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6, JULY 2010

Simulation Model of a Military HEV With a

Highly Redundant Architecture
Loïc Boulon, Daniel Hissel, Senior Member, IEEE, Alain Bouscayrol, Member, IEEE,
Olivier Pape, and Marie-Cécile Péra

Abstract—The six-driven-wheel Electric Propulsion Demon-

strator (DPE 6 × 6) is a military hybrid vehicle. Due to reliability
demands, high redundancy is required, and the architecture is
quite complex. A simulation model of this vehicle is proposed
in this paper. The simulation model must allow the analysis of
various power flows of the system. Moreover, this model has
to be used to develop an efficient energy-management strategy.
For these reasons, a graphical description [energetic macroscopic
representation (EMR)] is used to develop the model in a systemic
approach. The simulation model is, thus, described and validated
from experimental results.
Index Terms—Energetic macroscopic representation (EMR),
hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), military application, modeling,

I. I NTRODUCTION Fig. 1. DPE 6 × 6 (courtesy of Nexter Systems, DGA).

H YBRID architecture presents many advantages for a mil-

itary application. As for a civil hybrid electric vehicle
(HEV) [1], [2], reducing the fuel consumption is an important to be able to climb important slopes or steps. A consequence
objective: The vehicle autonomy is increased, and the logistic on the propulsion system is a high-torque/low-speed operation.
on an operation site is reduced. However, a military vehicle Moreover, high reliability is required.
has specific requirements that lead to technical constraints A specific design for military vehicles offers several advan-
[3]–[6]. In many cases, such a vehicle is an off-road vehicle, and tages. In these types of applications, the electric traction mode
the accelerations on the nonsuspended masses are important. is called the stealth mode (the noise and infrared emissions are
This leads to very hard specifications for an HEV based on the considerably reduced). As a consequence, choice and sizing of
in-wheel motor technology. Moreover, a military vehicle has the energy tanks (like batteries, supercapacitors, or flywheels)
are important. They have to offer silent operation and suffi-
cient autonomy to the vehicle. Electrochemical energy storage
is, therefore, well adapted. Moreover, a drive-by-wire system
Manuscript received October 16, 2009; revised January 25, 2010. Date allows a more flexible architecture, and the habitable space can
of publication March 15, 2010; date of current version July 16, 2010. This be increased.
work was done in the MEGEVH framework (the French network on Hybrid
Electric Vehicles) supported in part by the “Région Nord-Pas-de-Calais” and The objective of the six-driven-wheel Electric Propulsion
the “Region Franche-Comté,” Europe (Fonds Européen de Développement Demonstrator (DPE 6 × 6) project is to evaluate the opportunity
Régional) and in part by Nexter Systems Company. This work was presented of a hybrid electric drivetrain for a military application. The
at the Fifth IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference. The review of this
paper was coordinated by Dr. C. C. Mi. DPE 6 × 6 is a French military HEV demonstrator that was
L. Boulon is with the FEMTO-ST, UMR CNRS 6174, University of designed by the Nexter Systems Company. It is a six-driven-
Franche–Comté, 90010 Belfort Cedex, France, with the L2EP, University of wheel vehicle (see Fig. 1) based on a series hybrid drivetrain
Lille 1, 59655 Lille, France, with the University du Québec à Trois–Rivières,
Trois-Rivières, QC G9A 5H7, Canada, and also with the MEGEVH network [internal combustion engine (ICE) and batteries]. It is a heavy-
(e-mail: duty truck (20 t) with 105-km/h maximal speed and 15-km
D. Hissel and M.-C. Péra are with the FEMTO-ST, UMR CNRS 6174, full electric autonomy [6]. This full autonomy is provided
University of Franche–Comté, 90010 Belfort Cedex, France, and also with the
MEGEVH network (e-mail:; marie-cecile.pera@ due to 850 kg of NiMh batteries. The ICE is a diesel engine (450 kW) coupled with a permanent-magnet synchronous ma-
A. Bouscayrol is with the L2EP, University of Lille 1, 59655 Lille, chine (PMSM, 430 kW) by a direct mechanical connection
France, and also with the MEGEVH network (e-mail: Alain.Bouscayrol@univ- (see Fig. 2).
O. Pape is with Nexter Systems, 78000 Versailles, France, and also with the The choice of a series architecture results from reliability
MEGEVH network (e-mail: issues: The vehicle is built around standard components. Nev-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at ertheless, the vehicle features a highly redundant architecture to
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2010.2045522 allow various fault-mode operations (see Fig. 3).

