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3rd Preparatory

Aim High 4

Net Revision 3rd prep unit 5

Vocabulary: Choose

1- His father played an helping him to become a

successful man.

a) proposition b) branch c) capital d) role

2- The leader of the forest ordered the hikers to sleep in

a) campaign b)combination c) era d) company

3- The pyramids are a vital part of the cultural...........................................of the Ancient

a) compile b) proclaim c) heritage d) industry

4- This course book contains serious..........................................and grammatical mistakes.

a) heritage b) omissions c) contender d) disapproval

5- If people want to protect their....................................they need to contact with

organizations and UNESCO.

a) contenders
b) scholars c) poll d) heritage

6- Earthquakes are natural ……………..

a) proclaim
b) poll c) phenomenon d) omissions

7- Dr. Ahmed is a famous university........................................who loves his own town.

a) ceramics
b) omissions e
c) scholar d) techniqu

8- To collect information from different places and arrange it in a list or a report is called

a) compile b) impartial c)poll d) contender

9- My artist friend is currently working with ………….

a) omission b) poll c) ceramics d) proclaim

10- All the noblemen have.............................their loyalty to the king.

a) disapproved b) impartial c) proclaimed d) scholars


Vocabulary: Choose

Fill in with the given words:

(satisfying – phenomena – scholars – contenders – uninterested)

1- Tourists are seeing but they wanted to

see the monuments rebuilt.
2- Volcanoes and hurricanes are natural …………………………
3- People that compete with other people to try and win something are called
4- Many history...................................believe they should be left in the same
state in which they were found for historical reasons.
5- It is know that our team won the league.


3rd Preparatory

1. I like reading about our traditions, language and customs that
exist from the past. (heritage)
2. The website has made a survey about the efficiency of the
solar power. (poll)
3. His result gave me a feeling of pleasure. (satisfied)
4. I met many people who study a particular subject in great details.
5. The Second World War was a famous event in the past.

Grammar: Choose
1- My mobile phone someone.

a) stole b) stolen c) steals d) steal

2- The week.

a) won't sent b) won't send c) won't be sent d) will send

3- The building............restored by the government.

a) has been b) has c) have been d)

have 4- Our house.............last month.
a) was decorated b) decorated c) were decorated d) decorates

5- the moment.
a) drinks b) is drinking c) is being drunk d) being
6- He....................awarded a medal for bravery.
a) 's just been b)'s been just c) 's just d) been just
7-My to apply to the university.
a) admitted b) advised c) confessed d) denied
8- The food..............Prepared by our cook at the moment.
a) was being b)is being c)were being d)being
9- A lot of newspapers….........that they were a good team.
a) reported b)is reported c) have been reported d)was
reported 10- The second goal. .by Ronaldo.
a) scored b) was scored c) were scored d)is scoring
11- My the garage.
a) is often washed b) washed c) washed often d) washes
12- A delicious my cousin yesterday at 10:00 p.m
a) was eating b) eaten c) was eaten d) was being eaten
13- Davenchi's paintings …… Restored in international
museums recently.
a) had been
b) have been c) have had d) have
14- Smoking....................allowed in hospitals.
a) will be b) has c) isn't d) is

3rd Preparatory

15- Kate gets her her flat.

a) delivered b) delivering c) delivers d) deliver

1- We won't send the report next week. (sent)
2- Pollution is destroying the site. (being)
3- She didn't paint the flat. (The flat)
4- They hadn't bought a new car. (been)
5- People think that one day we will travel to Mars. (It)
6- They expected that the team would win the match. (was)
7- Did your brother repair his car? (repaired)
8- The artist is going to paint a new painting tomorrow (be)
9- My mother cleans the kitchen every day. (is)
10- I will pay the bill next week. (by me)

