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Special REPORT

From Digital Greenfields

to Brownfield IoT Success

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Special REPORT


How digital greenfield projects can pave the way for brownfield IoT success 3

How do other industries manage assets? 7

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launching point for IIoT in existing

and limited-budget environments.
How digital greenfield projects
can pave the way for brownfield PERFORMANCE
At brownfield sites, IIoT initiatives
IoT success are typically associated with upgrade
or expansion projects. Digitaliza-
The advances made by assets designed for reliability highlight tion is more challenging in these
the brownfield opportunities available to plant professionals environments due to aging facilities,
equipment, and networking systems
By Sheila Kennedy, CMRP, contributing editor (or lack thereof), as well as data that
is often siloed or paper based and
 Connectivity is king for the machines, instrumentation and generally of inferior quality. It is,
industrial internet of things (IIoT). control systems, sensors, motor however, a necessary endeavor in
Connectivity of machines, devices, controls, robotic systems, condi- order to benefit from IIoT-enabled
data, and people is the hallmark tion monitoring devices, safety operational improvements.
of digital transformation and of systems, and more. Full opti- Many older plants are in dire
all the opportunities that come mization may be achievable in need of asset optimization, making
with it. While the pace and extent greenfield projects with adequate transitioning from run-to-failure
of digitalization varies from plant capital funding, but legacy sites (RTF) and routine preventive
to plant, the greatest divergence can only hope for piecemeal maintenance (PM) practices to
is between new (greenfield) and deployments. condition monitoring and pre-
existing (brownfield) sites. Digitalized asset monitoring and dictive maintenance (PdM) a
In a fully optimized plant, management is becoming the norm prominent IIoT goal. Adequately
everything is smart: the in brand new plants, but it is also a identifying and correcting

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deteriorating machine conditions

Prioritizing IIoT projects in existing plants requires consideration of asset
before failure requires open, stan- criticality. Examples may include:
dards-based communications along • Installing vibration and thermal condition sensors on certain categories
with integration and interopera- of equipment or factory lines

bility between various wired and • Implementing infrared thermography to monitor certain equipment and
wireless machine sensors, portable facility hot spots or plant wide

or drone-based condition moni- • Employing AR to help guide equipment-facing employees through com-
plex maintenance tasks
toring devices, and enterprise asset
and service management software. • Creating a digital twin of a critical asset or system to facilitate monitor-
ing and maintenance decisions
Vibration analysis, thermogra-
phy, ultrasound, and oil analysis
are common PdM approaches. Advanced analytics leverage data sources, structures, and equip-
Real-time, threshold-driven alerts machine learning (ML), artificial ment, which complicate setup. The
prompt the planning and sched- intelligence (AI), and pattern rec- IIoT-enabled capability is useful for
uling of repairs or replacements, ognition to formulate decisions simulating operation, monitoring
and automatic escalation ensures from streaming and static big data, machine health, predicting mainte-
the work is completed in time to with minimal human intervention. nance, simulating repair scenarios,
avoid costly equipment failure. Analytics in the cloud and on edge and forecasting responses to process
As a result, PdM helps to reduce devices help to form better conclu- changes. To remain effective, digital
maintenance and inventory costs, sions about asset management and twins must be continuously updated
improve safety and performance, maintenance, from predicting or to match changes made to the phys-
and extend asset longevity. diagnosing failures, to making repair ical twin.
Augmented reality (AR), virtual
reality (VR), mixed reality (MR),
Many older plants are in dire and virtual agents provide new and

need of asset optimization. immersive ways to tackle personnel

training, development, and col-
laboration. Field service and plant
The newer iteration of PdM is and replacement decisions, to proac- maintenance roles can be learned
prescriptive maintenance (RxM), tively applying the actions to similar and practiced in safe, realistic envi-
which not only predicts failure but assets under similar conditions. ronments, and conducted live with
also recommends or “prescribes” Over time, the algorithms become on-demand access to remote experts
corrective actions with help from “smarter” and more accurate as the for advice or collaboration. The tech-
advanced analytics. Assets that systems learn from experience. nology is helpful for retraining and
would benefit most from fail- 3D modeling and simulation of reskilling personnel for new roles
ure prediction and prevention, assets, systems, processes, and com- arising from digitalization.
whether for production, safety, or plete plants is possible with digital Data quality and accessibility,
environmental reasons, are prime replicas, or twins. Older plants qualities seldom associated with
candidates for PdM and RxM tend to deploy digital twins on a older plants, are fundamental to
investments in existing plants. smaller scale due to incompatible effective AI and ML. Since learning

