Final Test

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Task 1.Choose the correct answer (a, b.

or c)
1. Reduction is closely connected with:
a) word-stress, rhythm, sentence-stress;
b) word-stress, intonation, assimilation; c) rhythm, sentence-stress.

2. There are … types of reduction

a) 3 b) 4 c) 2

3. What expresses grammatical relations of words in a sentence?

a) notional words b) form-words c) modal verbs

4. Form words are:

a) nouns, adverbs, auxiliary verbs; b) numerals, modal verbs, articles;
c) articles, prepositions, conjunctions.

5. The words that are stressed include:

a) auxiliary verbs, nouns, numerals; b) modal verbs, adverbs, ajectives;
c) nouns, numerals, adverbs.

6. Unstressed pronounces are:

a) possessive, relative, personal; b) demonstrative, relative,
c) interrogative, reflexive, personal.

7. The words that are usually unstressed are used in:

a) full forms b) weak forms c)zero forms

Task 2.Find the cases of reduction in the following tongue-twisters and circle /
colour the words.
1. Where are you going, my little cat?
2. I’m going to town, to buy a hat
3. What? A hat for a cat? A cat in a hat? Who ever saw a cat in hat?

Task 3.Read the poem and find the words with assimilation. State the type of
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like the diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are.
Twinkle- reciprocal, incomplete, obligatory.

Little- regressive, incomplete, obligatory.

What- progressive, complete, obligatory.

In the- regressive, incomplete, obligatory.

Star- progressive, incomplete, obligatory.

Task 4. Translate the terms into English

кількісна редукція- quantitative якісна редукція- qualitative reduction
reduction службові частини мови- form-words
самостійні частини мови- notional присвійні займенники- possessive
words pronouns
вказівні займенники- demonstrative частка- particle
pronouns дієслово-зв’язка- link-verbs
сполучник- conjunction
допоміжне дієслово- an auxiliary verb

Task 5.Intonate, transcribe, and draw tonograms of the following sentences.

1. – Do you stay in town all day?

/duː juː steɪ ɪn taʊn ɔːl deɪ//

2. The year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

/ðə jɪə ɪz dɪvaɪdɪd ɪntə fɔː siːzənz sprɪŋ sʌmə ɔːtəm ənd wɪntə //


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