3rd Preparatory

Unit 7
A-Choose the correct answers:
1- He is really respected for his...........and his intelligent writings.
a- intelligent b- kind c- intelligence d- polite
2- When you tell someone that an arrangement is certain to
happen, you it.
a- flaw b- confirm c- bring up d-
reinforce 3-When you reinforce something, you make it ……………….
a- stronger b- bigger c- louder d- shorter
4- Sam.............quite a few words of Italian while she was in
a- picked up b- banned c- watched d-
relieved 5- If something is not perfect, we say it has ………...
a- a leap b- a flaw c- potential d- intellect
6- The waiter was totally...........He spilled juice on my shirt.
a- accurate b- intelligent c- polite d- incompetent
7- I am.............about these sorts of things. It was an easy password but I
can't remember it.
a- relieved b- worried c- scatterbrained d- protested
8- It's the way he says things that makes me laugh. He's really...........When
he's in good form.
a- witty b- wet c- witness d- waiter

3rd Preparatory

9- The book was rejected, because the writer had.............another

person's work.
a- robbed b- cut c- reinforced d- plagiarized
10- They've never studied art, so they're completely........about famous
a- accomplished b- ignorant c- knowledgeable d- good

B- Fill in the blanks using the given words:

(Convinced – proof –surroundings - lack -innate – intellect)
1- Cyril's most impressive quality was his.............goodness.
2- Do they have any..............that it was Hampson who stole the goods?
3- I'm....................that she is lying.
4..................of sleep had made him irritable.
5- Some butterflies blend in with their …… so that it's difficult to
see them.
C- Rewrite:

1- Mrs. Mann cared for young children until they are grown up. (up)
2- Carol followed a particular belief in his principles in life. (adhered)
3- The judge ordered the lawyer to give him information or
documents that show that the accused is innocent. (proof)

3rd Preparatory

4- You're always losing things! You're absent-minded.

5- You should learn as much as you can about your weak points.
(swot up on)

A-Choose the correct answer.
1- We haven’t seen that movie,...................................................?
( have we - haven’t we - don’t we - didn’t we )
2- He can’t remember her phone number,...................................he ?
( can’t - won’t - couldn’t – can )
3- The boy came late to class,...................................He ?
( wasn't - didn't - isn't - doesn't )
4- I don't think he will do it,............................................he ?
( won't – will – do - don't )
5- He'd hardly do it without permission,...................................he ?
( would - wouldn't – had - hadn't )
6- Let's go to the club,...........................................?
( will we - shall we - can we - shan't we )
7- You don't like fish,...............................................?
( do you - don't you - did you - are you )
8- You've never tried growing fruit or vegetables,..................................?
( haven't you - do you - did you - have you )
9- Growing vegetables is quite easy,.......................................?
( is it - isn't it - does it - doesn't it )

3rd Preparatory

10- We rarely visit Japan,...............................................?

( don't we - do we - didn't we - did we )
11- No one believes such a liar,.....................................?
( doesn't he - don't they - does he - do they )
12- You need to change your attitude towards games,..............?
( needn't you – don't you – need you – do you )

13- I'm very late for work ,...................?

( aren't I – am not I – don't I – am I )

14- Few people attended the conference ,............?

( did they – didn't they – hadn't they – wouldn't they )

15- He has a beautiful house , ……. ?

( hasn't he – has he – doesn't he – does he )

B- Rewrite the following sentences.

1- She is beautiful, isn't she? ( ugly)
2- The exam was easy, wasn't it? (was)
3- Ali isn't fast, is he? ( isn't he?)
4- You must be early, mustn't you? (must you?)
5- The room was comfortable, wasn't it? (was it?)

3rd Preparatory

Drama "King Lear"

Answer the following questions:

Act (3)
1) In King Lear, what are the parallels between the main plot of William Shakespeare's
King Lear and the sub-plot of Gloucester's storyline?
There are some obvious parallels between the main plot of the play featuring Lear
and the subplot featuring the Duke of Gloucester. Both begin in a high station, but fall into
sadness and despair by their own children. Lear is cast out by his elder daughters, in whom
he trusted; Gloucester is tricked by his villainous illegitimate son Edmund.
Both Lear and Gloucester are deceived into the children who truly care for them -
Cordelia in Lear's case and Edgar in Gloucester's - and in fact go so far as to banish them.
2) Write what you know about the character of Edmund in King Lear.
Edmund is the illegitimate son of the Earl of Gloucester and brother of Gloucester's
legitimate son Edgar, who stands to inherit his father's title and lands while Edmund gets
nothing. Edmund is a cunning and successful villain. He manages to make their father
believe that Edgar is plotting against his life, forcing Edgar to go into hiding.
Then Edmund becomes Earl of Gloucester by betraying his own father as he told
Cornwall that his father is trying to help King Lear regain his throne by giving aid to the
invading French army led by Cordelia.
3) What is the turning point in the King's life?
Goneril tells her steward Oswald she is sick and tired of having her father and his
hundred knights as guests. This is the turning point in the King's life. His daughter is going to
make him feel so unwelcome that he will leave.
Lear has disowned Cordelia. Now he virtually disowns Goneril. He will soon find out
that his daughter Regan has no more love for him than Goneril. The turning point is already
past when Lear encounters Regan and her husband the Duke of Cornwell in the Duke of
Gloucester's castle, where they have retreated in order to be absent from home when Lear

3rd Preparatory

Both sisters are resolved to divest Lear of his remaining power by refusing to
accommodate any of his knights.
4) "My tears begin to show for this poor soul too much and will reveal my secret."
This is an extract from “King Lear” by William Shakespeare. These words were said by
Edgar. Edgar has disguised himself as a madman and calls himself Poor Tom. Lear, Kent, and
the Fool, who are all homeless now, encounters Edgar hiding in a hovel in the forest, where
Lear and the Fool have a wild conversation with Poor Tom, who has to pretend to be as
mad as both of them.
Edgar has said these words after hearing his father saying that Lear shouldn’t be
blamed for his madness and that he is about to loose his wits too. The Earl of Gloucester
has been convinced by his villainous son Edmund that his legitimate son Edgar is plotting to
murder him in order to seize his lands and title. It reveals Edgar’s gentle and emotional
character. It is part of the climax.
5) Is the main theme in King Lear filial ingratitude?
Filial ingratitude is a dominant theme in King Lear. It is a universal theme in the
sense that it is common to find many sons and daughters who show much ingratitude and
cruelty towards their parents. In the play, there are two fathers (Lear and Gloucester) who
suffer because of favoring certain kids to others.
Their downfall is caused by those whom they have already favored and
preferred. The play gives us incidents which connect one father (King Lear) with his two
ungrateful daughters (Goneril and Regan) on one hand, and another father (the Earl of
Gloucester) with his son (Edmund). Those two lines of relationships display the issue of
ingratitude on a very deep and comprehensive level.
It was "filial ingratitude" which opened Lear's eyes to the “painful truth” that
he had disinherited his good daughter and had given power to his evil daughters.
6) "They shut me out on a night like this. But I will survive it. Oh Regan, Goneril."
This is an extract from “King Lear” by William Shakespeare. These words were
said by Lear to Kent. After turning over his lands and regal authority to his two daughters
and their husbands, Lear began to sense that he was no longer being treated with the

3rd Preparatory

respect he was accustomed to. His daughters Goneril and Regan had gotten everything
by pretending that they loved him deeply, but it quickly became evident that they cared
nothing about the old man at all and considered him a nuisance.
What they particularly disliked had to provide for his hundred knights. They
also regarded these knights as a threat, because Lear might try to reclaim his throne if he
resented their ingratitude, deception, and indifference. So the two heartless, greedy
women agreed to refuse to accommodate the one hundred knights. This and other insults
drove the old king into such a fury that he disowned both daughters and went to live out in
a hovel and then in the cold, stormy open countryside, gradually losing his mind.