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from bad data will inevitably pro- greenfield smart factories are dig- the prescribed actions are more
duce faulty results, some companies italized from the ground up. They accurate, and the ML delivers
are establishing data quality groups have an open IIoT architecture that increasing intelligence and value
focused on cleansing data, making is standards-based, interoperable, to the organization. Having a
ML a more viable goal. Example extensible, scalable, and adaptable digital twin of the whole plant
objectives include ensuring data rel- to new and inevitably improv- extends the value, enabling plant-
evance, accuracy, completeness, and ing technologies. They enjoy full wide continuous improvement.
integrity; eliminating redundancies; democratization of data and are
and digitizing knowledge stored in staffed by employees who embrace UNIVERSAL APPEAL OF IIOT
the memories or personal records of all things digital. FOR ASSET MANAGEMENT
seasoned professionals. Greenfield plants uniquely AND MONITORING
Resistance to change is another benefit from fresh, clean data; Digitalization of asset management
challenge unique to existing plants. state-of-the-art assets, systems, and and monitoring, implemented with
New technologies and processes processes; integrated smart devices the latest cybersecurity best prac-
disrupt established comfort zones, and sensors; and full connectivity. tices, offers lucrative rewards. It sets
the path for maintenance and field
service optimization for plants of
Data quality and accessibility, any age, and for maintenance and

qualities seldom associated with reliability service providers. It also

accelerates the journey to a serviti-
older plants, are fundamental zation business model for original
to effective AI and ML. equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
Greenfield and brownfield asset
owners and operators, service pro-
creating fear of failure, fear of Some are so robotic and AI-driven viders, and OEMs all benefit from
being replaced, and lack of buy- that asset management and mon- heightened awareness of machine
in. Employees who thrive on itoring is performed off-site and operating and performance trends,
new technology adapt better, but maintenance crews are only dis- ever-smarter analytics, early
those who don’t may find digital patched on an as-needed basis. notification of anomalies, and
transformation a threat. Effective In brand new plants, it is feasi- efficient, cost-effective corrective
organizational change management ble to create a digital twin of the actions. The resultant improve-
is imperative to ensure IIoT and entire plant and all its equipment, ments in uptime, performance,
digitalization projects succeed. from conception to the as-de- and productivity are evidenced in
signed, as-built, and progressive key performance indicators such
ENGINEERING GREENFIELD as-maintained states. Modeling as mean time between failure
SITES FOR RELIABILITY and simulation of assets and (MTBF), mean time to repair
The advantage for new plants is processes using clean, complete, (MTTR), and overall equipment
the clean slate from which they quality data ensures the analytics effectiveness (OEE). If you are not
are designed, modeled, and engi- are more intelligent, the PdM already on the IIoT journey, now is
neered for reliability. Industry 4.0 and RxM findings are timelier, the time to start. 

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Be your best
when it matters most
to your customers:

at the Moment of Service

deal from the fast food industry

with respect to attitude (smiles
How do other industries are free), manpower and capacity
planning (demand is somewhat
manage assets? unpredictable), and order taking
(fast food companies provide quick
World-class processes can be learned from couriers, big box retailers, response time on “work orders”).
health care, and the military The courier industry is also a
good target for benchmarking. The
By Contributing Editor David Berger, P.Eng., MBA large courier companies have excel-
lent dispatch and tracking systems
 If you were scouring the globe manage their suppliers well,” or for letters and parcels, which are
looking for world-class processes “which industry really understands analogous to the tracking of main-
in asset management, which com- the value of preventive mainte- tenance jobs via work orders or
panies would you benchmark? nance,” and so on. Summarized service orders. Furthermore, cou-
Most companies would no doubt below are four of the more common rier companies spend a great deal of
look to leading asset managers functions that are of interest to time and effort in developing engi-
amongst their competitors usu- modern asset management oper- neered work standards to improve
ally within their marketplace. In ations, as well as possible target the productivity and predictability
my experience, the vast major- industries for benchmarking. of their processes. Some of the
ity of organizations will not be
thinking beyond this relatively
narrow search. Best practice processes can
Best practice processes can be
found in any department of any
be found in any department
company, anywhere in the world. of any company, anywhere in the
Do not limit your search for world. Do not limit your search
excellence to strictly asset man-
agement functions because the
for excellence to strictly
entire industry is struggling with asset management functions.
the same issues. Truly effective
benchmarking comes from finding
“best-in-class” companies, i.e., top SERVICE MANAGEMENT techniques used by the courier
performers for a given function The maintenance department pro- industry may be transferrable in
such as planning and scheduling, vides a service to the operations developing standards for repetitive
supply chain management, or ser- department. For the purposes of maintenance tasks.
vice management. benchmarking, this is somewhat Incentives are used very effec-
So instead of asking, “who are analogous to McDonald’s provid- tively by the courier companies to
the best asset management shops ing service to the general public. drive out higher levels of produc-
out there,” ask “which companies Asset managers could learn a great tivity. Service level agreements

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with customers are maintained at control of inventory from one end of inventory at an absolute minimum
a very high level for response time the supply chain to the other, phar- despite uncertain demand, expe-
and accuracy, in large part because maceutical companies are clearly diting critical orders, ensuring
incentives reward this behavior. leaders. Drugs must be carefully constancy of supply, and using
Perhaps some form of incentives, tracked such that if a bad batch were warehousing space efficiently.
not necessarily monetary, could be detected in the field, the entire lot
used in your maintenance depart- can be quickly recalled and the root RELIABILITY MANAGEMENT
ment to improve performance. cause of the problem found. What should you do with the end-
less stream of equipment history
data that sits idly in some CMMS

HMOs have expended much database and in the heads of senior

asset management staff? What
effort in understanding reliability industries have found ways to mine
management. Like an HMO, that data to improve the reliability

production facilities must of their asset base?

