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Name: James K.

Year/section: 4-A
Date of Submission: January 8, 2024

1. How did classroom rules affect learners' behavior?

In my deeply understanding that classroom rules serve as the backbone of a
conducive learning environment, shaping learners' behavior in profound ways. When
effectively implemented and consistently enforced, these rules have a considerable
impact on students' conduct, academic performance, and overall classroom

Firstly, rules establish clear expectations. They provide a framework that delineates
acceptable behavior, fostering a sense of structure and predictability. Students
comprehend what is anticipated of them, reducing ambiguity and creating a safe
space for learning. Clarity in expectations empowers learners to focus on their
studies without distractions stemming from uncertainty about behavioral

Moreover, the rules also can promote discipline and responsibility. By adhering to
established guidelines, students develop self-discipline and accountability. They
learn the value of respecting rules and authority figures, essential traits that extend
beyond the classroom into various facets of life. Consistent enforcement of rules
encourages students to take ownership of their actions, understanding the
consequences of their behavior.

Furthermore, classroom rules facilitate a conducive learning environment. When

students feel safe and respected, they are more inclined to engage actively in
lessons. A structured setting minimizes disruptions, allowing teachers to deliver their
curriculum effectively. This positive atmosphere nurtures a sense of community and
mutual respect among students, fostering collaboration and cooperative learning.

In conclusion, classroom rules significantly influence learners' behavior by providing

structure, fostering discipline, and creating an environment conducive to learning.
When effectively implemented, these rules not only regulate behavior but also
cultivate essential life skills, contributing to the holistic development of students.

2. List down 5 classroom rules and explain why did you choose these rules.
1. Respect Others: This rule emphasizes the importance of treating everyone in the
classroom with respect, including peers, teachers, and visitors. It sets the tone
for a positive and inclusive environment where diverse perspectives are valued.

2. Listen When Others are Speaking: Active listening is crucial for effective
communication and learning. This rule encourages students to pay attention
when someone else is speaking, whether it's the teacher or a classmate. It
promotes respectful behavior and helps in developing good communication
skills among students.

3. Follow Directions: This rule ensures that students understand and comply with
instructions given by the teacher. Following directions is a fundamental skill that
contributes to a smooth flow of activities in the classroom. It also cultivates
discipline and teaches students the importance of attentiveness and obedience.

4. Raise Your Hand Before Speaking: By choosing this rule, the classroom
encourages orderliness during discussions. Raising hands before speaking instills
discipline. It teaches students the importance of waiting for their turn to speak
and promotes a respectful environment where everyone's voice is heard.

5. Be Kind and Helpful: Encouraging kindness and helpfulness creates a positive

and supportive classroom culture. This rule promotes empathy, teamwork, and
a sense of community among students. It teaches them the value of being
considerate and supportive of their peers, contributing to a more harmonious
learning environment.

3. What is classroom management? List down 8 importance of effective classroom

1. Preparing Students for Life Skills
2. Encouraging Self-Discipline
3. Establishing a Positive Learning Environment
4. Promoting Student Engagement
5. Creating a Structured Environment
6. Enhancing Learning Outcomes
7. Building Positive Relationships
8. Minimizing Disruptions

4. Give two aspects of Classroom Management, explain what is included in each

aspect and why are they important.
There are two key aspects of classroom management are Behavioral Management
and Instructional Management. Both aspects of classroom management are integral
for creating an environment where effective teaching and learning can occur.
Behavioral management sets the stage for a well-behaved, respectful classroom
conducive to learning, while instructional management ensures that teaching
methods and materials cater to diverse learning needs, maximizing the potential for
student achievement.