Act (4)
1) What are the main events in Act 4 of King Lear?
At the beginning of the play, Edgar, disguised as Mad Tom, encounters his father,
Gloucester, who has been blinded. Maintaining his disguise, he leads the old man off as the
two go together to Dover. Goneril begins to plot against Albany, who criticizes her for her
treatment of her father. It is revealed that Cornwall is dead, which would give Regan
freedom to pursue Edmund, whom Goneril also loves. This becomes a very divisive force
between the two. Cordelia takes command of the French army poised to attack the forces
of Lear's enemies. Gloucester, led to Dover by the still-disguised Edgar, meets Lear there,
who has gone mad. They encounter Oswald, Goneril's lieutenant, who is carrying a letter
outlining her plot with Edmund to kill Albany. After a dispute, Edgar kills Oswald and takes
(and reads) the letter. In the final act, Kent brings Lear to Cordelia, where he is reconciled
with his daughter. Discovering that a battle is imminent, Kent says he will cast his lot with
the King.
2) In King Lear what did Goneril plan to do with her husband?
Goneril has fallen in love with Edmund. They are plotting to kill her husband Albany
so that they can marry. This would elevate Edmund to be co-ruler of England. There is a
brief encounter between Edmund and Goneril in which they come to an understanding that
they will marry if they can dispose of Albany. When Edgar kills Goneril's servant Oswald,
Edgar gets possession of an incriminating letter from Goneril to Edmund.

3rd Preparatory

3) " Let's go away to our prison. We two alone will sing like birds in a cage." Comment
This is an extract from “King Lear” by William Shakespeare. These words were said by
Lear to Cordelia when the battle is finished and Lear has been captured, along with his
daughter Cordelia. They have both been taken prisoners. It reveals theme of regret. It’s a
part of the falling of the actions.
4) " One poisoned the other because of me, and then killed herself." Comment
This is an extract from “King Lear” by William Shakespeare. These words were said by
Edmund when the bodies of Goneril and Regan are brought in. He was beloved by them
both. Regan knew that Edmund was loved by Goneril even he is not in love with her. Regan
would rather lose the battle, than lose Edmund to her sister. Goneril had the same attitude
so she poisoned her sister and after Albany knew that she wanted to get rid of him, he
ordered her to be taken to the prison. As a result of that she killed herself. It reveals the
themes of hatred and conspiracy. It’s a part of the end of the actions.

Act (5)
1) What is the climax in Shakespeare's play King Lear?
The climax of this play definitely comes when Lear and Cordelia have been captured
by Edmund and they are brought on stage. What makes this scene the climax is that the
audiences are on the edge of their seats about the fate of these characters and what will
happen to them? Edmund has previously made it clear that he will show no mercy to Lear
and Cordelia if he captures them in battle, the audience nervously awaits to see what he
will do. The power and strength of this climax is heightened by Lear's obvious retreat into
insanity to help him cope with the situation. He imagines that he and Cordelia can live as
two birds in the forest which allows him to ignore the plight of their situation.
Lear imagines some kind of alternative reality where he can undo the mistakes of his
past and live happily with Cordelia, showing that he recognizes his wrongdoing towards her.
However, there is no such opportunity for redemption, and the climax is made more
pronounced by the note that Edmund gives to the captain which, as Edmund ominously
states, contains his instructions concerning the captives. At this stage the audience still does
not know what is going to happen to Lear and Cordelia, but everything points towards a
tragic end, which makes this scene the climax of the play.