The health care industry provides
aggressively pursue an excellent example of how focus
a structured approach. on reliability management can pay
big dividends. Health Maintenance
Organizations (HMOs) have a
Another industry that has an Although the inventory control mandate to maximize profit by
outstanding reputation for ser- requirements of most maintenance maintaining the health of their cli-
vice excellence is the high-end operations are less stringent, much ents. An HMO will bill its clients
computer hardware industry. can be learned from the pharma- a premium. The premiums are then
Companies such as Xerox and ceutical industry. This includes aggregated into the top line of a
IBM have built a reputation for how to better manage suppliers, budget, and the HMO directs its
delivering high-quality servicing of the value of lot control, and how to energy into minimizing the sick-
copiers and mainframe computers deal effectively with obsolescence. ness or “downtime” of its clients.
respectively. The excellent training Large retailers such as depart- This includes keeping its clientele
program given to both the service ment stores (e.g., Wal-Mart), away from the doctors and hospi-
personnel and their customers is hardware stores (e.g., Home tals in order to decrease the cost of
one example of a best practice pro- Depot), and grocery stores (e.g., material, equipment, facilities, and
cess worth investigating. Price Club), move a lot of material labor (i.e., the number of doctors
very efficiently. How to keep min- and support staff).
SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT imal stock in a world of uncertain This is analogous to a produc-
There are many functions under the demand is an art well worth learn- tion facility that has a capacity
title of supply chain management – ing from these expert companies. and budget to manufacture and
logistics, inventory control, supplier These companies have developed sell product. Like the HMO, a
partnerships, and procurement are world-class techniques for manag- plant strives to minimize “sick-
but a few. When it comes to tight ing their suppliers, keeping their ness” or downtime of its capital

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investment for maximum profit. greatest risk, and how can a failure Similarly, the military has
This is accomplished by reduction be avoided or at least the effects an outstanding preventive
of maintenance material or spare minimized. Knowledge-based maintenance program for their
parts, maintenance equipment and diagnostic systems are used to equipment, as evidenced by the
facilities, and maintenance labor assist the doctor in focusing on Gulf War. Much was learned by
such as maintainers, stores person- the root cause quickly and taking the U.S. military on the advan-
nel, and management. the least costly corrective action. tages of preventive maintenance
Maintainers or technicians in a For example, statistical analysis over reactive maintenance and
production environment are sim- may show that unnecessary proce- how to do it right.
ilar to the doctors working for an dures have cost the organization The software industry also enjoys
HMO in that in order to minimize dearly. The knowledge-based the benefits of solid preventive
costs, both must work efficiently diagnostic system is based on rules maintenance programs. Every soft-
and effectively to predict, prevent, that can provide better guidance ware company’s worst nightmare
and correct failures. Essentially, to the doctor on when to use is launching a new release to the
doctors manage the reliability of what procedure. general public and facing a massive
the human “machine,” whereas clean-up of buggy software and a
maintenance workers do the same PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE mired reputation. There are some
with capital equipment. This is why Most maintenance operations lessons to be learned from this
HMOs are excellent benchmark- have a reputation for being in industry on the value of preven-
ing targets. continuous fire-fighting mode. tive maintenance.
HMOs have expended much There are companies out there,
effort in understanding reliability however, that have a superb repu- HOW TO NARROW YOUR SCOPE
management and are quite good at tation for emphasizing preventive In summary, do not narrow your
applying its principles throughout maintenance. scope to benchmarking only other
the life of its “assets” (i.e., clients). For example, airlines, airport asset management functions in your
For example, doctors make use of authorities, and utilities such as industry. Instead, narrow your scope
encoded fields on “work orders” to the nuclear power industry cannot to those few processes that will yield
track the problem as reported by a afford to have a reactive-style the greatest improvement oppor-
patient, the cause, and corrective maintenance operation. For the tunity. Then, broaden the scope of
action taken. The HMO then uses safety and convenience of the your search for benchmarking targets
statistical analysis to drive out the public, major emphasis is placed on to any company in the world that
preventive measures that reduce preventive maintenance to avoid exhibits excellence for those pro-
high cost failures, such as better downtime. Although this may seem cesses, including but not limited to
training for doctors to prevent like an extremely costly approach asset management. 
high failure rates in a given area of for most maintenance shops, upon
medicine. closer examination through bench- Email Contributing Editor David Berger,

As well, predictive models are marking, it is surprising just how P.Eng., MBA, president of The Lamus

built to understand who is at much is transferrable. Group Inc., at

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