0018-9545/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

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Fig. 2. Engine generator group.

Fig. 4. Schematic of the association of an electric drive and a wheel.

The system includes two dc buses, two electric generators

(PMSM), two battery packs, and two electric motors per wheel
(PMSM). Due to its high reliability, the ICE is the only power
element that is present only once in the system. Such architec-
Fig. 3. General architecture of the DPE 6 × 6. ture implies that the failure of a component does not lead to a
general failure of the system.
The objective of this paper is to design a simulation model of An interesting specificity is the connection of the electric mo-
the DPE 6 × 6 to fulfill three long-term goals (in future works): tors [5]. The in-wheel electric machines are composed of two
the energy flow analysis, the local control of the subsystems half-machines that are linked on a common shaft. Each half-
[8], and the global energy management [9], [10]. This paper is machine is connected to a dc bus through a three-leg inverter
focused on the simulation model (which is a complex task for (see Fig. 4). Such architecture allows the power transmission
such a highly redundant traction system) and its experimental and, thus, the mobility of the vehicle in fault-operation mode
validation. as well. For example, if the dc bus no. 1 is out of order, the six
Fig. 3 shows the complexity of the system. It includes many in-wheel motors remain connected to the dc bus no. 2, and the
actuators (12 driven machines, two generators, 1 ICE, . . .) and, vehicle can still move.
consequently, many power electronic converters that have to be A single ratio gearbox performs the connection between the
controlled. The redundant architecture implies many energetic wheels and the motors. Choppers are inserted between the dc
nodes. As a consequence, it is hard to set a simulation that bus and the braking resistors (BRs) to control the dissipated
is able to highlight the energetic nodes, i.e., the energetic power.
links between the subsystems. Moreover, the control objective The connection of the generator is realized the same way. An
implies an identification of many tuning inputs. If the different ICE is connected to the common shaft instead of the gearbox
energetic paths are well defined, the work relating to the energy and the wheel (see Fig. 5).
management will be easier.
To achieve this goal, energetic macroscopic representation
(EMR) [11] is used to organize the model. This graphical III. W HICH S IMULATION T OOL TO
tool has already been successfully used to model and control R EACH THE O BJECTIVES ?
different HEVs [12]–[15]. The choice of a simulation tool is an important step. Vari-
ous software packages, formalisms, or methodologies propose
different advantages. For example, Advisor [16] and AMESim
[17] are well known. These software packages propose com-
The considered structure with six independent driven wheels ponent libraries. They are very useful in rapidly performing a
increases the mobility of the vehicle [7]. For example, the DPE simulation design.
6 × 6 has a pivot turning mode. Due to an efficient control Nevertheless, they are difficult to use in this study: The
of each wheel, the vehicle turns in place around its center of actuators are very specific, and the simulation has also spe-
gravity. The other special feature is called dual steering. It is an cific objectives. We want to use it to design control and
association of classical mechanical steering and skid steering, energy-management strategies and to perform a power-flow
which reduces the steering radius. analysis.

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A main feature of this formalism is proposing a systematic