3rd Preparatory

2) In King Lear, good does not vanquish evil. It is evil that destroys itself. Examine if this is
When Edgar turns the letter, which he took from Oswald, over to Albany, Goneril,
who has already poisoned her sister Regan, commits suicide, and Edgar kills his treacherous
half-brother Edmund in a duel. Both wicked sisters Regan and Goneril were in love with
Edmund, presumably because he was as wicked as they were. Regan was a widow because
her husband Cornwall had been killed by a servant who was trying to prevent him from
blinding Edgar and Edmund's father, the Earl of Gloucester. Goneril poisoned Regan
because she was afraid she might marry Edmund before she could manage to dispose of her
own husband Albany.
3) What is the final message of King Lear?
This play has been called the bleakest of all Shakespeare's tragedies, and it is certain
that the play presents one of the most uncompromising and unequivocal of messages about
the human condition. This is summarized most strongly in the final scene of the play, which
includes perhaps one of the most depressing scenes in all of Shakespeare: Lear carrying his
dead daughter, Cordelia, back on centre stage,
Summarizing the overall theme of the play, this is based around the profound lack of
anything resembling justice. At Cordelia's death, Once again, in this play, there appears to
be no concept of justice. There is no definite "happy ending" and good actions do not
necessarily win characters respite from death and suffering, as Cordelia's fate supremely
demonstrates. The ending therefore leaves the audience with a very unsettling message
that humans are nothing but animals fighting each other for the benefits of life.
4) What are the main themes in King Lear by William Shakespeare?
King Lear by William Shakespeare is focused on themes of love, family, and aging.
King Lear expresses one of the major themes, that of the duty of love between parent and
child and its betrayal by the child's ingratitude.
One major thematic concern is how one distinguishes the true love of Cordelia
for her father from the false love and flattery displayed by the other two sisters. The
adultery sub-plot echoes the sister's ingratitude as it also emphasizes improper
relationships and inconstancy. The issue of children's duty to parents leads to the marriage

3rd Preparatory

theme in another way in asking the proper degree for affections to shift from the birth
family to the new family, and how conflicting obligations and priorities are handled
5) What are the main events in Act 5 of King Lear?
Albany discovers that Goneril wants Edmund to kill him. He leads his forces against
those of France and Lear. There is a battle, and Lear's forces lose. After the battle, Edmund
has Lear and Cordelia imprisoned, and sends a secret note to his officer ordering him to
execute them.
Albany claims that Edmund is overstepping his bounds, and reveals his knowledge of
the plot against him. Regan and Goneril, as well as Albany and Edmund argue, and Albany
and Edmund challenging each other to a duel. Regan is poisoned by her sister. Edgar shows
up to fight in Albany's place, and mortally wounds his half-brother. Edmund, dying,
confesses his involvement in the plot against Albany, and Edgar reveals his true identity. We
learn that Gloucester had died earlier when Edgar revealed his identity to him. Goneril kills
her self, and Regan dies of poisoning. Edmund tries to stop the execution of Lear and
Cordelia, but it is too late for Cordelia. Lear enters holding her dead body in his arms. He
dies, and Albany recognizes Kent and Edgar as joint rulers. Kent declines and Edgar is left to
rule alone.
6) Write what you know about the character Regan in King Lear.
Regan, the less evil second half to Goneril, is a master manipulator and deceiver in
William Shakespeare's King Lear. She praises her father in order to gain a third of his
kingdom, willingly follows Goneril's lead to oust Lear.
Regan's darkest moments in the play occur in the torture scene of poor Gloucester.
When Cornwall tortures Gloucester pulling out his eye and stomping on it, Regan bids him
to pluck out his other eye.
Then when one of Gloucester's loyal servants begs them to stop the torture and
proceeds to fight Cornwall, Regan pulls a sword from another servant and kills him.
Regan is not to be trifled with; her vicious nature is such that even in the end when
she is poisoned by Goneril, the audience cannot feel sorry for her.

3rd Preparatory

7) " I can do some good before I die. Go to the prison for I have ordered the death of the
king and his daughter." Comment.
This is an extract from “King Lear” by William Shakespeare. These words were said by
Edmund when he saw the bodies of Goneril and Regan are brought before him. He felt
before his death that he wanted to do something good in his life. He confessed saying that
he ordered the soldiers to kill the king and his daughter Cordelia, but it was too late. Lear
entered with Cordelia dead in his arms. It’s a part of the end of the actions.
8) " The weight of this sad time we must obey." Comment.
This is an extract from “King Lear” by William Shakespeare. These words were said by
Albany at the end of the play when he saw the bodies of Goneril and Regan are carried in
because one of them poisoned the other because of Edmund, and then killed herself. Then
he saw Lear carrying the body of the dead Cordelia and started to cry upon her body till he
had a heart attack. Albany said that it was a sad time and we must learn from the sufferings
of the others. It’s a part of the end of the actions.

