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Of course, student years are Disadvantages

the best period in everyone's

*Technology Issues.
life. There are a lot of reasons
Another key challenge of online
why student life is exciting.
classes is internet connectivity.
We should say that modern
While internet penetration has
realities have made some
grown in leaps and bounds over
changes in ordinary student
the past few years, in smaller
life. First of all, such a change
cities and towns, a consistent
is distance learning.
connection with decent speed is a
This is detrimental to the
Distance learning has its education process.
advantages and disadvantages.
*Inability to focus on screens.
*Firstly, For many students, one of the
biggest challenges of online
we have the opportunity to learning is the struggle with
study anywhere . We do not focusing on the screen for long
need to spend time on the way periods of time.
to university, because we study
just from home. *Sense of isolation.
Students can learn a lot from
It saves our time a lot, and we
have an extra hour to sleep,
being in the company of their
peers. However, in an online
Advantages and
which students often need. class, there are minimal physical
interactions between students
disadvantages of
and teachers. This often results online learning

learning online is unique, non- in a sense of isolation.

standard, interesting for many.
*Manage Screen Time
We are concerned about
you can spend a lot of time for spending so many hours staring
self-preparation . at a screen.
This increase in screen time is
one of the biggest concerns and
*Efficiency. disadvantages of online learning.
Online learning offers teachers
an efficient way to deliver lessons
to students. Online learning has a
number of tools such as videos,
PDFs, podcasts, and teachers can
use all these tools as part of their
lesson plans.

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