methodology to structure the control scheme of the system. An
inversion-based control methodology has been developed using
three main steps:
1) the determination of tuning variables, control objectives,
and system constraints;
2) the deduction of a theoretical control structure based on a
step-by-step inversion of the EMR following the control
chains. The elements without energy accumulation are
directly inverted. The accumulation element cannot be
mathematically inverted without derivative causality. As
a consequence, a controller is used (see Fig. 6);
3) the design of a practical control structure. Some measure-
ments previously suggested can be removed (e.g., to feat
with cost objectives).
Fig. 5. Schematic of the engine generator group connection. However, this paper is focused on the modeling and simula-
tion part.
In this paper, the EMR appears well adapted: This formalism
shows the energetic nodes and the tuning inputs and proposes a IV. E NERGETIC M ACROSCOPIC R EPRESENTATION
structured methodology to design the control part [11]–[15]. OF THE DPE 6 × 6
The EMR describes the models of multiphysics systems to
A. General Structure of the EMR
organize their control schemes. This formalism is built around
three core principles. The system is organized around the dc buses that integrate
1) The action reaction principle. The action of an element capacitors (energetic buffers and storage). They are voltage
to another element yields a reaction of the second one to sources: To respect the physical causality, the dc bus voltages
the first one (the arrows represent this principle and not a are outputs, and the currents are inputs, i.e.,
power flow).
2) The product of the action and the reaction always leads to ibat1 − ibus1 = Cbus1 vbus1 (1)
the power that is exchanged by the connected elements. dt
3) The integral causality. The causality between the inputs
with Cbus1 the capacitor of the dc bus 1. Fig. 7 shows the EMR
and the outputs has to be integral, i.e., physical. That
of the general architecture of the vehicle. The dc bus capacitors
means that a reaction of the output is the result of an
are represented by accumulation elements (rectangle with an
action on the input (the output is delayed from the input).
oblique bar). Monophysical couplings (interleaved squares)
These basis principles are deduced from well-known theoret- link these capacitors to the other parts of the system. They
ical fundaments. represent the parallel connections of the different subsystems
It should be noticed that the principles of action and reaction around the dc buses, i.e.,
and of power exchange are highlighted in other formalism, such

as the bond graph [18], [19]. ibus1 = iwheel1 + igene1 + iaux1
The principle of causality was introduced in the causal (2)
Vbus common to all the subsystems.
ordering graph [20]. It governs the internal relation into the
element with one objective: to respect the system physics. If an Basically the sources (ovals) of Fig. 7 are equivalent sources:
element represents an energy accumulation, the outputs have They represent each subsystem. In the next parts, these sources
to be integral functions of the inputs [21]. This principle has will be detailed to obtain the complete EMR of the system.
an important influence on the system representation. It sets the This first step of this paper is now completed. The physical
inputs and the outputs of the element. interactions into the system are known, and an independent
The graphical description of the EMR (see the Appendix) study of each subsystem is possible.
includes four element types. Sources represent the environment
and the boundaries of the considered system. Converters can be
B. EMR of the Battery Subsystem
monophysics or multiphysics and highlight an energy conver-
sion without energy accumulation. A coupling device couples The batteries are modeled with a methodology that is de-
several subsystems. It indicates an energetic node and a power veloped in [22] and [23]. This modeling takes into account
repartition. The relations between the inputs and the outputs the hysteretic effect of the nickel-based batteries. The voltage
of these three elements are instantaneous. The accumulation behavior is dependent on the current (level and history of the
elements represent the parts of the systems that store energy. solicitation), the state of charge (SoC), and the temperature. The
Consequently, the input–output relation is time-dependent and battery packs are modeled by parallel and series couplings of a
induces delays (dynamics). Moreover, the output is an integral basic element. It is assumed that there are no voltage or SoC
function of the input (with respect to the physical causality). balance issues between the elements.

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Fig. 6. Inversion principle.

Fig. 7. Global EMR of the DPE 6 × 6.

The batteries are voltage sources. Consequently, the electric

output of the model is a voltage, and the input is a current. Each
battery pack is represented by a source element (oval). In the
system, the connection between the battery pack and the dc bus
is realized through a chopper, i.e.,

ichopB1 = mbat1 ibat1
vchopB1 = mbat1 vbus1

with mbat1 as the modulation function, and an inductor, which

is modeled with an Rbat Lbat circuit, i.e.,

vbat1 − vchop1 = Lbat ibat1 + Rbat ibat1 . (4) Fig. 8. EMR of the battery subsystem.
C. EMR of the Electric Machines
They are respectively represented by a monophysical con-
verter (square) and an accumulation element (rectangle with In this paper, quasi-static modeling of the electric machines
an oblique bar). Finally, the EMR of the battery connection is is assumed. First, their dynamic is negligible versus the global
obtained (see Fig. 8). vehicle dynamic. Thus, the global behavior of the vehicle is

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Fig. 9. Simplified schema bloc of the electric drive.