3rd Preparatory

By: Rudyard Kipling.

1-Paraphrase these lines and pick out the figure of speech

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it one you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt

you, But make allowance for their doubting too,

If you can wait and not be tired of waiting,

Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

And yet don’t look too good, nor walk too wise:

The father asks his son to be brave and have confidence in himself. He calls him
to have the patience to listen to others' criticism even if it is untrue. He
advises him to follow an honest, loving moderate way of life.

3rd Preparatory

Figures of speech:

Contrast: “keep your head” X “losing theirs”

“lied about” X “don’t deal in lies”

3. If you can dream-and not make dreams your master,

If you can think-and not make thoughts your
If you meet with triumph and disaster,
And treat those two impostors just the same;

a. Pick out the figures of speech from the previous stanza.

Personification make dreams your master

Contrast triumph / disaster

4. Mention the figures of speech in these lines;

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with kings – not lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too

much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in

it, And which is more you'll be a Man, my

3rd Preparatory

The answer:-

Figures of speech

Contrast: “foes” X “friends”

hyperbole: Yours is the Earth

You'll be a Man

5-What is the function of the comparisons in this poem?

These comparisons serve in clarifying to picture of perfection which

the poet is trying to describe

3rd Preparatory

The Solitary Reaper

1. What is the structure of the poem?

The poem consists of four stanzas of eight lines each.

2. Wordsworth was mainly interested in man in relation to nature. Illustrate

It has been said that of this poem that if translated into a painting, it would show a vast
landscape with a single girl as a central point.

3. What are the elements of romanticism used in this poem?

a. loneliness: "single, solitary, by herself"

b. melancholy "sadness": "unhappy, sorrow,, pain, loss"

c. strange things: the Arabian nightingale, the Herbides

4. What is the main idea of the poem?

The poet was so interested in the girl's song that he bore its music in his heart long after his
ears stopped to hear it.

5. Comment on the sound of the poem referring to its rhyme scheme.

In the four stanzas, the first and fourth stanzas follow strictly the rhyme pattern
ABABCCDD, while the second and third stanzas are in the pattern of ABCBDDEE. Moreover,
there are many repetitions of vowel and consonant sounds, making emphasis, unity and
harmony. For example, the repetition of /ing/ sounds occurs throughout the poem. (single,
reaping, singing, sing, nightingale, thrilling, spring, breaking, thing, ending, bending) Even in
the same line, there are the same sound, for example, sorrow, loss .

3rd Preparatory

6. What is the meter of this poem?

The four eight-line stanzas of this poem are written mainly in an iambic tetrameter.

7. Why does the poet use the imperative sentences so often in this poem?
There are a number of imperative sentences in this poem, especially in Stanza 1, for
example, Behold her (Line 1); Stop here, or gently pass! (Line 4); Oh, listen! (Line 7) With these
imperatives, the poet actually addressed readers directly. Therefore, the distant between him
and readers has been shortened. More importantly, the inviting beginning of this poem can
quickly grasp readers’ attention. Furthermore, naturally, readers will follow the poet’s direction
to involve themselves into the sounds of nature.

8. Why does William Wordsworth use the Inversed Sentences?

Inversed sentences appear mainly in Stanza 2, for example, No Nightingale did ever
chaunt… (L9); A voice so thrilling ne’er was heard… (Line 13) Obviously, William Wordsworth
skilfully used inversed sentences with the purpose of attracting readers, and more importantly,
emphasizing that the solitary reaper’s voice was matchless. Moreover, it should be noticed that
using inversed structure could keep the balance of sentences.

