DesignThinking Notes

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Design Thinking:

Designing an Ideal Wallet

T h e W a l l e t P r o j e c t is a famous, fast paced exercise from Stanford

University d.School that will take you through the entire design process

in one hour. The project encourages you to practice empathy and user

research techniques to rapidly design something innovative and

meaningful for your friend.

Design Thinking Step One:


Interview Dig Deeper

Most Common Demographics Examples

What to Ask ?

Age. 21
1.Tell me a story about the last time we... (Problem)

Gender. M

Hobby. Video Games. Shopping addict.

Last time it happened 2 days ago. Same issue. Whenever doing laundry.

Occupation. Student.
Forgets inside the laundry.

Annual income. 0 zł

Education level. High School. 2. What happens to the wallet

Credit card works. Paper money doesn’t work.

3. Why is the problem hard?

My wallet get’s wet, it’s not usuable after laundry.

4.Why is that so awesome?

It’s not awesome. It’s quite the opposite.

D e s i g n T h i n k i n g S t e p Tw o : D e fi n e


To not have a wet wallet and to not lose any A wallet that hasn’t had any effect from the

money. To create a water-resistant water. machine


What is the context of

How does the user interact with the

use of your user?

product from start to finish?

Money, cards, and storage. Open wallet

Pull out money

Close money

D e s i g n T h i n k i n g S t e p T h re e : I d e a t e

5 S ke t c h a t l e a s t 5 ra d i c a l w a y s to m e e t y o u r u s e r ’s n e e d




D e s i g n T h i n k i n g S t e p Fo u r : P ro to t y p e

R e fl e c t & g e n e ra t e a n e w s o l u t i o n

The user has a reocurring problem of forgeting his personal wallet within the laundry machine. After brain-storming within the group ; we

created 5 solutions.

Solution 1 “Bag Wallet”: The wallet would be hanged like a bag; a string wrapped around the user’s head and carried as the user walks

Solution 2 “Sensored Wallet” : A sensor would be installed within the wallet and after it’s contact of water ; it would sound an alarm,

making the user aware of it’s location and it’s mistake of leaving it within the laundry machine.

Solution 3 ‘Water-Proof” : A water-resistant water. Protects the wallet from water within the laundry machine.

Solution 4 “Colorful Wallet” : A bright fluorescent color is created after it’s contact of water. The color is bright enough to make it visible

within the machine itself and through the calls

Solution 5 “Puffer-Fish Wallet”: A wallet that expands within the machine; an effect that is same with puffer-fish making it in


After discussion. we all believe that the water-proof wallet is the best solution ; as it’s not only the easiest solution but it’s the least cost

efficent as well.

D e s i g n T h i n k i n g S t e p F i v e : Te s t

S h a re y o u r s o l u t i o n a n d g e t fe e d b a c k

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