et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 105 (2017) 38–43


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