3rd Preparatory

Model Answers
Net Revision 3rd prep unit 5
Vocabulary: Choose
1- His father played an helping him to become a
successful man.
a) proposition b) branch c) capital d) role
2- The leader of the forest ordered the hikers to sleep in
a) campaign b) combination c) era d) company
3- The pyramids are a vital part of the cultural...........of the Ancient
a) compile b) proclaim c) heritage d) industry
4- This course book contains serious............and grammatical mistakes.
a) heritage b) omissions c) contender d) disapproval
5- If people want to protect their............they need to contact with
organizations and UNESCO.
a) contenders
b) scholars c) poll d) heritage
6- Earthquakes are natural ……………..
a) proclaim
b) poll c) phenomenon d) omissions
7- Dr. Ahmed is a famous university...........who loves his own town.
a) ceramics
b) omissions c) scholar d) technique
3rd Preparatory

8- To collect information from different places and arrange it in a list

or a report is called …………..
a) compile b) impartial c) poll d) contender
9- My artist friend is currently working with ………….
a) omission b) poll c) ceramics d) proclaim
10- All the noblemen have...........their loyalty to the king.
a) disapproved b) impartial c) proclaimed d) scholars
Fill in with the given words:
(satisfying – phenomena – scholars – contenders – uninterested)
1. Tourists are generally … uninterested …. in seeing, but they
wanted to see the monuments rebuilt.
2. Volcanoes and hurricanes are natural … phenomena ……………
3. People that compete with other people to try and win
something are called…… contenders …..
4. Many history … scholars … believe they should be left in the
same state in which they were found for historical reasons.
5. It is very … satisfying … to know that our team won the league.
1. I like reading about our traditions, language and customs that
exist from the past. (heritage)
I like reading about our heritage.

3rd Preparatory

2. The website has made a survey about the efficiency of the

solar power. (poll)
The website has made a poll about the efficiency of the solar
3. His result gave me a feeling of pleasure. (satisfied)
His results made me satisfied.
4. I met many people who study a particular subject in great details.
I met many scholars.
5. The Second World War was a famous event in the past.
The Second World War was a historical event.

Grammar: Choose
1- My mobile phone someone.

a) stole b) stolen c) steals d) steal

2- The week.

a) won't sent b) won't send c) won't be sent d) will send

3- The building............restored by the government.

b) has been b) has c) have been d)

have 4- Our house.............last month.
b) was decorated b) decorated c) were decorated d)
5- the moment.
b) drinks b) is drinking c) is being drunk d) being

3rd Preparatory

6- He................awarded a medal for bravery.

b) 's just been b)'s been just c) 's just d)been just
7-My to apply to the university.
b) admitted b) advised c) confessed d) denied
8- The food..............Prepared by our cook at the moment.
b) was being b)is being c)were being d)being
9- A lot of newspapers….........that they were a good team.
b) reported b)is reported c) have been reported d)was
reported 10- The second goal. .by Ronaldo.
b) scored b) was scored c) were scored d)is scoring
11- My the garage.
a) is often washed b) washed c) washed often d) washes
12- A delicious my cousin yesterday at 10:00 p.m
a) was eating b) eaten c) was eaten d) was being eaten
13- Davenchi's paintings …… Restored in international
museums recently.
a) had been
b) have been c) have had d) have
14- Smoking....................allowed in hospitals.
a) will be b) has c) isn't d) is
15- Kate gets her her flat.
a) delivered b) delivering c) delivers d) deliver

3rd Preparatory

1. We won't send the report next week. (sent)
The report won't be sent next week.
2. Pollution is destroying the site. (being)
The site is being destroyed.
3. She didn't paint the flat. (The flat)
The flat wasn't painted by her.
4. They hadn't bought a new car. (been)
A new car hadn't been bought.
5. People think that one day we will travel to Mars. (It)
It is thought that people will travel to Mars.
6. They expected that the team would win the match. (was)
The team was expected to win the match.
7. Did your brother repair his car? (repaired)
Was your brother's car repaired?
8. The artist is going to paint a new painting tomorrow (be)
A new painting is going to be painted tomorrow.
9. My mother cleans the kitchen every day. (is)
The kitchen is cleaned every day.
10. I will pay the bill next week. (by
me) The bill will be paid next week.