Fig. 10. EMR of the engine generator group.
still represented. Second, the major objective is the energy rotation speed of the engine generator group from the applied
management. Therefore, it is nonmandatory to represent the torque, i.e.,
nonsignificant dynamics.
With this assumption, it is not possible to work on the closed- d
TICE − Tgene = Jgroup Ωgroup (7)
loop control of the electric machines. However, these devices dt
are controllable through the power electronic converters. Here, with Jgroup = Jgene + Jice .
the association of the power electronics and the machine is
represented with an equivalent EMR block (a monophysical
converter, circle). This element has a reference torque input (red E. EMR of the Traction Part
arrow). Consequently, a well-realized control of the machine EMR of a Wheel: Fig. 4 shows that the connection of the
torque is assumed. in-wheel electric machines is very similar to the connection
A block diagram of this element is presented in Fig. 9. The of the generator. As a consequence, its EMR is deduced the
torque control is well realized, and the torque limitations are same way. The connection of the BRs is realized with a chopper
taken into account. Consequently, the output torque Tmach is [modeled as (3)] and represented by a monophysical converter.
equal to the control request Tmach ref . The rotation speed is A monophysical coupling represents their parallel connection.
an input, and the mechanical power is known. The machine A complete wheel realizes two functions. First, the wheel
plus power electronics efficiency is given by a map, and the contains a single ratio gearbox kwheel and performs a reduction
electrical power is determined. The dc is calculated from the dc of the rotation speed. Second, the wheel realizes a transforma-
bus voltage and the electrical power, i.e., tion between a rotational and linear motion. It depends on the
1 radius Rwheel , i.e.,
ibus = Tmach Ωmach ηmach (5) 
vbus Ωms = Rkwheel
kwheel (8)
with k = 1 in the motor mode and k = −1 in the gener- Fwheel = Rwheel Vwheel .
ator mode.
Fig. 11 shows the EMR of one wheel. Basically, six wheels
are connected to the dc bus. This parallel coupling is repre-
D. EMR of the Engine Generator Group sented by a monophysical coupling (six squares).
EMR of the Chassis: The chassis performs the mechanical
The EMR of the engine generator group is composed of two connection between the six wheels. Thus, the global force that
electric drives (see Fig. 10) to represent two half-machines (see is applied on the vehicle mass is calculated inside a monophys-
Fig. 5). A monophysical coupling (double square) performs the ical coupling (Fig. 12), i.e.,
torque summation, where each half-machine applies a torque ⎧
on a common shaft, i.e., ⎨ 6
Ftot = Fwheeli
 ⎩ i=1
Tgene = Tgene1 + Tgene2 Common vehicle speed Vveh .
Common rotation speed Ωgroup.
The final objective of this study is to work on the energy
As an electric drive, the ICE is represented by an equivalent management of the vehicle. The mobility is not a priority, and
torque source. the contact law is, thus, neglected. Consequently, the rotation
The equivalent inertia of the engine generator group is rep- speed of a wheel is directly dependent on the vehicle velocity
resented by an accumulation element. This block calculates the (Vveh = Vwheel ).

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Fig. 11. EMR of a wheel.

a wheel is represented only once. Now, the vectors that are

associated with the arrows contain six components because of
the six wheels.
EMR of the Whole System: The different subsystems that are
involved in the power train are now detailed. Their inputs and
outputs are similar to those of the general EMR (see Fig. 7).
Consequently, they can be directly interconnected. Fig. 14, thus,
shows the EMR of the whole system.