1. Behavioral Management
 Establishing Rules and Procedures: This aspect involves setting clear
expectations, rules, and procedures for behavior within the classroom. It
includes defining acceptable conduct, consequences for misbehavior, and
routines for various classroom activities (entering the classroom, transitioning
between tasks, group work, etc.). It's important because clear rules and
procedures provide structure and predictability, reducing disruptions and
fostering a conducive learning environment.
 Building Relationships and Rapport: Behavioral management also includes
cultivating positive relationships between the teacher and students, as well as
among students themselves. It involves creating a supportive and respectful
atmosphere where students feel valued, understood, and safe. Building rapport
encourages trust, enhances engagement, and contributes to a cooperative
classroom dynamic.
2. Instructional Management
 Planning and Delivery of Lessons: This aspect involves the organization and
execution of instructional strategies. It includes lesson planning, choosing
appropriate teaching methods, designing engaging activities, and assessing
student learning. Effective instructional management ensures that lessons are
well-structured, aligned with learning objectives, and cater to diverse learning
styles and abilities. It's crucial for maximizing learning outcomes
 Classroom Environment and Differentiation: Instructional management also
encompasses creating a conducive learning environment that supports varied
learning needs. This involves managing resources, utilizing technology
effectively, arranging the physical space, and implementing strategies to
differentiate instruction. Addressing diverse learning styles and abilities ensures
that all students have opportunities to succeed academically.

5. What is school curriculum? Explain your answer.

Base on my learning and understanding that the school curriculum refers to the
structured plan or framework that outlines the educational content, objectives, and
learning experiences designed to guide teaching and learning in a school or
educational institution.It is also encompasses various subjects, topics, skills, and
activities that students are expected to engage with throughout their academic
journey. A curriculum includes not just the content to be taught but also the
methods, assessments, and resources used to facilitate learning. In addition that
school curriculum serves as the backbone of the educational experience, shaping
what students learn, how they learn it, and the skills they acquire, aiming to equip
them with the knowledge and capabilities needed to succeed academically and in

6. Explain the different types of curriculum, how it is beneficial in teaching and

a. Recommended Curriculum- This refers to the set of standards, guidelines, or
educational materials recommended by educational authorities or experts. It
outlines what should be taught, serving as a framework for educators to plan their
lessons. The recommended curriculum helps ensure that students cover essential
content and meet educational objectives. It provides a teachers ensuring alignment
with educational standards and expectations.
b. Written Curriculum - The written curriculum is the formal documentation of the
curriculum, often found in textbooks, syllabus, and curriculum guides. It delineates
the content, learning objectives, and instructional strategies. It serves as a reference
for educators to structure their lessons and assessments. The written curriculum
provides clarity and consistency, guiding teachers in delivering content and ensuring
coverage of key concepts and skills.

c. Supported Curriculum - This type of curriculum involves the resources, materials,

and instructional support provided to teachers and students. It includes additional
materials, technology, professional development opportunities, and teaching aids
that complement the written curriculum. Supported curriculum enhances teaching
by providing educators with tools and resources to engage students effectively,
making learning more accessible and meaningful.

d. Assess Curriculum - The assessed curriculum refers to what students are tested on
or assessed in terms of their knowledge, skills, and understanding. It encompasses
formal assessments, tests, quizzes, and examinations used to evaluate students'
learning. Aligning assessments with the curriculum ensures that what is taught is also
what is being measured. It helps teachers gauge student progress and adjust
teaching strategies to meet learning needs effectively.

e. Learned Curriculum- This represents what students actually learn and understand
from the curriculum. It encompasses students' interpretations, understanding, and
retention of the material presented. The learned curriculum might differ from the
intended curriculum due to various factors like teaching methods, student
engagement, and individual learning abilities. Understanding the learned curriculum
assists educators in evaluating the effectiveness of their teaching methods and
adjusting instruction accordingly.

f. Hidden or Implicit Curriculum- This refers to the unintended or unspoken lessons

that students acquire from the school environment, social interactions, and school
culture. It includes values, behaviors, and attitudes implicitly conveyed through the
school's norms, policies, and social interactions. The hidden curriculum influences
students' beliefs, social skills, and understanding of societal norms, complementing
the formal curriculum by shaping students' overall development.

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