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LESSON 2 Past Simple and Present perfect simple




4) Artist: I paint mainly figures in imaginary interiors. They represent myths. I work in acrylics although I also like
woodcuts. I keep photographs of most of what I’ve done, apart from the work I’ve destroyed … the ones I didn’t like. I’ve
scanned in about a third of these photographs, around 100 paintings, to make a CD. I’ve organized the paintings into
themes and added a soundtrack so that each group of paintings is accompanied by music. I’ll send the CD to dealers soon.
In the past it would have been slides. I’m also going to start my own website to try to sell directly. The difficult thing is
trying to get people to visit your site.

The artist is being interviewed. Make questions to match his answers. Use the correct form of the verb.

1. Q: What …
A: Worked on a CD of my paintings.
2. Q : How many …
A: About a third.
3. Q: What …
A: I destroyed them.
4. Q: How …
A: I scanned them in.
5. Q: How …
A: into themes.
6. Q: Have …
A: Yes, I’ve added a soundtrack.
7. Q: When …
A: About 10 years ago.
8. Q: Have …
A: I will soon.
9. Q: What …
A: I had to use slides. Now we use computers for everything.
10. Q: Have …
A: Yes, I’ve sold a few.

What does the artist do?

What is the artist doing?

What has he done?

What did he use to do?


1) What were you doing at these times?

8:00 yesterday evening?
5:00 last Monday?
9:15 yesterday morning?
11:00 last night?
6:00 this morning?
This time last year?
This time 10 years ago?
2) Complete the following sentences:
1. Jason phone while we …………………
2. The car ran out of gas while we …………………….
3. The radio was on but nobody ……………………..
4. My brother fell asleep while he ………………….
5. The professor read the newspaper while the students ………..
3) Put the verbs into the correct form
1. I ……………… (want) to talk to Pam but she ……………………. (talk) to her professor.
2. How fast ……………………………. (you/drive) when you …………………….. (hit) the fence?
3. When I was little I …………………….. (want) to become a dancer so I …………………. (take) ballet lessons.
4. We ………………………. (chat) with friends and …………………….. (not/realize) our plane …………….. (board).
5. Max ……………………….. (not/see) me because he ……………………… (look) at the shop window.
4) Complete the sentences using the past continuous or used to
1. I haven’t read a good book in ages. I ……………………….. (read) a lot.
2. I …………………………………… (travel) every summer but now I don’t have the money.
3. Maria: I tried to contact you all afternoon. Bob: I …………………… (play) football.
4. I don’t do any sports but I ………………………. (play) volleyball.
5. My father ………………………….. (have) a beer with friends when he saw my mother for the first time.
6. They …………………… (fly) to Rome when they heard a funny noise.

5) Complete the text using the correct form of the verbs

In the right place at the right time

Susanna Evans, a student at York University, …………………………. (go) to campus for an important French exam. It
……………………………………. (rain) so she decided not to walk but to take the bus. She ………………….. (wait) at the bus stop
when she ………………………… (have) a shock. The man beside her in the queue suddenly ……………………….. (fall) to the
ground. Susana immediately ……………………….. (kneel) down and ………………………. (listen) to his chest. His heart had
stopped and he ………………………………. (not/breathe). Luckily, Susanna had done some First Aid training a few months
earlier and she ……………………………. (know) what to do. She ……………………….. (start) pushing down on his chest with her
hands and when the ambulance ………………………. (arrive) with the paramedics five minutes later, he ………………………………
(breathe) again.

6) After/Afterwards/During/While/By the time/When/As soon as
1. ……………………………. I had checked in, we did some shopping at the airport.
2. ……………………………. the flight the the USA, I watched four films.
3. …………………………… we got out of customs, I saw my cousin waiting for me.
4. …………………………… we got out of the plane, my legs were so stiff it was hard to walk.
5. I spent all afternoon skiing. ……………………. I slept for 3 hours.
6. …………………………… I was reading on the beach, people kept trying to sell me junk.
7. …………………………… we met the owner of the boat we asked if we could go fishing.
8. I overslept and ………………………………. I got to the lobby, the tour bus had already left.
9. ……………………………… my family got back, we had dinner.
10. ………………………….. I was so sad ……………….. we had to leave.


Olly: I’ve just finished my last exam and in one week I’m going to leave university!
Sean: Lucky you. I haven’t finished my exams yet. I’ve got two more. I’ve already taken the most difficult ones
though, so that’s good.
Olly: What are you going to do after university? Have you already decided?
Sean: Not yet. But I think I want to travel for a few months.
Olly: Yeah, I’m not sure either. I’m considering a couple of jobs, but I’d really like to take the summer off and do
some volunteer work.
Sean: So have you already received some job offers?
Olly: Well, I’ve had interviews but I haven’t had any job offers yet.
Sean: Wow. You’re lucky to have had interviews. Hey, have you just texted me? There’s a message from you.
Olly: Well, I texted you about an hour ago, but it seems you’ve only just received it for some reason.

Complete the rules with yet, already and just

1. We use …….. to say that something hasn’t happened, but it will soon.
2. We use …….. to say that something has happened in the immediate or very recent past.
3. We use …….. to say that something happened sooner than expected, or to emphasise that it has happened.

Complete these conversations

1. A: So, have you found a job …………?
B: Yes, I’ve …………. been offered a job in a bookshop. They phoned me this morning.
2. A: You need to live on a beach once in your life.
B: I’ve …………. done that. I lived on a beach last summer.
3. A: Have you taken any important exams …..?
B: No, I’ve …… taken a few small ones but I haven’t taken any important ones ……
4. A: Are you going to donate some money to this organization?
B: I’ve ……. Donated a lot of money this year.
5. A: You haven’t filled out that job application …….
B: Yes, I have. I’ve …… finished it and I’m sending it out now.
6. A: Look! The university has ……. sent me an email saying that I’m accepted!
B: That was fast!

Write sentences using the past perfect.

8:00 – Thomas had breakfast. It was his day off.

9:00- He got a phone call from work about an explosion at the factory.
10:00- He saw the news about the explosion on TV.
11:00 – Thomas left his house to go to the factory.
11:15 – The firemen managed to put the fire out completely.
11:30 – Thomas arrived at the factory.
11:40 – The CEO called Thomas because he wanted to see him.
11:50 – There was a meeting in the CEO’s office, which was not damaged.
12:30 – Reporters arrived to interview the CEO.
1:00 – Inspectors arrived to try to understand what had happened.
1:30 – All of the workers were sent home for the day.


1. Thank you for a lovely dinner. A. That’s terrible. What’s wrong?

2. Sorry, I’ve forgotten to bring back your book. B. Not at all.
3. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to the meeting. C. Fantastic!
4. Do you mind if I turn the heating down? D. It’s been great seeing you.
5. Do you mind if I close the door? E. I’m sorry. Can I get you something?
6. Could I borrow your calculator? F. Thanks, you too.
7. Could you lend me your pen? G. It was my pleasure.
8. Have a good holiday. H. Of course, here you are.
9. I’ve passed my exam. I. Never mind.
10. My father’s in hospital. J. That’s ok.
11. Let’s keep in touch. K. Pleased to meet you.
12. I have to get going. L. What a pity.
13. How do you do? M. Sure, help yourself.
14. I don’t feel very well. N. Please do.
15. I won’t be able to come to your party. O. Definitely. Here’s my mobile number.


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