The simulation model is then presented in Fig. 14. As it can
be seen, it directly results from a transposition of the EMR
into MATLAB Simulink. The EMR could, thus, represent an
efficient way to organize subsystems in simulation software
when complex systems are studied.
Due to the military application of the vehicle (confidential
results), the numerical values are here presented using the per-
unit system.
Fig. 12. EMR of the chassis. All the given results are extracted from an experimental test
and a vehicle simulation. It includes acceleration and braking
The vehicle speed Vveh is dependent on three forces: the operation (mechanical and electric, at time = 34 s) phases.
forces produced by the motor wheels (Ftot ), the forces pro- Torque references on electric drives and mechanical braking
duced by the mechanical brakes (MBs, Fbrak ), and a resistant power are measured on the vehicle and are used in the model
force due to the air, the mechanical frictions, and the slope of as inputs (using the control inputs Tsm1ref and Tsm2ref ). During
the road (Fres ) [24], i.e., the braking phase, a negative torque is requested to the electric
d machines. The MBs are used because the batteries are not able
Ftot − Fbrak − Fres = Mveh Vveh (10) to recover the total braking power. To validate the traction part,
the experiment and simulation velocities are compared. Fig. 15
with Mveh as the vehicle mass. underlines the good response of the proposed model (vehicle
EMR of the Whole Traction Part: Fig. 13 presents the EMR velocity).
of the whole traction part. A vectorial representation is intro- Fig. 16 shows the evolution of the dc requested from the
duced to increase the readability of the scheme; the EMR of dc bus by the traction part during the experimental test. The

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Fig. 13. EMR of the traction part.

Fig. 14. EMR and MATLAB Simulink model of the DPE 6 × 6.

error during the regenerative braking phase is due to a mistake The validation of the generator part is based on the dc bus
in the mechanical and electrical brake balance. Nevertheless, currents. The control part has to set three values: Tgene1 ref ,
during the traction phase, the simulation currents are pretty Tgene2 ref , and TICE ref . The generator torque requests are
close to the experimental results. The electric drive model is, measured on the vehicle. The ICE torque request is es-
thus, considered to be validated. timated from the measured rotation speed using a control

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Fig. 17. Validation of the generator engine group. Torque reference (gene),
Fig. 15. Validation of the traction part. Torque reference, mechanical braking rotation speed, and injected current on the dc bus 1. Comparison between the
power, and speed response of the vehicle. Comparison between the measure- measurements and the simulation results.
ments and the simulation results.

Fig. 18. Validation of the battery modeling. Comparison between the simu-
Fig. 16. Validation of the electric motor modeling. Comparison between the lated and measured voltages.
simulated and measured currents.

The developed simulation model is able to provide the be-

loop. The experimental and simulated currents are compared havior of the whole vehicle. Such a model could, thus, be used
(see Fig. 17). to analyze the power flows for different drive cycles and opera-
Fig. 18 shows the voltage behavior of the battery model tions. Because of the action–reaction property of the EMR, the
versus the experimental results. The results are not very close. interaction of the multiphysical devices will be highlighted. For
This may be explained in two ways: The algorithm that is used example, the influence of the mechanical torque on the battery
for the SoC calculation on the vehicle and the temperature of voltage is showed during the braking phase (see Fig. 18).
the battery packs are not known. Because of component limitation, this result indicates how to

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Fig. 19. Synopsis of the EMR.