3rd Preparatory

Unit 7
A-Choose the correct answers:
1- He is really respected for his...............and his intelligent writings.
a- intelligent b- kind c- intelligence d- polite
2- When you tell someone that an arrangement is certain to happen, you…
a- flaw b- confirm c- bring up d- reinforce
3-When you reinforce something, you make it ……………….
a- stronger b- bigger c- louder d- shorter
4- Sam ………… quite a few words of Italian while she was in Italy.
a- picked up b- banned c- watched d-
relieved 5- If something is not perfect, we say it has ………...
a- a leap b- a flaw c- potential d- intellect
6- The waiter was totally...............He spilled juice on my shirt.
a- accurate b- intelligent c- polite d- incompetent
7- I am..................about these sorts of things. It was an easy password but I can't
remember it.
a- relieved b- worried c- scatterbrained d- protested
8- It's the way he says things that makes me laugh. He's really...............When he's in
good form.
a- witty b- wet c- witness d- waiter
9- The book was rejected, because the writer had.................another person's work.
a- robbed b- cut c- reinforced d- plagiarized
10- They've never studied art, so they're completely...........about famous painters.
a- accomplished b- ignorant c- knowledgeable d- good

3rd Preparatory

B- Fill in the blanks using the given words:

(Convinced – proof –surroundings - lack -innate – intellect)
1- Cyril's most impressive quality was his …innate… goodness.

2- Do they have any …proof…. that it was Hampson who stole the

goods? 3- I'm …convinced……. that she is lying.

4- …Lack…. of sleep had made him irritable.

5- Some butterflies blend in with their …surroundings… so that it's difficult to

see them.

C- Rewrite:

1- Mrs.Mann cared for young children until they are grown up. (up)
- Mrs.Mann brought young children up.

2- Carol followed a particular belief in his principles in life. (adhered)

- Carol adhered to his principles in life.

3- The judge ordered the lawyer to give him information or

documents that show that the accused is innocent.(proof)
- The judge ordered the lawyer to give him the proof that
the accused is innocent.

4- You're always losing things! You're absent-minded. (scatterbrained)

- You're always losing things! You're scatterbrained.

5- You should learn as much as you can about your weak

points. (swot up on)
- You should swot up on your weak points.

3rd Preparatory

A-Choose the correct answer.
1- We haven’t seen that movie,...................................................?
( have we - haven’t we - don’t we - didn’t we )
2- He can’t remember her phone number,...............................he ?
( can’t - won’t - couldn’t – can )
3- The boy came late to class,.......................................He ?
( wasn't - didn't - isn't - doesn't )
4- I don't think he will do it,............................................he ?
( won't – will – do - don't )
5- He'd hardly do it without permission,...................................he ?
( would - wouldn't – had - hadn't )
6- Let's go to the club,.......................................?
( will we - shall we - can we - shan't we )
7- You don't like fish,...............................................?
( do you - don't you - did you - are you )
8- You've never tried growing fruit or vegetables,..................................?
( haven't you - do you - did you - have you )
9- Growing vegetables is quite easy,.......................................?
( is it - isn't it - does it - doesn't it )
10- We rarely visit Japan,...............................................?
( don't we - do we - didn't we - did we )
11- No one believes such a liar,.....................................?
( doesn't he - don't they - does he - do they )
12- You need to change your attitude towards games,..............?
( needn't you – don't you – need you – do you )

3rd Preparatory

13- I'm very late for work ,...................?

( aren't I – amn't I – don't I – am I )

14- Few people attended the conference ,............?

( did they – didn't they – hadn't they – wouldn't they )

15- He has a beautiful house ,...........?

( hasn't he – has he – doesn't he – does he )

B- Rewrite the following sentences.

1- She is beautiful, isn't she? ( ugly)
……She isn't ugly, is he?…………
2- The exam was easy, wasn't it? (was it?)
……The exam wasn't difficult, was it? ………………………
3- Ali isn't fast, is he? ( isn't he?)
…Ali is slow, isn't he?…………………………………
4- You must be early, mustn't you? (must you?)
……You mustn't be late, must you?……………………………
5- The room was uncomfortable, wasn't it? (was it?)
……The room wasn't comfortable, was it?……………………………


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