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Loïc Boulon received the M.S. degree in electrical Alain Bouscayrol (M’02) received the Ph.D. de-
and automatic control engineering from the Uni- gree in electrical engineering from the Institut Na-
versity of Science and Technology of Lille, Lille, tional Polytechnique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France,
France, in 2006 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical in 1995.
engineering from the University of Franche–Comté, In 1996, he was an Associate Professor of elec-
Belfort, France, in 2009. His thesis was in col- trical engineering with the Laboratory of Electrical
laboration with the Franche Comté Electronique, Engineering and Power Electronics, University of
Mécanique Thermique et Optique–Sciences et Tech- Science and Technology of Lille, Lille, France,
nologies, Belfort, and the Laboratory of Electrical where he became a Full Professor in 2005. His
Engineering and Power Electronics, Lille. research interests deal with graphical descriptions
He is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher with the for modeling and control (including energetic macro-
University du Québec à Trois–Rivières (UQTR), Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada. scopic representation), with application in renewable energy systems, railway
His work deals with modeling, control, and diagnosis of multiphysics systems. traction systems, and electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Since 2005, he
His research interests include hybrid electric vehicles, energy and power has managed the MEGEVH, which is a French national network on energy
sources, fuel-cell systems, and electrolysers. He is a member of the Institut de management of hybrid electric vehicles.
Recherche sur l’Hydrogène at UQTR and of the MEGEVH, which is a French
national network on energy management of hybrid electric vehicles.
Olivier Pape received the Electrical Engineering
degree from the “Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en
Electronique et Electrotechnique,” Noisy-le-Grand,
France, in 1995.
After his military service in 1996 at the French
Defense Procurement Agency, from 1996 to 2000,
he was a Software Engineer with Alstom Transport,
Tarbes, France, where he worked on passenger in-
formation systems and train control and monitoring
systems. Since 2000, at Nexter Systems, Versailles,
France, after working as a Command and Control
Engineer in the mobility domain (hybrid vehicles, robotics, and yaw control),
he is currently the Research and Technology Project Manager in the domain of
inboard energy and mobility. His application field is mainly electrical hybrid
vehicles. He is a member of the MEGEVH, which is a French national network
Daniel Hissel (M’03–SM’04) received the Electri- on energy management of hybrid electric vehicles.
cal Engineering degree from the Ecole Nationale
Supérieure d’Ingénieurs Electriciens de Grenoble,
Grenoble, France, in 1994 and the Ph.D. degree from Marie-Cécile Péra was born in Paris, France,
the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, in 1968. She received the Electrical Engineer-
Toulouse, France, in 1998. ing degree from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure
From 1999 to 2000, he was a System Engineer d’Ingénieurs Electriciens de Grenoble, Grenoble,
in electrical and fuel-cell bus projects with the France, in 1990 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical
Alstom Transport, Tarbes, France. From 2000 to engineering from the Institut National Polytechnique
2006, he was an Associate Professor with the Uni- de Grenoble in 1993 in magnetic material coating
versity of Technology Belfort–Montbéliard, Belfort, studies.
France. From 2006 to 2008, he was a Full Professor and the Head of the From 1994 to 1999, she was an Associate
“Fuel Cell Systems” Research Team of the Laboratory of Electrical Engineering Professor with the University of Reims
and Systems, University of Franche–Comté, Belfort, where, since 2008, he Champagne–Ardennes, Reims, France, where she
has been a Full Professor and the Head of the “Energy Systems Modeling” studied nonlinear dynamics of electrical systems based on chaos theory. Since
Research Team with the Franche Comté Electronique, Mécanique Thermique 1999, she has been with the University of Franche–Comte, Belfort, France. She
et Optique–Sciences et Technologies, Centre National de la Recherche Sci- has worked on fuel-cell systems with the Laboratory of Electrical Engineering,
entifique. He has published more than 150 scientific papers in peer-reviewed Electronics, and Systems. She has developed models for polymer electrolyte
international journals and/or international conferences. His main research activ- fuel cells and solid oxide fuel cells. She also studies system architecture for en-
ities concern fuel-cell systems that are dedicated to automotive and stationary ergy optimization. Since January 2008, she has been with the Department of En-
applications, modeling, nonlinear control, and energy optimization of these ergy, Franche Comté Electronique, Mécanique Thermique et Optique–Sciences
systems, as well as fuel-cell system diagnosis. et Technologies, from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and
Dr. Hissel is an Associate Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUS - the University of Franche–Comte, where she is currently a Full Professor and
TRIAL E LECTRONICS and ASME Fuel Cell Science and Technology. He is the the Deputy Chief. She gives courses in electrical engineering with the Institut
President of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society French Chapter, a member Universitaire de Technologie de Belfort–Montbeliard, Belfort–Montbeliard,
of the advisory board of the MEGEVH network, which is a French national France, for the bachelor’s degree and with the University of Franche–Comte
network on electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles, and a member of the for the master’s degree. She has contributed to more than 100 publications in
FC Lab Institute (dedicated to fuel-cell research). international scientific journals and international conferences.

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